133 resultados para primata não humano


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The present work has for objective to analyze the issue of training environmental awareness and its role in contemporary society. With the alarming scenario of degradation and environmental imbalance , political, social and non-governmental institutions have established the urgent need for an education that make changes in social behavior in relation to the environment. With this design is establishing environmental education, however the economic , financial and social scenario in which is inserted dismantles its effectiveness , since the transformations of modernity incited alienation, reification , individualization , indifference and consumerism . In this juncture it is noticed that environmental education needs to be analyzed by the perspective of a man in critical reflection of the capitalist structure. Given this need , it is proposed to reading Italo Calvino's work , since it approach the whole context of modern man , with his ailments , anxiety, exploitation , selfishness and destructive action of itself, others and the environment in living


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The paper shows the basic economic theories that support the rationality behind the financial and technological dominance in present social relations, and try to demonstrate the paradoxes and contradictions of the theoretical system, having as background elements from the Frankfurt School. From the field of theoretical economics of education, authors discuss the concept of human capital with its economical dimensions, presenting their affinities and disparities with Keynesians, neoclassical economics and the evolutionary economics of Schumpeter.


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With the development of Digital TV, the equipments are becoming more and more modernized in order to popular- ize the information that soon might reach all Brazilian families. That way, we open a space for discussion about the many directions that the usability applied on ISDB-Tb interactivity (Brazilian System of Digital Television) can take. This paper approaches the questions connected to the concept of usability and also the subjects related to the life cycle of some technologies (existence time, obsolescence) Also talks with the definition of interactivityon Digital Television since it is responsible for the emergence of a new contingent of interacting people which goes from the computer and portable equipments users to the passive TV viewers. It’s possible to conclude that the Human-Digital TV Interaction (HDTVI) comprehends the synergy between three actants on Digital TV: the col- lective (or not) TV viewer; the interface and the issuer who can be represented by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) service.


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This article analyses the transformations of spatial references in Sophocles’Philoctetes. As we can see, instead of being cristalized in formulas and conventions, Ancient Greek Theater has renewed itself constantly, by experiencing different ways to correlate audience and events on stage.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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This work was to study how the playful approach occurs in schools in the cycle of Fundamental Education. Know childhood representations from the rise till the present, the importance of playfulness in the formation and development of the child, also investigated the role of schools in the contribution to the process of human development, in view of the process through which pass the grown up most children of the age group studied. The methodology consisted of bibliographical and documentary research on related topics and field research with participant observation with children six years old in the first year of elementary school and conducting semi-structured interviews with teachers of a public school in the city of Bauru. Also analyzes the concepts of teachers on the playful using semi-open interview as the initial resource. We found that 40% of participants are unaware of such term and work with the playful from time to time in the classroom. The introduction of recreational activities in school had a satisfactory repercussion with the entry of other classes in the course of project development. Students were involved, participated in the whole process. However for the playful become effective in school, there must be enough basic training and also continuous education to teachers to break with paradigms crystallized in their teaching practices. Also and above all that, public policies have to consider the children and the children before they become adults as beings with their own identity


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O presente trabalho busca trazer um olhar mais humano para a formação de jovens jogadores de futebol. A carreira é uma das mais almejadas pelas crianças em um país onde a educação primária ainda é deficitária. Soma-se isso à cultura enraizada na parte massiva da população de que estudar não é substancial. Deslumbrados pela fama e a importância dos jogadores profissionais, evidenciadas pela mídia esportiva e presentes na sociedade brasileira, estes garotos passam a buscar o mesmo para si, sem saber dos riscos e dificuldades que a carreira pode oferecer. Muitos deles esquecem-se da vida escolar e, caso não tenham sucesso na carreira profissional futebolística - o que acontece com a maioria, correm sérios riscos de ficarem marginalizados perante a sociedade. Este trabalho busca mostrar a visão de jovens que já estiveram envolvidos no universo das categorias de base do futebol e não prosseguiram no esporte, mas souberam priorizar os estudos e ter uma profissão alternativa. Mostra também depoimentos de profissionais que lidam com jovens que ainda alimentam esse sonho. Por último, traz notícias em geral do mundo do futebol de base


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Nowadays, the current work perspective is characterized by a management economy in which the accounting and financial considerations overlap the human and social considerations. Therefore, there is a creation of a social imaginary dominated by a capitalist and utilitarist logic. With this in mind, we intend, in this theoretical-reflexive study, learn the power resonances and managerialist ideology for the included subjects in the hypermodern organizations. This way, this research was constructed by the light of Psichosociology. The reading through these approaches emphasizes the imaginary dimension, intersubjective and group of the organizations, contributing to the understanding of job relations and worker's mental health.


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The Current work to assess the capacity of water potability samples for that, we used seven different brands of mineral water, bought locally, and also collected seven samples of public drinking fountains located in different places on campus headquarters of the State University of Maringá. The parameters analyzed were presence of fecal and total coliform, turbidity, color and compounds with UV-absorption at 254 nm. On the analysis of coliforms, two brands of mineral water and four samples of drinkers showed presence of total coliform, but no analysis indicated the presence of fecal coliforms. In the turbidity parameter, all samples were within the limits allowed by law, for both cases. No apparent color attribute, two samples of mineral water and a sample of drinking were outside the range required by law. Finally, the determination of UV showed the values of light absorption of each sample at a wavelength of 254nm, however, does not yet exist in Brazil a regulation on this parameter. With such analysis, it was possible to compare the results with current legislation. After these findings, it appears that more stringent hygienic practices should be adopted throughout the processing of mineral water as drinking in public. It is also necessary for greater oversight over the other parameters for determining the quality of water.


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The present study aims to analyze the Brazilian public policies made for the elderly citizen population and to examine their resonance in the production of senses and images on the process of aging. For this, we draw cartographies that could find producing figures of sense about the aging, passing through some politics formulated for to this age group, since the decade of 1920 until the creation of the “Estatuto do Idoso”, in 2003. We checked that the appearance of public policies for the old age happened as an answer to the challenge of managing and controlling the aging process courses in front of the increase of the elderly citizen population. The “Estatuto do Idoso” is an important landmark of the management advance of the State upon the oldness and of the substitution of an philanthropic-assistance model for a preventive model which is based on the promotion of a healthy and productive longevity. With that, next to the figure of the sick and inactive elderly , it begins to appear figurations of a healthy and powerful aging, crossed by images of vitality and rejuvenation.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR