147 resultados para physical examination


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Background: Dioctophyma renale is a large nematode distributed worldwide that may cause progressive and severe destruction of renal parenchyma.Objectives: The present study aimed to evaluate pre- and post-operatively dogs submitted to right nephrectomy due to D. renale and to assess the histopathological damage of the removed kidney.Animals and methods: Eight crossbred dogs, aged from 12 to 48 months that were unilaterally nephrectomized due to the presence of D. renale were evaluated. Physical examination, urinalysis, complete blood count, serum biochemistry, and abdominal ultrasound were performed immediately before and one month after nephrectomy. The nephrectomized right kidneys were submitted to macroscopic and microscopic evaluations.Results: Urinalysis preoperatively detected occult blood in all dogs and D. renale eggs in five cases. Complete blood count showed all parameters within the reference range, except one dog post-operatively. Serum biochemistry performed before and after surgery verified that urea, creatinine and sodium were within the reference range values in all dogs. Other findings varied among the dogs. The length and arterial resistive index mean values of the left kidney were similar pre- and post-operatively.Conclusions: Thus, the inconsiderable change in laboratory findings pre- and post-operatively was attributable to compensation by left kidney function for the removed abnormal right kidney. Right kidney histology revealed chronic nephropathy due to D. renale.Clinical importance: Imaging diagnosis should be performed on dogs suspected as carrying the disease or on those from an enzootic area since the laboratory findings are not specific except eggs in the urine.


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Contrast enhancement enables the verification of several pathological conditions that lead to vascular changes and/or breakdown of the blood-brain barrier. Examples of diseases that cause these disorders are: neoplastic diseases, vascular communications, active inflammation and cerebral ischemia. Several contrast enhancements located peripherically to cerebral lobes, in the topography of brain sulci and gyri, were identified on tomographic scan of twelve healthy cats that had their health confirmed through history, general and neurologic physical examination and polymerase chain reaction for feline leukemia (FeLV) and immunodeficiency (FIV) virus. This study aims to describe the tomographic contrast enhancement findings, which showed an identical appearance to the pia mater and arachnoid enhancement, also called leptomeninges. This finding is generally considered related to leptomeningeal diseases such as meningitis and neoplastic disease. However, in dogs, the leptomeningeal enhancement has already been described in healthy animals. This finding has a great importance in the interpretation of tomographic images of these animals since, so far, in the presence of these enhancements, meningeal disorders were suggested. Thus, the verification of other tomographic findings and the combination with other diagnostic methods are of great importance for the diagnosis of leptomeningeal disease.


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Acute spinal cord trauma is a common injury that occurs frequently in small animals. In order to acertain a prognosis of the lesion generated in the spinal cord, it is necessary to perform a complete neurological and physical examination, aided by complementary images. Magnetic resonance imaging may be advantageous over other types of images, because it can determine with greater definition the structural damage to the nervous tissue. The objective of this report was to demonstrate the contribution of magnetic resonance imaging in a case of acute spinal cord trauma in a dog.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The feline leukemia virus (FeLV) was described in 1964 by William Jarrett and collaborators wen find viral particles attached to the membrane of lymphoblasts in cat with lymphoma. The virus belongs to the family Retroviridae, subfamily oncornavirus. With worldwide distribution, the occurrence of FeLV has 1.6% in healthy cats and 10.8% in sick cats in Brazil. The mortality of persistently viremic animals in catteries is about 50% in two years and 80% in three years. In catteries that have endemic feline Coronavirus (FCoV), FeLV and / or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), the FeLV infection has greater contribution to mortality. The test for infection and FeLV positive cats segregation is the main way to prevent the spread of infection. The diagnostic methods are based on clinical signs and changes compatible with FeLV infection observed by physical examination, complete blood count, X-ray, bone marrow aspirate and biochemical. The viral p27 protein is produced in infected cells in high amounts and is found in abundance in the cytoplasm and in body fluids enabling diagnosed methods such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - ELISA and direct immunofluorescence, detection of viral genome (Chain Reaction Polymerase - PCR) and detection of the virus by virus isolation. Although diagnostic tests are highly sensitive, it should be made more than a confirmatory test, especially serological due to variable characteristic of the progress of infection


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Oncology is presenting an important role in clinical practice as a speciality in recent years in Veterinary Medicine. Mammary gland tumors are detected mainly in old and middleaged bitches that are sexually intact or spayed and the caudal abdominal and inguinal mammary glands are the most affected and they present a percentage up to 75% of malignancy. The majority of dogs with mammary neoplasms are clinically healthy at the time of diagnosis and the tumors can be identified by the owner or a professional during a routine physical examination. Cytological examination of fine needle aspirates can be performed. This procedure is easy and low cost and some criteria that may indicate malignancy are evaluated, however to obtain a definitive diagnosis is performed histopathology of the excised tissue or from biopsy. Regional lymph nodes are the first lymph node to receive lymphatic drainage from the neoplasm. They are at the highest risk of regional metastasis, while the lung is the most common site for distant metastasis. Determining the clinical stage enables the definition of the extension of the tumor. As a consequence, this allows a prognosis to be established and treatment to be planned. The type of therapy to be chosen incites controversy since there are numerous treatment options described, but the surgery is the chosen treatment. However, surgery is not always effective for malignant tumors, and recurrences may occur and in these cases, auxiliary chemotherapy treatments are used. The prognosis for animals that have mammary tumors depends on several factors, such as: size, stage, type of tumor cells and clinical behavior of the tumor, age and medical condition of the animal, and presence of metastasis. Because of this, more detailed studies are needed based on epidemiological surveys in order to provide more informations about risk factors, prevalence and follow-up after treatment of mammary... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease is a non-inflammatory aseptic necrosis of the head of the femur that is found in both young animals and humans before the gap in the femur head closes. In the fields of both human and veterinary medicine the cause of this condition is not known for certain. Various factors have been put forward in the literature as being responsible for the incidence of this condition such as: abnormalities in coagulation, changes in blood flow in the arteries, a septic obstruction in the draining of the epiphysis or the upper parts of the femur, trauma, growth cycle, hyperactivity in a child, genetic influences and dietary factors. Case histories in dogs show that the first stages of the condition progress slowly but that limping or putting weight on the limb worsens at 6 to 8 weeks. Some owners talk about a sharp onset in clinical lameness. Other clinical symptoms may include irritability, loss of appetite and knawing at the hair surrounding the affected hip. In the course of physical examination manipulating the hip joint will cause pain to the animal. The advanced stages of the disease may result in restricted amplitude of movement, muscular atrophy and fracturing. In humans the clinical signs are similar, although progression of the disease is slower so that it can be diagnosed at an earlier stage. In veterinary medicine the diagnosis is, in the main, based on case history, clinical symptoms, physical examination and certain related procedures such as radiography. The various diagnoses include physical trauma and dislocation of the medial patella. In human medicine many people have been correctly diagnosed. Whatsmore, there is a range of related procedures that are virtually not available to veterinary medicine such as magnetic nuclear resonance, that show up necroses with great clarity before radiography and cintilography do, and is considered... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Infective endocarditis is a process in which an infection attacks the heart endothelial surface, and is commonly caused by bacterial colonization, which is called bacterial endocarditis. It is a condition rarely found in dogs and cats, and is more prevalent in male dogs of large size. It mainly affects the left side of the heart, affecting the mitral and aortic valves with greater frequency. The circulation of the bacterium in the bloodstream is what gives rise endocarditis, and is caused by any non-aseptic process that serves as a gateway for bacterium in the body, as from a skin lesion, even as an invasive procedure, such as, catheterization and surgery. The ante-mortem diagnosis is difficult because the clinical signs of endocarditis are varied and common to other diseases, summing up the signs of infection (fever, lethargy, weight loss), and presence of heart murmur and may show signs of congestive heart failure. Thus, the diagnosis is most often through autopsy. To arrive at a diagnosis should be used, besides the history and physical examination, some laboratory tests, especially blood cultures and echocardiography. Treatment is accomplished through the use of antibiotics for long period of time, it is very important to follow the results of susceptibility after its outcome is revealed. The prognosis for bacterial endocarditis ranges from guarded to poor, and can be assessed mainly by the echocardiography. There are few studies in veterinary about the bacterial endocarditis, and the majority is case reports


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The gastric dilatation- volvulus (GDV) is an acute and potentially lethal disease, characterized by increased size of the stomach associated with mesenteric rotation on its axis, which affects mainly large breed dogs and giants with deep and narrow chest. The diagnosis is made from the history, physical examination, clinical signs and radiographic evaluation. It is an emergency that requires immediate therapy and consists on protocols to treat shock, gastric decompression, surgical repositioning of the stomach, gastropexy and intensive post-operative care. Despite the significant progress in the elucidation of pathophysiological events, risk factors and treatment, there was almost no progress in determining the root causes of this disease. A significant advance was recently described in the literature on this topic is the technique of gastropexy laparoscopy. Instruct the owners of the high risk breeds is extremely important to avoid situations in which the severity of the illness make the surgical treatment impracticable and the animal’s condition irreversible


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Osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone cancer in dogs. It affects most commonly dogs of big or giant breeds with 7 to 8 years and the etiology is unknown. Osteosarcoma is defined as a bone matrix-producing malignant mesenchymal tumor and has a predilection for the metaphyseal region of appendicular skeleton, however, it can affect axial skeleton and soft tissues. Distal radius is the most commonly affected site. The definitive diagnosis of osteosarcoma can be obtained with history, physical examination, radiographs and biopsy. Lung is the most common organ for metastatic disease. The mainly treatment for osteosarcoma is limb amputation and systemic chemotherapy for metastatic disease control. Limb-sparing surgery is a viable alternative to amputation for dogs with concomitant conditions that impede limb amputation. Palliative treatments for osteosarcoma have been studied such as local and systemic radiotherapy, immunotherapy and biphosphonates. This study has the objective of presenting the aspects of diagnosis and treatment for appendicular osteosarcoma


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The goal of this study is to characterize the clinical outline of patients in postoperative of bariatric surgery attended in an Intensive Care Unit and identify the nursing diagnosis presented by these patients in accordance to Taxonomy II of North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA). This is a transversal, descriptive and prospective study that was desenvolved at the Intensive Care Unit of the Clinical Hospital of Botucatu Medical School – UNESP. The population was composed by all the patients who were submitted to the bariatric surgery and were attended at the Intensive Care Unit in the period between June and August of 2010, totalizing 13 patients. The data were collected based on the Nursing History that is composed by the Anamnesis, Physical Examination and Complementary Exams. The results were worked out: a) among the 13 patients studied, 10 are women (76,9%) and 3 men (23,1%); the majority is between 30 and 40 years old; 11 people of 13 are morbid obese, which means that they have Body Mass Index higher than 40 kg/m2; b) It was identified 22 nursing diagnosis and 14 of these were found in 100% of the patients. They belong to the dominions of Activity/Rest, Comfort, Elimination and Changing, Security and Protection, Functions and Relationships. Therefore, in relation to the factors, it was conclude that nursing diagnosis help nurses to understand the unsettled human answers or the risks to disturbance in an individual way, which contributes to plan specific interventions to these patients. It was possible to verify that the stage of the nursing diagnosis that is part of the nursing process should be executed by the nurses systematically, because it has been realized by the nurses’ clinical idea, but not in a systematical way


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Pyometra occurs when bacteria colonize the uterus that is under the progesterone dominance. The diagnosis can be carried out based on anamnesis, clinical signals, physical examination and laboratory findings. The prognostic of this desease is relative when the medical therapy is used as an option. The best prevention is the surgery. The present report has an objective accomplishes a literature revision it informs on the pathology in subject gathering the available information regarding the several etiologies of that desease, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complemental exams and treatment


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The Hyperadrenocorticism is a disease that occur in dogs between mead to old age, is associated with the higher level of glucocorticoid that result in a corporal reaction. To make a diagnostic of this disease is necessary have a good history and physical examination, the principals complains of the proprietary are polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia, in some times abdominal enlargement and lethargy. In the physical examination is observed this abdominal enlargement, hepatomegaly, alopecia, in some cases pyoderma and difficult respiratory. From this documents is possible determinate the differential diagnostics and with the tests find the diagnostic of the disease that the animal have. The base methods are hemogram, biochemical, urinalysis, radiographs and ultrasonography it’s possible do tomography and magnetic resonance too. There are confirmation methods too, they are very important, because the others not have documents necessary for the final diagnostic. Those are Urine cortisol to creatinine ratio, dexamethasone suppression test with high dose or low dose and ACTH stimulation test. Despite those tests have high sensibility and specificity, they can result in false positive or false negative, this is one of the causes to do the base methods and together make the veterinary doctor find the solution of the diagnostic and do the adequate treatment


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ