136 resultados para padrões de vento


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With the increase of stakeholders and consequently increase of amount of nancial transaction the study of news investment strategies in the stock market with data mining techniques has been the target of important researches. It allows that great historical data base to be processed and analysed looking for pattern that can be used to take a decision in investments. With the idea of getting pro t more than the real indexs' gain, we propose a strategy method of transactions using rules built by algorithm classi cation. For that, diary historical data of Ibovespa index and Petrobras stocks are organized and processed to nding the most important attribute that act decisively when taking a investment decision.To test the accuracy of proposed rules, a non real portfolio management is created, showing the decisions' performance over the real index and stocks' performance. Following the proposed rules, the results show that the strategy of investment give me back a high return that Stock market's return. The exclusive characteristics of algorithms maximize the gain inside the analysed time allowing to determine the techniques' return and the number of the days necessary to double the initial investment. The best classi er applied on the time series and its use on the propose investments strategy will demand 104 days to double the initial capital


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Currently zoos and management centers are valuable tools in the maintenance and study of various species. Studies of behavior of captive animals contribute to the improvement of management techniques and the well - being of themselves, encouraging captive breeding and reintroduction also to the natural environment . One of the ways to increase the levels of well-being is the use of environmental enrichment techniques that provide necessary incentives for the welfare of both physical and psychological captive animal . The aim of this study was to identify the types, frequencies and intensities of behavior displayed by three individuals of the species Galictis cuja, belonging to the family Mustelidae and popularly known as lesser grisson , which are captives in municipal zoo in Piracicaba , SP . In addition to evaluating the influence of environmental enrichment techniques on these behavioral parameters. The animals had their behaviors recorded in ethograms through the focal sampling method , 40 hours per person , totaling 120 hours of observation . Were introduced four environmental enrichment techniques related to physical environment, nutrition , perception and cognitive stimulation . At the end, the results of observations before and after the introduction of enrichment techniques were compared and it was possible to observe significant changes in behavior such as run , walk and scratching . The animals were more active and spent longer visible during the day, the enrichment also increased the frequency of social behaviors and the end of the work occurred even attempted copulation , thus showing that the enrichment exerted a positive influence on the behavioral patterns of lesser grisson (Galictis cuja)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi entender os padrões de frutificação de espécies anemocóricas em uma área de Cerrado sensu stricto, de acordo com a morfologia dos diásporos e a deciduidade das espécies, e verificar se esse padrão difere entre borda e interior do cerrado estudado. Um total de 377 indivíduos foram amostrados, distribuídos em 26 espécies, pertencentes a 10 famílias. Foi notada significativa sazonalidade para toda a comunidade, e uma sincronia entre os indivíduos principalmente no ambiente de borda. Os picos de atividade de queda foliar e frutificação ocorreram simultaneamente para as espécies decíduas e perenes, enquanto que para as espécies semidecíduas a época de maior índice de queda antecedeu um pouco o de maturação dos frutos. Entretanto esses eventos ocorreram durante a época de menores índices pluviométricos, maiores índices de queda foliar e anterior ao desenvolvimento de folhas novas, de forma que os diásporos secam e são dispersos pelo vento mais facilmente


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As ilhas do litoral do estado de São Paulo estão isoladas desde o final do Pleistoceno, depois da última elevação do nível do mar (cerca de 10.000 anos). Elas apresentam condições diferentes do que as do continente, como por exemplo, a disponibilidade de recursos e pressão de predação. Os anfíbios apresentam pele permeável e assim, de modo geral, são intolerantes à salinidade do mar. Desta forma, as populações de anfíbios insulares podem apresentar variações em comportamentos em relação às populações do continente. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar e comparar os hábitos alimentares das populações insulares e continentais de Thoropa taophora, uma espécie endêmica da Mata Atlântica que ocorre em costões rochosos e riachos. Neste estudo, utilizamos os espécimes adultos da coleção de Anfíbios do Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, UNESP, Rio Claro (CFBH), provenientes de duas localidades no continente (Barra do Una e praia de Toque-Toque, município de São Sebastião, SP); e de sete Ilhas do litoral do Estado de São Paulo (Ilha dos Gatos, Ilha de Toque-Toque Grande, Ilha do Prumirim, Ilha Redonda, Ilha de Porcos Pequena, Ilha das Couves e Ilha das Ilhas). Em laboratório, foram medidos a massa corpórea (MC), o comprimento rostro-cloacal (CRC), e a largura da cabeça (LC) de cada indivíduo. O conteúdo estomacal e intestinal foi analisado qualitativa e quantitativamente. Para todas as populações de T. taophora, Formicidae foi o item alimentar mais consumido. Outras categorias como Coleoptera, Araneae e Blattodea também foram representativas. Não houve diferença na riqueza de presas entre as populações de T. taophora. Machos de todas as populações comeram mais formigas do que as fêmeas, no entanto não houve diferença entre a riqueza de presas entre machos e fêmeas. Este estudo foi pioneiro para entender quais... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work investigates the variance and invariance of subject clauses patterns in spoken and written contemporary Brazilian Portuguese. I analyze four parameters (category and semantic class of matrix predicate, form of embedded clause and mood-tense correlation between matrix and embedded clauses) and show that there is less variance in speech patterns.


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In this paper, we investigate the grammatical construction “é claro (que)”, which is characterized as a matrix clause. As it is produced, an argumentative clause is added to the matrix clause in subject position. We analyze oral speech and writing data of contemporary Portuguese and show that the grammatical construction undergoes processes of change, which are identified by desentencialization clauses and grammaticalization process. In addition, by analyzing parameters such as the position of grammatical construction, the presence of copulation and the use of a complementizer, we show that the absence of copulation and a complementizer in the matrix leads to a reduced clause, i.e., a monoclause, and a categorical change of the matrix adjective, which plays the role of functioning adverb.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Flebotomíneos (Diptera, Psychodidae) são incriminados na transmissão das leishmanioses. A criação destes insetos em laboratório é considerada complexa, porém é importante para que testes na área de comportamento e ecologia química sejam realizados. Um dos ramos da chamada ecologia química, avalia compostos voláteis, os quais podem ser liberados por hospedeiros ou sintetizados em laboratório, com poder atrativo para insetos hematófagos. Vem sendo bastante estudada para o grupo dos culicídeos, mas para flebotomíneos estes estudos ainda são escassos. Neste estudo foi feito o estabelecimento da colônia da espécie Lutzomyia (L.) longipalpis, coletados em Ipecaetá - BA, importante vetor da leishmaniose visceral nas Américas, e realizado testes de atratividade utilizando alcoóis (1-octen-3-ol, 1-octanol, 1-heptanol e 1- nonanol), em túnel de vento no laboratório de Parasitologia da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas - UNESP, campus de Araraquara. Os testes foram feitos com fêmeas e machos, da colônia previamente estabelecida. Os resultados mostraram que as fêmeas apresentaram melhor resposta para os compostos nonanol e octenol e os machos para os compostos octenol, nonanol e heptanol.


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The objective of this study was to develop a model that allows testing in the wind tunnel at high angles of attack and validates its most critical components by analyzing the results of simulations in finite element software. During the project this structure suffered major loads identified during the flight conditions and, from these, we calculated the stresses in critical regions defined as the parts of the model that have higher failure probabilities. All aspects associated with Load methods, mesh refining and stress analysis were taken into account in this approach. The selection of the analysis software was based on project needs, seeking greater ease of modeling and simulation. We opted for the software ANSYS® since the entire project is being developed in CAD platforms enabling a friendly integration between software's modeling and analysis


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Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS


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The researches on sexuality, especially from Foucault’s critical analysis, have been denouncing that the sexual repression also happens through the patterns that suggest a fixed happiness model to be followed, not considering the autonomous development of the subject. The aim of this descriptive-qualitative study was to make a critical analysis of the content of the book Sex and The City, which presents narratives about sexual and love relationships in New York. This analysis evidenciated the reproduction of outdated sexual concepts presented on the following thematic categories: (1) Comprehension of the single woman as lonely and unhappy; (2) Comprehension of the single woman as independent and consumerist; (3) Comprehension that the single woman needs a heterosexual relationship related to the happy romantic ideal; (4) Comprehension of the love relationships as commodities: people as objects of use and exchange. The sexual and love patterns presented by the book demonstrate the repression reproduced uncritically by the mass culture. The Psychology has been an important area of the science to denounce the control of the sexuality from these perverse and ideological patterns.


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The concept of gender is relational and refers to the the overcoming of the biological determinism, it has historical and cultural roots going beyond the anatomical differences between men and women. This documental research investigated patterns of sexuality and gender in sexual education books for children and teenagers. Ten books were analyzed, selected in bookstores websites. The content of the books and their illustrations show: 1) stereotypical and naturalized view of femininity and masculinity, 2) patterns of traditional and patriarchal families, 3) romanticized concept of marriage and reproduction, 4) stereotypes of beauty and "normal" body. It is concluded that sexual education books for children and teenagers reproduce normative standards that can stimulate a sexist education and should not be used in works of sexual education without critical reflection.


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Brazilian cerrado is characterized by an evident seasonality with distinct dry and wet seasons. Pyrostegia venusta is a common vine found in different physiognomies of the Cerrado. The species may present characteristics that allow its adjustment to the seasonal cycles. The phenology of vegetative and reproductive events was studied for this species in 2004 and 2005. The objective was to verify which climatic factors determine the phenological patterns observed in the species. Flowering was inversely related to mean temperatures and to the length of the day, while fruiting was inversely related to the photoperiod and directly related to the mean wind velocity. Seed dispersal was directly related to wind speed. As a consequence, flowering occurred at the end of the rainy season, close to the winter, and was prolonged until the end of the dry season. Fruiting and fruit maturation occurred during the dry period, with the seeds being dispersed at the end of this period. The seed dispersal at the end of the dry season, common to other anemochoric species of cerrado, allows a rapid germination at the beginning of the wet season, favoring the species propagation in this environment.