160 resultados para ozonolysis mechanism
The phase formation mechanism, as well as the morphotropic phase boundary, of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) processed by a partial oxalate method was investigated by simultaneous thermal analysis (TG-DTA) and by qualitative and quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results show that the ZrxTi1-xO2 (ZT) phase reacts with PbO forming the PZT phase without intermediate phases. XRD analysis showed the coexistence of rhombohedral and tetragonal phases for 0.47 ≤ x ≤ 0.55 with the phase boundary composition for x = 0.51. For low calcination temperatures, preferential formation of the PZT rhombohedral phase was observed. A model for phase formation of PZT by the partial oxalate method is proposed based on the existence of two interfaces of reaction (PbO-PZT and PZT-ZT) and diffusion of cations.
'SequenceSpace' analysis is a novel approach which has been used to identify unique amino acids within a subfamily of phospholipases A2 (PLA2) in which the highly conserved active site residue Asp49 is substituted by Lys (Lys49-PLA2s). Although Lys49-PLA2s do not bind the catalytic co-factor Ca2+ and possess extremely low catalytic activity, they demonstrate a Ca2+-independent membrane damaging activity through a poorly understood mechanism, which does not involve lipid hydrolysis. Additionally, Lys49-PLA2s possess combined myotoxic, oedema forming and cardiotoxic pharmacological activities, however the structural basis of these varied functions is largely unknown. Using the 'SequenceSpace' analysis we have identified nine residues highly unique to the Lys49-PLA2 sub-family, which are grouped in three amino acid clusters in the active site, hydrophobic substrate binding channel and homodimer interface regions. These three highly specific residue clusters may have relevance for the Ca2+-independent membrane damaging activity. Of a further 15 less stringently conserved residues, nine are located in two additional clusters which are well isolated from the active site region. The less strictly conserved clusters have been used in predictive sequence searches to correlate amino acid patterns in other venom PLA2s with their pharmacological activities, and motifs for presynaptic and combined toxicities are proposed.
The aim of this work is to evaluate the mechanism of stock removal and the ground surface quality of advanced ceramics grounded by a plane tangential grinding process with diamond grinding wheels. The analysis of the grinding performance was done regarding the cutting surface wear behavior of the grinding wheel for ceramic workpieces. The discussion about the results emphasized the wear mechanism of the grinding wheel cutting surface and the cutting phenomenology of the grinding process. The grounded surface was evaluated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). © 1999 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
The complex crystallization process of a Brazilian blast-furnace slag glass was investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area diffraction (SAD), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and micro-Raman spectroscopy. Three crystalline phases (merwinite, melilite and larnite) were identified after heat treatment between Tg (742°C) and the DSC crystallization peak (T = 1000°C). Merwinite was identified as a metastable phase. A small amount (0.004 wt%) of metallic platinum was found in the glass composition. Particles of Pt3Fe, detected by EDS and SAD-TEM, were the starting points of crystallization acting, therefore, as heterogeneous nucleating sites. Only melilite and larnite precipitated in a glass sample heat-treated at 1000°C for 1 h. The flexural strength of this crystallized sample was less than that of the glass, probably due the allotropic phase transformation of larnite. © 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The incidence of cardiovascular disease has increased in the general population, and cardiac damage is indicated as one important cause of mortality. In addition, pollution and metal exposure have increased in recent years. For this reason, toxic effects of metals, such as nickel, and their relation to cardiac damage should be urgently established. Although free radical-mediated cellular damage and reactive oxygen species have been theorized as contributing to the nickel mechanism of toxicity, recent investigations have established that free radicals may be important contributors to cardiac dysfunction. However, there is little information on the effect of nickel exposure on markers of oxidative stress in cardiac tissue. Nickel exposure (Ni2+ 100 mg L-1 from NiSO4) significantly increased lipoperoxide and total lipid concentrations in cardiac tissue. We also observed increased serum levels of cholesterol (59%), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-64%), and alanine transaminase (ALT-30%) in study animals. The biochemical parameters recovered to the control values with tocopherol intake (0.2 mg 200 g-1). Vitamin E alone significantly decreased the lipoperoxide concentration and increased superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities in the heart. Since no alterations were observed in catalase and GSH-Px activities by nickel exposure while SOD activities were decreased, we conclude that superoxide radical (O2 -) generated by nickel exposure is of primary importance in the pathogenesis of cardiac damage. Tocopherol, by its antioxidant activity, decreased the toxic effects of nickel exposure on heart of rats.
The presence of toxic substances in the workplace environment requires systematic evaluation of exposure and health status in exposed subjects. Cadmium is a highly toxic element found in water. Although free mediated cellular damage and reactive oxygen species (ROS), had been theorized as contributing to the cadmium mechanism of toxicity, and recent investigations have established that free radicals may be important contributors to cardiac dysfunction, there is little information on the effect of cadmium exposure on markers of oxidative stress in cardiac tissue. Cadmium exposure (Cd2+ - 100 mg/1-from CdCl2) in drinking water, during 15 days, significantly increased lipoperoxide and decreased the activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. No alterations were observed in catalase activity in heart of rats with cadmium exposure. We also observed decreased glycogen and glucose concentration and increased total lipid content in cardiac tissue of rats with cadmium exposure. The decreased activities of alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase reflected decreased metabolic protein degradation, and increased lactate dehydrogenase activity was related with increases in capacity of glycolysis. Since the metabolic pathways were altered by cadmium exposure, we can conclude that Cd2+ exposure induced ROS and initiate some series of events that occur in the heart and resulted in metabolic pathways alterations.
The aim of this work is to evaluate the mechanism of stock removal and the ground surface quality of advanced ceramics machined by a surface grinding process using diamond grinding wheels. The analysis of the grinding performance was done regarding the cutting surface wear behavior of the grinding wheel for ceramic workpieces. The ground surface was evaluated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). As a result it can be said that the mechanism of material removal in the grinding of ceramic is largely one of brittle fracture. The increase of the hmax can reduce the tangential force required by the process. Although, it results in an increase in the surface damage, reducing the mechanical properties of the ground component.
Although widespread among fungi, lichens, liverworts, and mosses, seed dispersal mechanisms operated by rain are unusual among flowering plants. Generally speaking, two mechanisms are involved in seed dispersal by rains: the splash-cup and the springboard. Here we describe a new seed dispersal mechanism operated by rain in a Neotropical rainforest herb Bertolonia mosenii Cogniaux (Melastomataceae). The study was carried out at the lowland Atlantic rainforest, southeastern Brazil. We experimentally demonstrate that rain is necessary to release the seeds from the capsules through what we call squirt-corner seed dispersal mechanism: when a raindrop strikes the mature fruit, the water droplet forces the seeds outward to the angles (corners) of the triangular capsule and the seeds are released. As far as we know squirt-corner represents a new rain-operated seed dispersal mechanism, and a novel seed dispersal mode both for Melastomataceae and for flowering plants from Neotropical forests.
Leaves of Artemisia annua L. are a plentiful source of artemisinin, a drug with proven effectiveness against malaria. The aim of this study was to classify the photosynthetic mechanism of A. annua through studies of the carbon isotope composition (δ 13C) and the leaf anatomy. A. annua presented a δ 13C value of - 31.76 ± 0.07, which characterizes the plants as a typical species of the C3 photosynthethic mechanism, considering that the average δ 13C values for C3 and C4 species are -28 and -14, respectively. The leaf anatomy studies were consistent with the δ 13C results, where, in spite of the existence of parenchymatic cells forming a sheath surrounding the vascular tissue, the cells do not contain chloroplasts or starch. This characteristic is clearly different from that of the Kranz anatomy found in C4 species.
We report the singular filtration properties of an ultrafiltration membrane made with mesoporous silica that exhibits cylindrical pores aligned mostly normal to the support. This membrane supported on tubular commercial macroporous alumina supports was prepared by the interfacial growth mechanism between stable silica-surfactant hybrid micelles made of the association of silica oligomers with polyethyleneoxide-based (PEO) surfactants and sodium fluoride, a well-known silica condensation catalyst [Boissière et al., An ultrafiltration membrane made with mesoporous MSU-X silica, Chem. Mater. 15 (2003) 460-463]. It appears that the combined effect of the silica nature of the membrane, whose surface charge can be easily adjusted by changing the pH and the non-connected cylindrical shape of the pores provides a new behavior in the retention properties, as proved by the filtration of polyoxyethylene polymers (PEO) with different molecular weights. Depending on the filtration conditions, a rejection rate of 80% and a steep cut-off at 2000 Da can be obtained or, on the reverse, polymers three times bigger than the pore diameter can diffuse through the membrane. This new filtration mechanism, which opens up new modes of separation modes, is explained in the light of both topology of the porous network and pH-dependent interactions between PEO polymers and silica porous media. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Formation of antimony polyphosphate using Sb2O3 and/or (NH4)2HPO4 and NH4H 2PO4 as starting materials has been simulated by thermal analysis technique. The elimination of water and ammonia molecules induced by heating leads to the formation of intermediate ammonium polyphosphate, which subsequently reacts with Sb2O3. Morphologically, vitreous Sb(PO3)3 is composed of plaques having irregular shapes. Infrared spectra and NMR study is consistent with tetrametaphosphate anion arrangement. The compound is thermally unstable and may be recommended as a donor of -O-P-O- linkers in the preparation of special phosphate glasses. © 2005 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest.
Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the mediators and the resident peritoneal cells involved in the neutrophil migration (NM) induced by mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in mice. Study design: MTA (25 mg/cavity) was injected into normal and pretreated peritoneal cavities (PC) with indomethacin (IND), dexamethasone (DEX), BWA4C, U75302, antimacrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2), and anti-interleukin-1β (IL-1β) antibodies and the NM was determined. The role of macrophage (MO) and mast cells (MAST) was determined by administration of thioglycollate 3% or 48/80 compound, respectively. The concentration of IL-1β and MIP-2 exudates was measured by ELISA. Results: MTA induced dose- and time-dependent NM into mice PC, with the participation of MO and MAST. NM was inhibited by DEX, BWA4C, and U75302, as well as anti-MIP-2 and anti-IL-1β antibodies. In the exudates, IL-1β and MIP-2 were detected. Conclusions: This study suggests that MTA induces NM via a mechanism dependent on MAST and MO mediated by IL-1β, MIP-2, and LTB4. © 2008 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
Purpose: We evaluated the somatic and autonomic innervation of the pelvic floor and rhabdosphincter before and after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy using neurophysiological tests and correlated findings with clinical parameters and urinary continence. Materials and Methods: From February 2003 to October 2005, 46 patients with prostate cancer were enrolled in a controlled, prospective study. Patients were evaluated before and 6 months after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy using the UCLA-PCI urinary function domain and neurophysiological tests, including somatosensory evoked potential, and the pudendo-urethral, pudendo-anal and urethro-anal reflexes. Clinical parameters and urinary continence were correlated with afferent and efferent innervation of the membranous urethra and pelvic floor. We used strict criteria to define urinary continence as complete dryness with no leakage at all, not requiring any pads or diapers and with a UCLA-PCI score of 500. Patients with a sporadic drop of leakage, requiring up to 1 pad daily, were defined as having occasional urinary leakage. Results: Two patients were excluded from study due to urethral stricture postoperatively. We evaluated 44 patients within 6 months after surgery. The pudendo-anal and pudendo-urethral reflexes were unchanged postoperatively (p = 0.93 and 0.09, respectively), demonstrating that afferent and efferent pudendal innervation to this pelvic region was not affected by the surgery. Autonomic afferent denervation of the membranous urethral mucosa was found in 34 patients (77.3%), as demonstrated by a postoperative increase in the urethro-anal reflex sensory threshold and urethro-anal reflex latency (p <0.001 and 0.0007, respectively). Six of the 44 patients used pads. One patient with more severe leakage required 3 pads daily and 23 showed urinary leakage, including 5 who needed 1 pad per day and 18 who did not wear pads. Afferent autonomic denervation at the membranous urethral mucosa was found in 91.7% of patients with urinary leakage. Of 10 patients with preserved urethro-anal reflex latency 80% were continent. Conclusions: Sensory and motor pudendal innervation to this specific pelvic region did not change after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy. Significant autonomic afferent denervation of the membranous urethral mucosa was present in most patients postoperatively. Impaired membranous urethral sensitivity seemed to be associated with urinary incontinence, particularly in patients with occasional urinary leakage. Damage to the afferent autonomic innervation may have a role in the continence mechanism after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy.
(Figure Presented) Mixed micelles of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr) or dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTABr) and the α-nucleophile, lauryl hydroxamic acid (LHA) accelerate dephosphorylation of bis(2,4-dinitrophenyl) phosphate (BDNPP) over the pH range 4-10. With a 0.1 mole fraction of LHA in DTABr or CTABr, dephosphorylation of BDNPP is approximately 10 4-fold faster than its spontaneous hydrolysis, and monoanionic LHA - is the reactive species. The results are consistent with a mechanism involving concurrent nucleophilic attack by hydroxamate ion (i) on the aromatic carbon, giving an intermediate that decomposes to undecylamine and 2,4-dinitrophenol, and (ii) at phosphorus, giving an unstable intermediate that undergoes a Lossen rearrangement yielding a series of derivatives including N,N-dialkylurea, undecylamine, undecyl isocyanate, and carbamyl hydroxamate. © 2009 American Chemical Society.
The [Mn4 IVO5(terpy)4(H 2O)2]6+ complex, show great potential for electrode modification by electropolymerization using cyclic voltammetry. The electropolymerization mechanism was based on the electronic transfer between dx2-y2 orbitals of the center metallic and pπ orbital of the ligand, which show great complexity of the system due to orbitals overlap present in octahedral complex of the metal-μ-oxo. The voltammetric behavior both in and after electropolymerization process were also discussed, where the best condition of electropolymerization was observed for low scan rate and 50 potential cycles. A study in ITO/glass electrode for better characterization of polymer was also performed. ©The Electrochemical Society.