516 resultados para lingual orthodontics
OBJETIVO: Avaliar se fontes de luz aumentam a eficácia do peróxido de hidrogênio na técnica de clareamento profissional. METODOLOGIA: Foram empregados 60 dentes incisivos bovinos, com dimensões coronárias e radiculares padronizadas a partir do limite amelo-cementário, sendo descartada a porção lingual. Os corpos-de-prova (cp) foram limpos em ultra-som por 20 min e a dentina condicionada com H3PO4 a 38% por 15 s, sendo os (cp) imersos em solução de café solúvel a 25% por duas semanas. A dentina foi impermeabilizada com esmalte e os (cp) divididos em 5 grupos, sendo a cor inicial mensurada através do espectofotômetro-EasyShade (VITA). Todos os (cp) receberam três aplicações por 10 min do gel clareador Opalescence Xtra-Boost (Ultradent) conforme segue: Grupo 1 - controle, não recebeu fotoativação, Grupo 2 - ativado com luz halôgena, Grupo 3 - ativado com LED azul/LASER, Grupo 4 - ativado com LED verde/LASER e Grupo 5 - ativado com LED vermelho. Após o clareamento foi mensurada a variação de cor E, a*, b*e L* e as referentes à escala de cor Vita Clássico. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, teste de Tukey e de Dunn (α=5%). RESULTADOS: A diferença geral da cor foi reduzida quando se empregou LED Azul e Luz Halógena, sendo que o desempenho do peróxido de hidrogênio a 38% foi intensificado dependendo da fonte de luz utilizada. A avaliação quantitativa de cor, obtida por espectrofotômetro e pela escala de cor Vita Clássico, foram coincidentes. CONCLUSÃO: O tipo de fonte de luz empregada interfere na eficácia do agente clareador.
The effect of application methods and dentin hydration on the bond strength of three self-etching adhesives (SEA) were evaluated; 195 extracted bovine incisors were used. The buccal surface was ground in order to expose the dentin, which remained 2-mm minimum thickness, measured by a thickness meter through an opening on the lingual surface. Adper Single Bond 2 (TM) was used for the control group. The SEA were applied following two modes of application: passive or active and two hydration states of the dentin surface-dry and wet. After light-curing, composite buildups were made using Grandio (TM) composite. The specimens were sectioned and tested with a microtensile bond strength test. The application method and the hydration state resulted in statistical differences (p = 0.000) making the values of active application for mu TBS to dentin higher than passive application. The wet surfaces showed higher mu TBS to dentin ratios than dry surfaces. There were no statistical differences in mu TBS among the SEA tested but there were differences regarding to control group.
Purpose: This study compared five types of chemical catalyzing agents added to 35% hydrogen peroxide gel, with regard to their capacity of intensifying in-office dental bleaching results.Methods: One-hundred and twenty bovine incisors were used, of which the crowns and roots were cut in the incisor-apical direction, to acquire the dimensions of a human central incisor. The specimens were sectioned in the mesiodistal direction by means of two longitudinal cuts, the lingual halves being discarded. The vestibular halves received prophylaxis with a bicarbonate jet, ultrasound cleaning and acid etching on the dentinal portion. Next, the specimens were stored in receptacles containing a 25% instant coffee solution for two weeks. After the darkening period, initial measurement of the shade obtained was taken with the Easy Shade appliance, which allowed it to be quantified by the CIELab* method. The samples were divided into six groups, corresponding to the chemical activator used: a) none (CON); b) ferric chloride (CF); c) ferrous sulphate (SF); d) manganese gluconate (GM); e) manganese chloride (CM); f) mulberry root extract (RA). Each group received three 10-minute applications of the gels containing the respective activating agents. Next, a new shade measurement was made.Results: The Analysis of Variance and Tukey tests (alpha=5%) showed statistically significant differences for the shade perception values (p=0.002). Groups GM, CM and RA showed significantly higher means than the control group.Conclusion: The presence of some chemical activators is capable of resulting in a significant increase in tooth shade variation.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the micro-shear bond strength of 5 adhesive systems to enamel, one single-bottle acid-etch adhesive (O), two self-etching primers (P) and two all-in-one self-etching adhesives (S). Method: Sixty premolar enamel surfaces (buccal or lingual) were ground flat with 400- and 600-grit SiC papers and randomly divided into 5 groups (n=12), according to the adhesive system.. SB2 - Single Bond 2 (O); CSE - Clearfil SE Bond (P); ADS - AdheSE (P); PLP - Adper Prompt L-Pop (S); XE3 - Xeno III (S). Tygon tubing (inner diameter of 0.8mm) restricted the bonding area to obtain the resin composite (Z250) cylinders. After storage in distilled water at 37 degrees C for 24h and thermocycling, micro-shear testing was performed (crosshead speed of 0.5mm/min). Data were submitted to one-way ANOVA and Tukey test (a=5%). Samples were also subjected to stereomicroscopic and SEM evaluations after micro-shear testing. Mean bond strength values (MPa +/- SD) and the results of Tukey test were: SB2: 36.36(+/- 3.34)a; ADS: 33.03(+/- 7.83)a; XE3: 32.76(+/- 5.61)a; CSE: 30.61(+/- 6.68)a; PLP: 22.17(+/- 6.05)b. Groups with the same letter were not statistically different. It can be concluded that no significant difference was there between SB2, ADS, XE3 and CSE, in spite of different etching patterns of these adhesives. Only PLP presented statistically lower bond strengths compared with others. J Clin Pediatr Dent 35(3): 301-304, 2011
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate craniofacial asymmetry by using 2-dimensional (2D) poster-oanterior cephalometric images, 3-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), and physical measurements (gold standard). Methods: Ten dry human skulls were assessed, and radiopaque markers were placed on 17 skeletal landmarks. Twenty linear measurements were taken on each side to compare the right and left sides and to compare these measurements with the physical measurements made with a digital caliper. To acquire the 2D posteroanterior radiographs, an Extraoral Phosphor Storage Plate (Air Techniques, Chicago, Ill) was used as the image receptor with a Eureka x-ray-Duocon Machlett unit (Machlett Laboratores, Chicago, Ill). Three-dimensional imaging data were acquired from a CB MercuRay (Hitachi Medical, Tokyo, Japan). Results: on average, the right side was larger than the left for most of the 20 distances evaluated in the digital 2D and the CBCT images, and there was poor agreement between the digital 2D images and the physical measurements (kappa = 0.0609) and almost perfect agreement (kappa = 0.92) between the CBCT and physical measurements when individual measurements were considered. Conclusions: Human skulls, with no apparent asymmetry, had some differences between the right and left sides, with dominance for the right side but with no clinical significance. CBCT can better evaluate craniofacial morphology when compared with digital 2D images. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011; 139: e523-e531)
INTRODUÇÃO: a avaliação do espaço aéreo superior faz parte da rotina na elaboração do diagnóstico e plano de tratamento ortodôntico. A radiografia cefalométrica em norma lateral tem sido usada rotineiramente na avaliação da permeabilidade do espaço aéreo, esbarrando na limitação de fornecer uma imagem bidimensional de uma estrutura tridimensional. A Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico (TCFC) tem entrado na realidade ortodôntica trazendo um arsenal de informações concernentes ao espaço aéreo superior. Por fornecer uma imagem tridimensional, possibilita determinar de maneira precisa a área de maior estreitamento da faringe, que ofereceria maior resistência à passagem aérea. OBJETIVOS: o propósito deste artigo é esclarecer o ortodontista quanto aos recursos disponíveis na TCFC para o diagnóstico de possíveis barreiras físicas que possam diminuir a permeabilidade das vias aéreas superiores.
A finalidade deste artigo é avaliar o efeito da expansão rápida da maxila (ERM) na via aérea superior. Por intermédio de um caso clínico, será relatado como indivíduos com atresia da maxila e com comprometimento da função naso-respiratória podem beneficiar-se com a ERM. Para entender melhor as alterações morfológicas decorrentes do paciente com problemas respiratórios, deve-se conhecer a anatomia e a fisiologia do sistema respiratório. Entretanto, não se pode esquecer que o tratamento deste paciente é multidisciplinar, envolvendo o ortodontista, otorrinolaringologista e a fonoaudióloga.
Nesse trabalho, procurou-se explicar - anatômica e funcionalmente - como se estrutura e se organiza a região cervical dos dentes, para fundamentar os seguintes questionamentos: 1) Por que ocorre Reabsorção Cervical Externa na dentição humana?; 2) Por que na gengivite e na periodontite não se tem Reabsorção Cervical Externa?; 3) Por que depois do traumatismo dentário e da clareação interna pode ocorrer a Reabsorção Cervical Externa?; 4) Por que o movimento ortodôntico não altera a cor e o volume gengival durante o tratamento?; 5) Por que o movimento ortodôntico não induz Reabsorção Cervical Externa, mesmo sabendo-se que a região cervical pode ser muito exigida? A existência de antígenos sequestrados na dentina, a presença de janelas de dentina na região cervical de todos os dentes, a reação do epitélio juncional e a distribuição dos vasos sanguíneos gengivais podem justificar por que a Reabsorção Cervical Externa não ocorre e nem a cor e o volume gengival são alterados no movimento ortodôntico.
Information about orthodontic movement of teeth with hypercementosis is scarce. As cementum deposition continues to occur, cementum is expected to change the shape of the root and apex over time, but this has not yet been demonstrated. Nor has it ever been established whether it increases or decreases the prevalence of root resorption during orthodontic treatment. The unique biological function of the interconnected network of cementocytes may play a role in orthodontic movement and its associated root resorptions, but no research has ever been conducted on the topic. Unlike cementum thickness and hypercementosis, root and apex shape has not yet been related to patient age. A study of the precise difference between increased cementum thickness and hypercementosis is warranted. Hypercementosis refers to excessive cementum formation above and beyond the extent necessary to fulfill its normal functions, resulting in abnormal thickening with macroscopic changes in the tooth root, which may require the delivery of forces that are different from conventional mechanics in their intensity, direction and distribution. What are the unique features and specificities involved in moving teeth that present with hypercementosis? Bodily movements would be expected to occur, since inclination might prove difficult to achieve, but would the root resorption index be higher or lower?
OBJECTIVE: This prospective clinical study was conducted with the purpose of evaluating the influence of the banded Herbst appliance on dental changes during the early treatment of Class II malocclusion. METHOD: The sample consisted of 15 prepubertal subjects (12 boys and 3 girls, initial age: 9 years and 6 months) who were treated with the Herbst appliance. Treatment effects were compared with those of a Class II Division 1 group of 15 subjects (8 boys and 7 girls, mean initial age 9 years and 1 month), not treated orthodontically. Statistical analysis was performed using Student t-test with 5% significance level. RESULTS: The results showed that treatment with the banded Herbst appliance in the mixed dentition stage tended to upright maxillary incisors (mean: 4.14°). The maxillary molars were distalized and intruded significantly (mean 2.65 mm and 1.24 mm, respectively), the lower incisors slightly protruded anteriorly (mean 1.64 mm) and the molars showed no significant changes in the horizontal and vertical directions. Furthermore, significant improvements were noted in overbite (1.26 mm), overjet (4.8 mm) and molar relationship (12.08 mm). CONCLUSIONS: Changes in the upper dental arch were found to be greater than changes in the lower arch. Furthermore, mandibular anchorage loss was reduced due to the anchorage system used in the study.
OBJECTIVE: Early identification of craniofacial morphological characteristics allows orthopedic segmented interventions to attenuate dentoskeletal discrepancies, which may be partially disguised by natural dental compensation. To investigate the morphological characteristics of Brazilian children with Class III malocclusion, in stages I and II of cervical vertebrae maturation and compare them with the characteristics of Class I control patients. METHODS: Pre-orthodontic treatment records of 20 patients with Class III malocclusion and 20 control Class I patients, matched by the same skeletal maturity index and sex, were selected. The craniofacial structures and their relationships were divided into different categories for analysis. Angular and linear measures were adopted from the analyses previously described by Downs, Jarabak, Jacobson and McNamara. The differences found between the groups of Class III patients and Class I control group, both subdivided according to the stage of cervical vertebrae maturation (I or II), were assessed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), complemented by Bonferroni's multiple mean comparisons test. RESULTS: The analysis of variance showed statistically significant differences in the different studied groups, between the mean values found for some angular (SNA, SNB, ANB) and linear variables (Co - Gn, N - Perp Pog, Go - Me, Wits, S - Go, Ar - Go). CONCLUSION: Assessed children displaying Class III malocclusion show normal anterior base of skull and maxilla, and anterior positioning of the mandible partially related to increased posterior facial height with consequent mandibular counterclockwise rotation.
INTRODUCTION: Among the sleep disorders reported by the American Academy of Sleep, the most common is obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS), which is caused by difficulties in air passage and complete interruption of air flow in the airway. This syndrome is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in apneic individuals. OBJECTIVE: It was the objective of this paper to evaluate a removable mandibular advancement device as it provides a noninvasive, straightforward treatment readily accepted by patients. METHODS: In this study, 15 patients without temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and with excessive daytime sleepiness or snoring were evaluated. Data were collected by means of: Polysomnography before and after placement of an intraoral appliance, analysis of TMD signs and symptoms using a patient history questionnaire, muscle and TMJ palpation. RESULTS: After treatment, the statistical analysis (t-test, and the before and after test) showed a mean reduction of 77.6% (p=0.001) in the apnea-hypopnea index, an increase in lowest oxyhemoglobin saturation (p=0.05), decrease in desaturation (p=0.05), decrease in micro-awakenings or EEG arousals (p=0.05) and highly significant improvement in daytime sleepiness (p=0.005), measured by the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. No TMD appeared during the monitoring period. CONCLUSION: The oral device developed in this study was considered effective for mild to moderate OSAHS.