726 resultados para habilidade competitiva e biologia de plantas daninhas


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O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi verificar a eficácia do herbicida tebuthiuron no controle de plantas daninhas quando associadas à presença de palha de cana-de-açúcar. Para isso, conduziu-se um experimento em condições controladas em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se vasos com quatro repetições, onde, além das testemunhas com e sem palha, o tebuthiuron foi aplicado em diferentes situações: sobre 5 t de palha ha-1; sobre o solo posteriormente recoberto com 5 t de palha ha-1; sobre o solo sem cobertura de palha; e com ou sem simulação de distintas quantidades de chuva aplicada antes ou após a aplicação do produto. A dose de Combine 500 SC (tebuthiuron) aplicada foi de 1.000 g i.a. ha-1, com consumo de calda equivalente a 200 L ha-1. As plantas daninhas presentes no experimento foram Brachiaria plantaginea, Brachiaria decumbens e Ipomoea grandifolia. Avaliou-se a porcentagem de controle das plantas daninhas aos 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49 e 56 DAA nos tratamentos em que o tebuthiuron foi aplicado em pré-emergência e aos 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 e 38 DAA, quando o herbicida foi aplicado em pós-emergência; e a biomassa seca aos 56 ou 38 DAA. Verificou-se que, independentemente da planta daninha avaliada, os maiores índices de controle foram alcançados quando o tebuthiuron foi aplicado sobre a palha, simulando-se em seguida precipitação correspondente a 2,5 ou 30 mm de chuva, e nos tratamentos em que o herbicida foi aplicado diretamente no solo desnudo ou recoberto com palha. Dessa forma, para I. grandifolia, B. plantaginea e B. decumbens, os índices mais elevados de controle foram alcançados quando o tebuthiuron atingiu o solo, tanto aplicado diretamente como quando lixiviado da palha pela chuva simulada após a aplicação.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito residual de flumioxazin sobre a emergência de plantas daninhas em solos de texturas distintas, foi realizado um experimento em casa de vegetação. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela combinação de quatro épocas de aplicação: 14, 10, 7 e 0 dias antes da semeadura das espécies de plantas daninhas, com duas doses de flumioxazin (25 e 40 g ha-1) e uma testemunha sem aplicação para cada planta daninha em solos de texturas distintas. O efeito residual do herbicida flumioxazin foi avaliado por meio da contagem do número de plantas emersas de cada espécie aos 35 dias depois da semeadura (DDS). O controle do fluxo inicial de emergência de plantas daninhas variou em função do tipo de solo, do período de tempo entre a aplicação e a semeadura das espécies e também da dose. A. tenella, D. horizontalis, D. insularis, D. tortuosum, E. heterophylla, N. physaloides e S. latifolia foram as espécies mais sensíveis à aplicação de flumioxazin (25 e 40 g ha-1).


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a formação de cobertura vegetal por Brachiaria brizantha e B. decumbens, bem como as interações entre as coberturas vegetais, as dosagens do herbicida glifosato e a aplicação da mistura fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen, no manejo das plantas daninhas e na produção da soja MG/BR 46 - Conquista em sistema plantio direto. Utilizou-se delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, num esquema de parcelas subsubdivididas, com quatro repetições. Testaram-se duas espécies de braquiária (B. brizantha e B. decumbens), duas dosagens do herbicida glifosato (1,44 e 2,16 kg e.a. ha-1) e duas dosagens da mistura fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen (0 e 0,25 + 0,25 kg i.a. ha-1). Foram realizadas avaliações de matéria seca das coberturas, eficácia do glifosato, rebrote das coberturas, altura das plantas de soja, número de vagens, altura de inserção da primeira vagem, acamamento, dificuldade de colheita, massa de 100 grãos e produtividade. Concluiu-se que B. decumbens e B. brizantha proporcionaram adequada cobertura do solo durante todo o ciclo da cultura, que a dosagem de 1,44 kg e.a. ha-1 de glifosato foi suficiente para o controle das duas espécies de braquiária e que a produtividade da cultura da soja não foi alterada significativamente pela palhada das duas espécies estudadas nem pela dosagem do glifosato, enquanto a aplicação de fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen como controle complementar refletiu em maior produtividade e em menor dificuldade de colheita.


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Este estudo investigou a composição florística das plantas daninhas em área queimada durante três anos agrícolas. A pesquisa foi conduzida no município de Zé Doca, Maranhão. O preparo da área no primeiro ano agrícola (2006/2007) foi realizado com corte e queima da vegetação para o cultivo de milho seguido do feijão-caupi. No segundo e no terceiro ano agrícola, o preparo da área consistiu de aração para o cultivo do milho seguido de mandioca (2007/2008) e depois para o feijão-caupi em sucessão à cultura de mandioca (2008/2009). A coleta das plantas daninhas ocorreu nas culturas de feijão-caupi e mandioca aos 30 e 60 dias após a semeadura (DAS), no primeiro e no segundo ano agrícola, respectivamente, e no feijão-caupi aos 30 DAS do terceiro ano agrícola, com retângulo (0,5 x 0,3 m) lançado 10 vezes ao acaso na área cultivada. A cada lançamento, as plantas daninhas foram colhidas, para contagem, identificação, secagem e, assim, obter os índices fitossociológicos. O fogo reduziu a diversidade e o número das plantas daninhas. As espécies com maior valor de IVI foram Imperata brasiliensis, Sida glomerata e Corchorus argutus, após o fogo na cultura do feijãocaupi; e Juncus sp., Spermacoce verticillata, Aeschynomene americana e Cyperus sp., após preparo da área com aração nas culturas de mandioca e feijão-caupi. As plantas de capoeira ocorreram depois da queima, porém sua importância foi reduzida com o passar do tempo.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar os aspectos biológicos de A. gossypii em três cultivares de algodoeiro e em três espécies de plantas daninhas. O experimento foi conduzido no Laboratório de Controle Biológico, sob condições controladas de temperatura (25 ± 1ºC), umidade relativa do ar (70 ± 10%) e fotofase (12 horas). Foram utilizados seis tratamentos, correspondendo às cultivares de algodoeiro CNPA ITA 90, Coodetec 402 e Deltaopal e espécies de plantas daninhas: guanxuma (Sida santaremnensis), malva-preta (Sidastrum micranthum) e trapoeraba (Commelina benghalensis). As unidades experimentais (25 repetições) consistiram de placas de Petri contendo ágar-água a 1% solidificado. Nestas placas, os ofídeos foram mantidos individualmente sobre discos foliares (3cm de diâmetro) de seus respectivos tratamentos. Os menores valores, em dias, para a fase ninfal foram obtidos em CNPA ITA 90 (4,39 ± 0,74), Deltaopal (4,45 ± 0,75), Coodetec 402 (4,47 ± 0,75) e trapoeraba (4,75 ± 0,80). O período reprodutivo e a longevidade dos adultos variaram de 8,21 ± 0,85 a 15,52 ± 0,93 e 11,09 ± 0,97 a 24,33 ± 1,59 dias, respectivamente, sobre guanxuma e Deltaopal. As cultivares de algodoeiro são mais favoráveis a A. gossypii que as plantas daninhas e na ausência de plantas de algodoeiro, as plantas daninhas guanxuma, trapoeraba e malva-preta são hospedeiros potenciais para manutenção da população de A. gossypii.


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This work aimed to study weed response to fusel oil rate applied at early and late post-emergence. The following species were studied at late and early post-emergence: Ipomoea hederifolia, Ipomoea quamoclit, Euphorbia heterophylla, Digitaria spp., Cenchrus echinatus and Panicum maximum.. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with six treatments and four replications. Fusel oil, an alcohol distillation byproduct, was applied at rates of 50, 125, 250, 375 and 500 L ha(-1), plus control without application. The plots were constituted by polyethylene containers with 3 L capacity, filled with topsoil land from a fallow area. Visual symptoms of intoxication were verified at 7 and 30 days after application (DAA) and dry weight at 30 DAA. The variables were submitted to variance analysis according to the design, adjusting the data to obtain the dose-response curve by polynomial regression. The studied species were susceptible only to the application of 500 L ha(-1) of fusel oil at early or late plant post-emergence. The species Digitaria spp. was susceptible and E. heterophylla tolerant to fusel oil applied at early post-emergence, while the other species were moderately tolerant. E. heterophylla was susceptible, Digitaria spp., C. echinatus and P. maximum moderately tolerant and I. hederifolia and I. quamoclit tolerant to fusel oil applied at late post-emergence.


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Regarding tropical forage plants, the specie Brachiaria ruziziensis are prominence for to be most acceptable for cattle when compared with others Brachiaria species, besides the excellent competitive ability with weeds. Then, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of Brachiaria ruziziensis density in intercropping with corn crop, about weeds control and weeds development in the crop-cattle integration system. The experiment was realized during the period between December/2007 to May/2008, in the experimental area of Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Piracicaba - SP. The treatment was composed in a factorial arrangement, by combination of four Brachiaria ruziziensis density (0, 10, 15 and 20 kg ha(-1)) and three weed species ((Ipomoea grandifolia, Digitaria horizontalis e Cenchrus echinatus), in intercropping with corn crop. The evaluations realized were: weed infestation (density m(-2)), the dry biomass (g plant(-1)) and leaf area (cm(2) plant(-1)). It was noted that Brachiaria ruziziensis reduced the all of weeds infestation evaluated. Also, it was checked that Digitaria horizontalis and Ipomoea grandifolia were the weeds with most difficult control.


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Two field trial were conducted in Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden x Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake crops at Três Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul State and Brotas, São Paulo State, Brazil, to evaluate the effects of weed control in strip of different width on the Eucalyptus plant growth. The experiments consisted of two groups treatments: group 1 - with constant width control strips being kept during the first 12 months, i.e., at 0, 25, 50, 100, 125 and 150cm on each side of the Eucalyptus row and, group 2: with increasing width control strips being adopted along the experimental period, i.e., at 25 to 150, 25-50-150, 50 to 150, 50-125-150, 100-125-150, 100 tot 150 and 125 to 150 cm on each side of the Eucalyptus row during the first 12 months. At 49 moths after planting it was verified that the Eucalyptus plants that had grown both in the constant and increasing width control strips, equal to or higher than 100 and 50 cm, respectively, showed higher steam diameter, plant height, volume and annual increment average of wood. These results led to the conclusion that the minimum control strip width should be 100 cm on each side of the Eucalyptus row in order to keep the crop free of weed interference.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different periods of rainfall that occurred after the application of the imazapyr herbicide on the control efficiency of Pistia stratiotes and Eichhornia crassipes. We studied 10 mm rainfall, applied for 5' at different time periods (0h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h, 24h, not simulated rainfall) after the application of imazapyr formulation Arsenal NA, 250 g ai ha -1 (1.0 L cp ha -1). The experiment had completely randomized design with four replications. Plants were evaluated at 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days after application (DAA), and the results submitted to analysis of variance by F test and treatment means compared by Tukey's test (p <0. 05). The occurrence of rainfall up to 6 hours after herbicide application, plants of P. stratiotes, negatively affected its efficiency and control; rainfall intervals over 8 hours had no effect in control. The occurrence of rainfall at all time intervals did not affect the control of E. crassipes plants.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the control in pre-emergence of the weeds brachiaria grass (Brachiaria decumbens) and goosegrass (Eleusine indica) in different depths in the ground, for the oxyfluorfen and isoxaflutole herbicides, applied in pre-emergence condition and submitted of different rain blades. The experimental design was entirely at random, with four repetitions. Each set was consisted of plastic vases with substratum capacity of 4L, filled with arenaceous ground, increased of brachiaria grass and goosegrass seeds in the depths: 0,5; 1,0; 3,0; 6,0 and 9,0 cm. Doses of 37,5 g a.i. ha -1 of isoxaflutole and 720 g a.i. ha -1 of oxyfluorfen were used. The rain blades was 5, 10 and 20 mm applied with a stationary rain simulator, beyond a treatment without rain. Visual evaluations of control at 7 and 14 days had been carried through after application of the herbicides, counting of germinated plants and dry biomass of plants without application. The development of both weeds was inhibited by herbicides, reaching 100% of control, in all depth levels. The different rain blades had not influenced the control of the weeds. In the biggest depth of sowing (9,0 cm), the emergence was above 45% to B. decumbens and 36% to E. indica in treatments without herbicides application.


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This research work aimed to determine the total period of interference of weeds prevention of lettuce cultivar Solaris. The experiment was conducted in Universidade Estadual de Londrina, in the period of autumn/ winter of 2008. The lettuce crop remained free from weed interference from emergence up to 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 e 60 days. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. The weed community was composed by Bidens pilosa, Amaranthus hybridus, Oxalis corniculata, Euphorbia heterophylla, Spinacia oleracea, Commelina benghalensis e Lepidium virginicum. It was determined dry and fresh matter of weeds, and number of lettuce leaves. Assuming a tolerance of 5% for crop production decrease, it was verified that the total period of interference prevention (TPIP) occurred up to 21 days after transplanting. Weed interference throughout the crop cycle reduced 25% of its yield.


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The success in weed control by using straw depends on the management time, straw quality and quantity. The objective of this research was to evaluate the suppressor effect of black-oats and millet straw cover on the incidence of weeds and on the productivity of the soybean crop. The experiment was carried out during the years 2006 and 2007, in an area from the Farm of Education, Research and Production of FCAV-UNESP, Jaboticabal Campus, in a completely randomized block design, with four replications. Treatments consisted of different types of black oats and pearl millet straw management before soybean seeding (without management, obtained by machine cut, desiccated using glyphosate desiccation and with paraquat) and different periods of straw deposition (0, 15, 30 e 60 days before soybean seeding). The weed population and the characteristics of soybean growth and production were evaluated. The deposition of black oats and pearl millet straw provided reductions in weed density and dry mass, and this effect was more effective when the deposition occurred until 15 days prior to soybean seeding. The suppressor effect of black oats straw was more pronounced than that of pearl millet straw, regardless of the drying method, although the millet had a greater dry matter production. No significant differences were found between the drying methods and the straw effectiveness.


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This work was carried out to evaluate the effects of sugarcane straw density and positions of seeds of Euphorbia heterophylla, Mucuna cinereum, Digitaria nuda and Eleusine indica on emergence and initial development of plants. The experiment were arranged in a completely randomized design, with 15 treatments and four replications, in a factorial arrangement 3 x 5 with a additional control; the first factor was constituted by position of seeds related to the straw (under, between and on) and the second by five quantities of straw (1, 2, 4, 8 e 16 t ha -1) with a control without straw. At 15 days after sowing (DAS) it was realized evaluations of height, dry mass and emergence percentage for E. heterophylla and M. cinereum, and at 28 DAS it was analyzed dry mass and emergence percentage for D nuda e E. indica. Data obtained were submitted to F in variance analysis test and means were compared with Tukey at 5% probability. Emergence and initial development of E. heterophylla e M. cinereum were reduced with increasing of straw and were affected by seed position, but it was not inhibited in none of conditions, indicating aggressiveness of these weeds in sugarcane mechanized harvest conditions. D. nuda and E. indica emergence was not affected by seed position and coverage soil with 8 e 16 t ha -1 of sugarcane straw inhibited its emergence.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Common bean is an important crop in Brazil primarily because of its nutritional characteristics. Some agronomic practices, such as weed management, are fundamental to cultivation, as a means of obtaining a high crop yield. However, some studies have shown that weed management may alter the function of the cultivar cycle. Thus, this study aimed at determining the optimal phenological stage in early-maturing common bean cultivars to perform the weed control without providing reductions in yield and seed quality. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 20 treatments and four replications, in a 2×2×5 (cultivars × types of weed control × periods of weed control) factorial scheme. The periods of weed control for both cultivars (Carioca Precoce and IPR-Colibri) consisted of full cycle weeded (control), weed control at the V4-3 stage (first three nodes on the main stem with trifoliate leaves), at the R5 stage (beginning of bloom) and at the R8 stage (appearance of pods) and full cycle unweeded (no weed control). The types of weed control used were chemical (fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen) and mechanical (hoe). The Carioca Precoce cultivar demonstrated higher agronomic performance and yield than the IPR-Colibri cultivar, although the IPR-Colibri seeds had a higher vigor. The type of weed control (chemical or mechanical) did not affect the agronomic characteristics, yield and seed physiological potential of the cultivars. The ideal period for weed control in early-maturing common bean cultivars to obtain a higher yield and seed physiological potential was observed at the V4-3 phenological stage.