119 resultados para estudo econômico
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A partir de uma revisão sistemática de literatura recente sobre o universo do empreendedorismo por meio de empresas nascentes na área do jornalismo, o trabalho procura caracterizar esse nosso ecossistema econômico e identificar oportunidades para o lançamento de novos produtos e serviços informativos em plataformas digitais. Paralelamente, são mapeados três casos específicos de startups brasileira do setor e avaliados os principais motivos que levaram ao seu sucesso ou fracasso, conforme as estratégias e modelos de negócio adotados. Com base em entrevistas realizadas com gestores, o trabalho examina fatores críticos para o sucesso ou o fracasso desses empreendimentos, discutindo, por fim, alguns dos motivos específicos que levam parte dessas operações a encerrarem suas atividades ou alterarem suas estratégias de negócio precocemente
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A competição nos mercados, o fácil acesso a informação tornou a estratégia, nas últimas décadas, um campo de estudos e de essencial importância para o crescimento e desenvolvimento das companhias, um aliado para a empresa se diferenciar no mercado, conseguindo destaque e atingir seus objetivos, minimizando riscos. Esse artigo tem como objetivo, demonstrar duas correntes de formulação estratégica, sendo uma teoria do Posicionamento, tendo como principal mentor Michael Porter, e a segunda a teoria do Planejamento, sendo Chiavenato como principal autor. Após isso, será caracterizado o setor do Agronegócio brasileiro, que possui um papel fundamental no cenário econômico nacional, que irá subsidiar a análise estratégica e estudo de caso da empresa JBS S.A. O objetivo final é entender o processo estratégico da empresa e caracteriza-lo de acordo com as teorias apresentadas
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
The availability of the electrical energy, in sufficient quantities and in competitive prices is a crucial factor to the economic development. The trade-in of the excess electrical energy produced in a system of cogeneration can be seen as an alternative to the creation of an additional source of revenues for ethanol power plants sector, besides contributing to the complementation of the Brazilian electrical headquarter with renewable sources. The objective of this study was to evaluate the economic feasibility of the implementation of a cogeneration electrical central using the excess of sugar cane bagasse and selling the excess of electrical energy with prices of the market. An ethanol power plant located in the state of Sao Paulo was used to this study. It was used the case study methodology, evaluating the potential of the investment under the viewpoint of the Net Present Value (NPV), Payback and Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and complementing the results of the Accounting Results (AC). It was created three alternative scenarios to reflect the level of the risk of every studied situation: the most likely, an optimistic and a pessimistic, each one with its assumptions. The Monte Carlo Simulations was used to insert the elements of risk to each scenario. The results showed that the project is feasible in all NPV scenarios. And the Payback and IRR analysis confirmed these evidences. The valuation with the AR showed that the project is most risky at the pessimistic scenario, but is feasibly in the most likely and the optimistic scenarios. It was concluded that the project is economic viable. However, the economic viability shown in the results is based on the maintenance of the future prices on the levels of the historical prices used in the analysis.
Aimed at satisfying a market niche, organic coffee production is a competitiveness-oriented system because it has less input costs and higher income. This study estimates the system’s economic efficiency, using production costs end gross income as economic input and output. This model was designed from original survey data, reported by a sample of producers in different stages of production, which enabled the development of average technical coefficients. Results show that annual gross income exceeds operating costs by 21%, pointing therefore to an economically efficient system.
The knowledge of the soil occupation as for his nature, location, occurrence form, changes happened in certain periods, they are valuable for the programming of activities that you seek to the development agricultural, economical and social of the area. This work aimed at to identify and to quantify the soil occupation of Stream Petiço Watershed - Botucatu (SP), through the Geographical Information System IDRISI and data of sensor Landsat 5 TM of 09/06/97 and 23/08/2013. For the analysis of the results it was verified that the eucalyptus culture, due to existence of great reforestation companies in the watershed, together with the native forests they are predominant in the study area, the remaining of the area is occupied by pastures and soil prepared for the planting of agricultural cultures.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
This paper shows a technical-economic analysis of the substitution of raw material machined metal parts for a forged preform. At the end, it shows that the economic gain by the machining process substitution for a forged preform is significant for the samples analysed
The intended purpose of this paper is to present the main aspects of natural gas applied to the public transportation as well as the environmental, economical and technical impacts in this sector. Also it is given specific information to be considered when comparing natural gas to other fuels, specially the diesel. At this point is presented the types of internal combustion engines (Otto and Diesel cycle) and which type is used in each vehicle. Moreover, it is presented the main standards pollutant emission (Euro, US and Proconve) with a brief explanation of the tests made in order to approve the engines. This paper is focused on heavy duty vehicles. Also in this paper is exposed the economic impact due to the natural gas use in the public transportation fleet. In addition is presented a real case (of Berlin) and an estimative to a Brazilian city, presenting the potential of natural gas as vehicular fuel in Brazil, as well as financial and environmental aspects of the substitution
The automobile industry has a growing importance in the Brazilian economic environment. The industry moves a huge chain that encompasses manufacturers, suppliers of raw materials, auto parts dealers, gas stations, insurance companies, repair shops, tire stores, media companies, advertising agencies, among others. Because of this importance in the current economic environment in Brazil, the federal government, through Law No. 12715 of 17 December 2012 established a Program for the Promotion of Innovation and Densification in the Productive Chain of Motor Vehicles called INOVAR-AUTO in order to support technological development, innovation, safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and quality of cars, trucks, buses and auto parts. The specific purpose of this study, a simulation for discussion of the viability of the program implementation using the Monte Carlo Simulation combined with the Cash-Flow-at-Risk was performed. To this end, an exploratory and documentary literature on the subject was held as well as a case study in a automobile company of Japanese origin
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA