182 resultados para colonies of immigrants newspapers


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este trabalho tem como objetivos verificar as áreas de cria e alimento e a longevidade de operárias em colmeias de Apis mellifera, em apicultura fixa (mata) e migratória (laranja e eucalipto), sem (T1) e com (T2) tela excluidora de rainha. Foram utilizadas colmeias modelo Langstroth, com sobrecaixa. Na apicultura fixa, estas colmeias foram analisadas durante 476 dias e mapeadas a cada 30 a 45 dias para obtenção das áreas de cria e alimento. Na migratória, as colmeias foram analisadas antes e após a florada. Foi estudada também a longevidade das operárias, nos dois tratamentos. Os dados mostraram que em fluxo baixo de néctar (apicultura fixa, em mata), o uso de tela excluidora apresentou maior eficiência na separação do mel das crias. Entretanto, quando o fluxo de néctar foi alto (floradas de laranja e eucalipto), a tela excluidora não foi eficiente, pois as abelhas rapidamente preencheram os favos disponíveis no ninho inferior, misturando-o com cria. Observou-se também redução na longevidade das operárias das colmeias com tela excluidora, em dois dos três testes realizados. Este trabalho, desenvolvido em três locais diferentes, com plantas apícolas distintas evidenciou também a variabilidade e a grande influência ambiental no desenvolvimento das colônias de Apis mellifera.


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A ocorrência da doença apícola cria giz, em colônias de abelhas Apis mellifera no apiário do Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), RS, Brasil, foi constatada em 2004. Foram coletadas amostras de crias de abelhas duras e mumificadas em favos falhados nas colônias com pequena população. Essas amostras foram analisadas no Laboratório de Fitopatologia do Departamento de Defesa Fitossanitária da UFSM, onde se observou a presença de estruturas fúngicas com formação típica do fungo Ascosphaera apis, conhecido como causador da doença cria giz. Até então não existiam notificações da presença dessa doença na região central do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, o que pode caracterizar um avanço dessa enfermidade para o interior, a partir de regiões próximas à fronteira com o Uruguai e a Argentina.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Esse artigo tem por objetivo apresentar e discutir aspectos de interesse sanitário no processo de imigração estrangeira para o estado de São Paulo, na primeira década após a proclamação da República. Objetiva também apresentar as relações da imigração com a formação dos serviços sanitários estaduais e com a elaboração do modelo tecno-assistencial por eles adotado a partir da década de 1890. Num momento em que a febre amarela era a mais freqüente e letal das epidemias que afetavam o estado, matando principalmente os estrangeiros, a defesa do fluxo migratório foi um dos fios condutores das ações em saúde pública. A combinação entre os interesses da cafeicultura, a expansão ferroviária, imigração e febre amarela definiu os rumos da ação sanitária promovida pelas oligarquias no poder nesse período em São Paulo. A organização autoritária do Estado brasileiro não dava espaço à implantação de ações individuais de assistência à saúde. Sempre reivindicada pela população urbana e rural, somente com o desenvolvimento da medicina previdenciária no país, na década de 1930, difundiram-se as ações de assistência individual à saúde.


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This study describes and quantifies the behavioural acts of two laboratory colonies of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus by investigating worker age polyethism. Twenty-nine behavioural acts were recorded during the 19-week observation period. Young individuals performed tasks inside the nest related to brood care and care for the fungus garden, whereas older individuals performed activities outside the nest such as foraging and activities in the waste chamber. The average longevity (+/- SD) was 108.21 +/- 3.30, 109.15 +/- 1.92 and 122.71 +/- 1.55 days for large, medium and small workers, respectively. The small-sized workers presented a higher probability of reaching older age than large- and medium-sized workers. This study describes task switching according to age polyethism and the relationship of physical and temporal subcastes.


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The first case of interference competition through soil dumping in South America is documented between Ectatomma quadridens and Pheidole fallax in Amazonian forest clearings. Workers of the diurnally active E. quadridens arrive at nests of P. fallax at dawn, and begin to fill up nest entrances with soil. During the day, E. quadridens workers remain stationary on the closed nest of P. fallax, and fill soil at the first signs of nest openings. Colonies of P. fallax distant from E. quadridens nests are active for 24 hrs; those near E. quadridens nests are limited for foraging nocturnally after opening nest entrances. This pattern was not found between heterospecific colonies at greater distances from the camp midden, according with the prediction that interference competition is more probable as resources become more concentrated. Colonies of P. fallax near E. quadridens nests located near the camp midden had a net forage intake of 60% of those located in areas without E. quadridens. -Author


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Non-allometric and clear-cut caste dimorphism were found in two colonies of the social wasp Agelaia vicina. Such type of allometry was previously recorded in the Epiponini and its origin is pre-imaginally determined as in the other analysed species which present caste dimorphism. Multivariate analyses evidenced that the most intercastes discriminant characters were found in the metasoma and mesosoma while head differences were slight. Although queens were characterized by marked ovary development and insemination, the presence of some uninseminated queens was detected in one of the analysed colonies.


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Ants suffer a strong environmental influence and are sometimes conditioned for many social activities. To understand better this phenomenon in leaf-cutting ants, 24 colonies of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were conditioned for 2 months with 6 different plants (Citrus spp., Ligustrum spp., Acalypha spp., Eucalyptus spp., Alchornea triplinervia, Melia spp.), to verify alimentary preconditioning in plant selection. After the conditioning period, plants were offered simultaneously, to evaluate the acceptability of each plant species. During foraging, the workers did not exhibit alimentary source fidelity, which was familiarized. This fact suggests the absence of alimentary preconditioning, reinforcing the polyphagic foraging behavior of leaf-cutting ants.


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The dentifrices currently available in the marketplace contain many anticariogenic substances, fluoride and abrasives aimed to better clean the dental surface, remove dental plaque, improve salivary flow and its buffer capacity and reduce colonies of bacteria such as S. mutans, the causative agent of dental caries. The objective of this study was to evaluate the possibility of adequately removing dental plaque using an experimental almond oil dentifrice (Titoil) with no abrasives or antiplaque agents. This study was carried out with 80 volunteers, all of them 18-year-old recruits from the military training school of Araçatuba -- SP. Saliva sampling and dental plaque disclosing were undertaken both before and after 28 days of toothbrushing with a low abrasive dentifrice (Group 1: 40 volunteers) or with Titoil (Group 2: 40 volunteers). Statistical analysis of the results revealed that the experimental dentifrice (Titoil) did not interfere with salivary flow and reduced dental plaque more than the low abrasive dentifrice, improved the salivary buffer capacity and decreased salivary S. mutans (Caritest-SM) as much as regular dentifrices. It was concluded that if the dental industry replaces abrasive by vegetable oil in dentifrices, these will be more effective in maintaining oral health and will cause less dental abrasion.


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From September 2000 to January 2001, airborne fungi were isolated from the building of the Clinical Analyses laboratories, including its didactic and research rooms, in Araraquara São Paulo State, Brazil, by using Andersen, MAS-100® (MERCK) machine, with Sabouraud chloramphenicol medium. After 5 days of incubation at 25°C, the colonies of the fungi were counted, resulting in the identification of 21 taxa. Cladophialophora spp. was the most isolated in internal and external environments as well, followed by Penicillium spp. and Mycelia spp. In accordance with the resolution n° 9, January 2003 (ANVISA), fungi considered unacceptable were found in nine internal environments and one of these presented the amount of fungi above of the acceptable limit. Among the obtained fungi, at least 16 taxa were reported as opportunistic, nine were related to plant diseases and seven were associated to allergy problems.


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The aim of this trial was to detect the agent that causes high mortality of chickens in a farm in the south of Maranhão, Brazil, as well as determining the infection source. Necropsy of the chickens was done and carried through bacteriological analyses of liver, intracardiac blood and chicken food. The samples taken from the heart blood, liver and initial chicken feed had presented characteristic colonies of Salmonella. These colonies had been submitted to the biochemical and serologic tests for evidence of the patogenicity. Salmonelosis is considered an important disease in the poultry keeping and can cause serious ambient and economic losses, beyond the problem of public health. This paper stands out the importance of a good sanitary handling and programs of control and prevention of illnesses in the animal breeding.