125 resultados para canines


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Upper canines impaction are considered the second most frequent and are associated to important esthetics and functional limitations. Among the treatment strategies described in the literature the most commonly used are the extraction of the primary canines and the surgical exposure followed by orthodontic traction, that requires an adequate interdisciplinary approach. The aim of this case report is to draw the attention of the clinician to the possibility of adapting the segmented arch technique to manage a canine impaction clinical case.


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The mandibular and maxillary canines when well positioned in the arch, are important functionally and aesthetically. Although these teeth are frequently malpositioned in the dental arch, their absence of eruption are not common, occuring more frequently with the maxillary canine than the mandibular canine. The canine transmigration is a well-known pre eruptive phenomenon in which the tooth goes thru the facial midline, occurring more frequently in the mandible than in maxila. Females are more susceptible than males and the right side more than the left one. Normally the patients do not show any symptoms, and this condition is observed during radiographic exams to diagnose the late exfoliation of the deciduous canine or for any other purpose. Due to the relationship between impacted canines and pathologic lesions, infection, trauma to the adjacent teeth, pain, ectopic eruption and interference with prosthesis, it´s indicated the surgical extraction of these teeth. The goal of this article is to describe and discuss the surgical treatment of an impacted canine (43) in the chin.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) is a rare disease of genetic etiology. The most frequent form is of recessive linked to X-chromosome inheritance with affected male and female carriers. It can occur through autosomal mutations, of the gene EDA1 gene being responsible for the majority of the cases. It is characterized by the triad: hypohidrosis, oligodontia and hypotrichosis. We present two cases of patients with HED in which we observed characteristic signs of this syndrome: delicate skin, sparce hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, periorbital wrinkles, perioral and periorbital hyperpigmentation, prominent lips, in addition the patient in case 2 also present the depressed nasal bridge. We also found decreased salivary and lacrimal secretion and maxillary hypoplasia in both cases. At the oral examination in case 1 the upper right and left deciduous canines and lower right deciduous canine were present, and in case 2 the upper and lower (right and left) deciduous canines and two upper (one right and other left) permanent incisors were present with altered morphology, all of these dental elements were healthy. The early dental treatment of patients with HED, especially in the presence of oligodontia, as observed in our cases, is important not only to provide a better quality of life for these patients in the short term, but also an attempt to minimize the changes in facial growth to which these patients are subject.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the apical leakage after the apical re-preparation and replacement of the principal gutta-percha point plus endodontic sealer (Sealer 26TM). Sixty extracted human canines were prepared by using a step back technique up to size 50 K type file apically. At each change of instrument the canals were irrigated with distilled water. After that step, the external surface roots were coated and subdivided into six groups with ten roots each: I – single gutta percha point technique; II – lateral condensation and III – hybrid technique. The IV, V and VI groups were similar to others groups but after to place the principal gutta percha point, it was removed, re-prepared up to size 60K file and in sequence replaced the principal gutta percha point and the root canal filling finished. The specimens were immersed in 2% Rhodamine BTM for 7 days at 37 oC. The apical leakage was measured by Image ToolsTM program. With Kruskal Wallis test statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the techniques (p > 0.05).


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The knowledge of Forensic Anthropology is very importance in cases of identification of human remains. One phase of this process is the study of human height, which can be accomplished with relative ease when intact corpses, complete skeletons or long bones are available. However, the experience of Forensic Dentistry is essential in situations in which there is only information of the skull or of the teeth. The objective of this study was to review in the literature and evaluate works concerning the estimate of the height calculated from dental dimensions. Carrea, in 1920, proposed the estimation of the probable height of an individual by developing formulas for maximum and minimum heights from measurements of the lower central and lateral incisors and canines. The method was used in the case "Josef Mengele", to complement estimates. Tested in the Brazilian population, 70% of match between the actual and the estimated stature were obtained. Using more precise instruments, in the modified method, 96% of correct matching were verified. Recently, a new formula was introduced to estimate height, from measurements of upper teeth, because the technique cannot be used when jaw is not available. The correlation between height and dental dimensions is demonstrated. However, there is still a lack in scientific literature in this field, and further studies are necessary. The estimate of height from dental dimensions can be very useful and important, especially in situations where the complete skeleton it not found, and long bones are not available.


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To evaluate the effectiveness of isopropyl alcohol, saline or distilled water to prevent the precipitate formed between sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and chlorhexidine (CHX) and its effect on the bond strength of an epoxy-based sealer in radicular dentine. Methodology The root canals of 50 extracted human canines (n = 10) were instrumented. In G1, root canals were irrigated with 17% EDTA and 2.5% NaOCl; G2, as G1, except that 2% CHX was used as the final irrigant. In the other groups, intermediate flushes with isopropyl alcohol (G3), saline (G4) or distilled water (G5) were used between NaOCl and CHX. The specimens were submitted to SEM analysis to evaluate the presence of debris and smear layer, in the apical and cervical segments. In sequence, fifty extracted human canines were distributed into five groups (n = 10), similar to the SEM study. After root filling, the roots were sectioned transversally to obtain dentine slices, in the cervical, middle and apical thirds. The root filling was submitted to a push-out bond strength test using an electromechanical testing machine. Statistical analysis was performed using Kruskal–Wallis and Dunn's tests (α = 5%). Results All groups had similar amounts of residue precipitated on the canal walls (P > 0.05). The push-out bond strength values were similar for all groups, independently of the root third evaluated (P > 0.05). Conclusions Isopropyl alcohol, saline and distilled water failed to prevent the precipitation of residues on canal walls following the use of NaOCl and CHX. The residues did not interfere with the push-out bond strength of the root filling.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Disposição construtiva aplicada em contenção ortodôntica. Patente de modelo de utilidade para uma disposição construtiva aplicada em contenção ortodôntica, compreendida por ser do tipo 3x3, com encaixe do tipo "macho-fêmea", sendo que na base da "fêmea" (1) são procedidas retenções (2) mecânicas para fixação por meio de colagem na face lingual dos caninos (3) inferiores, com resina composta, de modo que no interior da "fêmea" (1) é provido um orifício (4) para o encaixe do "macho" (5) e, no centro da cavidade é provido um anel (6) elástico que se encaixa precisamente numa canaleta feita no pino (7) de encaixe do "macho" (5), sendo que, na extremidade dos "machos" (5) podem existir prolongamentos (8) metálicos para retenção de acrílico (9) ou então meios de encaixe para soldagem de um fio metálico (10) espesso, que contorna a face lingual dos dentes (11); inferiores anteriores, de modo que, quando se optar pela retenção em acrilico (9), um fio metálico (10) mais delgado é soldado no terminal de encaixe do "macho" (5) e logo após, o fio (10) e o terminal são recobertos por acrilico (9), sendo que os "machos" (5) poderão ter angulações nos braços (12) de encaixes.


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ObjectiveTo study the buccal dimensional tissue changes at oral implants following free gingival grafting, with or without including the keratin layer, performed at the time of implant installation into alveolar mucosa.Material and methodsThe mandibular premolars and first molars were extracted bilaterally in six Beagle dogs. In the right side of the mandible (Test), flaps were first elevated, and the buccal as well as part of the lingual masticatory mucosa was removed. An incision of the periosteum at the buccal aspect was performed to allow the flap to be coronally repositioned. Primary wound closure was obtained. In the left side, the masticatory (keratinized) mucosa was left in situ, and no sutures were applied (Control). After 3months of healing, absence of keratinized mucosa was confirmed at the test sites. Two recipient sites were prepared at each side of the mandible in the region of the third and fourth premolars. All implants were installed with the shoulder placed flush with the buccal alveolar bony crest, and abutments were connected to allow a non-submerged healing. Two free gingival mucosal grafts were harvested from the buccal region of the maxillary canines. One graft was left intact (gingival mucosal graft), while for the second, the epithelial layer was removed (gingival connective tissue graft). Subsequently, the grafts were fixed around the test implants in position of the third and fourth premolars, respectively. After 3months, the animals were euthanized and ground sections obtained.ResultsSimilar bony crest resorption and coronal extension of osseointegration were found at test and control sites. Moreover, similar dimensions of the peri-implant soft tissues were obtained at test and control sites.ConclusionsThe increase in the alveolar mucosal thickness by means of a gingival graft affected the peri-implant marginal bone resorption and soft tissue recession around implants. This resulted in outcomes that were similar to those at implants surrounded by masticatory mucosa, indicating that gingival grafting in the absence of keratinized mucosa around implants may reduce the resorption of the marginal crest and soft tissue recession.


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The tooth eruption have been studied for many years about the knowledge of its variations. From these variations the difference between the eruption of the superior and inferior archs, and also the right and left sides have been poorly analysed. The author compared the alveolar eruption of the permanents canines, first and second premolars between the right and left sides of the superior and inferior archs, from 7 and 11 years of age, in males and females, by radiographic method. By the Discipline of Radiology of the Diagnosis and surgery Departament of the School of Dentistry of São José dos Campos - UNESP, observed that: there is early eruption in female; the alveolar eruption sequence in maxillar and mandibular was: first premolar, second premolar e canino. There wasn't statiscally significant difference of the alveolar eruption between the right and left sides of maxillar and mandibular archs