385 resultados para Weight Gain


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de fontes e níveis de tanino em rações para tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus), durante a engorda, sobre o desempenho produtivo e deposição lipídica corporal. Foram utilizados 342 peixes, distribuídos em 18 tanques. As rações foram preparadas com milho, variedades de sorgo com baixo e alto teor de tanino, e com ácido tânico a 0,08, 0,34, e 0,60%. Ganho de peso, conversão alimentar aparente e taxa de eficiência protéica não foram influenciados pelos tratamentos. A maior deposição lipídica corporal foi observada nas dietas com ácido tânico (14,39%); a dieta de sorgo com alto teor de tanino resultou em carcaças mais magras (12,01%) do que as de sorgo com baixo teor de tanino (13,31%). Dietas com sorgo proporcionaram menores teores de gordura visceral. A presença de tanino nas rações não prejudicou o desempenho produtivo da tilápia-do-nilo.


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This study evaluated the effect of different probiotics and prebiotics on the performance of broilers. One-day-old male broiler chicks from the Cobb strain (n=1,260) were randomly distributed in a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, considering 3 probiotics and 3 prebiotics sources. Nine treatments with 4 repetitions and 35 birds per parcel were used. The results showed that there was no influence of treatment on feed intake at the different rearing phases. Better weight gain (p<0.05) was seen when diet was supplemented with the phosphorylated mannanoligosaccharide-based prebiotic (MOS) compared to diets without prebiotics. Feed conversion of birds fed diets with probiotics and prebiotics was better than feed conversion of birds not receiving such additives. Such better results were seen in the initial period (1 to 21 days), but not in the following period (1 to 35 days) or in the total period (1 to 42 days). Better rearing viability was seen when MOS was used together with organic acidifier when compared to the diets without prebiotic. Viability was worst when no prebiotics or probiotics were used. It was concluded that beneficial effects were seen in performance of birds at 21 days when the growth promoters were used, but not at 42 days of age. Nevertheless, there was better growth viability at 42 days of age when growth promoters were added.


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The present study evaluated the effect of different probiotics on the performance of broiler chickens. A thousand and fifty one-day-old male Cobb chicks were distributed in a completely randomized design in a 3 x 2 + 1 factorial arrangement (3 probiotics sources in the diet, 2 probiotics concentrations in drinking water and 1 control group), with 5 repetitions of 30 birds per parcel. The results showed better feed conversion (p<0.01) (1-21, 22-35 and 1-45 days) and weight gain (p<0.05) (22-35 and 1-45 days) in the control group in relation to the groups receiving probiotics. The use of Bacillus subtilis in the diet improved (p<0.05) feed conversion during the growing phase, but this was not seen in the following period. Thus, it was concluded that probiotics supplementation had no beneficial effects on the performance.


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This experiment was conducted to estimate the body composition and the composition of the weight gain of energy, protein, calcium and phosphorus of kid goals in the growing phase. Fifteen four-month-old male kid goats, average live weight of 20 kg and fed an isocaloric and isoproteic diet with an increased level of calcium, were used. The experimental period was 27 days. The animals were slaughtered to determine the body composition and estimate the body content of energy, protein, ether extract, calcium, and phosphorus. The average values for the body composition were, respectively: water, 64.88%; protein, 15.22%; ether extract 14.17%; energy, 2.40 Mcal/kg as fed; calcium, .79%; and phosphorus, .54%. The values for the composition of live weight gain for 18 and 26 kg of live weight were: protein, 168.15 and 183.12 g; ether extract 83.47 and 67.71 g; energy, 1.80 and 1.63 Mcal/kg as fed; calcium, 6995.36 and 6579.02 mg; and phosphorus, 5860.95 and 6427.16 mg, respectively.


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1. The objective of this study was to determine a metabolisable energy ( ME) requirement model for broiler breeder hens. The influence of temperature on ME requirements for maintenance was determined in experiments conducted in three environmental rooms with temperatures kept constant at 13, 21 and 30 degrees C using a comparative slaughter technique. The energy requirements for weight gain were determined based upon body energy content and efficiency of energy utilisation for weight gain. The energy requirements for egg production were determined on the basis of egg energy content and efficiency of energy deposition in the eggs.2. The following model was developed using these results: ME = kgW(0.75)(806.53 - 26.45T + 0.50T(2)) + 31.90G + 10.04EM, where kgW(0.75) is body weight (kg) raised to the power 0.75, T is temperature (degrees C), G is weight gain (g) and EM is egg mass (g).3. A feeding trial was conducted using 400 Hubbard Hi-Yield broiler breeder hens and 40 Peterson males from 31 to 46 weeks of age in order to compare use of the model with a recommended feeding programme for this strain of bird. The application of the model in breeder hens provided good productive and reproductive performance and better results in feed and energy conversion than in hens fed according to strain recommendation. In conclusion, the model evaluated predicted an ME intake which matched breeder hens' requirements.


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The feedlot performance of 30 post-weaning 3/4 Canchim 1/4 Nellore calves, with seven months of age and 208,8 kg of liveweight, was evaluated. Three different protein sources in isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets with 60:40 forage: concentrate ratio were used. The diets, fed ad libitum, constituted of corn silage, corn grain, mineral mix and a different protein source for each treatment: cottonseed meal, soybean meal and whole soybean. The weight gain, feed: gain ratio, dry matter and crude protein intake were evaluated for the growing (84 days) and fattening phases (84 days) and for the overall period. An economic study of young bulls production model was realized at the end of experimental period. Soybean meal based diet presented the best animal performance and provided R$ 51.30/head of net profit - the best economic result.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da Matricaria chamomila sobre o estresse de codornas japonesas na fase de recria (28 a 42 dias de idade). Foram utilizadas 192 codornas com 28 dias de idades, distribuídas em blocos casualizados e submetidas às dietas com 0, 250, 500 e 750mg de camomila/kg de ração, totalizando quatro tratamentos, com oito repetições e seis aves por parcela. Foram avaliados os parâmetros de desempenho (consumo diário de ração, conversão alimentar e ganho de peso), comportamentais (tempo em imobilidade tônica, ferimentos corporais e agressividade) e fisiológicos (concentração plasmática de corticosterona e relação heterófilo:linfócito). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a camomila adicionada na dieta não foi capaz de alterar os parâmetros de desempenho, bem como os de comportamento e fisiológicos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the characteristics of the sward canopy of Marandu grass during the rainy season, the wet-to-dry transition and the dry seasons, between March and September 2004, under intermittent grazing, and to correlate those characteristics with the performance of crossbred heifers receiving mineral supplements ad libitum or protein supplements. The experiment consisted of a randomized block design with three blocks (set of 13 paddocks), each containing five crossbred heifers per experimental unit, totaling 15 replicates. The heifers were given protein supplements daily in individual stalls and received an average 4 g/kg/day of the supplement during the rainy season and 5 g/kg/day during the dry season. Their weight gain was assessed monthly. The pasture structure was assessed through destructive sampling, and the bromatological composition of esophageal extrusa samples was also assessed. Analysis of variance was used to assess performance, and regression analysis was used to evaluate the sward canopy characteristics in relation to the months of the year. A cluster procedure was used to determine the similarity between the months of the year under assessment. Two different groups were formed for pasture evaluation: one group including the months of March to July and another group including the months of August and September. The first group exhibited a better canopy structure than the second group. This fact was corroborated by the animal performance, which was lower during the months of the second group. Low-intake protein supplementation was effective in increasing the performance of the grazing heifers. Pasture structure is critical for animal performance in a grazing environment, regardless of the type of supplementation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to assess the sward canopy structure of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pastures maintained in three grazing intensities under continuous stocking system during the rainy season, along with the behavior and performance of grazing beef heifers supplemented with mineral salt or an energy/protein supplement. Three levels of forage allowance were assessed: 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 kg of forage/kg of live weight, combined with two supplements (ad libitum mineral salt, and an energy/protein supplement at 0.3% of live weight/day, supplied daily). The experiment was designed as a randomized block study with two replications. The supplements did not influence the variables related to the canopy structure. Canopy height was greater at higher forage allowances during the late summer and early fall. Similarly, the stem mass was greater in pastures with higher forage allowances. Animals fed protein supplement spent less time grazing than animals supplemented with mineral salt. Stocking rate was higher in pastures with lower forage allowance levels, which increased the live weight gain per grazing area. Daily weight gain did not vary according to the forage allowance levels. The use of an energy/protein supplement did not affect the stocking rate; however, it increased individual live weight gain and live weight gain per grazing area compared with mineral salt supplementation. The use of energy/protein supplements is an efficient alternative to enhance animal performance and production under grazing systems during the rainy season


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Quarenta bovinos machos, com 30 meses de idade e 371 kg, foram distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos casualizado com esquema fatorial 3 x 3, para avaliar o desempenho e rendimento de carcaça quando alimentados com diferentes fontes protéicas (Amiferm, uréia e farelo de soja) e volumosos (pastagem de capim-braquiária, cana-de-açúcar e silagem de milho). As dietas foram balanceadas para conterem níveis semelhantes de em e PB. A interação volumoso x fonte de N não foi significativa para nenhum dos parâmetros estudados. O ganho de peso vivo diário (GPV/dia) dos animais alimentados com cana-de-açúcar (0,83 kg) não diferiu dos mantidos em pastagem (0,82 kg), mas ambos foram menores que dos animais alimentados com silagem de milho (1,09 kg). As diferentes fontes de N proporcionaram GPV/dia semelhantes, com valores de 0,94; 0,83 e 0,97 kg, para os animais que receberam uréia, Amiferm e farelo de soja, respectivamente. As dietas contendo farelo de soja proporcionaram maior ganho de carcaça diário (0,57 kg) em relação ao uso de Amiferm, não diferindo da uréia (0,55 kg). Não houve diferença entre volumosos e fontes nitrogenadas para rendimento de carcaça, rendimento de carcaça do corpo vazio, rendimento de carcaça do ganho de peso e espessura de gordura, com média de 51,03%, 54,49%, 60,10% e 8,5 mm, respectivamente. O uso de Amiferm proporcionou ganhos de peso e rendimento de carcaça semelhantes às demais fontes protéicas.


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Objetivou-se avaliar as equações para predição das exigências protéicas de matrizes pesadas em crescimento, desenvolvidas em estudos anteriores na Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias da UNESP, Jaboticabal, tendo como padrão de comparação as recomendações estabelecidas pelo manual de criação da linhagem. Foram utilizadas 288 matrizes pesadas da linhagem Hubbard Hy-Yield, com cinco semanas de idade, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos e seis repetições, sendo 24 aves por unidade experimental até 14 semanas e, de 15 a 20 semanas de idade, 20 aves por unidade experimental. Um tratamento foi representado pelas recomendações protéicas para a linhagem (testemunha) e o outro pelas seguintes equações de predição das exigências de proteína: de 5 a 8 semanas PB (g/ave/dia) = 2,02.P0,75+ 0,350.G, 9 a 14 semanas - PB = 2,02.P0,75 + 0,406.G e de 15 a 20 semanas PB = 2,02.P0,75 + 0,463.G, em que P é o peso corporal (kg) e G, o ganho de peso diário (g). Os resultados indicaram que as equações de predição para proteína, apesar de não comprometerem o peso ou a uniformidade corporal em relação ao tratamento testemunha, determinaram menor porcentagem de peito e maior de gordura abdominal e maior teor de gordura na carcaça, sendo atribuído à menor ingestão de proteína proporcionada pelas equações de predição e, conseqüentemente, deficiência em relação a alguns aminoácidos que não foram suplementados.


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O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar o desempenho de bovinos em confinamento alimentados com rações suplementadas com concentrados protéicos à base de farelo de algodão (AL), uréia (UR) ou amiréia (AM), tendo como volumoso silagem de milho. O confinamento teve duração de 80 dias. As rações foram compostas mantendo a proporção volumoso:concentrado no nível de 63:37, com aproximadamente 13% PB. Não se constataram diferenças quanto ao ganho de peso diário (GDP) durante o período experimental total entre os tratamentos AL, UR ou AM (1,14; 1,17; e 1,23 kg/anim. dia), ou na ingestão de MS em % PV (2,63; 2,60; e 2,60% PV), em g/kg0,75 dia (136,19; 134,74; e 134,81) ou kg/anim. dia (9,42; 9,35; e 9,40), respectivamente. Os valores de ingestão de PB foram de 1,28; 1,24; e 1,34 kg de PB/anim. dia e de 18,54; 17,86; e 19,24 g/kg0,75 dia para os tratamentos AL, UR ou AM, não diferindo entre si. Valores obtidos para conversão alimentar da matéria seca foram de 8,41; 8,01; e 7,67 kg MSI/kg GPD e para conversão protéica, 1,15; 1,06; e 1,09 kg PBI/kg GPD, respectivamente, para os tratamentos AL, UR e AM, que foram semelhantes.