149 resultados para Very Low Birth Weight


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The effects of partial urethral obstruction on the detrusor muscle of rabbit urinary bladder were investigated using stereological sampling and estimation tools. Twelve female Norfolk rabbits (2.5-3.0 kg body weight) were divided into four groups: 3, 7 and 12 weeks after surgical intervention to produce a standard partial obstruction and unobstructed controls. Following removal, bladder axes (craniocaudal, dorsoventral and laterolateral) and organ weights were recorded. Bladders were prepared for light microscopy by multistage random sampling procedures. Stereological methods were used to estimate the volume of muscle and the packing density and total number of myocyte nuclei in each bladder. We also estimated mean myocyte volume and the mean cross-sectional area and length of myocytes. Group comparisons were made by one-way analysis of variance. Changes in bladder axes were mainly laterolateral and craniocaudal. Mean bladder weight increased roughly six-fold by 3 weeks and 17-fold by 12 weeks and was accompanied, on average, by 12- and 33-fold increases in total muscle volume. These variables did not differ at 3 and 7 weeks post-obstruction. Increases in muscle content were not accompanied by changes in packing densities but were associated with increases in the total numbers of myocyte nuclei (13-fold by 3 weeks, 28-fold by 12 weeks). Mean myocyte volume did not vary significantly between groups but cells in obstructed groups were shorter and wider. These findings support the notion that partial outflow obstruction leads to an increase in the number, but not mean volume, of myocytes. If due solely to myocyte mitosis, the total of 43 x 10(8) cells found at 12 weeks could be generated by the original complement of 15 x 10(7) cells if an average of only 2.1 x 10(6) new cells was produced every hour. In reality, even this modest proliferation rate is unlikely to be achieved because myocyte proliferation rates are very low and it is possible that new myocytes can arise by differentiation of mesenchymal or other precursor cells.


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This study examined whether high-sucrose intake effects on lipid profile and oral glucose tolerance may be inhibited by a single administration of digitonin, a saponin from the seeds of Digitalis purpurea Male Wistar 24 rats were initially divided into two groups (n = 12): (C) was given standard chow and water; (S) received standard chow and 30% sucrose in its drinking water. After 30 days of treatments, C rats were divided into two groups (n = 6): (CC) given an intra-gastric dose 0.5 mL saline, (CD) given a single intragastric dose of 15 mg/kg digitonin. S rats were also divided into two groups (n = 6): (SC) given intra-gastric saline and (SD) given digitonin. Rats were sacrificed after the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) at 2 h after the digitonin administration. S rats had higher total energy intake and final body weight than C. SC rats had fasting hyperglycaemia and impaired OGTT. Digitonin in SD group improved the glucose tolerance. Triacylglycerol (TG), very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL-C) and free fatty acid (FFA) serum concentrations were increased in SD rats from CC. Digitonin in SD rats decreased FFA and led TG and VLDL-C concentrations at the levels observed in the CC group. Despite the enhanced cholesterol in CD group from CC., the high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C) was increased in these animals. HDL-C/TG ratio was higher in CD and SD than in CC and SC, respectively. No significant differences were observed in lipid hydroperoxide(LH) between the groups. VLDL-C/LH ratio and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) activity were increased in SC group and were decreased in SD rats from the SC. In conclusion digitonin enhanced glucose tolerance and had beneficial effects on serum lipids by improve antioxidant activity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The polysaccharide (VSP) from the gum exudate of quaruba (Vochysia lehmannii) had two components of almost identical M. centred at 24,800, as shown by HSPEC-MALLS. The presence of aggregates was shown since carboxy-reduction gave VSP-RED, which contained low molecular weight components with M-w 19,000 > 5800 and polydispersity ratios dn/dc 0.160 and 0.149, respectively. VSP formed low viscosity aqueous solutions and acid hydrolysis gave Man (30%), Ara (16%), Gal (10%), and Glc (14%). The latter arose partly from GlcA (30%). Methylation analysis revealed mainly neutral units of 2-O- (60%) and 2,3-di-O-substituted Manp (5%), and those of nomeducing ends (8%), 2-O- (3%), and 4-O-substituted Arap and/or 5-O-substituted Araf units (6%). VSP-RED contained Glc (45%), Man (35%), and Ara (13%) and methylation analysis indicated mainly 4-O-substituted Glcp (31%) and 2-O- (51%) and 2,3-di-O-substituted Manp units (5%). A predominant alternating structure for VSP was shown by its C-13 NMR spectrum, which contained 10 main signals and a small one of C-6 of GlcpA. This was confirmed by formation, on partial hydrolysis of VSP, of a tetrasaccharide, which was characterised by NMR spectroscopy and ESI-MS as beta-GlcpA-(1 --> 2)-alpha-Manp-(1 --> 4)-beta-GlcpA-(1 --> 2)-Man, which arose from the main chain, thus confirming VSP to be a glycoglucuronomannan. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A linearly tunable low-voltage CMOS transconductor featuring a new adaptative-bias mechanism that considerably improves the stability of the processed-signal common,mode voltage over the tuning range, critical for very-low voltage applications, is introduced. It embeds a feedback loop that holds input devices on triode region while boosting the output resistance. Analysis of the integrator frequency response gives an insight into the location of secondary poles and zeros as function of design parameters. A third-order low-pass Cauer filter employing the proposed transconductor was designed and integrated on a 0.8-mum n-well CMOS standard process. For a 1.8-V supply, filter characterization revealed f(p) = 0.93 MHz, f(s) = 1.82 MHz, A(min) = 44.08, dB, and A(max) = 0.64 dB at nominal tuning. Mined by a de voltage V-TUNE, the filter bandwidth was linearly adjusted at a rate of 11.48 kHz/mV over nearly one frequency decade. A maximum 13-mV deviation on the common-mode voltage at the filter output was measured over the interval 25 mV less than or equal to V-TUNE less than or equal to 200 mV. For V-out = 300 mV(pp) and V-TUNE = 100 mV, THD was -55.4 dB. Noise spectral density was 0.84 muV/Hz(1/2) @1 kHz and S/N = 41 dB @ V-out = 300 mV(pp) and 1-MHz bandwidth. Idle power consumption was 1.73 mW @V-TUNE = 100 mV. A tradeoff between dynamic range, bandwidth, power consumption, and chip area has then been achieved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A linearly-tunable ULV transconductor featuring excellent stability of the processed signal common-mode voltage upon tuning, critical for very-low voltage applications, is presented. Its employment to the synthesis of CMOS gm-C high-frequency and voiceband filters is discussed. SPICE data describe the filter characteristics. For a 1.3 V-supply, their nominal passband frequencies are 1.0 MHz and 3.78 KHz, respectively, with tuning rates of 12.52 KHz/mV and 0.16 KHz/m V, input-referred noise spectral density of 1.3 μV/Hz1/2 and 5.0μV/Hz1/2 and standby consumption of 0.87 mW and 11.8 μW. Large-signal distortion given by THD = 1% corresponds to a differential output-swing of 360 mVpp and 480 mVpp, respectively. Common-mode voltage deviation is less than 4 mV over tuning interval.


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Objective. To assess factors determining growth in a group of children between 3 months and 6 years old enrolled in a public municipal (i.e., government-supported, not private) day-care center, in comparison to a group of children with similar characteristics but who were not enrolled in the center. Methods. A quasi-experimental study was designed to observe 444 children aged 3 to 72 months from a low-income neighborhood in the city of Sorocaba, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Two groups were studied: 164 children enrolled in a local municipal day-care center (intervention group) and 280 not receiving care at the center (nonintervention, comparison group) but instead being cared for at home. Both groups were seen four times over a period of 16 months. At each observation session, the children's weight and height were measured. Information was also collected on the mother's sociodemographic characteristics and the illnesses she had suffered as well as the child's weight and other health characteristics at birth, the child's illnesses in the 15 days before each observation, and any hospitalizations. Results. The children in both groups were from low-income families, with 65% of the families having an average monthly income below US$ 100; 80% of the mothers had received 8 years of schooling or less. Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that at the first observation (just before enrollment in the day-care center), birth weight was the only factor that explained the nutritional differences between the two groups. Subsequent analyses showed that being in day care was the factor that best explained the differences between the groups, especially in terms of the adequacy of weight for age, after controlling for birthweight, sex, age at the beginning of the study, and illnesses in the 15 days before an observation session. The nutritional impact of the intervention was significant as early as 3 months after being enrolled in day care. Conclusions. The nutritional benefits of the care provided at the center outweighed the negative effects sometimes seen in such centers, such as the greater morbidity that children in day-care centers often experience in comparison to children receiving care at home.


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As a contribution towards detecting the genetic effects of low doses of genotoxic physical agents, this paper deals with the consequences of low-dose X-rays in the Aspergillus nidulans genome. The irradiation doses studied were those commonly used in dental clinics (1-5 cGy). Even very low doses promoted increased mitotic crossing-over frequencies in diploid strains heterozygous for several genetic markers including the ones involved in DNA repair and recombination mechanisms. Genetic markers of several heterozygous strains were individually analyzed disclosing that some markers were especially sensitive to the treatments. These markers should be chosen as bio-indicators in the homozygotization index assay to better detect the recombinogenic/ carcinogenic genomic effects of low-dose X-rays. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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The objective of the present study was to determine the presence of genotype by environment interaction (G × E) and to characterize the phenotypic plasticity of birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), postweaning weight gain (PWG) and yearling scrotal circumference (SC) in composite beef cattle using the reaction norms model with unknown covariate. The animals were born between 1995 and 2008 on 33 farms located throughout all Brazilian biomes between latitude -7 and -31, longitude -40 and -63. The contemporary group was chosen as the environmental descriptor, that is, the environmental covariate of the reaction norms. In general, higher estimates of direct heritability were observed in extreme favorable environments. The mean of direct heritability across the environmental gradient ranged from 0.05 to 0.51, 0.09 to 0.43, 0.01 to 0.43 and from 0.12 to 0.26 for BW, WW, PWG and SC, respectively. The variation in direct heritability observed indicates a different response to selection according to the environment in which the animals of the population are evaluated. The correlation between the level and slope of the reaction norm for BW and PWG was high, indicating that animals with higher average breeding values responded better to improvement in environmental conditions, a fact characterizing a scale of G × E. Low correlation between the intercept and slope was obtained for WW and SC, implying re-ranking of animals in different environments. Genetic variation exists in the sensitivity of animals to the environment, a fact that permits the selection of more plastic or robust genotypes in the population studied. Thus, the G × E is an important factor that should be considered in the genetic evaluation of the present population of composite beef cattle. © The Animal Consortium 2012.


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A total of 61,528 weight records from 22,246 Nellore animals born between 1984 and 2002 were used to compare different multiple-trait analysis methods for birth to mature weights. The following models were used: standard multivarite model (MV), five reduced-rank models fitting the first 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 genetic principal components, and five models using factor analysis with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 factors. Direct additive genetic random effects and residual effects were included in all models. In addition, maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects were included as random effects for birth and weaning weight. The models included contemporary group as fixed effect and age of animal at recording (except for birth weight) and age of dam at calving as linear and quadratic effects (for birth weight and weaning weight). The maternal genetic, maternal permanent environmental and residual (co)variance matrices were assumed to be full rank. According to model selection criteria, the model fitting the three first principal components (PC3) provided the best fit, without the need for factor analysis models. Similar estimates of phenotypic, direct additive and maternal genetic, maternal permanent environmental and residual (co)variances were obtained with models MV and PC3. Direct heritability ranged from 0.21 (birth weight) to 0.45 (weight at 6 years of age). The genetic and phenotypic correlations obtained with model PC3 were slightly higher than those estimated with model MV. In general, the reduced-rank model substantially decreased the number of parameters in the analyses without reducing the goodness-of-fit. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Twenty-five specimens of the freshwater red alga Compsopogon were collected from locations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australasia and Oceania, and from an aquarium, with the goal of determining genetic diversity among specimens and ascertaining the number of phylogenetic species. Specimens were morphologically identified as having either the 'caeruleus' morphology, with regular polyhedral cortical cells, or the 'leptoclados' morphology, with irregular cortical cells with rhizoidal outgrowths. The 'leptoclados' morphology has been used by some researchers to distinguish the genus Compsopogonopsis from Compsopogon, or at least to distinguish C. leptoclados from other Compsopogon species. Sequence data for the rbcL gene and cox1 barcoding region were obtained for most specimens. In addition, SSU and partial LSU (barcode) rDNA were explored for a few specimens, but all sequences were identical. For the 25 newly generated and eight previously published rbcL gene data, there were seven unique haplotypes, but the sequence divergence was very low (≤7 bp, ≤ 0.7%). One haplotype was widespread, represented by 21 specimens from diverse locations in all regions sampled. Likewise, the 22 new and one previously published cox1 barcode region sequences yielded seven unique haplotypes with little sequence divergence (≤13 bp, ≤ 2.0%). One haplotype was widespread, being shared among 16 specimens from all regions. The combined molecular and morphological data showed no genetic differentiation between the 'caeruleus' and 'leptoclados' morphologies. The ubiquitous distribution of Compsopogon in tropical/subtropical regions and its low genetic variation are probably facilitated by the alga's ability to tolerate a wide range of stream conditions and its propagation via asexual spores. Given the findings of previous culture-based studies, morphometric research and field observations, coupled with the results of our study, we conclude there is only a single monospecific genus worldwide and that the species is correctly called C. caeruleus, since this is the oldest validly published name; all other previously described species of Compsopogon and Compsopogonopsis are synonyms. © 2013 British Phycological Society.


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The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for growth traits in Somalis Brasileira hair sheep breed. The data used in this study were from the flock of Embrapa Caprinos and Ovinos, located in the city of Sobral - CE, Brazil. Data contained records of 1,120 animals in the pedigree file. The analyzed traits were birth weight (PN), weaning weight (PD), weight gain from birth to weaning (GND) and adult weight (PA). Estimates of (co)variances and genetic parameters were obtained by Derivative Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood Method (DFREML) using the MTDFREML software. The heritabilities were low to moderate in univariate analysis. The maternal heritabilities were higher than direct heritabilities. The heritabilities in multivariate analysis exceeded those in univariate analysis. The values of genetic correlations varied widely.