192 resultados para Transporte de resíduos


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In order to study the effect of gypsum, lime and the mixture of lime-gypsum, associated with syrup in the agricultural and industrial production and in the rooting of sugar-cane (Saccharum spp.), var. IAC 58-480, one experiment was carried out in soil Terra Roxa Estrutura. Sugar-cane was planted in November 1986, and the cane-plant harvesting in September 1988. Three successive harvests were collected.The experiment was set in a randomized block design with seven treatments and four replications .The treatments were: T1 - 1.2 ton/ha of lime; T2 - 0.8 ton/ha of lime + 0.4 ton/ha of gypsum; T3 - 0.6 ton/ha of lime + 0.6 ton/ha of gypsum; T4 - 0.4 ton/ha of lime + 0.8 ton/ha of gypsum; T5 - 1.2 ton/ha of gypsum; T6 - 2.4 ton/ha of gypsum; T7 - control. Syrup was applied at the amount of 45 m3/ha.In September 1990, after the third harvesting, the second application of the treatments was made, the gypsum being applied in amounts four times greater than those of that put into practice at the planting. During harvest, the following parameters were evaluated: number, length and average diameter of the stalks; yield; and probable sugar and theoretical alcohol production per hectare.The results showed that the second application of the treatments recuperated the crop. Greater yields were achieved when the gypsum was associated with lime or syrup.


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This paper supplies a revision about the main techniques of extraction, clean-up and pre-concentration of the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in water and soil samples, as well as chromatographic methods and immune assays for its identification and quantification.


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The use of oxygen to enrich the combustion air can be an attractive technique to increase capacity of an incinerator originally designed to operate with air. If incinerator parameters such as operation temperature, turbulence level and residence time are fixed for a certain fuel supply rate, it is possible to increase the residue consumption rate using enriched air. This paper presents the thermal analysis for operation with enriched air of an aqueous residue experimental incinerator. The auxiliary fuel was diesel oil. The theoretical results showed that there is a considerable increase in the incineration ratio up to approximately 50 % of O 2 in the oxidiser. The tendency was confirmed experimentally. Thermal analysis was demonstrated to be an important tool to predict possible incinerator capacity increase.


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Applying lime on the soil surface in soils managed under no-tillage has caused an excess of basic cations in the most superficial layers of the soil profile. On the other hand, subsoil acidity is considered a constraint to the development of deep plant roots. The objective of this study was to evaluate Ca 2+, Mg 2+, NO 3- and SO 4 2- leaching in the soil profile as affected by liming and top dressing nitrogen fertilization in cotton, grown with straw cover on the soil surface. Cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum) were grown for 60 days in PVC columns filled with a Distroferric Red Latosol (sand loam Rhodic Oxisol) with liming applied over the straw on the soil surface, incorporated liming 0-20 cm deep, or without liming. Nitrogen was applied at rates of 0, 50, 100 and 150 kg ha -1 as ammonium sulfate. The PVC columns were set up in layers of 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-30 cm, totaling 15.71 dm 3. The ammonium sulfate application caused intense leaching of SO 4 2- in the soil, irrespective of the lime application method. Liming increased the concentration of NO 3 in the 0-20 cm soil layer, whereas the correction of the soil acidity did not affect the NO 3- concentration in the 30-50 cm soil layer. The influence of ammonium sulfate on Ca 2+ leaching below 20 cm was only observed in the soil with incorporated lime. Nitrogen application resulted in extensive Mg 2+ leaching from the soil, regardless of the lime application method. In the soil layer below 30 cm, SO 4 2- presented a higher correlation than NO 3- in the formation of ionic pairs with Ca 2+ and Mg 2+.


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This work studied alterations of physical properties of a distroferric red nitosol due to millet (Pennisetum americanum) covering, with or without liming, in a no-tillage system during the agricultural years of 1999/2000 and 2000/2001, using soybean and corn as culture succession. 6m×10m plots, with and without millet as vegetal covering, received only one initial superficial application of limestone, 3.1 t ha-1 in the first half of each plot in order to obtain 70% base saturation (V), after the desiccation of the millet. Some physical properties as soil density, aggregate stability, > 2 mm aggregate proportion, macro and micro porosity were analyzed whereas the chemical analysis determined Ca and Mg macro nutrients, organic matter, soil pH and H+Al. Millet vegetal residues and surface liming did not alter soil density nor the average weight diameter (AWD), > 2 mm aggregate, soil macro porosity and organic matter content, twenty-four months after the no-tillage system implantation for studied experimental conditions. Soil micro porosity was significantly affected in layers deeper than 0.20 m, in treatment with millet and limestone. Calcium, magnesium and H + Al contents and the soil pH values suffered significant alterations in superficial layer, between 0-0.05 m.


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The effects of CO2 application through irrigation water, and of grafting in transport of 15N and in the tomato production, were studied. These treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial scheme (with and without CO2 in irrigation water and grafted and non-grafted tomato), in a completely randomized design, with four replications. The injection of CO2 into the water began at 34 days after transplant of seedlings (DAT) and continued for all irrigations. The application of the sulfate of ammonium with abundance in atoms of 15N of 3.13% in plants destined to analysis was done at 45 DAT when the plants were in the middle of fructification. After 14 days of fertilizer (15N) application the plants were harvested, washed, dried and sent for analysis of 15N in plant tissue. The results demonstrated that CO2 and the grafting did not alter the transport of 15N in the plant. The production of commercial fruits was larger when CO2 was applied in water.


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In this work results are presented of laboratory tests aiming to evaluate the possibility of using concrete wastes in manufactured soil-cement pressed bricks. Tests of characterization of used soil of the composite of this soil with concrete wastes and of the mixtures of soil cement made with this composite were evaluated. According to results of tests carried out with cylindrical specimens and with soil cement pressed bricks, it was verified that the addition of the concrete wastes improved soil cement mechanical properties, favoring the a reduction of the cement consumption, obtaining pressed bricks with a better quality.


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Composting has been a viable and efficient alternative treatment to agroindustrial waste. This experiment was installed with the objective of analyzing the process of composting for slaughterhouse waste. Twelve piles of composting were prepared, using slaughterhouse waste, wheat straw and wood sawdust. The process was evaluated by daily temperature monitoring, observations of the occurrence of undesirable parameters (bad smell and/or ammoniacal smell, grease formation and presence of grubs and flies), as well as the capacity of recycling nutrients. The undesirable parameters were observed, on average, for the first five days after pile building; the temperatures increased, reaching 70 °C; chemical composition of compost showed relevant contents of macro and micronutrients, a high recycling potential. Utilization of impermeable floor and roof are recommended during the composting. The turning frequency used (15 days after pile building followed by turning) was adequate. The best relation of weight was 7.2 kg of waste for each kg of straw and 16.6 kg of waste for each kg of sawdust.


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The incentive for consumption and production in large quantity in modern society generates enormous amounts of urban solid residues in the form of municipal solid waste (MSW). With the intention of reducing these residues of the municipal waste tips and to generate energy, briquettes with mixtures of MSW and residues of Eucalyptus grandis were produced. The briquettes were manufactured with 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25% of MSW in the mixture with wood waste and 12% of moisture content. The analyzed parameters used to choose the best treatments were combustion analysis versus ash content, mechanical strength and energy content. The briquettes up to 10% of MSW showed low resistance, and above 15% showed large increase in ash content. Therefore, the treatment that fulfilled the requirements for combustion versus ash content and mechanical resistance was of at least 15% of MSW, since the source of the ash is unidentified. Considering the net energy content, the best treatment was 25% of MSW, with 17,175 kJ kg-1. Nevertheless, it is strongly advised that further studies related to gas emissions are necessary.


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The residues generation is a quite serious problem in several industrial areas and also in the lumbering area. The search for the elimination or reduction of the volume of generated residues is endless, however limited, resulting in the search for a proper destination or better use, instead of simply burning it. A lot of uses and services are commonly proposed, but with low aggregated value to the residue. This work shows the usage viability of different discarded residues and wood composites in the production of an electric guitar. Cupiúba, ipê and jatobá residues have been used besides wood composites of pinus. The residues and wood composites have shown appropriate resistance, surfacing quality and design terms, and could be used to substitute the traditionally wood used in the production of the instrument as well as in other products of similar characteristics and with larger aggregated value.


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This paper evaluates the behavior of suspended sediment load of the river Ivaí over a period of 32 years measured by the station further downstream the river (Novo Porto Taquara). The most suitable parameters for this assessment were the annual discharge of suspended sediment and water obtained from SUDERSA. The relationship between the concentration of suspended sediment and discharge of water had not a very good correlation (R 2 = 0,56) and hysteresis effect is quite clear. The justification for this behavior is given by the heterogeneity of the hydrological regime and basin occupation. There were no significant changes in annual flows which have remained the same during the study period. Already the discharge of suspended sediment showed a small gradual decline in which the end of the period (2007), the river carries less than 0.65 Mton at the beginning (1977). This reduction in suspended sediment transported is probably due to changes in soil management for agriculture.


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This paper introduces an indirect estimate for the coefficients of distribution, hydrodynamic dispersion and retardation for contaminants commonly encountered in sanitary landfills and their liners, such as Cu2+ and K+; this estimate is based on the relationship between concentration and certain physical characteristics of typical Brazilian soils. The results of previous studies investigating the migration of contaminants were used to develop mathematical expressions from multiple non-linear regressions. Using minimal squares regression, this transport was linked to various combinations of contaminant concentration and both structural and textural characteristics of the porous medium. Various combinations of characteristics and concentrations were investigated, with a mathematical expression obtained for each. The relationship between percentage of clay and the contaminant content proved to be the most closely correlated with actual transport parameters, with coefficients close to one.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)