186 resultados para Teoria do Curso de vida
As relações interpessoais são imprevisíveis e intrigantes devido ao grande número de variáveis que as envolvem. Especificamente, a relação família-atleta apresenta diferentes fatores, que interagem, e provocam reações sobre o físico, o cultural e o psicológico dos envolvidos; reações estas que envolveram também o pesquisador e motivaram este estudo. Adotou-se, assim, a técnica de entrevista semi-estruturada, o qual permitiu a reunião dos fatores pessoais e contextuais que envolveram os participantes, através de suas relações familiares, esportivas e em suas possíveis inter-relações. Ao combinar estes fatores, buscamos verificar a influência dos pais sobre a motivação dos filhos para a prática esportiva. Essa análise nos permitiu confirmar nossas expectativas, uma vez que concluímos que os pais podem influenciar tanto de forma positiva, como de forma negativa na prática esportiva de seus filhos, dependendo da relação que já possuem com os mesmos fora do ambiente esportiva sendo, na opinião da maioria dos atletas, uma espécie de força fundamental para que possam praticar sua modalidade com mais segurança, prazer e liberdade.
Este trabalho foi proposto baseado na relevância do tema a origem da vida para uma nova abordagem de sala de aula de forma que os alunos poderiam estar mais perto da proposta de entender como funciona a ciência e de forma que o aprendizado pode ser diferenciado para a aprendizagem comum. As ciências biológicas passaram por muito tempo a mercê de teorias de que a origem da vida era algo natural do nosso planeta, ou seja, a origem de um novo ser sem ter vindo a partir de outro. No entanto com vários experimentos com destaque ao de Oparin, já com o conhecimento de microorganismo, se provou que a origem da vida não surgia tão facilmente como se esperava. A partir da quebra desse paradigma houve um crescente desenvolvimento de experimentos que comprovaram que vários compostos importantes para a vida se formaria naturalmente numa Terra primitiva. No entanto há muita controversa de como a vida de fato teria surgido, dividindo opiniões de forma que a apresentação de uma gama de possibilidades para origem da vida é a melhor forma de apresentar um tema com teorias não comprovadas ou contestadas. “O CADERNO DO ALUNO” E O “CADERNO DO PROFESSOR” ambos de biologia, fazem luz uma grande possibilidade de desenvolvimento de uma aula que foge a do cotidiano, com discussões e possibilidade de se conhecer a ciência. Entretanto, verificou-se que a falta de conhecimento prévio pode ser um empecilho para uma discussão apurada e que se deve tomar cuidado nessa discussão para não ferir a concepção de cada aluno. Muito do se pede no Currículo do Estado de São Paulo para o professor desenvolver também contempla uma grande possibilidade de desenvolvimento do tema com foco em saídas do campo, prática e envolvimento com toda a escola de forma que o tema poderia ser eficaz de maneira diferencial de um tema proposto para o terceiro ano do ensino médio. As aulas do tema descritas mostram a importância de um número maior de educadores ser...
Nowadays technological trend is based on finding materials that could support low weight with satisfactory mechanical properties and for this reason composite material became a very attractive topic in research projects all over the world. Due to its heterogenic properties, this type of material shows scatter in mechanical test results, especially in cyclic loading. Therefore it is important to predict its fatigue strength behaviour by statistic analysis, once fatigue causes approximately 90% of the failure in structural components. The present work aimed to investigate the fatigue behaviour of the Twill/Cycom 890 composite, which is carbon fiber reinforced with polymeric resin as matrix and manufactured via RTM process (Resin Transfer Molding). All samples were tested in different tensile level in triplicate in order to associate these values. The statistical analysis was conducted with Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution and then evaluated the fatigue life results for the composite. Weibull graphics were used to determine the scale and shape parameters. The S-N curve for the Twill/Cycom composite was drawn and indicated the number of cycles to occur the first damages in this material. The probability of failure was associated with material reliability, as shown in graphics for the different tensile levels and fatigue life. In addition, the laminate was evaluated by ultrasonic inspection showing a regular impregnation. The fractographic analysis conducted by SEM showed failure mechanisms for polymeric composites associated to cyclic loadings ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
It is said that a film producer to receive a prestigious award in the United States thanked saying We Speak of Life. Maybe this isone of the reasons for the fascination produced by this art. Life is a movie. The film celebrates life. The book We Speak of Lifeshows who are professionals of the cinema exhibition, those who are in the small microcosm that is the projection room and usuallyare not remembered by the general public
The competition among companies nowadays, caused by globalization and with customers more and more demanding, makes the companies rethink their strategies for survival. To improve their competition the companies are adopting management tool to improve the manufacturing management, which is considered a key to success. The present study aimed to develop a method, based on techniques of theory of constraints and operational research, to ensure the best use of resources and best decision of a production line on a steel company, with focus in the customers’ delivery time, which is a requirement of the current market. The conclusion of this study is that the correct use of the management tools, such as theory of constraints and operational research, can ensure a long survival for the companies that duel for the market share, especially in regard to customers’ delivery time, that generates their satisfaction
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The steel type AISI 4130 (ultra-high strength steel) is an alloy of low carbon and its main alloying elements are chromium and molybdenum, which improves the toughness of the weld metal. It has numerous applications, especially where the need for high mechanical strength. It is widely used in equipment used by the aviation industry, such as cradle-tomotor, and this is the motivation for this study. Cots are of fundamental importance, because the engine supports and maintains balance in the fixed landing gear. This equipment is subjected to intense loading cycles, whose fractures caused by fatigue are constantly observed. Will be determined the effects caused by re-welding the structure of aeronautical equipment, and will also study the microstructure of the metal without welding. The studies will be done on materials used in aircraft, which was given to study. The results provide knowledge of microstructure to evaluate any type of fracture that maybe caused by fatigue. Fatigue is a major cause of aircraft accidents and incidents occurred, which makes the study of the microstructure of the metal, weld and re-solder the knowledge essential to the life of the material. The prevention and control of the process of fatigue in aircraft are critical, since the components are subjected to greater responsibility cyclic loading
This work proposes a wildlife center in the city of Presidente Prudente, offering a diversity of activities as part of a wildlife clinic, rehabilitation nurseries, parazoológico and a visitor center. This project will benefit both the people like animals, because in the same area is the rehabilitation of animals and environmental education, showing the importance of animals in the conservation and preservation of their natural habitats. The principle of the Wildlife Center is receiving wild animals, assess their status, provide veterinary care and give the best destination. The differential design is that people can follow all these procedures, encouraging reporting on contact with animals
The quality of life of nursing professionals of character is relevant because the service involves every aspect of workers with personal, social and cultural, so that professionals can result in unproductive and emotionally shaken, and may influence the direct patient care.The aim of this study is to report the quality of life of nursing staff working in the adult ICU of a university hospital.Methodology will be applied to qualitative, through interviews with guiding questions, with the subject all the nursing staff of the Intensive Care Unit - Adult, located in Bauru State Hospital. The survey results were analyzed through content analysis proposed by Bardin. The interviews were divided into categories and subcategories in the sequence. In the category Defining quality of life - hidden connections got four subcategories: happiness, pleasure, interrelation and practice in nursing, which are directly related to the meaning of quality of life. What about the profession as interference in quality of life of nursing staff reached the category A profession in contrast with the quality of life - Connections Exposed that led to the division of four subcategories: proximity to death, absenteeism, double day / salary, shifts, ranking at work and work process. Finally, it concerns the improvement of the profession that can intervene in the quality of life of workers obtained the category Improving occupancy improving the quality of life - Connections to be built, which is subdivided into sub-categories: professional incentive, hierarchy and enhancement of the profession. These categories and subcategories showed significant and important aspects of quality of life of nursing professionals
Overall, in Brazilian schools, the concept of reading does not take into account its possibilities and its meaning for life. But read is assigning meaning to something , make sense, interact with the text read. Thus, the present study addresses the mechanical reading, that without contextualization, performed on a technique by joining letters and syllables loose and also reading social use, consisting of statements, dialogism , polyphony and heteroglossy. It is known that the mechanical reading brings undesirable consequences, including learning problems, such as lack of attention, concentration, memory, imagination. When the reading is taught in a systematic way, with only the goal of the code decoding of written language, destroys social perspectives and intellectual development. It is common, when you offer the children a book, there the difficult disinterest of textual interpretation, because there is no attribute meaning to the content, and even the ability to interact with the text. With the interest in studying the dialogic reading this and the statements and genres, the present study was based on several authors: Bakhtin (1988, 2000), Schneuwly and Dolz (2000), Faraco (2009) and Ponzio (2009) Jolibert (1994), Bajard (2002; 2007) Foucambert (1997) Martins ( 1985) and Smith ( 1999). Aim for this study the following research question: what are the contributions of Mikhail Bakhtin's theory to the teaching of reading from kindergarten through the first grade of elementary school? Our hypothesis is that if they are guaranteed to pre -school and elementary school beginners diversified materials and new approaches in teaching reading and encouragement to her, will be developed in children a taste for the act of reading, so that they can assign meaning and significance, making reading part of their lives...
This thesis aims to analyze the applicability of Lean Six Sigma and DMAIC to improve processes focused on agriculture. We discuss the origins of each system separately, Lean Manufacturing, the Toyota plants in Japan, and Six Sigma, by Motorola in the U.S., and then appears to merge them and can meet their complementarities and synergy between their tools. Finally, we describe a case study focused on the harvesting department, applicable to all types of manuals crops, covering the production of fruits, vegetables and greens. This study shows the ability to reduce costs, increase productivity and elimination of defects that the methodology developed with the fusion of Lean Manufacturing with Six Sigma allows
O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi o de investigar os sentidos e concepções sobre a infância e a adolescência na sociedade atual e suas implicações no âmbito escolar. Buscamos entender os porquês que esse processo vem ocorrendo tendo como pressuposto sua associação com os modos de tutela e a consequente autonomia e independência precoce que crianças e adolescentes parecem estar adquirindo na sociedade atual. Ao examinar as concepções de infância e adolescência de crianças e adolescentes, buscamos investigar os limites e a autonomia das crianças e dos adolescentes, caracterizando os modos de tutela que os pais empregam na relação com seus filhos e analisar as implicações destas concepções no âmbito escolar
O grau de desenvolvimento econômico e social de uma sociedade pode ser avaliado diretamente à facilidade de transporte de passageiros e cargas. A qualidade de vida nas cidades é fortemente influenciada pelas características do transporte público. O Brasil tem 80 % de sua população morando em cidades, de forma que uma maior utilização do transporte público seria a solução para problemas de congestionamento, poluição, acidentes, desumanização e outros males que atingem as cidades modernas. Bauru, interior de São Paulo, é uma cidade de porte médio que apresenta um dos maiores índices de utilização de automóveis particulares, em parte pela formação da cidade, que é “espalhada”, e outra por suas características econômicas. A população de baixa renda, moradores da periferia e dependentes do transporte público, enfrenta grandes dificuldades para acessar as diferentes áreas da cidade (má operacionalização do sistema?). Este trabalho de finalização da graduação tem como objetivo maior trazer opções e facilitar o acesso da população a todas as áreas da cidade, através de um sistema de terminais e mini-terminais urbanos de transporte coletivo, buscando a melhor utilização do espaço público, uma maior mobilidade na cidade e a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população
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Experimental models are necessary to elucidate pathophysiological mechanisms not yet understood in humans. To evaluate the repercussions of the diabetes, considering two methodologies, on the pregnancy of Wistar rats and on the development of their offspring. In the 1st induction, female offspring were distributed into two experimental groups: Group streptozotocin (STZ, n=67): received the β-cytotoxic agent (100mg STZ/kg body weight - sc) on the 1st day of the life; and Non-diabetic Group (ND, n=14): received the vehicle in a similar time period. In the adult life, the animals were mated. After a positive diagnosis of pregnancy (0), female rats from group STZ presenting with lower glycemia than 120 mg/dL received more 20 mg STZ/kg (ip) at day 7 of pregnancy (2nd induction). The female rats with glycemia higher than 120mg/dL were discarded because they reproduced results already found in the literature. In the mornings of days 0, 7, 14 and 21 of the pregnancy glycemia was determined. At day 21 of pregnancy (at term), the female rats were anesthetized and killed for maternal reproductive performance and fetal development analysis. The data were analyzed using Student-Newman-Keuls, Chi-square and Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) Tests (p<0.05). STZ rats presented with increased rates of pre (STZ=22.0%; ND=5.1%) and post-implantation losses (STZ=26.1%; ND=5.7%), reduced rates of fetuses with appropriate weight for gestational age (STZ=66%; ND=93%) and reduced degree of development (ossification sites). Conclusion: Mild diabetes led a negative impact on maternal reproductive performance and caused intrauterine growth restriction and impaired fetal development