137 resultados para Stabilizzazione fotografia aerea


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The means of mass communication are powerful tools to the spread of a concept as persuasion is a strong characteristic of discourses that gather around the sphere of communication, especially in advertising discourses. By the end of the 90’s, the advertisement “Down: the worst syndrome is prejudice”, did great success approaching prejudice / pre-concept in a subtle and innovative way, due its outstanding purpose and style inserting two boys in a carousel, one is a street child, the other a Down syndrome patient. The advertisement reveals a speak project of diffusion and spread of ideas that down syndrome patients are capable of dealing and supporting a routine full of activities, making a opposition to the campaigns and ideas that, in spite of raising the respect towards these kids, only contributed with the attenuation of their handicaps. Our objective is to investigate the presence of these social values in the quoted audio-visual material, and for that we’ve searched the contextualization of the advertisement in its own time period. The theory and methodological aspects got their base in Bakhtinian studies and concepts; we used the concepts of discourse gender, chronotope and mainly dialogism and enunciation. We analyzed the style utilized in the advertisement, the dialogue between the politically correct and the prejudice speeches, the verbal discourse of the music that flows with the progress of the enunciation, the non-verbal discourse of the photography (nostalgic, producing effects of sense in its relation with memory), the chronotope present in the utilization of the carousel and its significations. We concluded that the accession of the recipient, in it responsive comprehension of the enunciation at hand, is an effect produced by the well-succeded addition of these different types of discourses


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Não disponível


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento em Pesquisa (CNPq)


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In this work is studied the fluid dynamic characteristics of sugarcane bagasse for gasification applications and use of syngas in the sugarcane sector. This is an experimental work, which is initially performed the particle size separation of sugarcane bagasse particles, using appropriate equipment. Through the experiment is possible to determine the average diameter of particles pomace typical sugarcane mill. The equipment used for the grading sieve separation assembly consists of several dimensions, arranged vertically and which shows adequate for good separation from the pulp. Later, it makes immediate analysis for the determination of moisture, ash, volatile materials and fixed carbon. The study also determines the gross calorific value and allows analysis of densities of particles of sugar cane bagasse. Also studied the bagasse morphology using electron microscopes, where it was possible to visualize the geometry of the particles of bagasse. The use of Electronic Scanning Microscopy (SEM) provided better understand the morphology and particle size measured by using photography methods. Two methods for determining the sphericity of the particles were also used. The experiments carried out using appropriate standards and specific equations, allowing compare the present results with the values found by several researchers. Subsequently, fluid dynamic simulations were performed for the determination of porosity and minimum fluidization velocity theoretical. It follows that the sphericity and porosity of the bagasse particles influence the minimum fluidization velocity of biomass


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O planejamento estético em dentes anteriores está intimamente ligado a uma cuidadosa análise das desarmonias do sorriso do paciente. Dentro desse conceito, a fotografia odontológica, feita através de um protocolo padronizado, parece ser um auxílio-diagnóstico para uma correta verificação desses problemas. Através dessa ferramenta, é possível realizar tratamentos personalizados, obtendo, assim, uma estética natural e harmoniosa.


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Ao atender um paciente, muitas vezes o profissional da saúde fotografa ou filma o caso. Há, via de regra, duas razões básicas para tal atitude. A primeira é para a documentação do caso per se, e as imagens ficarão restritas ao prontuário clínico do paciente. E, se porventura algum dia houver um litígio envolvendo aquele determinado tratamento, tais imagens poderão ser utilizadas como meio de prova. A segunda razão diz respeito à divulgação do caso clínico, com a sua publicação em periódicos científicos, apresentação em aulas, cursos, congressos e similares. Pode-se citar ainda uma outra razão: o uso das imagens para a divulgação dos serviços do profissional que conduziu o tratamento/procedimento. Para a obtenção/gravação das imagens, faz-se necessário o consentimento do paciente, ou de seu responsável legal (no caso de incapaz). Porém, a imagem produzida somente poderá ser utilizada para os fins específicos a que se destinou inicialmente. Se porventura o profissional tiver intenção de usá-la, por exemplo, em publicações, precisará do consentimento específico para este fim. Vale lembrar que a própria Constituição Federal da Brasil assegura tal direito. A produção de imagens de pessoas e a sua divulgação em meios acadêmicos, por exemplo, ocorre não somente em atendimentos clínicos, como também em pesquisas que envolvam seres humanos. É necessário respeitar as normas éticas e legais relacionadas ao uso de imagens. Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de Termo de Consentimento para obtenção e uso de imagens de pacientes de profissionais da saúde.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The jurist Clovis Bevilaqua (1859-1944) was a privileged member of a political and intellectual elite in the context of the transition from the nineteenth to the early decades of the twentieth century in this country, having been a professor at the Faculdade de Direito de Recife, author of the Civil Code of 1917, consultant for the Ministério das Relações Exteriores and jurist of international prestige, and literary critic and author of law, philosophy and history.Their biographies emphasize the breadth of his legal knowledge, the merits of civil codification which was author and lifestyle humble and generous earning him the nickname "secular saint". However, the lawyer had the habit of collecting photos of himself and of his family and this behavior is characterized as a single vanity for his biographers. From four biographies of Clovis Bevilaqua, written by Lauro Romero (1956), Raimundo de Menezes and Ubaldino de Azevedo (1959), Noemia Paes Barreto Brandão (1989) and Silvio Meira (1990), we intend to discuss how these images are used to illustrate the trajectory of the jurist and corroborate the distinct narratives models.


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This paper intends to discuss the relationship between psychoanalysis and aesthetic thinking under the prism of the “unbinding” theory – earlier conceived by the psychoanalyst Andre Green –, linking it to some theories proposed by Hal Foster, art historian and art critic, where we can find the lacanian “real” as the linking concept. One could say, in this linkage made here, that both authors are dealing, in a very particular way, with a question that refers to the theory of the real (as it was conceived by Jacques Lacan), even in the case of Green it is not referred directly; Green’s theory, however, seems to discuss some kind of a regredience that could be linked to the death drive. Accessing the psychoanalytical dispositive, and using it as it is appropriated to the (art) object to be interpreted, Foster, for example, advances in both the field of aesthetic reflection and in the more specific field of psychoanalysis. It should be noted that Foster’s reflection refers strictly to the post-pop images, observed mainly in the 1990’s photography. Thus, I think that this intersection between aesthetics and psychoanalysis might allow us to shed some light on a new art reading possibility towards a “non-applied” psychoanalytical paradigm, which, in my opinion, seems to be an appropriate way to understand some of the contemporary art production.


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O objetivo desse artigo é refletir sobre a experiência visual da revista mexicana Frente a Frente (1934-1937) publicação da Liga de Escritores y Artistas Revolucionários – LEAR (1933-1938). Após apresentar a trajetória da revista procuramos investigar o projeto visual da publicação e a complexidade de uma revista engajada e a tensão entre propostas de cultura proletária, realismo socialista e vanguarda. Procuramos averiguar a circulação da vanguarda fotográfica entre Europa e México no período entre guerras. Interessa-nos em particular a experiência da utilização de fotografias e fotomontagens.