173 resultados para Sala de máquinas


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Currently, more and more processing activities within companies are seen as projects. Project management, as a theory, is well developed and is accepted today in the market as a required competency for organizations. Various methods and techniques have been developed covering all aspects of a project, from conception to final delivery of the products produced by the same. The overall objective of the study is to report the experience of developing the project planning for the machine safety adequacy in robotic cells pallet manufacturers, demonstrating the importance of knowledge in the area of project management for the productive sector, and focusing on the difficulties encountered in particular project. Thus was developed the scope management by a team composed of different areas of engineering, and implementation strategy of the project was chosen from the tool BVOA, with the possible subsequent definition of the project schedule. Furthermore, the risk planning was analyzed using FMECA tool that predicts and mitigates potential failures. It is concluded that the constant and direct relationship between the different stakeholders generates more efficient results, reaching the demands of the project. The definition of alternatives for implementation enabled the viability of the project, and the study of failures was positive to enrich the analysis of planning


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Foi no quarto ano de minha graduação que passei a integrar o Projeto de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (PEJA): práticas e desafios, da UNESP – Rio Claro. No projeto desenvolvi algumas atividades que despertaram minha curiosidade por esta modalidade de ensino. Eu tinha um interesse em desenvolver uma atividade de leitura com o livro “Poemas Completos de Alberto Caeiro” no PEJA, quando surgiu a possibilidade de realizá-la em uma sala de Educação de Jovens e Adultos na Escola Estadual Celeste Calil. Por essa época conheci uma atividade cultural e educativa chamada Tertúlia Literária Dialógica, desenvolvida pelo Núcleo NIASE da UFSCAR. Enquanto estudava sobre as tertúlias, a turma da sétima série da EJA da escola Celeste Calil aceitou o convite de ler, em quatro encontros, poemas de Alberto Caeiro. Assim, foi proposta uma atividade de leitura na qual as pessoas pudessem dialogar umas com as outras e expressar suas ideias, percepções e conhecimentos. Os registros das tertúlias foram gerados a partir de uma câmera filmadora e da transcrição das leituras e discussões de cada encontro. Nesse material de registro, procurei atentar para temas que remetessem a leituras de mundo e, nesses temas, as percepções de si mesmos nas relações com o mundo. Ao final, foram levantadas algumas primeiras reflexões a respeito dessas percepções com os processos educativos


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This research aimed at studying the social role of reading, its importance in building knowledge and training of readers, as well as reflect on the teaching of reading in schools, with children in the literacy process. For their achievement, were used as theoretical support authors who are dedicated to the study of language, thematic reading, and phenomena that occur through it in the school environment, especially those of Bakhtin, Kleiman, Chartier, Foucambert, among others . The research was carried out using the approach of qualitative research, using participatory action research, through which the researcher could have direct contact with the observed phenomena, to participate and collect the participants' actions in its natural context, the from their perspective and their views. As for collecting and analyzing data, we used the tools of questionnaire, interview and participant observation. Its subjects a literacy class and their respective teacher, in 2009. By analyzing this information, one can draw a picture of reading in the school environment and teaching practices that surround this object. The results of the literature survey and data analysis suggest that reading is a social practice, and as such has indispensable social function in society today. And the school, one of the greatest instruments of contact with the world of letters, therefore, of reading for children means not literate, have key role in developing and training of readers who are aware of the importance of reading and perpetuate this practice in their daily lives. Similarly, subjects of research, have achieved an advanced level of literacy and understand the social role of reading and its importance to live in society, in which they belong


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Pressure drop and energy efficiency of compressors in chemical plants are the focus of this study. Its objective is an analysis of possible sources of energy loss through the study of pressure loss in pipes, calculation of thermodynamic efficiency of the compressors. Important issues are raised for this analysis such as the types of compressors, the operating range of each compressor, compression types, as well as a study of accessories such as filters and valves. After studying these issues was carried out calculations of pressure drop step-bystep and with a software WIPCD. Followed by the calculation of efficiency of compressors and monthly energy cost of each compressor in operation. Finally, the study shows some suggestions for immediate improvements, changes and suggestions for possible future purchases of compressors


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By showing the absence of concern from schools in developing with students any kind of orality work, and the major importance they give only to reading and writing, this research shows an investigation on how the oral communication is established as learning content and how such education is conceived in the early years of elementary school, verifying if there is balance between the time devoted to written and spoken language activities, and how the oral language is treated in the classroom, this research also identifies which and how the oral genres are used, moreover, see if the teacher explores the emerging students‘ speech during class. This research was held in a government school in Bauru (SP), using three instruments to collect data: direct observation, videotaping observed classes, and a questionnaire. The observation and filming were done in only one classroom, a 3rd year of elementary school, in Portuguese classes; however, the questionnaire was applied to all school teachers, in order to have wider analytical conditions. The research´s approach is qualitative and ground on the bibliography study and field research. The analysis results indicate that school still emphasizes reading and writing method of teaching and does not work as bibliography authors propose in their researches about the studied topic; the reason is that this content has been applied to the curriculum recently, the teachers lack of clarity in some important concepts about speech and don´t have a bibliography basis


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir os erros de pronúncia mais comuns cometidos pelos aprendizes de língua inglesa no nível segmental. Pretendemos ilustrar como isso ocorre dentro da sala de aula de uma escola de idiomas, a Wizard de Araraquara. Neste trabalho apresentaremos dados obtidos ao longo de uma observação contínua de quatro anos em salas de aula, e analisaremos os dados, comparando sempre as duas línguas, o inglês americano e o português brasileiro, tentando entender porque tais equívocos ocorrem e como o professor, através da conscientização dos alunos para a fonética, pode evitá-los e até saná-los. A análise dos dados mostra que não só os alunos têm dificuldades em produzir e compreender sons que são específicos do inglês, mas que professores também não o conseguem em muitos casos, e que muitos desses professores não tem a preparação adequada para ensinar a linguagem oral, e consequentemente, a pronúncia


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This research intend to situate the process of literacy as a practice interlocutive acquisition of written language, through which students interact with each other and the teacher, and through these interactions are constituted as a subject of dialogue and history. So he had as an aim to investigate through the key concepts of dialogism Bakhtin and discourse analysis, the possibilities of teaching and learning of reading and writing, using language in use, showing the dialogical practices in order to demonstrate that the verbal interactions that result from the actual discursive situations, actually originated in the classroom, from working with the genre can guide the teaching of reading and writing and its social use. Therefore, I base this research on the methodological framework of literature and field. This takes place in view of observed teaching practice related to the early years of literacy and, therefore, to investigate such activities are carried out that reading and writing during the teaching of mother tongue, as are utilized practices of orality and literacy in room classroom and, even if the teacher makes use of this type of language for the acquisition of written language. The results of analysis of data collected by the instruments used, namely, questionnaires, systematic observation and textual production of the students, point to the fact that the literacy teaching practices, classroom researched are far from forming a student literate because the fact of the teachers surveyed knew not the key content for teaching the language, means that they will lead to literacy, from the point of view of language as a monologic process.


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O presente trabalho estuda questões relativas à área da Educação Infantil, no que tange à sua metodologia, em específico, ao método da Roda de Conversa e sua importância na sala de aula. Objetiva-se com este estudo, levantar o aporte teórico dessa estratégia metodológica, considerada por diversos autores e especialistas da educação, como uma ferramenta importante para os educadores, porque contribui no relacionamento e na interação entre professor e aluno e entre alunos e seus colegas, pois com o método da Roda de Conversa, o aluno passa a ter voz, é estimulado a se comunicar, melhor contextualizando seu aprendizado. O processo de ensino aprendizagem centrado nos métodos tradicionais de ensino, em geral, não valorizam o diálogo, ou seja, o professor é o único detentor do “status” do saber. Diversos autores que tratam do assunto foram abordados nessa pesquisa bibliográfica, com o intuito de oferecer subsídios para reflexões sobre a metodologia em pauta, considerando que ela pode se constituir em um importante instrumento para que o professor levante os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos, permitindo a eles, a expressão de suas idéias, o desenvolvimento da imaginação e da curiosidade, superando a relação controladora que normalmente está presente nos processos educacionais tradicionais, além de fomentar conceitos de democracia, respeito, valores, regras, cidadania e facilitar a análise de aspectos importantes do desenvolvimento, como a fala, a postura e a dicção. Parte-se do pressuposto, de que a Roda de Conversa pode auxiliar o aluno a tornar-se mais crítico, participativo e equilibrado na sua relação social


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This work is situated in the universe of resource rooms with a focus on the teachinglearning disabled students with low vision and visual in two cities of São Paulo. The paper discusses theoretically the historical emergence of these rooms, the deployment in the State of São Paulo and its importance within the context of school inclusion of students with visual impairments. Its purpose is to conduct a general survey of the operating conditions of the rooms from the perspective of the teacher of students. The results verified the contribution of this service as a complementary tool of the ordinary classroom, the use of specific instructional materials and overall educational performance of students. The results indicate that this type of specialized care while receiving criticism, does not promote segregation, but what about the educational needs of these students, who despite the lack of vision, school performance is equal to or better than the other students in the classroom common, it all depends on family support, and dedication to studies by the student. Research has shown students satisfied with the services provided in the resource room, as well as integration and good relationships between teachers and students. We could also highlight the importance of specific training and mastery of knowledge by the teacher to work with the visually impaired person. At the end the results were sent to the schools of this research object of study so that it can contribute to effective work in the educational process for visually impaired students in resource rooms


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This paper was developed with students of the second year from high school, in a private school, identifying their motivation for the study of physics contents, when they are discussed in an not ordinary class, but critical. We incorporated the critical class as a didactic tool, able to stimulate and motivate the physics study and to help the teacher. Through questions, we evaluated how this class motivated the students, as well as how we investigate the type of class and teacher the students consider to be the most motivator for their learning


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In this project the Pattern Recognition Problem is approached with the Support Vector Machines (SVM) technique, a binary method of classification that provides the best solution separating the data in the better way with a hiperplan and an extension of the input space dimension, as a Machine Learning solution. The system aims to classify two classes of pixels chosen by the user in the interface in the interest selection phase and in the background selection phase, generating all the data to be used in the LibSVM library, a library that implements the SVM, illustrating the library operation in a casual way. The data provided by the interface is organized in three types, RGB (Red, Green and Blue color system), texture (calculated) or RGB + texture. At last the project showed successful results, where the classification of the image pixels was showed as been from one of the two classes, from the interest selection area or from the background selection area. The simplest user view of results classification is the RGB type of data arrange, because it’s the most concrete way of data acquisition


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This research was aimed at analyzing whether there is an association between the positioning of the pupil in the classroom and his academic performance, as well as to diagnose the main factors underlying the association. Thus, this study analyzed 4 Elementary School II institutions of both public and private educational systems, in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil during a school year bimester. To register the positions students were seated, 29 similar classes (containing 6 rows x 6 columns) were investigated, each one with around 30 students, which resulted in a sampling of 859 students. For the questionnaire application, which objective was to verify the main reason for students’ seat choice, the same 29 classes were investigated. However, the sampling number was reduced to 692 students. In turn, for the collection of school performance and absence percentage of each student for the bimester in question, teachers’ evaluation books were used. As a result, it was found that the lower the percentage of the student's absences, the greater is their performance at school, and the greater their performance at school is, the closer up front to the board they are seated. Finally, the closer up to the board they are seated, the more their motivation and interest in learning increase. Therefore, there is an association between the position of a student in the classroom and his or her academic performance, where the association is conditioned by the motivation and interest in learning


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Continuous improvement of industrial processes is one way to become companies more competitive in the market. For this, a fairly widespread use is the methodology of lean production systems, by eliminating waste. One of the tools of these systems is the method of rapid exchange of die or also called SMED, which will be applied in this study. The study aims to develop proposals for reducing the time of set up of two machines in two machining lines, watching also the ergonomics and safety conditions in this operations. The set up time reduction is justified among others, due to increase the machine productivity. In applying the connecting rod machining line, there were two types of exchange. Reductions in time to set up proposals reached values of 47% to one of them, and 55% to the other. It is important to underline that to reach this result, there was no need for large investments. In the application in block machining line, was developed an improvement in the ergonomic area. It was placed a pulley block that came to increase the time of tool change. Aiming to improve the security of the exchange, without productivity loss, the method was applied to reduce this time. It was developed two proposals.: the first would reduce that time by 19%, and does not require many resources of the company. The second involves the parallelization of the exchange, so that the reduction is 48%. However, this proposal requires one more manpower at the time of exchange and it is not always possible


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Este texto pretende analisar o filme de animação Valente, produzido pela Walt Disney Pictures e pela Pixar Animation Studios, em busca de elementos que abordem o tema “gênero” e, assim, utilizá-lo de modo a propor a discussão em sala de aula sobre este mesmo tema, levando em consideração o contexto atual da imagem da mulher e pontos históricos que sejam interessantes ao debate


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC