223 resultados para Quantum tunneling


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The importance and usefulness of renormalization are emphasized in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The momentum space treatment of both two-body bound state and scattering problems involving some potentials singular at the origin exhibits ultraviolet divergence. The use of renormalization techniques in these problems leads to finite converged results for both the exact and perturbative solutions. The renormalization procedure is carried out for the quantum two-body problem in different partial waves for a minimal potential possessing only the threshold behaviour and no form factors. The renormalized perturbative and exact solutions for this problem are found to be consistent with each other. The useful role of the renormalization group equations for this problem is also pointed out.


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There is a four-parameter family of point interactions in one-dimensional quantum mechanics. They represent all possible self-adjoint extensions of the kinetic energy operator. If time-reversal invariance is imposed, the number of parameters is reduced to three. One of these point interactions is the familiar delta function potential but the other generalized ones do not seem to be widely known. We present a pedestrian approach to this subject and comment on a recent controversy in the literature concerning the so-called delta' interaction. We emphasize that there is little resemblance between the delta' interaction and what its name suggests.


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Thioglycolic acid-capped Use quantum dots (QDs) were assembled on glass substrates with two distinct polyelectrolytes, viz poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM), generation 4 dendrimer, via the layer-by-layer (LbL) technique. Films containing up to 30 polyelectrolyte/QD bilayers were prepared. The growth of the multilayers was monitored with UV-vis spectroscopy, which showed an almost linear increase in the absorbance of the 2.8 nm QDs at 535 nm with the number of deposited bilayers. AFM measurements estimated a film thickness of 3 nm per bilayer for the PAH/Cdse films. The adsorption process and the optical properties of the PAMAM/CdSe LbL films were further analyzed layer-by-layer using surface plasmon resonance (SPR), from which a thickness of 3.2 nm was found for a PAMAM/CdSe bilayer. Photoluminescence measurements revealed higher photooxidation of the quantum dots in PAH/CdSe than in PAMAM/CdSe films. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We solve the spectrum of the closed Temperley-Lieb quantum spin chains using the coordinate Bethe ansatz. These models are invariant under the quantum group U-q[sl(2)].


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The spectral principle of Connes and Chamseddine is used as a starting point to define a discrete model for Euclidean quantum gravity. Instead of summing over ordinary geometries, we consider the sum over generalized geometries where topology, metric, and dimension can fluctuate. The model describes the geometry of spaces with a countable number n of points, and is related to the Gaussian unitary ensemble of Hermitian matrices. We show that this simple model has two phases. The expectation value , the average number of points in the Universe, is finite in one phase and diverges in the other. We compute the critical point as well as the critical exponent of . Moreover, the space-time dimension delta is a dynamical observable in our model, and plays the role of an order parameter. The computation of is discussed and an upper bound is found, < 2.


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The use of master actions to prove duality at quantum level becomes cumbersome if one of the dual fields interacts nonlinearly with other fields. This is the case of the theory considered here consisting of U(1) scalar fields coupled to a self-dual field through a linear and a quadratic term in the self-dual field. Integrating perturbatively over the scalar fields and deriving effective actions for the self-dual and the gauge field we are able to consistently neglect awkward extra terms generated via master action and establish quantum duality up to cubic terms in the coupling constant. The duality holds for the partition function and some correlation functions. The absence of ghosts imposes restrictions on the coupling with the scalar fields.


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Supersymmetric quantum mechanics can be used to obtain the spectrum and eigenstates of one-dimensional Hamiltonians. It is particularly useful when applied to partially solvable potentials because a superalgebra allows us to compute the spectrum state by state. Some solutions for the truncated Coulomb potential, an asymptotically linear potential, and a nonpolynomial potential are shown to exemplify the method.


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We prove the equivalence of many-gluon Green's functions in the Duffin-Kemmer-Petieu and Klein-Gordon-Fock statistical quantum field theories. The proof is based on the functional integral formulation for the statistical generating functional in a finite-temperature quantum field theory. As an illustration, we calculate one-loop polarization operators in both theories and show that their expressions indeed coincide.


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This work is intended to report on optical measurements in a parabolic quantum well with a two dimensional-three dimensional electron gas. Photoluminescence results show broad spectra which are related to emission involving several subbands on conduction band with the fundamental level of the valence band. This assumption is based on the behavior of the PL peak position and the full width at half maximum in the function of the incident power intensity. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Starting from linear equations for the complex scalar field, the two- and three-point Green's functions are obtained in the infrared approximation. We show that the infrared singularity factorizes in the vertex function as in spinor QED, reproducing in a simple and straightforward way the result of lengthy perturbative calculations.


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We evaluate the one-loop vacuum polarization tensor for three-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED), using an analytic regularization technique, implemented in a gauge-invariant way. We show thus that a gauge boson mass is generated at this level of radiative correction to the photon propagator. We also point out in our conclusions that the generalization for the non Abelian case is straightforward.


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Nanocrystalline SnO2 quantum dots were synthesized at room temperature by hydrolysis reaction of SnCl2. The addition of tetrabutyl ammonium hydroxide and the use of hydrothermal treatment enabled one to obtain tin dioxide colloidal suspensions with mean particle radii ranging from 1.5 to 4.3 nm. The photoluminescent properties of the suspensions were studied. The particle size distribution was estimated by transmission electron microscopy. Assuming that the maximum intensity photon energy of the photoluminescence spectra is related to the band gap energy of the system, the size dependence of the band gap energies of the quantum-confined SnO2 particles was studied. This dependence was observed to agree very well with the weak confinement regime predicted by the effective mass model. This might be an indication that photoluminescence occurs as a result of a free exciton decay process. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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We solve the spectrum of quantum spin chains based on representations of the Temperley-Lieb algebra associated with the quantum groups U-q(X-n) for X-n = A(1), B-n, C-n and D-n. The tool is a modified version of the coordinate Bethe ansatz through a suitable choice of the Bethe states which give to all models the same status relative to their diagonalization. All these models have equivalent spectra up to degeneracies and the spectra of the lower-dimensional representations are contained in the higher-dimensional ones. Periodic boundary conditions, free boundary conditions and closed nonlocal boundary conditions are considered. Periodic boundary conditions, unlike free boundary conditions, bleak quantum group invariance. For closed nonlocal cases the models are quantum group invariant as well as periodic in a certain sense.


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Photoluminescence measurements at different temperatures have been performed to investigate the optical response of a two-dimensional electron gas in n-type wide parabolic quantum wells. A series of samples with different well widths in the range of 1000-3000 A was analyzed. Many-body effects, usually observed in the recombination process of a two-dimensional electron gas, appear as a strong enhancement in the photoluminescence spectra at the Fermi level at low temperature only in the thinnest parabolic quantum wells. The suppression of the many-body effect in the thicker quantum wells was attributed to the decrease of the overlap between the wavefunctions of the photocreated holes and the two-dimensional electrons belonging to the highest occupied electron subband. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Spin tunneling in the particular case of the magnetic molecular cluster octanuclear iron(III), Fe8, is treated by an effective Hamiltonian that allows for an angle-based description of the process. The presence of an external magnetic field along the easy axis is also taken into account in this description. Analytic expressions for the energy levels and barriers are obtained from a harmonic approximation of the potential function which give results in good agreement with the experimental results. The energy splittings due to spin tunneling is treated in an adapted WKB approach and it is shown that the present description can give results to a reliable degree of accuracy. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.