221 resultados para Qaidam Basin


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Macroalgal seasonality was analyzed in nine stream segments of the Preto River basin: five of these were sampled monthly for one year and four bimonthly during two years. Seasonal variation of macroalgae was correlated with stream variables (temperature, current velocity, specific conductance, turbidity, surface light, pH and oxygen). Multiple linear regression was applied to evaluate the macroalgal seasonal variability determined by a combination of temperature, current velocity and turbidity, the most influential environmental parameters on macroalgal seasonality. Most species revealed a clear seasonal trend, such that late fall through early spring was the period with highest macroalgal abundance in most sites. Temperature, current velocity and turbidity account for 24 to 83 % of macroalgal species number variation and 24 to 79 % of macroalgal abundance in the basin. The results suggest that the seasonal flow determined by the precipitation regime associated with turbidity and temperature were the major factors influencing the seasonal dynamics of macroalgal communities. The highest values of macroalgal species number and abundance were found under cooler temperatures, lower current velocities and lower values of turbidity.


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Activity profiles of excess Pb-210 combined with chemical data determined in two sediment cores from Corumbatai River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, provided new insights into the reconstruction of historical inputs of anthropogenic constituents, contributing to improving management strategies of the hydrological resources in the basin since most of the municipalities extensively utilize the waters of Corumbatai River and tributaries for drinking purposes, among other uses. Excellent significant relationships between loss on ignition (LOI) and organic matter were found for sediments of both analyzed profiles. Silica was found to be inversely related to organic matter at both analyzed profiles: its decrease accompanied an increase in the specific surface of the sediments. This relationship was confirmed by a great number of inverse significant correlations among silica and oxides Na2O, K2O, CaO, MgO, Al2O3, P2O5, Fe2O3, MnO, and TiO2. It was possible to identify the role of organic matter on adsorption of several oxides/elements in the core sediments profiles. Apparent sediment mass accumulation rates corresponding to 224 and 802 mg cm(-2) year(-1) were obtained, and are compatible with field evidence, indicating a higher value associated with sand mining activities interfering with the natural/normal sedimentation process, due to modifications of the channel drainage.


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The Serido Group is a deformed and metamorphosed metasedimentary sequence that overlies early Paleoproterozoic to Archean basement of the Rio Grande do Norte domain in the Borborema Province of NE Brazil. The age of the Serido Group has been disputed over the past two decades, with preferred sedimentation ages being either Paleoproterozoic or Neoproterozoic. Most samples of the Serido Formation, the upper part of the Serido Group, have Sm-Nd T-DM ages between 1200 and 1600 Ma. Most samples of the Jucurutu Formation, the lower part of the Serido Group, have T-DM ages ranging from 1500 to 1600 Ma; some basal units have T-DM ages as old as 2600 Ma, reflecting proximal basement. Thus, based on Sm-Nd data, most, if not all, of the Serido Group was deposited after 1600 Ma and upper parts must be younger than 1200 Ma.Cathodoluminescence photos of detrital zircons show very small to no overgrowths produced during ca. 600 Ma Brasiliano deformation and metamorphism, so that SHRIMP and isotope dilution U-Pb ages must represent crystallization ages of the detrital zircons. Zircons from meta-arkose near the base of the Jucurutu Formation yield two groups of ages: ca. 2200 Ma and ca. 1800 Ma. In contrast, zircons from a metasedimentary gneiss higher in the Jucurutu Formation yield much younger ages, with clusters at ca. 1000 Ma and ca. 650 Ma. Zircons from metasedimentary and metatuffaceous units in the Serido Formation also yield ages primarily between 1000 and 650 Ma, with clusters at 950-1000, 800, 750, and 650 Ma. Thus, most, if not all, of the Serido Group must be younger than 650 Ma. Because these units were deformed and metamorphosed in the ca. 600 Ma Brasiliano fold belt during assembly of West Gondwana, deposition probably occurred ca. 610-650 Ma, soon after crystallization of the youngest population of zircons and before or during the onset of Brasiliano deformation.The Serido Group was deposited upon Paleoproterozoic basement in a basin receiving detritus from a variety of sources. The Jucurutu Formation includes some basal volcanic rocks and initially received detritus from proximal 2.2-2.0 Ga (Transamazonian) to late Paleoproterozoic (1.8-1.7 Ga) basement. Provenance for the upper Jucurutu Formation and all of the Serido Formation was dominated by more distal and younger sources ranging in age from 1000 to 650 Ma. We suggest that the Serido basin may have developed as the result of late Neoproterozoic extension of a pre-existing continental basement, with formation of small marine basins that were largely floored by cratonic basement (subjacent oceanic crust has not yet been found). Immature sediment was initially derived from surrounding land; as the basin evolved much of the detritus probably came from highlands to the south (present coordinates). Alternatively, if the Patos shear zone is a major terrane boundary, the basin may have formed as an early collisional foredeep associated with south-dipping subduction. In any case, within 30 million years the region was compressed, deformed, and metamorphosed during final assembly of West Gondwana and formation of the Brasiliano-Pan African fold belts. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An apatite fission track study of crystalline rocks underlying sedimentary basins in northeastern Brazil indicate that crustal blocks that occur on opposite sides of a geological fault experienced different thermal histories. Samples collected on the West block yielded corrected fission-track ages from 140 to 375 Ma, whereas samples collected on the East block yielded ages between 90 and 125 Ma. The thermal models suggest that each block experienced two cooling events separated by a heating event at different times. We concluded that the West block moved downward relative to the East block ca. 140 Ma ago, when sediments eroded from the East side were deposited on the West side. This process represents the early stage of sedimentary basin formation and the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean in the region. Downward and upward movements related to heating and cooling events of these crustal blocks at different periods until recent times are proposed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Precambrian crystalline basement of southeast Brazil is affected by many Phanerozoic reactivations of shear zones that developed during the end of the Neoproterozoic in the Brasiliano orogeny. These reactivations with specific tectonic events, a multidisciplinary study was done, involving geology, paleostress, and structural analysis of faults, associated with apatite fission track methods along the northeastern border of the Parana basin in southeast Brazil.The results show that the study area consists of three main tectonic domains, which record different episodes of uplift and reactivation of faults. These faults were brittle in character and resulted in multiple generations of fault products as pseudotachylytes and ultracataclasites, foliated cataclasites and fault gouges.Based on geological evidence and fission track data, an uplift of basement rocks and related tectonic subsidence with consequent deposition in the Parana basin were modeled.The reactivations of the basement record successive uplift events during the Phanerozoic dated via corrected fission track ages, at 387 +/- 50 Ma (Ordovician); 193 +/- 19 Ma (Triassic); 142 +/- 18 Ma (Jurassic), 126 +/- 11 Ma (Early Cretaceous); 89 +/- 10 Ma (Late Cretaceous) and 69 +/- 10 Ma (Late Cretaceous). These results indicate differential uplift of tectonic domains of basement units, probably related to Parana basin subsidence. Six major sedimentary units (supersequences) that have been deposited with their bounding unconformities, seem to have a close relationship with the orogenic events during the evolution of southwestern Gondwana. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the results of a study on groundwaters from Tubarao Group at the Parana sedimentary basin, São Paulo State, Brazil. The purpose of this study was to integrate chemical and U-isotopes data in order to evaluate the models for quantifying different relative volumes of mixing waters in a resultant water. Despite it was possible to generate a typical triangle involving U-238 and its daughter U-234, the U-isotopes model failed to interpret the major hydrochemical facies observed in the studied localities.


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A. suite of 10 different marine evaporitic oil samples from Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil was studied for its biomarker content, in particular its acidic constituents. The oils showed different molecular distributions and relative abundances of n-alkanoic, isoprenoid and hopanoic acids. The observed differences were assigned to the incorporation of immature organic matter in the oils and fractionation along the migration pathway. The diagenetic precursor functionality (alcohol/ether or acid) was proposed based on the comparison of the relative abundances of the neutral and acidic biomarkers (hopanoids, isoprenoids, alkyl-steranes, monoaromatic alkyl-steroids). In the acidic fraction, 3 series of steroid-alkanoic acids and monoaromatic steroid-alkanoic acids (steroid-methanoic, ethanoic and propanoic acids and monoaromatic steroid-methanoic, ethanoic and propanoic acids) were detected, while in the neutral fraction only 2 series of each corresponding class could be observed (methyl and ethyl-steranes and monoaromatic methyl and ethyl-steroids). These carbon shifts suggest that decarboxylation is an important process in the formation of the alkyrsteranes and monoaromatic alkyl-steroids, and we infer that carboxylic acids are the diagenetic precursors of these classes of compounds. When alcohol or ether are the diagenetic precursors (isoprenoids and hopanoids), no significant differences in the molecular distributions between neutral and acidic fractions were observed. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Microfacies analysis of marine carbonates cored by Petrobras well 1-SPS-6 in the offshore Santos Basin (southeastern Brazil) has revealed a remarkable fossil assemblage of calpionellids (colomiellids), favusellids, hedbergellids, globigerinelloidids, buliminids, radiolarians, inoceramid prisms, roveacrinids, and saccocomids(?) preserved in lower Albian calcimudstones-wackestones of the lower part of the Guaruja Formation. This assemblage represents an allochtonous accumulation in a deep neritic to shallow bathyal hypoxic environment. Besides 'saccocomid-like' sections, the only determinable sections of roveacrinids are thecal plates of Poecilocrinus dispandus elongatus Peck, 1943. This species was previously only known from the Weno Formation of Texas. The Brazilian material extends its records farther south from at least the lower Albian, which then represents the earliest occurrence of this peculiar family in the South Atlantic region. Taking into account their Albian global distribution and the location of their oldest representative (Hauterivian near Alicante, Spain), the Roveacrinidae dispersed westward throughout all of Cretaceous Tethys. The Tethyan origin of Roveacrinidae is further evidence that, during late Aptian-Albian times, the northern South Atlantic (north of the Walvis-SBo Paulo Ridge) was supplied by a Tethyan water mass. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the results of a study involving the sampling of a soil profile developed over sandstone from Itarare Sub-Group at the Parana sedimentary basin, Brazil. It was carried out to integrate chemical and U-isotopes data in order to improve the knowledge of the weathering processes acting in the area. U-238 and its daughter U-234 proved to be important tools for evaluating physical and chemical alteration, allowing to suggest a possible timescale for the development of the more superficial soil horizons.


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Diamictites interbedded with marine shales and turbidites onlap the eastern border of the Parana Basin (Southern Brazil). These poorly sorted sediments were deposited during the Permo-Carboniferous glaciation, and their matrix-supported clasts show no preferred orientation. These massive rocks have been studied using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and grain shape fabric. Hysteresis loops and thermomagnetic measurements show that AMS depends mostly on the paramagnetic clays, but fine ferromagnetic particles also contribute to the anisotropy. The coarse silt to sand grain preferred orientation study supports the use of AMS in describing the diamictite fabric, at least regarding the orientation of the foliation. AMS and grain shape data reveal subhorizontal to weakly inclined magnetic and grain shape foliation parallel to the regional bedding. The magnetic lineations are normally scattered within the foliation plane in agreement with the oblate AMS ellipsoids found in these rocks. Both fabric patterns are consistent with deposition by subaqueous mudflows that were resedimented downslope, with elastic supply from continental sources. The off-vertical grain shape foliation poles suggest that the deposition of diamictites was controlled by the depocentre topography of the Rio do Sul sub-basin.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)