127 resultados para Programa de televisão, distribuição, Brasil


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Com o crescimento significativo da pecuária brasileira houve a evolução de medidas sanitárias de controle, prevenção e erradicação de enfermidades animais que assolam o país. De uma maneira peculiar, ao se falar sobre as doenças animais que são de grande relevância para a economia e sociedade brasileira, é indispensável citar a febre aftosa. Essa enfermidade, também conhecida como foot and mouth disease, economicamente, é a mais importante presente na pecuária: infecciosa, com caráter agudo e febril, altamente contagiosa, que afeta animais de cascos fendidos e causa lesões vesiculares, úlceras e erosões. Características como ampla gama de hospedeiros no qual pode se instalar, elevada quantidade de partículas virais em excreções respiratórias, rápida taxa de replicação e variados modos de transmissão, fazem da febre aftosa uma doença de escolha para a erradicação. Desde a regulamentação do serviço de defesa sanitária animal no país, em 1934, já se percebia a importância de controlar a mesma. Em 1951, o Programa Nacional de Controle de Febre Aftosa (PNCFA) foi o primeiro programa nacional de saúde animal a ser implantado no Brasil. Com os avanços no setor de defesa sanitária, houve, em 1992, a implantação do Programa Nacional de Erradicação e Prevenção da Febre Aftosa (PNEFA). Em um processo de transformação gradual, nota-se que todo esse controle e pesquisa epidemiológica dessa infecção em nosso país proporcionaram avanços iminentes para seu combate e, consequentemente, para a sanidade dos animais e qualidade dos produtos e derivados de origem animal: como se pode verificar através da evolução das regiões reconhecidas livres dessa doença e da ausência de casos nos últimos oito anos


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This paper aims to analyse the spatial distribution of the Brazilian clothing industry in 1997 and 2006. In order to achieve this objective, this study used an exploratory spatial data analysis - ESDA. It was made a univariate analysis of the number of the existing clothing industries among Brazilian states. The null hypotheses of the spatial dependence absence was rejected and the construction of cluster maps showed two patterns: a high industrial concentration and a low one. On the other hand, a bivariate analysis was also conducted to permit a study between the number of clothing industries and the wage income of the neighbor regions. The result revealed spatial dependence besides similar cluster maps in both years. Therefore, two spatial patterns emerged: a high and a low industrial concentration. The final conclusion is that agglomeration economies are the main responsible for the results found in both analyses.


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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The text is the initial result of a project called Global iTV, Interactive and systems Hybrid TV: a new advanced scheme for future services and applications in a global environment, contemplated by Call MCTI / CNPq 13/2012 – EUBrazil Cooperation Program in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) which has as its central theme the development of a standard that enables interoperability between the various digital TV systems operating jointly, exchanging and using information. Thus, using bibliographical and documentary research, the article goes on to demonstrate how this perspective panorama is drawing from the advent of digital television and the use of technology in Latin America, seeking to identify similarities, differences, problems and solutions arising from the use and consumption of digitizing television signal in the region. The results demonstrate the importance of media convergence, but point out that there are still large sections of the population on the margin of the Digital Society and the benefits provided by digital networks and that poverty and poor education are important contributions to this scenario.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Oeceoclades aculate (Lindl.) Lindl., an invasive orchid, was analyzed as to its reproductive phenology and spatial distribution, correlation between abundance of mature and immature individuals, and verifying these with microclimate patterns in the Cerrado (savanna-like vegetation) of Mogi Guacu, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. For the reproductive phenology 100 plants were followed and the distribution pattern was identified by the Morisita Index (MI) and the Variance Ratio/Average (R) in 20 plots of 20x10m, reduced to 10x10m afterwards. The phenology presented seasonality, with flowering from November to February, fructification from February to June, and dehiscence from June to July. Mature and immature individuals aggregated and correlated to each other, indicating dependence between the ontogenetic stages. The luminosity was the preponderant microclimatic factor in the allocation of plants. Seasonal climatic changes and intensity of anthropogenic disturbances seem to be more important for the establishment of the species than microclimate.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective was to map the prevalence of nutritional disorders in children attending the 1st to 4th grade of 12 public elementary schools located in the 5 administrative regions of Piracicaba, SP, each with its own socioeconomic profi le, from 2003 to 2006. A total of 16,068 children, divided into 8,133 (50.6%) girls and 7,935 (49.4%) boys, aged 7 to 11 years, were weighed and measured. Their nutritional status indicators heightfor-age (H/A), weight-for-age (W/A), and body mass index-for-age (BMI/A) were compared with those of the NCHS/CDC 2000 reference population and classifi ed according to the z-score cut-off points recommended by the World Health Organization. During that period, the Western Region, which has the lowest socioeconomic indicators, had the lowest z-score medians of the three anthropometric indicators assessed (p<0.0001) and was the only region to have a higher-than-expected stunting prevalence (3.0% with Z < -2). Excess weight prevalence was higher than expected in all regions. The Central Region, which has the highest socioeconomic indicators, had the highest excess weight prevalence (6.0% with Z > 2). Time had a positive effect on the stunted children, reducing the stunting rates in the regions with the lowest socioeconomic indicators. In conclusion, the three nutritional status indicators showed results suitable to the social and economic characteristics of each region. Although nutritional disorders have particular characteristics, they are a problem to the entire population.


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The organization and dynamics of the energetic-sugarcane sector in Brazil have suffered the impacts of the “deregulation” process that took place in the 1990s, since when it is no longer monitored by the State. In this scenario, the agribusiness enterprises, in order to survive, act over production, marketing and management of their activities, among others areas, demanding financial investments. The credit lines offered by BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development) are one of the factors that enable the implementation of these actions. In this context, the aim of this study is to assess the connections between BNDES's outlays for the sugarcane sector in Brazil from 2001 to 2008, and the activities of this sector, according to the federation unity and the region in the country. The work is based on: i) literature review and ii) secondary selected data collection aimed at the composition of data series. The organization and analysis of data indicates that the largest amount of money is destined to the south-central region, specifically the state of São Paulo. This is the only state that receives almost all types of financings, an equivalent to 68% of the receptions in the period. The concentration of BNDES's outlays in the south-central region may be linked to the dominance of the sector in this region, either in terms of harvested area, amount of production, employment contracts or number of enterprises.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In Brazil, the discussion about thereplacement of analog television signals to digitaland its impact on society, in media companies andgovernment began in the 90s. Embryonic steps towardsdigitalisation of the television signal ground were thegovernment of Fernando Collor de Mello (1990-1992),with advances during the government of FernandoHenrique Cardoso (1994-2001) and in the governmentof Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2002). The academy startsthe discussion in 1996. This article aims to bring to lightthe results obtained from the survey Digital television:a historical perspective , which received the supportof CNPq for funding of two scholarships for scientifi cinitiation between August 2008 and July 2009. Theproject sought to identify what has been published onthe subject in the fi eld of Social Sciences and from threemacrodescritores (information management, publicpolicy and value chain), providing the li ing of a virtualcollection Zotero bibliographic innovative platform.The mapping serves to show the growing interest anddevelopment of research in the country during theperiod - when the number jumped to three works inthe fi rst seven years (1995-2001) to 198 in the last sevenyears (2002-2008). The research sought to identify themajor authors and works related to digital televisionand published in the country. The survey took intoaccount books, articles published in books, journals,Annals of Compós and Intercom, and dissertations andtheses. Data and refl ections on the survey are containedin this communication.