144 resultados para Preparo periódico


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Chemical imprinting technology has been widely used as a valuable tool in selective recognition of a given target analyte (molecule or metal ion), yielding a notable advance in the development of new analytical protocols. Since their discovery, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) have been extensively studied with excellent reviews published. However, studies involving ion imprinted polymers (IIPs), in which metal ions are recognized in the presence of closely related inorganic ions, remain scarce. Thus, this review involved a survey of different synthetic approaches for preparing ion imprinted adsorbents and their application for the development of solid phase extraction methods, metal ion sensors (electrodes and optodes) and selective membranes.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The tillage comprises on average 25% of the cost of deploying a reed, so this cost reduction measures are desirable since they do not compromise the quality of the operation and longevity of sugarcane. The objective was to evaluate the effect of different tillage systems in Acrustox, correlating soil physical properties and characteristics of sugarcane agroindustrial plant cane and ratoon cane. We used five types of soil tillage, over experimental design in blocks with five replications. The particle size was measured every 0.1 m to 0.4 m depth, through deformed soil samples collected at the end of the first growth cycle of the culture. For other soil physical properties: bulk density, total porosity and water content, assessments were performed at the end of each cycle, collecting soil samples in layers of 0-0.20 to 0.21-0.40 m, in addition to performing the penetration resistance, using a penetrometer impact. The response of sugarcane depending on the types of tillage was determined from the evaluation of productivity per hectare of stem (TCH), sugar (TPH), the values of pol % cane (AP), sugar total recoverable (ATR) and fiber samples collected at harvest stalk of sugarcane plant and ratoon cane. In the tillage studied, there was a change of the physical attributes of the soil, causing reduced productivity in 2009/2010 crop, compared with the 2008/2009 season. In tillage system of furrowing direct lowest result was observed for TCH, especially in 2009/2010 crop, when the difference with conventional tillage was 20.53 Mg ha(-1).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the context of university libraries, optimization services, streamlining processes and consistency of processing and organization of informational content are strongly influenced by the indexing policy adopted by the information system. This discussion has proposed to perform a theoretical and methodological research on the subject cataloging in order to contribute to the definition of indexing policy elements in medical university library. To achieve our objective, we applied three instruments: Organizational Culture, Individual Verbal Protocol and Evaluation of Indexing. Considers the importance of developing an indexing policy for improvements in processes and services offered by university libraries, as well as the retrieval.


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This research aims at verifying the authors who have given basis to the brazilian researches internationally inserted in the area of Bibliometrics and Scientometrics through the analysis of citation and co-citation of the brazilian articles published in the journal Scientometrics. We used the Scopus data base, with the terms Scientometrics in source title and Brasil or Brazil in affiliation country. We found 53 articles, with 741 references and 19 authors cited 3 or more times. In general, the researchers come from the biologic and health areas. Using the Ucinet software, we build the co-citation network and calculated its indicators. We calculated the co-citation normalized index. The density and average of normalized degree centrality were 65,5%. We concluded the research highlighting the significant presence of brazilians (32%) and the dialogicity occurring between cited Brazilians and foreigners within a balance, where brazilians already dialog with renowned international researchers of the Bibliometrics and Scientometrics area.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this study it was to evaluate the use of irrigating solution used during root canal preparation on the adhesive cementation of prefabricated fiberglass pins. The bond strength between different regions of the root and the fiberglass pins cemented into the root canal were evaluated by push-out assay. For this study, 36 human teeth were used, all equally prepared. The irrigating solutions used for biomechanical preparation were: saline solution, sodium hypochlorite 2,5% and glycolic extract of salvia 20%. The dual cure resin cement was used for cementation of pins. After cementation, specimens were sectioned to give 3 slices of approximately 2 mm each (cervical, middle and apical), which were submitted to mechanical push-out test. Were performed ANOVA and Tukey's test with a significance level of 5%, for the analysis of mechanical test. Comparing the thirds we observed that the only solution that presented statistical difference in the bond strength was sodium hypochlorite, which showed higher values for the middle and apical third compared with the cervical third, but when compared without taking into consideration the dental thirds, solutions studied showed no differences in bond strength. Therefore, it was concluded that the solutions studied can be used during endodontic treatment without causing harmful effects on the final adhesive restoration


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A Dosímetria Termoluminescente (TLD) é uma ferramenta extremamente versátil para a avaliação da dose absorvida por tecidos humanos, devido à interação dos mesmos com a radiação ionizante. As características termoluminescentes (TL) do fluoreto de lítio (LiF) foram estudadas extensivamente primeiramente por apresentar número atômico muito próximo ao do tecido humano e, portanto, conseguir quantificar com fidelidade a radiação recebida na ordem de μGy (micro Gray) a kGy (kilo Gray) . Foram abordados os princípios físicos envolvido no procedimento de calibração e tratamento dos dosímetros (total de 224 pastilhas), os quais foram separados, após tratamento, em 75 grupos. Este trabalho foi de suma importância na aplicação dos conceitos físicos abordados durante a formação da graduação no curso de Bacharelado em Física Médica, e pode auxiliar em projetos, em andamento, junto ao grupo de pesquisa de Física Aplicada ao Radiodiagnóstico


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Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender a formação docente na perspectiva do professor reflexivo, buscando averiguar nesse processo temas emergentes vinculados ao periódico Educação e Pesquisa, fonte de coleta de dados. Neste itinerário optamos pela pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo descritivo, escolhendo como técnica para a coleta de dados a fonte documental, seguida de análise documental. Entre os resultados coletados na revista, periódico de 1975 a 2010, apontaram-se como significativos os eixos reflexão, saberes, identidade e profissionalização docente, prática pedagógica, formação inicial e formação continuada. Neste contexto observou-se que as pesquisas de ênfase critico reflexiva vem contribuindo teoricamente para a disseminação do conceito da formação reflexiva inicial e continuada de professores que buscam por meio desta perspectiva o desenvolvimento profissional e o reconhecimento como produtores de conhecimento na área que atuam. Outras questões observadas assinalaram para a compreensão da formação reflexiva como uma concepção que pode auxiliar o docente no processo de reconhecimento da sua identidade profissional marcada pela influência direta da cultura da qual os docentes estão inseridos. Nesta direção foi também identificado que as tomadas de decisões no âmbito escolar, dentro e fora da sala de aula, requerem do docente a mobilização de saberes que vão além da teoria aprendida nos anos de formação acadêmica, buscando auxilio nas vivências pré-profissionais para a elaboração dos saberes docentes. Porém, elucidou-se que os docentes reflexivos e investigadores da sua própria prática tendem a ser favorecidos por este tipo de prática, podendo provocar inovações na educação e em seu próprio desenvolvimento profissional. Concluindo, pode-se dizer que o estudo do periódico Educação e Pesquisa perspectivado... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)