185 resultados para Pathology, Surgical


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The frequency of simultaneously impacted second and third molars in teenagers is increasing and becoming a common occurrence in adolescent oral surgery practice. The traditional treatment is the removal of the third molar by conventional access but repositioning of the surgical flap to the distal face of the first molar can predispose to complications such as pericoronitis and delayed healing of the attached gingiva. We present a case in which we use the germectomy approach to remove the impacted third molar for the eruption of the second molar through a vestibular incision. This incision offers excellent bone exposure and exit route for the third molar without disturbing the gingiva attached architecture on the distal face of the first molar providing good healing environment.


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The odontogenic keratocyst, also known as the keratocystic odontogenic tumor, is an aggressive, intraosseous lesion of odontogenic origin that presents a high rate of recurrence. Treatment modalities include aggressive surgical procedures and more conservative approaches that significantly influence the lesion's recurrence potential. The purpose of this case report was to demonstrate a conservative approach in the treatment of an extensive keratocystic odontogenic tumor, located in the mandible's posterior region, using decompression and enucleation.


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Thirty fine-needle biopsy (FNB) samples from 28 dogs subjected to surgical resection of cutaneous mast cell tumors (MCTs) were stained with Giemsa. At least 100 neoplastic cells from each cytology slide were evaluated by morphometric analysis. The parameters were: area, perimeter of the cell, cytoplasm, nucleus and circumference factor. MCTs of grade III had a mean cellular area of 231.70 μm2 ± 57.1, and grade II had a mean of 252.30 μm2 ± 55.0. Cellular perimeter was 61.20 ± 7.1 in grade II and 59.1 ± 8.6 in grade III. Cellular parameters were not statistically different between grades (p>.05). Mean nuclear area was 88.90 μm2 ± 19 in grade III and 72.30 μm2 ± 13.9 in grade II, with statistical difference between grades (P =.011). Mean nuclear perimeter was 32.40 ìm ± 3.0 in grade II and 35.70 ìm ± 4.0 in grade III, with statistical difference between grades (P =.018). Mean nuclear circumference factor was 1.0 ± 0.33 in grade II and 1.1 ± 0.28 in grade III, with no statistical difference between grades (P = 0.78). Nuclear-tocytoplasmic ratio in grade II was 0.29 ±.07 and 0.39 ±.08 in grade III, with statistical difference (P =.02). The number of binucleated and multinucleated cells and mitotic figures was significantly increased in grade III MCTs (P <.001). In conclusion, the number of mitotic figures, presence of binucleation and multinucleation, and nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio can help to guide a profile of MCT aggressiveness in cytologic preparations.


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In this report, we present a case of myositis ossificans traumatica (MOT) of the medial pterygoid muscle that had developed after mandibular block anesthesia administered for endodontic treatment of the lower right second molar, demonstrating typical features of this condition. MOT should be considered as a differential diagnosis when there is severe limitation of jaw opening and an associated trauma. Panoramic radiographs and axial and coronal computed tomography (CT) scans can effectively delineate the calcified mass. Other imaging studies that may be helpful include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), bone scans, and ultrasound. As shown in our case, calcified masses were found in the right mandibular angle, which severely limited jaw opening. Some earlier reported cases of MOT were treated by extraoral surgical approaches with complete removal of the evolving muscle. The aim of this case report is to present only the diagnostic imaging aspects of myositis ossificans traumatica.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the surgical use of the natural latex biomembrane in diaphragmatic injuries produced experimentally in rabbits. Fifteen healthy adult male and female New Zealand rabbits were employed. The rabbits were assigned to the experimental groups I, II, III, IV and V and analyzed on the 15th, 30th, 45th, 60th and 90th days post surgery, respectively. The surgical procedure consisted in the access to the diaphragm at the eighth right intercostal space, removal of a circle portion of approximately 1.5 cm in diameter following surgical repair with a latex membrane. Macroscopically, it was observed an excellent healing process during the experimental period. The clinical observations, complemented by the histological analysis, indicate that the latex membrane is useful for repair of traumatic inuries of the diaphragm of rabbits.


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Maxillomandibular reconstructions are traditionally performed by means of autogenous bone grafts collected from intraoral donor areas and extraoral donor areas such as clavicle, iliac bone, rib, and tibia. The calvarial bone has been studied as an alternative donor area, with a low incidence of complications and minimal postoperative morbidity. Complications such as dural lacerations associated with cerebrospinal fluid leakage and extradural and subdural bleeding were minimized due to the use of surgical trepan, allowing the diploic layer delimitation before the osteotomy, preserving the internal calvarial cortical. The purpose of this article is to suggest a new technique for the obtainment of calvarial bone grafts with surgical trepan.


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Background: This article describes a clinical report with a new system for guided surgical treatment and immediate load prosthesis in the flapless surgical technique. Case report: Based on a computed tomography (CT) of a 64 - year-old edentulous patient, the cross sections were reformatted and used to construct a virtual planning of the implants and a guide template in Dental Slice. Six dental implants were placed in the maxilla and mandible using a Slice Guide System. Following a 30-month in maxilla and 24-month in mandible healing period, the clinical and radiographic evaluation and computed tomography (CT) showed good clinical stability. The Slice Guide System proved satisfactory for the Flapless Surgical Technique in dental implants.


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Background. Morphological and dentofacial alterations have been attributed to impaired respiratory function. Objective. To examine the influence of mouth breathing (MB) on children facial morphology before and after adenoidectomy or adenotonsillectomy. Methods. Thirty-three MB children who restored nasal breathing (NB) after surgery and 22 NB children were evaluated. Both groups were submitted to lateral cephalometry, at time 1 (T1) before and at time 2 (T2) 28months on average postoperatively. Results. Comparison between the MB and NB groups at T1 showed that mouth breathers had higher inclination of the mandibular plane; more obtuse gonial angle; dolichofacial morphology; and a decrease in the total and inferior posterior facial heights. Twenty-eight months after the MB surgical intervention, they still presented a dolichofacial morphologic pattern. During this period, MB altered the face growth direction and decreased their mandible plane inclination, with reduction in the SN.GoGn, PP.MP, SNGn, and ArGo.GoMe parameters as well as an increase in BaN.PtGn. Conclusion. After the MB rehabilitation, children between 3 and 6years old presented significant normalization in the mandibular growth direction, a decrease in the mandible inclination, and an increase in the posterior facial height. Instead, they still persisted with a dolichofacial pattern when compared with nasal breathers. © 2011 The Authors. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry © 2011 BSPD, IAPD and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Background: We evaluated the presence of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) in core needle biopsies (CNB) from invasive ductal lesions. Methods: Retrospective study, which analyzed 90 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma lesions. The percentage of DCIS was quantified in each specimens obtained from CNB, which were compared to the surgical specimens. CNB and surgical specimens were evaluated by the same pathologist, and the percentage of DCIS in CNB was evaluated (percentage) and divided into categories. We considered the following parameters regarding the amount of DCIS: 1 = 0; 2 = 1 for 5%; 3 = 6 for 24%; 4 = 25 for 50%; 5 = 51 for 75% and 6 = 76 for 99%. The number of fragments and the histological pattern of DCIS was found. Results: We found the following results regarding the distribution of the percentage of DCIS in the CNB: 1 = 63.3%; 2 = 12.2%; 3 = 12.2%; 4 = 5.6%; 5 = 1.1% and 6 = 5.6%. The logistic regression analysis showed that CNB percentages above 45% reflected the presence of DCIS in the surgical specimen in 100% of the cases (p<0.001), with a specificity of 100%, accuracy of 83.3% and false positive rate of 0% (p <0.001). Conclusion: There is direct relationship between extensive intraductal component in the surgical specimen when the core biopsy shows 45% or more of the DCI or microinvasive in the material examined. © 2012 Barbalaco Neto et al.


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This paper describes and discusses the multidisciplinary treatment involving a permanent maxillary lateral incisor fused to a supernumerary tooth, both presenting pulp necrosis and periapical lesion. A 15-year-old male patient sought treatment complaining of pain, swelling and mobility on the maxillary right lateral incisor. After clinical and radiographic examination, root canal preparation was performed according to the crown-down technique and a calcium hydroxide dressing was placed for 15 days. The patient returned and the definitive endodontic filling was done with thermomechanical compaction of gutta-percha and sealer. After 18 months, clinical and radiographic examinations were carried out and no pain or swelling was reported. Two years after endodontic treatment, the patient returned for periodontal and cosmetic treatments. Nine months later, a cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) revealed that the previously detected periodontal defect and periapical lesion were persistent. Apical endodontic surgery was indicated. The supernumerary tooth was removed, the communicating distal surface was filled and the surgical site received bioactive glass and demineralized bovine organic bone. The pathological tissue was submitted to histopathological examination and the diagnosis was periapical cyst. One year after the apical endodontic surgery, CBCT showed bone formation at maxillary lateral incisor apical area. Two years after the surgery, the restoration was replaced due to aesthetic reasons and periapical radiograph showed success after 5 years of treatment. A correct diagnosis and establishment of an adequate treatment plan resulted in a successful management of the case.


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Introduction: Intradural lumbar disc herniations are uncommon presentations of a relatively frequent pathology, representing less than 1% of all lumbar disc hernias. They show specific features concerning their clinical diagnosis, with a higher incidence of cauda equina syndrome, and their surgical treatment requires a transdural approach. Methods: In this article, we describe five cases of this pathology and review the literature as well as some considerations about the difficulties in the preoperative diagnostic issues and the surgical technique. Conclusion: We concluded that for intradural disc herniations the diagnosis is mainly intraoperative, and the surgical technique has some special aspects. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Introduction: This present study's purpose is to evaluate the degree of paresthesia and recovery of inferior alveolar nerve in patients with mandible fractures who underwent surgical treatment. Material and methods: Nineteen patients were evaluated (27 hemimandibles) at six different times: preoperative (T1), postoperative 1 week (T2), postoperative 1 month (T3), postoperative 3 months (T4), postoperative 6 months (T5), and postoperative 1 year (T6). Subjective and objective methods were used for this evaluation. Results: The results were analyzed using likelihood ratio chi-square test for the hypothesis of no association between indicators of sensitivity and responses to the questionnaire, and the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test for equality hypothesis. All objective tests showed a statistically significant worsening in sensitivity at T2 (p < 0. 0001) and a significant improvement after T4 (α < 0. 05). The subjective tests showed an association with the objectives tests, and improvement in sensitivity after T4 (p < 0. 0001) was noted. Discussion: The first postoperative week is the period in which there are major changes with respect to sensitivity, and after 3 months postoperatively, the recovery reaches its apex with little difference observed after this period. In this research 100 % of the patients analyzed recovered all sensibility until T6. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Dosage and frequency of treatment schedules are important for successful chemotherapy. However, in this work we argue that cell-kill response and tumoral growth should not be seen as separate and therefore are essential in a mathematical cancer model. This paper presents a mathematical model for sequencing of cancer chemotherapy and surgery. Our purpose is to investigate treatments for large human tumours considering a suitable cell-kill dynamics. We use some biological and pharmacological data in a numerical approach, where drug administration occurs in cycles (periodic infusion) and surgery is performed instantaneously. Moreover, we also present an analysis of stability for a chemotherapeutic model with continuous drug administration. According to Norton & Simon [22], our results indicate that chemotherapy is less eficient in treating tumours that have reached a plateau level of growing and that a combination with surgical treatment can provide better outcomes.


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We studied a nonconcurrent cohort of 582 patients admitted to a medical-surgical intensive care unit. Use of antimicrobials (imipenem and metronidazole) was a risk factor for acquisition of imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii only for the subcohort of patients admitted in months in which colonization pressure was lower than the median value. © 2013 by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.