217 resultados para Panicum miliaceum


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar os teores de nutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Zn, Fe e Mn) e a relação C/N, presentes na matéria seca da parte aérea das seguintes espécies de plantas daninhas: Ageratum conyzoides L., Amaranthus lividus L., Bidens pilosa L., Brachiaria decumbens Stapf., Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitchc., Senna occidentalis (L.) Link., Commelina benghalensis L., Cyperus rotundus L., Digitaria horizontalis Willd., Euphorbia heterophylla L., Indigofera truxillensis H.B.K., Ipomoea acuminata Roem. et Schult, Panicum maximum Jacq., Raphanus raphanistrum L., Rhynchelytrum repens (Willd.) C.E. Hubb., Richardia brasiliensis Gomez e Sida cordifolia L. Os teores de macronutrientes obtidos da matéria seca das plantas daninhas, foram maiores em geral nas dicotiledôneas. em relação às monocotiledôneas não houve um padrão de comportamento para os micronutrientes. Entretanto, o teores de carbono foram, em média, superiores para todas as monocotiledôneas, sendo que as dicotiledôneas apresentaram relações C/N menores do que as monocotiledôneas.


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Existem muitas opções de herbicidas para aplicações em pré-emergência em cana-de-açúcar, mas o grande desafio atual para a cultura é o controle pós-emergente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia do herbicida mesotrione em mistura com ametryn e metribuzin no controle em pós-emergência de 10 espécies daninhas semeadas em cana-de-açúcar, variedade RB 86-7515. As espécies daninhas selecionadas para o experimento foram: Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria plantaginea, Cenchrus echinatus, Digitaria horizontalis, Panicum maximum, Amaranthus deflexus, Bidens pilosa, Euphorbia heterophylla, Ipomoea nil e Sida glaziovii, semeadas nas entrelinhas após a emergência da cultura. Os herbicidas foram aplicados aos 45 dias após o plantio da cana-de-açúcar, com as plantas daninhas monocotiledôneas na fase de terceiro perfilho e as dicotiledôneas com três a quatro pares de folhas, e constaram dos seguintes tratamentos: mesotrione (120 g ha-1); ametryn (2.000 g ha-1); metribuzin (1.920 g ha-1); mesotrione + ametryn (120 g + 2.000 g ha-1); mesotrione + metribuzin (120 g + 1920 g ha-1) e testemunhas no mato e no limpo. Concluiu-se que os herbicidas isolados ou em mistura foram seletivos à cana-de-açúcar. Com relação à eficácia, observou-se que o herbicida mesotrione foi eficiente no controle de A. deflexus; ametryn, no controle de A. deflexus, B. pilosa e I. nil; metribuzin, no controle de A. deflexus, B. pilosa e S. glaziovii; mesotrione + ametryn, no controle de B. decumbens, B. plantaginea, D. horizontalis, P. maximum, A. deflexus, B. pilosa, I. nil e S. glaziovii; e mesotrione + metribuzin, no controle de B. plantaginea, D. horizontalis, P. maximum, A. deflexus, B. pilosa e S. glaziovii. Foi constatado elevado efeito sinergístico do mesotrione com os herbicidas testados, sendo o efeito mais pronunciado na mistura com o ametryn.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, avaliar os efeitos de idades de colheita e do uso de inoculante enzimático-bacteriano sobre os parâmetros de fermentação, de composição química e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) das silagens dos cultivares Tanzânia e Mombaça (Panicum maximum Jacq.). As forragens foram colhidas aos 45 e 60 dias após o corte de uniformização, submetidas a dois tratamentos (A - Ensilagem sem aditivo [Controle]; B - Ensilagem com adição de inoculante enzimático-bacteriano) e distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial (dois capins x duas inoculações x duas idades de corte), com três repetições. O conteúdo de MS das silagens confeccionadas com as plantas colhidas aos 60 dias de rebrota foi superior àquele das silagens colhidas com 45 dias. As silagens confeccionadas com as plantas colhidas aos 45 dias de rebrota apresentaram os maiores teores de PB (11,9%). Não se observaram efeitos das silagens, dos tratamentos e das idades de corte sobre os teores de hemicelulose, celulose e DIVMS e valores de pH e N-NH3. As silagens do capim-tanzânia apresentaram os maiores teores de MS, FDN, FDA, ácido lático e ácido butírico, enquanto as de capim-mombaça, os de PB e de ácido acético. A adição de inoculante enzimático-bateriano promoveu silagens com menores teores de MS, PB e lignina que as não-tratadas. Os capins tanzânia e mombaça não apresentaram limitações ao processo de ensilagem. O inoculante enzimático-bacteriano não melhorou as características qualitativas, fermentativas e nutricionais das silagens avaliadas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objectives of this study were to evaluate morphogenetic characteristics and tillering dynamics in Tanzania grass fertilized and non-fertilized with nitrogen, under intermittent grazing, in the spring and the summer. The main plots were composed of four nitrogen rates (0, 100, 200 and 300 kg/ha) and the subplots were growth seasons: spring (October, November and December) and summer (January, February and March). The experimental design was of randomized block with plots subdivided by time (seasons of the year) and four replications. Urea was used as nitrogen supply and was divided into two applications: one in the spring and another in the summer. The experimental units fertilized with N rates of 200 and 300 kg/ha showed six cycles of pasture, with an average of 27 days of pasture interval, while the treatments with no fertilization and 100 kg/ha of N showed only four and five cycles of pasture, respectively. Leaf elongation rate (LER) and the leaf appearance rate (LAR) increased linearly with increasing of N rates. The greatest population density occurred in summer with the higher nitrogen rates. The treatment without N fertilization showed the lowest growth of tiller population, while the other treatments exhibited growth rates above 50% when compared with non-fertilized samples. Nitrogen rates significantly affect the leaf appearance rate and the leaf elongation rate, as well as the number of live leaves in plants of Tanzania grass in both spring and summer.


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This study was carried out to analyze the tillering profile of Guinea grass (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania) pastures subjected to two grazing frequencies (time necessary to intercept 90 and 95% of the incoming light) and two post-grazing heights (30 and 50 cm) in the period from November 2005 to October 2006. The experimental design was of completely randomized blocks with three replications, in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. At the end of the spring, pastures managed with 90% light interception showed greater tiller appearance rates in relation to pastures managed with 95%, regardless of post-grazing height. In the summer and fall, pastures managed with post-grazing height of 30 cm showed higher tiller appearance rates in comparison with pastures managed at 50 cm, regardless of grazing frequency. Concerning the tiller mortality rates, in the summer, higher values were found for pastures managed at 90/50 and 95/30 (interception/height), intermediate values at 90/30 and lower values in those managed at 95/50. Pastures managed at 90/30, 95/30 and 95/50 in the fall presented greater tiller mortality rates than those managed at 90/50. These differences do not occur in the winter/beginning of spring. The stability index remained above 1 all through the experimental period. All management strategies evaluated are adequate for Guinea grass.


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Realizou-se um estudo para comparar a técnica de degradação in vitro e digestibilidade in vivo, para a qual foram utilizados oito ovinos capões que receberam feno de capim-de-rhodes (Chloris gayana Kunt.) e capim-green panic (Panicum maximum Jacq. var. Trichoglume cv. Petrie),em quatro estágios de maturação. No estudo da digestibilidade in vivo não se verificaram diferenças significativas entre os diferentes coeficientes de digestibilidade dos alimentos. Para a degradação in vitro da fibra em detergente neutro com 24 a 48 horas, não houve diferenças significativas (P > 0,05) para os mesmos nutrientes. Determinaram-se as equações de regressão e os coeficientes de correlação. Os valores de r foram considerados de médios a elevados, e os erros padrões da estimativa, satisfatórios a elevados. O maior valor de correlação foi obtido entre a taxa de degradação relativa de 24 a 48 horas, e o teor de NDT das forragens (r= 0,84), com erro-padrão da estimativa satisfatório (Sy’x = 3,92).


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O trabalho foi conduzido no Campus da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal/UNESP com o objetivo de estudar o efeito de duas frequências (35 e 42 dias) e duas alturas do corte (15 cm e 30 cm do solo) sobre as características morfo-fisiológicas de recuperação, a produção e a composição bromatológica do capim-colonião (Panicum maximum Jacq.). Os resultados revelaram que plantas cortadas a intervalos de 42 dias apresentaram maior percentagem de perfilhos decapitados (53,70%), menor vigor de rebrota (918,89 kg de MS/ha/21 dias), porém maior produção de matéria seca (12.652,67 kg/ha). O vigor de rebrota mostrou melhor correlação com a percentagem de perfilhos decapitados (r = -0,60*), do que com os teores de carboidratos totais não estruturais da base do colmo (r = -0,04) e da parte subterrânea (r = -0,39). Com base nas produções de matéria seca e de proteína bruta, bem como, na composição bromatológica, o capim-colonião poderia ser cortado, no período de janeiro a abril, a intervalos de 42 dias, independentemente das alturas adotadas (15 cm ou 30 cm de solo).


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The purpose of the present work was the study of the composition and distribution of the species in halophilous-psamophilous communities, utilizing the square method in 10 beaches of the Espirito Santo coast. The data of presence and cover of each species for the calculation of frequency and dominance, respectively, were obtained from twenty contiguous square of each of five 20 meters samplings, in a total of one hundred squares for each beach. Mariscus pedunculatus, Panicum racemosum, Ipomoea pes-caprae, I. littoralis and Blutaparon portulacoides were the most dominant species in the analyzed beaches.


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Forty one young bulls of herds selected for 378 day's weight (W378), born in 1996, were finished on pastures of Panicum Maximum (Jacq.), Panicum Maximum (Jaq) cv. Tanzania 1 and Brachiaria brizantha (Hoschst) Stapf cv. Marandu at the Sertaozinho Experimental Station, São Paulo State, Brazil. The samples, representing the W378 mean for each herd, were composed by 11 Nellore Selection (NeS) and by 10 of each one of the groups Nelore Control (NeC), Guzera Selection (GuS) and Caracu (Ca). The slaughter was carried out when the animals were 824 days older, with a body condition score averaging 7.6, in a 1-9 scale. The minimum and maximum adjusted means for the main traits, including all groups, were: average weight daily gain, 406 (NeC) and 501 g (NeS); slaughter weight (SW), 446.8 (NeC) and 544.3 kg (NeS); carcass weight (CW), 249.8 (NeC) and 309.7 kg (NeS); dressing percentage (DP), 54.0 (GuS) and 56.3% (NeC and NeS). In the 9(th) - 11(th) rib section: muscle, 59.6 (NeC) and 65.2% (Ca); fat, 15.6 (Ca) and 21.4% (NeC); bone, 18.9 (NeC) and 20.2% (GuS); fat thickness (FT), 2.0 (Ca) and 4.2 mm (NeC); loin eye area, 65.6 (NeC) and 71.1 cm(2) (NeS and Ca); Warner-Bratzler shear force (SF), 4.5 (Ca) and 6.6 kg (GuS) and total cooking losses (TCL), 22.5 (NeC) and 24.9% (GuS). The selection for weight promoted higher SW and CW in the NeS group, without changing the DP, the physical composition of the rib, SF and TCL in the meat. However, there was lower FT compared to NeC. The GuS animals had intermediates SW and CW, compared to NeS and Ca and lower DP. The Ca animals presented higher muscle percentage, in the rib section, and also higher meat tenderness compared to the meat of the Zebu animals.


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A greenhouse investigation was carried out to study the effects of liming on the dry matter (DM) production of the grasses Brachiaria brizantha (Hoscht.) Stapf. cv. Marandu, Andropogon gayanus Kunth cv. Planaltina and Panicum maximum Jacq cv. Aruana, cultivated on a Dark-Red Latosol, medium texture. The liming levels were obtained through the addition of carbonates in a Ca:Mg ratio of 4:1, necessary to increase the degree of base saturation (V%) to the following values; 4% (control), 20%, 36%, 52%, 68% and 84%. During the experimental period (180 days), four cuts were done to determine the DM production. The results indicated that the DM production was increased (P<0,05) with the liming-levels increased to the three grasses. Panicum maximum cv. Aruana yielded the lower DM quantity, but it presented a better response to liming. The inverse was observed in relation to A. gayanus. The data allowed to conclude that the DM production increased by liming and when the V% level was lower than 50%, it will be increased to 70% for establishment.


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Intensive grazing systems for beef females, based on abundant availability of high quality forages and supplementary concentrates, may affect fetal development. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of grazing system on length of gestation, fetal development, and characteristics of the calf at birth. Twenty-four pregnant (bred to Nellore bulls) Nellore females were allocated into two groups. The control group (G1) grazed Brachiaria decumbens (signal grass) in a traditional (extensive) grazing system and the second group (G2) were managed on Panicum maximumcv. Tanzania 1 (Tanzania grass) in an intensive grazing system. Fetal development was evaluated by ultrasonography on days 31, 45, 59, 94, 122, 220, and 255 of gestation. The diameter of the amniotic and allantoic cavities, crown-rump length, circumference, and diameter of the head and ocular orbit were determined. At birth, calves were weighed and height, length, thoracic circumference, and ocular orbit and bi-parietal diameters were measured. There were no differences (P > 0.05) in fetal development. The G1 cows had a longer gestation period (4.5 days; P < 0.05) and their calves had greater (P < 0.05) weight, height, length, and thoracic circumference at birth. In conclusion, Nellore females raised under intensive pasture management conditions, had significantly shorter gestation and smaller calves at birth than those raised under extensive pasture management conditions. Therefore, adoption of new management practices (e.g. intensive pasture management), should take into consideration animal behavior and productivity. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.