179 resultados para Paisagens antropizadas


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - FEB


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Apesar da reconhecida importância e utilização de inúmeros grupos de insetos como indicadores de qualidade de habitat, e da importância das análises das estruturas da paisagem para auxiliar a explicar os padrões de distribuição e biodiversidade de espécies, poucos estudos exploram os efeitos das matrizes sobre a vegetação nativa na distribuição das espécies de maneira gradual. O presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar como a comunidade dos besouros da subfamília Scarabaeinae responde à transição e mudança de ambiente de fragmentos de cerrado à matriz. Foram amostradas 15 paisagens com vegetação de cerrado no interior paulista, sendo a riqueza e abundância registrada para cada região. A diferença de riqueza encontrada entre a matriz e o cerrado foi marginalmente significativa (p=0,0767), enquanto que diferença na abundância foi significativa (p=0,0024) e em ambos os casos, foram maiores para os fragmentos de cerrado em relação às matrizes. Foi analisado se um modelo de gradiente matriz-borda-interior do fragmento (M-B-I) explicaria melhor a abundância de besouros do que um modelo de quebra entre fragmento e matriz (Fragmento- Matriz). Apesar dos resultados mostrarem que o segundo modelo explicou um maior número de paisagens, o fato do modelo M-B-I explicar parte delas sugere a importância deste tipo de abordagem em forma de gradiente. Este estudo, além de levantar informações importantes sobre a distribuição espacial de escarabeíneos em paisagens fragmentadas, traz luz a como este grupo pode responder positivamente ao gradiente matriz-borda-interior; tais informações seguramente podem auxiliar significativamente em ações de cunho conservacionista e ainda orientar estratégias de restauração em paisagens fragmentadas de cerrado do interior paulista


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A Mata Atlântica Brasileira apresenta ampla distribuição e diferenças regionais na composição de suas paisagens, favorecendo alta diversidade e endemismo. O grupo de espécies de Rhinella crucifer é endêmico a este bioma, e distribui-se através de todo seu domínio. O grupo é composto por cinco morfoespécies, definidas com o auxilio da morfometria tradicional. Recentemente foi encontrado que apenas três destas morfoespécies correspondem a linhagens genéticas exclusivas. Neste trabalho é proposta uma releitura da variação fenotípica das espécies de Rhinella do grupo crucifer com base na morfometria geométrica, uma técnica moderna capaz de detectar padrões de variação mais refinados. Tanto em análise realizada com peso igual para variações de forma globais e locais, quanto em análise que valoriza apenas variações localizadas houve a formação de dois grupos; um contendo morfoespécie Rhinella henseli e outro formado pelo restante das morfoespécies. A alta sobreposição encontrada neste segundo grupo evidencia grande semelhança na forma craniana, sendo R henseli a morfoespécie mais diferente do grupo. Este resultado é condizente com os achados genéticos recentes, podendo- se concluir que a variação fenotípica no grupo é acompanhada pela a variação genética. Um estudo futuro com amostragem mais representativa e aprimoramento na metodologia poderá contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da diversificação morfológica nesse grupo de espécies em escala mais fina.


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The Conservation in countrysides landscapes only it will be understood in the context of the habitat fragmentation that have been affected the species richness, abundance and distribution. We carried out a mammal survey in platation forest at São Paulo State and 8 we discussed the species richness comparing with others sites surveyed elsewhere. We investigate the landscape influence in the mammal species distribution through spatial analysis. The absence of primate species in plantation forests appear to be a pattern for this environments. The species richness was similar among areas and it was higher when there have contiguous native forest remnants. Moreover the landscape interference don’t appeared affect the mammal species distribution. In overview the landscape connectivity is ameliorate with forest plantation. However, those species more susceptible to extinction in fragmented landscape only can persist when there are contiguous forest fragments from the plantation forests. The management of plantation forests can improves the conservation value for medium and large size mammals species at countryside landscapes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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During the process of development and urban sprawl in the city of Presidente Prudente (SP), some factors as the emergence of new centralities, the change in lifestyles and the expansion of equipments and urban infrastructure contributed to the dismantling and little appropriation of the central open space system. In this sense, the work is about the loss of continuity between the central squares of the city - Monsenhor Sarrion Square, July 9 Square, Bandeira Square and Nossa Senhora Aparecida Square - using different methodologies for character evaluation of each square, identifying the inviting and unattractive aspects of their spaces. The relations between these squares and its surroundings are characterized by analyzing interesting visual played on sketches, to complement character evaluation. Among these studies, it is also analyzed two spatial structures related to the squares – Calçadão and Quintino Bocaiuva Street - which have important architectural referring to the city's history and contribute to the central open space system configuration. General considerations obtained through diagnosis provided subsidies for the projectual proposed intervention, which aims to provide appreciation of the character of these public spaces and their articulation, promoting their use and constituting, thus, an important urban-environment set


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The following work had as one of major goals to summarize everything that was learnt and experienced during the Geography Graduation Course and doing it the beginning of a journey towards understanding the phenomena relevant to individuals in society and the urban space over the nature. This work has the background one of the poorest places in South America, but that comes up reflections and interpretations regarding the life and geographical science. To understand this, it was necessary to rescue the local historic process, report their specificities, thus, drawing a parallel with the geographical theories. There was an attempt, therefore, to encompass the theoretical knowledge to understand the different socio-spatial identities, territories and socioeconomic contexts


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Cardoso Island, settled in the south of paulista region, is characterized by its ecological importance due to the great biodiversity of Mata Atlântica and for accommodating several kinds of ecosystems as mangroves, which were considered by UNESCO as human natural ownership. The mangroves are among the most important marine ecosystems, known as warranty of biological productivity and diversity and supply of food and economical resources to the local population. Although the island has been transformed in a state park for preservation, it hasn’t become free from environmental impacts made by antropical activities. This way it was proposed a rebuilt of an evolutionary process in the region, having as an objective to subsidize programs of environmental conservation and planning , aiming to a sustainable development. For this it was used a isobasis methodological analyses where by the drainage channels and its confluences makes relative maps to the different base levels represented by the isobasis, characterizing itself by an attempt to rebuilt the preterit local landscape. There were elaborated eight maps referring to four orders of confluences met in the region of Cardoso Island and round it where you can conclude it is about an appropriate methodology to rebuilt preterits environments that specially aim to actions of environmental planning and conservation.


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A ocupação humana desordenada e sem planejamento pode resultar em impactos ambientais como esgotamento do solo, perda de cobertura vegetal, erosão e perda de solo, assoreamento de leitos fluviais, contaminação das águas (superficiais e profundas), entre outros. Estas conseqüências estão presentes também no município de Ipeúna-SP, onde predominam as pastagens e o cultivo de cana-de-açúcar. Este quadro atual mostra a necessidade de se desenvolver estudos e levantamentos que contemplem diversos fatores ambientais (bióticos e abióticos) básicos para o entendimento das características, potencialidades e fragilidades da área, possíveis de subsidiar o planejamento e a gestão do uso da terra e adequar a utilização dos recursos naturais disponíveis com conservação do meio ambiente. O estudo da fisiografia permite a caracterização e classificação das paisagens terrestres levando em consideração os fatores formadores destas paisagens (clima atual e passado, hidrologia, geologia, geomorfologia e indiretamente aspectos bióticos) e as relações (processos) que os afetam. Desta forma, o objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar as características fisiográficas do município de Ipeúna-SP e, assim, contribuir para o melhor conhecimento dos aspectos do meio físico. Para atingir o objetivo foram realizadas as técnicas de interpretação de fotografias aéreas em escala 1:25.000, geoprocessamento e levantamentos de campo. A sistemática de trabalho adotada se resume a duas etapas: I) diagnóstico zero e; II) análise fisiográfica. O resultado final é o Mapa Fisiográfico em escala 1:50.000. A análise fisiográfica permitiu identificar e compreender os processos endógenos e exógenos que atuam e atuaram na evolução paisagem. O município de Ipeúna-SP é caracterizado por paisagens policíclicas de origem aluvial, coluvial/aluvial e estrutural... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Planning is an essential instrument for the agricultural occupation of the lands, because it supports the activities of food production and raw materials. It must be driven by techniques that provide the sustainability of these activities, so that also ensures the environmental balance of agroecosystems. Lands misuse can be considered as one of the causes of frustration of agricultural activities. Thus, the occurrence of discrepancies between the effective use (real use) of the land and its agricultural aptitude can compete, in many cases, to the decrease of productivity, as well as for soil degradation. In this way, this research intends to study the relationship between the temporary cultivations, halfperennial cultures, perennial and its developmental environment, determining the edaphoclimatic characteristics of landscapes. From then on, a letter shall be subject to the use and occupation of the soil for agriculture in the municipality of Cristais Paulista-SP, aiming to describe the spatial organization of land use and vegetation cover, and emphasizing management and conservative practices. For that, climatic factors were characterized, fundamentally humidity, temperature and luminosity; edaphics, including parental material, chemical and physical properties, fertility, soil temperature and climatic zoning; biotic, referring to the suitability of different cultures or to be implanted; physical, such as geomorphology, slope, geology, hypsometry and hydrology; socioeconomic, in particular production and marketing seasons; and the way they all, together, affect the adaptation, distribution and production of crops. Using this information, the zoning of the area of study was done based on the 21 nominated groups obtained, in addition to recommendations and suggestions for handling each type of cultivation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Matrix can be defined as a portion of the landscape, that somewhere in time suffered intense human disturbance, such as decreasing of native vegetation. The matrix surrounding the forest fragments may create a certain resistance to the movements of individuals (RICKETTS, 2001). The Atlantic rainforest present in the Corumbataí river basin lost about 89% of its original vegetation, leading to a highly fragmented landscape (VALENTE e VETTORAZZI, 2005). In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of the matrix and the characteristic capacity of two forest birds, Dysithamnus mentalis and Basileuterus flaveolus, moving around the landscape. With this aim, six fragments were selected, three with sugar cane matrix, three with Eucalyptus sp. matrix. The methodology utilized to evaluate the response of the birds was playback technique. First the vocalizations were carried out at the forest matrix boundary, in the edge, attracting individuals to the matrix. As the responses were generated, the playback was moved increasingly inside the matrix, observing the distances traveled by the species. The control trials were conducted inside the fragments, the playback was played at the edge and as the responses were observed, the vocalizations were carried out inside the fragment until the moment that individuals ceased answers. It could be observed that for individuals of D. mentalis the matrix generated a high resistance, because no individual entered the matrix. For B. flaveolus the average distance traveled in both matrices was 70 meters, indicating statistically high resistance of the sugar cane matrix and Eucalyptus sp. Considering the characteristics of different matrices, it was found that both matrices generate similar resistance in the movement of these species


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The building sector can cause the environmental degradation, by the natural resources consumption, machinery use and natural landscape modifying. The environmental management system (EMS) improves the environmental quality and makes the companies more competitive. So, this work developed an environmental management system in a building site focused on the solid waste and in the development of mitigation proposals for the most significant environmental impacts. To develop this work it was necessary to follow the building site activities; evaluate the solid waste management; identify the law requirements; identify the environmental aspects and impacts; evaluate the environmental impacts; and propose alternatives for mitigating the adverse environmental critical impacts. The main proposals are the reduction of the waste generation in the place that it’s generated; the reuse and correct final disposal of that wastes; the treatment and reuse of the effluent; and the supervising in the trucks and machineries avoiding the oil spilling and the air pollution