228 resultados para Nutrient contents


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Cultivares de cafeeiro (Coffea Arabica L.) adaptadas às regiões de cultivo, com população de plantas otimizada e adequado estado nutricional são premissas para a obtenção de produções elevadas de café. Estudou-se a produção trienal de café e o teor foliar de macronutrientes de cultivares de cafeeiro em função das densidades de plantio. Foram utilizados os cultivares Catuaí Amarelo (IAC 47), Obatã (IAC 1669-20), Acaiá (IAC 474-19) e Icatu Amarelo (IAC 2944) nas populações de 2.500 plantas ha-1 com duas plantas por cova; e, 5.000, 7.519 e 10.000 plantas ha-1 com uma planta por cova. As plantas foram adubadas de modo homogêneo, porém, sem calagem. À medida que a população de cafeeiros aumentou, a produtividade trienal de café aumentou, a produção de frutos por planta diminuiu e os teores foliares de fósforo (P), potássio (K) e enxofre (S) aumentaram. Nos cafeeiros sob adensamento encontrou-se igual ou maior teor de macronutrientes do que naqueles sob espaçamento convencional, sendo que os maiores teores foram observados nas cultivares de porte alto, e os menores, na cultivar Obatã, de porte baixo. Nos cafeeiros das covas com uma planta observou-se maior produção de café e menores concentrações de P, Ca e S do que naqueles das covas com duas plantas. No geral, os cultivares e as populações de cafeeiros estavam com teores de N e S acima dos limites de referência citados na literatura, mas com teores dos demais macronutrientes dentro da faixa adequada.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do tratamento químico com ureia (3 ou 5% na MS) e amônia anidra (3% na MS) no feno de resíduo pós-colheita de sementes de Brachiaria brizantha, cv. Marandu, contendo diferentes teores de umidade (15, 25 ou 30%). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com oito tratamentos e quatro repetições (camadas de fardos dentro das pilhas). O feno tratado com 3% de amônia anidra com 15% de umidade ocasionou redução de 84,3 para 79,1% nos teores de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e elevação de 37,3 para 55,5% na digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (MS) em relação ao grupo controle. A variação na umidade não alterou de maneira significativa a ação da amônia, cujos valores médios foram 77,6% de FDN e 57,3% de digestibilidade in vitro da MS. O feno com 5% de ureia reduziu os teores de FDN de 84,3 para 79,6% em relação ao feno não-tratado, o que tornou necessário o aumento da umidade para 30% para maior efeito sobre a digestibilidade da MS, que aumentou 12 unidades percentuais.


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There were detected variations of chlorophylls a and b during the senescence leaves period of Caryocar brasiliense Camb in the Corumbatai cerrado vegetation, State of São Paulo. The highest peak of total chlorophylls a and b contents was registered after the maximum leaves expansion, while the lowest peak it was obtained at leaves abcision. The chlorophylls a and b variations can be explained as a function of a chlorophyll a variation content. The phenological events studied (flowering and fruiting time, leaf fall and sprouting) showed a marked periodicity during the year. Flowering and fruiting time have a similar peak both in the wet season (september to february). Leaves fall occurred in the dry season with the peak in August.


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A sensor was fashioned to monitor the volume of nutrient in a solid substrate-based growth media by using electrochemical admittance spectroscopy. Several experimental parameters were investigated (i.e. The use of two- or three-electrode cells, the superficial area of the electrode, the amount of nutrient solution added to the growth media, and the influence of varying the dc and ac potential) to assess how these variables affect the admittance of the system. A linear correlation was observed between the maximum of the imaginary admittance and the volume of nutrient present. The response factor was 2.8 x 10(-5) S cm(-2) ml(-1) and the limit of detection (LOD) was 0.54 ml. The humidity of the growth media does not change the response of the nutrient toward the monitoring measurements. These results demonstrate that the volume of nutrient in this solid substrate-based growth media can be assessed using a ceramic sensor to measure the imaginary admittance. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Digestibility of diets based on corn and soybean meal or soybeans treated by roasting or extrusion, with or without an enzyme supplementation, was measured by true (Sibbald) methods, by analysis of excreta, and by analysis of ileal digesta. Only analysis of ileal digesta was able to consistently measure differences between soybean and enzyme treatments in the digestibility of CP, starch, fat, and ME. The amino acid (AA) digestibility of the diets was measured by analysis of the ileal contents. Whereas enzyme supplementation improved overall CP digestibility by 2.9%, this improvement was not equal for all AA. of the AA most important for broilers fed corn-soybean diets, the digestibilities of Lys, Met, and Arg were not improved or not improved significantly by the enzyme supplementation; however, that of Val was improved by 2.3% and that of Thr was improved by 3.0%. A performance trial demonstrated that enzyme supplementation with equal diet formulation improved BW and the feed conversion ratio by 1.9 and 2.2%, respectively. A second performance trial compared standard diet formulations with formulations using enzyme supplementation and energy levels that were reduced by the amount of improvement provided by the inclusion of enzyme in the first performance trial. No difference was seen between treatments, showing that the improvement of nutrient utilization brought about by enzyme supplementation completely compensated for the reduced energy content. Whereas enzyme supplementation should allow a reduction in CP formulation as well, individual AA were not improved equally by supplementation and should also be balanced.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and density of whole milk, skimmed milk, and partially skimmed milk were determined at concentrations varying from (72.0 to 92.0) mass % water content and from (0.1 to 7.8) mass % fat content, at temperatures ranging from (275.15 to 344.15) K. Heat capacity and thermal conductivity varied from (3.4 to 4.1) J(.)g(-) K-1.(-1) and from (0.5 to 0.6) W(.)m(-1) K-1.(-1), respectively. Density varied from (1011.8 to 1049.5) kg(.)m(-3). Polynomial functions were used to model the dependence of the properties upon the studied variables. A linear relationship was obtained for all the properties. In the tested range, water content exhibited a greater influence on the properties, while fat content showed a smaller influence.


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There is a lack of long-term research on potassium fertilization for soybean in the tropical and subtropical soils of Brazil and the residual effect of the fertilizer has generally not been considered. An experiment was conducted in plots that had been fertilized with 0, 40, 80, 160 and 240 kg ha(-1) of K2O for 3 years on a Dark Red Latosol, loamy sand (Acrortox). The effects of annual or residual fertilization with those rates of K were studied for three additional years. Potassium was supplied as potassium chloride or potassium sulphate. Soil and leaf samples were taken annually. There was a residual effect of the nutrient, which provided for high yields up to the 3rd year with the highest rate of K. In order to maintain the K contents of the soil in the medium range and obtain at least 90% of the maximum grain yield, an annual application of 80 kg ha(-1) of K2O was necessary, irrespectively of the source. The highest soybean yields were always associated with K levels above 15 mg kg(-1) in the leaves and 1.2 mmol(c) dm(-3) in the soil.


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The effect of magnesium levels in nutrient solution upon relation between shoot and root, leaf weight ratio and assimilate partitioning of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Carioca) was studied. Bean plants (3 per pot) were grown in 6 l pots containing Hoagland & Arnon n. 2 solution modified to obtain 2.4, 24.3, 48.6, 72.9 and 97.2 ppm of magnesium. The experimental design was a completely randomized factorial replicated 3 times with 5 levels of magnesium and 5 samplings wich were done forthnightly. Therefore, it may be suggested that the 48.6 ppm of magnesium level proposed by Hoagland & Amen (1950) is the best choice for the common bean, according to the conditions of this experiment. Magnesium concentrations over 48.6 ppm didn't show significant alterations of the evaluated parameters. Nutrient solution with 2.4 ppm of magnesium content provides higher efficiency to the common bean plants during almost all its cycle, except the final of the reproductive phase. These results suggest that magnesium concentration increased to 48.6 ppm, in the cycle final perhaps could increase the productivity.


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The action of hyperosmotic nutrient solutions on the depressive effects of carbofuran was studied on spontaneously contracting guinea pig atria. The force and frequency of contraction were recorded using an isotonic lever. Carbofuran 33.0 mu g ml(-1) produced a gradual depressive effect. The time for stabilization of the depressive effect was 6.0+/-2.3 min. After the depressive effect of carbofuran was established, NaCI, mannitol, or urea were introduced into the organ bath to increase the osmolarity of the nutrient solution to about 100 mosmol kg(-1) of water. This resulted in a reversal of the contraction force and frequency to the initial levels. The addition of the osmotic agents at the same concentrations before the addition of 33.0 mu g ml(-1) carbofuran avoided its depressive effect on guinea pig atria. (C) 1996 the Italian Pharmacological Society.


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Marketable chrysanthemums were produced in several different peat types. Only the plants in one of the dredged frozen black peats and one of the milled white peats had a significant lower shoot dry weight than those in one of the sod and milled white peats, respectively. As the N-contents of the fertilized peats show neither deficiency nor excess in nutrient supply, possibly they are not the reason for the differences in shoot dry weight. The air capacity, which is extremely low in both dredged frozen black peats and dropped further during the cultivation period due to decomposition, also cannot explain the differences in shoot dry weight sufficiently (R-2=0.44*; n=12). A close linear negative correlation (R-2=0.77**; n=12) was found between the CAT (VDLUFA) soluble Fe and the shoot dry weight. Therefore, the Fe-contents might be a quality factor of peat to be used as a growing medium.