130 resultados para Miniature horse


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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P>Reasons for performing study:Carbonic anhydrase (CA) catalyses the hydration/dehydration reaction of CO(2) and increases the rate of Cl- and HCO(3)- exchange between the erythrocytes and plasma. Therefore, chronic inhibition of CA has a potential to attenuate CO(2) output and induce greater metabolic and respiratory acidosis in exercising horses.Objectives:To determine the effects of Carbonic anhydrase inhibition on CO(2) output and ionic exchange between erythrocytes and plasma and their influence on acid-base balance in the pulmonary circulation (across the lung) in exercising horses with and without CA inhibition.Methods:Six horses were exercised to exhaustion on a treadmill without (Con) and with CA inhibition (AczTr). CA inhibition was achieved with administration of acetazolamide (10 mg/kg bwt t.i.d. for 3 days and 30 mg/kg bwt before exercise). Arterial, mixed venous blood and CO(2) output were sampled at rest and during exercise. An integrated physicochemical systems approach was used to describe acid base changes.Results:AczTr decreased the duration of exercise by 45% (P < 0.0001). During the transition from rest to exercise CO(2) output was lower in AczTr (P < 0.0001). Arterial PCO(2) (P < 0.0001; mean +/- s.e. 71 +/- 2 mmHg AczTr, 46 +/- 2 mmHg Con) was higher, whereas hydrogen ion (P = 0.01; 12.8 +/- 0.6 nEq/l AczTr, 15.5 +/- 0.6 nEq/l Con) and bicarbonate (P = 0.007; 5.5 +/- 0.7 mEq/l AczTr, 10.1 +/- 1.3 mEq/l Con) differences across the lung were lower in AczTr compared to Con. No difference was observed in weak electrolytes across the lung. Strong ion difference across the lung was lower in AczTr (P = 0.0003; 4.9 +/- 0.8 mEq AczTr, 7.5 +/- 1.2 mEq Con), which was affected by strong ion changes across the lung with exception of lactate.Conclusions:CO(2) and chloride changes in erythrocytes across the lung seem to be the major contributors to acid-base and ions balance in pulmonary circulation in exercising horses.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O ferro participa de várias funções vitais do organismo, como o transporte de oxigênio e de elétrons e a síntese do DNA. Desequilíbrios do metabolismo do ferro podem estar relacionados a sua deficiência ou sobrecarga, porém a deficiência é rara em equinos adultos. Apesar disso, criadores e veterinários de cavalos de esporte utilizam frequentemente suplementos contendo ferro com o objetivo de melhorar o desempenho atlético. Até o momento, nenhum estudo comprovou que o exercício induz deficiência de ferro nessa espécie ou que a suplementação de ferro melhora o seu desempenho. O diagnóstico de deficiência ou sobrecarga de ferro depende de uma avaliação laboratorial criteriosa. A suplementação em equinos não deficientes pode induzir o acúmulo excessivo de ferro, com graves consequências para o animal. Este trabalho revisa as alterações do metabolismo do ferro em equinos submetidos ao exercício, os métodos laboratoriais de avaliação dos estoques de ferro e as consequências da suplementação indevida.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ingestion of food contaminated with slaframine, an alkaloid produced by Rhizoctonia leguminicola, causes a mycotoxicosis, characterised by excessive salivation. Twenty-eight horses demonstrated this clinical sign after the consumption of alfalfa hay which on inspection showed dark patches on many of the stems. The presence of slaframine (1.5 ppm) in this hay was confirmed by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy. This is the first equine slaframine toxicosis case reported in Brazil.


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The data used in the present study were recorded at the Jockey Club of Sorocaba for 5094 racing performance of 1350 Quarter Horses at the Paulista Race Track of Sorocaba, state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 1991 to 1997. The considered traits were time and final rank. The model used in analysis included random animal and permanent environmental effects, and race, sex, age and origin as fixed effects. The variance and covariance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood for an animal model, using the derivative-free process method and the MTDFREML software. For the time, heritability was 0.17 (0.05), while estimate of repeatability 0.55 (0.05). The lower heritability for the final rank, 0.13 (0.04), indicate that this trait is not the most appropriate one for inclusion in programs of Quarter horse selection in Sorocaba racetrack. The repeatability estimate for rank was 0.44 (0.04) and the genetic correlation between this trait and time was 0.99.


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On the basis of information provided by the Brazilian Association of Race Horse Breeders, we analysed the racing performance of 947 Thoroughbred horses in races held from 1985 to 1992. The performance was evaluated using the best, time of the animals. The variance component was obtained by the derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood method, and the model used contained fixed effects of the racing month and year, sex, race track, track condition, animal age, number of competitors in race, and distance, and the random animal effect. The low heritability estimate obtained (0.12) indicates that selection based on animal phenotypic value must induce small genetic changes in this trail.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Durante 150 dias, 12 potras Quarto-de-Milha de 1 ano de idade permaneceram exclusivamente em pastagem de Brachiaria humidicola, num experimento inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos, nível 0 (recomendação do NRC, 1989); nível 50 (50% a mais do NRC); nível 100 (100% a mais do NRC), e quatro repetições. Como palatabilizante foram empregadas 270 g de açúcar. Realizaram-se biópsias na asa do osso do ílio de cada potra, no início e final do experimento, para avaliar a mobilização de Ca e a relação Ca:P. As amostras da gramínea, foram coletadas mensalmente para verificação do teor de oxalato e composição químico-bromatológica. Houve efeito de tempo na mobilização de Ca, P e da relação Ca:P (p<0,05), independentemente dos tratamentos. As médias dos três tratamentos, no início e final do período experimental foram, quanto aos teores de Ca, P e da relação Ca:P, respectivamente: 10,05, 5,22, 1,93:1 e 6,24, 4,06, 1,54:1. O teor do oxalato na gramínea variou de 1,18 a 2,00%. A utilização do nível de cálcio suplementar duas vezes superior ao recomendado pelo National Research Council não foi suficiente para impedir a mobilização deste mineral nos ossos de eqüinos pastejando Brachiaria humidicola por longos períodos.


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Foram utilizados quatro cavalos castrados sem raça definida, distribuídos em blocos casualizados. Objetivou-se estudar a viabilização dos indicadores internos, celulose (CELi) e lignina indigestíveis (LIGi), para predizer a digestibilidade em cavalos. Os tratamentos consistiram na determinação da digestibilidade por método direto com a coleta total de fezes (CT) e indireto pelo uso CELi e LIGi obtidos pelas técnicas in situ (IS) na cavidade ruminal de bovinos e in vivo (IV) nos equinos por meio do saco de náilon móvel (SNM). A produção fecal e taxa de recuperação (p > 0,05) médios encontrados foram de 2,80 kg na MS e 101%, respectivamente. As estimativas dos CD dos nutrientes (p > 0,05) foram adequadamente preditos pela CELi e LIGi, obtidos in situ e in vivo, no qual os valores médios observados foram de 52,63, 54,17, 64,90, 43,73 e 98,28% para MS, MO, PB, FDN e Amido, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que a CELi e LIGi podem ser obtidas in vivo por meio do SNM em equinos, para predizer os coeficientes de digestibilidade de nutrientes, consumindo dieta mista.


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The present experiments aimed to examine the substitution of glycerol (G) by ethylene glycol (E) as a cryoprotective agent for stallion spermatozoa. Two different ethylene glycol concentrations (5% and 10%) and also the association of glycerol (2%) and ethylene glycol (3%) (E/G) were studied (Experiment 1). In Experiment 2, two packing systems (0.5 x 4.0 ml) were evaluated using both cryoprotectors. In both experiments, the sperm membrane integrity after freezing was evaluated using transmission electron microscopy. The mean post-thaw motility was 34.25, 36.5, 29.25 and 34.75% for G5%, E5%, E10% and E/G, respectively. It was observed that the percentage of motile spermatozoa was significantly smaller (P<0.05) when semen was processed with E10%. A decrease in the acrosome integrity was observed in frozen thawed spermatozoa from all treated groups. It was observed that 28.0, 22.5, 25.5 and 22.5 % of the sperm cells had a normal acrosome following freezing with G5%, E5%, E10% and E/G, respectively. Undulation of the outer acrosomal membrane, acrosomal swelling and loss of acrosomal content density and homogeneity were the most evident ultrastructural alterations observed. In Experiment 2, the post-thaw motility was higher (P<0.05) for sperm frozen in 0.5 ml straws than in 4.0 mi straws, regardless of the cryoprotector used. The ultrastructural evaluation showed 26.7 and 16.0% of intact acrosomes for sperm frozen in 0.5 ml and 4.0 ml straws, respectively. We concluded that ethylene glycol has similar cryoprotective properties to glycerol and that utilisation of 0.5 ml straws improved the ability of horse sperm cells to withstand damage after the cryopreservation process.


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A seven-year-old Quarter Horse had a serious external genitalia trauma with severe swelling of ventrum, penis, prepuce and scrotum after falling over a fence. Appropriated treatment was rapidly started after clinical examination. During recovery period, the spermatogenesis assess by semen evaluation was not possible due to stallion's inability to ejaculate. Therefore, for testicular evaluation fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) was performed. The first FNAC showed a deviation of germ cell line towards immature cells, mainly by primary spermatocytes (59.5%) with very few late spermatids and spermatozoa (2.5% each), and an increased Sertoli cells/germ cells ratio (478/100), which characterized testicular degeneration. One month after the first FNAC, the second exam presented a drastic decrease of Sertoli cells/germ cells ratio (7/100) and marked increase of mature cell number, specially by early and late spermatids (50% and 24.5%, respectively). In this case, the results of both FNAC could demonstrate a partial recovery of spermatogenesis activity. Two months later, the stallion had mated two mares successfully and they became pregnant. In conclusion, the adequate treatment allowed a complete recovery of the stallion's reproductive function, and since semen collection was impossible during treatment, testicular FNAC showed to be an efficient diagnostic method for evaluating acute damage in the spermatogenesis.


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Stallion semen cryopreservation, despite its impact on the horse industry, is not an established technology. During the last years, a number of modifications have been proposed to the freezing process, however, a large population of stallions still have poor semen quality and fertility after frozen-thawed. Glycerol toxicity could be a reason for the variation on stallion sperm freezability. There are limited publications concerning the use of alternative cryoprotectants for equine sperm. Glycerol is contraceptive for some species and other cryoprotectors, such as amides, have been show to be a good option for freezing semen of these species. Recent reports have shown encouraging data respecting the use of amides as cryoprotectants for stallions, with more remarkable improvements for semen from stallions that freeze poorly when glycerol is used. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.