490 resultados para Londrina
This study was carried out at Sao Manuel Experimental Farm, UNESP/FCA, in Botucatu, São Paulo state, Brazil, with the objective to evaluate the lettuce seeds (cultivar Veronica) germination from plants cultivated with different phosphorus levels at harvest, in three temperatures and after two conservation period in dry chamber. At seed production stage, the experiment was conducted in randomized complete blocks, with five treatments (0; 200; 400; 600 and 800 kg ha(-1) of P(2)O(5)) and five replications. After harvesting, seed germination at 20 degrees C and under high temperatures (30 and 33 degrees C) was evaluated. After 15 and 25 months of conservation in dry chamber room it was evaluated germination at 20 degrees C. The P(2)O(5) levels evaluated did not affect seed germination soon after harvesting at the three temperatures evaluated, but, the higher the temperature, the lower the seed vigor. After 25 months of conservation, the lesser the P(2)O(5) rates, the lesser seed germination and germination speed index.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Recently, Dictyla monotropidia Stal was observed feeding on plants of black sage (Cordia verbenacea Al. DC). The colonies of this insect were observed on abaxial surface of leaves, with nymphs and adults sucking the phloem sieve, causing spot, yellow aspect and leaf fall. D. monotropidia was already related as pest in other Cordia species in countries of Central and South America. Although, this is the first report of this insect attacking plants of C. verbenacea in Brazil.
The present study aimed to evaluating the nutritional content in leaves and fruits of the fig tree 'Roxo de Valinhos', pruned at different periods corresponding to the months of July, August, September and October in the years of 2004 and 2005, with and without the use of irrigation, in the county of Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. To achieve this objective, the adopted experimental design was in blocks with subdivided plots and 5 replications, in which plots corresponded to treatments with and without irrigation and subplots included prunings done in the above-mentioned four months. The levels of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Mn and Zn in leaves and fruits were evaluated in the two crop cycles. The results indicated no significant differences among macro and micronutrient levels in the leaves subjected to treatments with and without irrigation in the cycle 2004/05, except for cupper which showed higher level with the treatment including irrigation (6 mg kg(-1)). In the fruits, there was no difference, except for Zn, which also showed the highest levels (28 mg kg(-1)) with irrigation. In the crop cycle 2005/06, there were differences for N (40 g kg(-1)) and K (20 g kg(-1)) in the leaves, where the highest levels were observed with the treatment including irrigation. In the fruits, N had significant difference and its highest level was observed without irrigation (21 g kg(-1)). In relation to the pruning periods, significant differences were observed for Ca, Fe and Zn content in the leaves and Ca, K, Mg, S and Zn content in the fruits in the crop cycle 2004/05. In the cycle 2005/06, there were not differences among the levels of the evaluated nutrients in the leaves, and in the fruits there was difference for N, Ca and Cu.
The black oat (Avena strigosa Schreber) has been commonly used as green manure, in crop rotation systems under no-tillage, fall-winter crop, and for cattle grazing, hay, and silage. The objective of this work was to evaluate the nutrient concentrations in the flag leaf and grains of black-oat affect by phosphate and potassium fertilization. The experiment was carried Out under field conditions on a Rhodic Nitosol, in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. Three doses of single superphosphate (0, 40 and 80 kg.ha(-1) of P(2)O(5)) and three of potassium chloride (0, 20 and 40 kg ha(-1) of K(2)O) were tested as a factorial (3 x 3), in a randomized complete block design, with four replicates. The fertilizers were applied in the sowing row. Ammonium sulphate was supplied for all plots (20 kg ha(-1) of N applied at sowing and 30 kg.ha(-1) after tillering stage). The concentrations of Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn in the flag leaf and the P and K concentrations in the grain were increased by phosphate fertilizer application. The potassic fertilization had no effect on the concentrations of nutrients in the flag leaf and grains of black-oat.
A field experiment was conducted in Sapezal, Mato Grosso state, Brazil, in 2007/2008, with the purpose of determining the effect of potassium sources on yield components, yield, fiber quality and economical aspects of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). A randomized complete block experimental design was used, with five replications. The treatments consisted of application in covering, via soil, at rate of 100 kg ha(-1) of K(2)O, in two split applications, of the sources KCl, K(2)SO(4), KNO(3) and K(2)SO(4).2MgSO(4). The number of nodes, height, number of bolls in the superior third and the weight of boll in the medium third was higher with K(2)SO(4).2MgSO(4) than with KNO(3) source. The potassium fertilizers did not influence the fiber revenue, but the fertilizing with K(2)SO(4).2MgSO(4) source had higher cotton seed yield and lint yield, although the uniformity ratio of fibber and profitability were smaller in relation to K(2)SO(4). The fibber agio index was higher with KNO(3) source. The production cost was higher with K(2)SO(4).2MgSO(4) source and in function of the smallest production cost, KCl source presented superior liquid revenue than other treatments.
A field experiment was conducted in Sapezal, Mato Grosso state, Brazil, in the 2007/2008 agricultural season, with the aim of determining the effect of potassium sources on cotton nutritional status. The treatments consisted of application in covering, via soil, at rate of 100 kg ha(-1) of K(2)O. in two split applications, with KCl, K(2)SO(4), KNO(3) and K(2)SO(4).2MgSO(4) sources. Nutrients concentration in leaf tissues at bloom stage was evaluated, being interpreted by the critical level and the DRIS methods. S content in cotton leaves and the S index was higher when used K(2)SO(4).2MgSO(4) fertilizer. The Nutritional Balance Index (NB!) values were coherent with cotton yield, being the highest yields obtained with the smallest NBI in the covering fertilization with K(2)SO(4).2MgSO(4).
The study had the objective of evaluate the growth of bean cultivar Carioca early cultivated during the rainy season under different doses of phosphorus applied to soil. We adopted the experimental design at random blocks, evaluating six doses of phosphorus (0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg P(2)O(5) ha(-1)), relying in the form of superphosphate triple, with five replicates. Biometric indices were evaluated leaf area (cm(2) plant(-1)) and dry matter (g seedling(-1)). Physiological indices of crop growth rate (CGR, g m(-2) day(-1)), relative growth rate (RGR, g g(-1) day(-1)), net assimilation rate (NAR, g m(-2) day(-1)), leaf area ratio (LAR, cm(2) g(-1)) and specific leaf area (SLA, cm(2) g(-1)) were obtained through analysis of functional growth. The data from the biometric indices were submitted to analysis of variance, with subsequent construction of regression models. The dry matter and leaf area of bean Carioca Early increase linearly with increasing doses of applied phosphorus in the soil. The dry matter has increased constantly throughout the cycle, and the leaf area indices reach its maximum at 52 days after emergence (DAE). The restriction of phosphorus reduces the Relative Growth Rate at the beginning of the development and lengthen the physiological cycle of bean cultivar Carioca early.
This work aimed to increase the rhizogenic potential of cuttings collected from the apical portion of the branches of fig trees, performing injuries and treating the cuttings with indolbutyric acid (IBA). Apical cuttings of 'Roxo de Valinhos' fig tree were collected in July. The cuttings were standardized with 20 cm in length and basal diameter of 10 mm. The cuttings received or not incisions at the basis (parallel cuts of 2 cm) and immersed in IBA at 0, 1000, 2000 and 3000 mg L(-1) for 10 seconds. The cuttings were buried (3/4 of the length) in moistened sand, inside a screen house (50% of light). After 60 days it was found that treatment with IBA benefits in the development of apical cuttings, and the concentration that achieved the best results was 2000 mg L(-1); the use of injury at the base of the cuttings helps rooting.
The supply of technological quality raw material for providing economical return is the most important necessity of sugar and alcohol industry. The objective of this work was to evaluate the development and productivity of sugarcane stalks due to plant regulators application at half crop. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with five replications. The treatments consisted of four plant regulators of the class of the growth retainers (Ethephon, Ehyl-trinexapac, Potassium nitrate, Potassium nitrate + Boron) application and a control (natural ripening). Ethyl-trinexapac and Ethephon treatments were efficient to hold up growth process regarding height of plants, but had no effect on diameter of stalks. The maintenance of bud top integrity made possible the increase in diameter of stalks, without interrupting the growth process regarding height of plants. According to application time the ripeners provided improvement on technological quality of raw material. The ripeners did not affect the number of plants per meter at harvest and did not cause quantitative alterations in the mass of stalks per hectare. The ripeners did not affect the regrowth of the ratoon cane.
The present research had as objective to evaluate the influence of raceme and fruit position on physiological quality of castor bean seeds (Ricinus communis L.) during storage of cultivar AL Guarany 2002. The treatments were: position of the raceme in plants (primary, secondary and tertiary) and position of fruit in racemes (low, medium and high). After fruit extraction, seeds were stored under environmental conditions for twelve months. The experimental design used was the completely randomized in a split-plot arrangement. Main plots consisted of the interaction raceme x fruit position and subplots were the storage time. Physiological quality was evaluated quarterly through tests of moisture content, germination and vigor (first count, accelerated aging, seedling length and seedling dry matter). Neither the position of racemes in the plant nor fruit in racemes does not affect germination of castor bean seeds. Dormancy of castor bean seeds decreases during storage, but also increases percentage of abnormal seedlings, seedling dry matter and root, hypocotyl and seedling total length.
It was aimed to evaluate the influence of fungicides utilized in cucumber on the development of the aphid Aphis gossypii Glover under greenhouse conditions. The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments and 45 replicates, being each plot consisting of a first instar nymph coming from an apterous female in early reproductive period. The fungicides utilized and their respective dosages at g i.a.L(-1) were 800 PM sulphur (1.6), 800 PM mancozeb (1.6) and 840 PM copper oxichloride (1.5). The control was made up of water only. The products did not influence the median time of life in each instar and the nymphal stage, being respectively 1 and 4 days. Copper oxychloride and mancozeb increased the median time of life in days and the total life cycle of the adult stage of this species.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of increasing doses of nitrogen on the morphogenesis, structural and productive grass Panicum maximum cvs. Mombaca and Tanzania, and Brachiaria sp. Mulato. The experiment was conducted under field conditions. The experimental design was randomized blocks in a 3x4 factorial design with three forages (Panicum maximum cvs. Tanzania and Mombaca and Brachiaria sp. cv. Mulato), four N rates (0, 40, 80 and 160 kg ha(-1)) with three replications. Were evaluated the following parameters: fresh matter production (FMP), dry matter production (DMP), plant height, percentage of dry matter, leaves per tiller, dry matter accumulation rate (DMAR) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). Grasses Mombasa and Tanzania showed similar results, and both were superior to Mulato grass for the production of fresh and dry matter. The three species responded to nitrogen application, with an increase in FMP, DMP, DMAR, height and number of tillers. The maximum efficiency in use of N was obtained with a dose of 120 kg ha(-1).
The continuous inputs from agriculture areas and human or industrial sewer have been provided a widely demographic explosion of tropical tanner-grass and para grasss plants in the rivers and water reservoirs of Brazil. Considering the importance of these noxious weeds there is a vast necessity of basic studies on aspects related to reproduction, growing, development, nutritional requirements, responses to control systems and others. In most studies, leaf area knowledge is crucial and it is one of the most difficult characteristics to be measured because it usually requires expensive equipments or it uses a destructive technique. The objective of this work was to develop equations for leaf blade dimensional parameters to allow determination of the leaf area of African tanner-grass (Brachiaria subquadripara (Trin.) Hitchc) and para grass (Brachiaria mutica (Forsk.) Stapf.). Correlations between real leaf area and dimensional parameters of leaf blade such as length along the main vein (L) and maximum width (W) perpendicular to the main axis were studied. Only the linear equations allowed a good leaf area estimate. It is suggested to opt for a simple linear equation involving respective products of length times maximum width considering linear coefficient equal to zero. Thus, B. subquadripara (SS) and B. mutica (SM) non destructive leaf blade area estimates may be performed by the following formulas: SS = 0.7719 (L x W) and SM = 0.7479 (L x W), with coefficients of determination (R(2)) of 0.9594 and 0.9408, respectively.
This study was conducted in the Sao Manuel experimental Farm, in Sao Manuel-SP, which belongs to the Faculdade de Ciencias Agronomicas (FCA) of the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Botucatu/SP Campus, in order to evaluate the influence of organic compost doses, with and without added phosphorus to the soil, on the levels of macronutrients in plants and seeds of the lettuce cultivar Veronica. The experimental design was randomized blocks with ten treatments (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 Mg ha(-1) of organic compost, with and without 400 kg ha-1 P 2 0 5 added to the soil) and four replicates. The content of macronutrients in plants and seeds was evaluated. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and regression. The decreaning order of macronutrient content in plants was potassium > calcium > nitrogen > magnesium > phosphorus > sulfur and in seeds it was nitrogen > phosphorus > potassium > calcium > magnesium > sulfur. The nitrogen content in seeds, was about three and a half times higher than in plants, the sulfur was one and half times higher, while phosphorus content was approximately five times higher.