215 resultados para Legume Germplasm
The objective of this work was to evaluate the herbage availability, nutritive value, dry matter intake and grass and legume percentage in diet of crossbred Holstein-Zebu cows, in pasture with Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk, Stylosanthes guianensis var. vulgaris cv. Mineirão and tree legumes. To estimate the fecal output, it was used 10 g cow -1 day -1 of chromium oxide during ten consecutive days. Extrusa samples were used to determine the chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility. B. decumbens availability varied with climatic conditions, while S. guianensis availability decreased linearly along the experimental period. Dry matter intake was higher in May/2001 (1.9% body weight) and did not differ among other months (1.5% body weight). Low dry matter intake values were related to low in vitro dry matter digestibility coefficients (42.1 % to 48.0%) and high neutral detergent fiber content (70.2% to 79.4%). Dry matter intake was directly related to legume percentage in the pasture. This observation could indicate the potential of mixed pasture for improving nutritive value in dairy cattle diet.
The purpose of this study was to realize a floristic survey in riparian forest remains of the Upper Paraná River, under domain of the submontane seasonal semideciduous forest, located in Porto Rico, Paraná, Brazil (53°19'3 W e 22°47'37 S). Within and in the neighborhood of 10.000 m2 area (100 m × 100 m), 165 species were surveyed, in 124 genera and 60 families, distributed in arboreous, shrubs, herbs, climbers and hemiparasites. Leguminosae, Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Rubiaceae, and Bignoniaceae were the families with the highest species' richness, showing together 33.33%, and the genera more representative were Eugenia, Casearia, Guarea, Inga, Panicum, and Solanum, with 12.73% of the species. Though the perturbations verified in the forest remains, eight species were rare for this type of vegetation and 12 were listed as fishes natural food.
There was evaluated the phenology and arthropods as well as the effect of weather on copaiba (Copaifera langsdorffii Desf.) (Leguminoseae). The emission of new leaves and inflorescences as well as the opening of them occurred in the rainy period. There were observed the higher diversity and abundance of insects, principally galling insects.
A nest (12.7 m height) of Syrigma sibilatrix was studied on the campus of UNESP Rio Claro (São Paulo, Brazil). The nest was in a fork in the tree Machaerium nyctitans (Leguminosae). Focal observations (n = 103 h) were carried out from 13 September 2004 to 1 November 2004. The male and female both participated in nest building, which took 37 days, mainly between 05:00h - 11:00h. Sticks for the nest were collected at the rate of 5.7 ± 3.4 sticks hour -1, most by the male. The nest included 197 sticks, and was a fl at platform with diameter = 75cm, and depth = 14 cm. A single egg was laid and was incubated (by both sexes) for 66h57 (92% of the time of permanence of the individuals in the nest). The egg was moved 97 times (1.34 times/hour). A strong storm caused the egg to fall, interrupting the study.
Parkia platycephala lectin 2 was purified from Parkia platycephala (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae) seeds by affinity chromatography and RP-HPLC. Equilibrium sedimentation and MS showed that Parkia platycephala lectin 2 is a nonglycosylated monomeric protein of molecular mass 29 407 ± 15 Da, which contains six cysteine residues engaged in the formation of three intramolecular disulfide bonds. Parkia platycephala lectin 2 agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes, and this activity was specifically inhibited by N-acetylglucosamine. In addition, Parkia platycephala lectin 2 hydrolyzed β(1-4) glycosidic bonds linking 2-acetoamido-2-deoxy-β-d-glucopyranose units in chitin. The full-length amino acid sequence of Parkia platycephala lectin 2, determined by N-terminal sequencing and cDNA cloning, and its three-dimensional structure, established by X-ray crystallography at 1.75 Å resolution, showed that Parkia platycephala lectin 2 is homologous to endochitinases of the glycosyl hydrolase family 18, which share the (βα) 8 barrel topology harboring the catalytic residues Asp125, Glu127, and Tyr182. © 2006 The Authors.
The structure and ultrastructure of immature to fully mature glandular dots in the leaf, floral organs and fruit, and their secretion components were described in Caesalpinia echinata Lam. (Leguminosae) for the first time. Data showed that glandular dots were groups of idioblasts with contents that reacted positively for both lipophilic and hydrophilic substances. Idioblasts originated from successive divisions of the ground meristem cells or mesophyll cells of an ovary of a fertilized flower. Following division, cells enlarged, the cytoplasm became denser and its content became full. No idioblasts were observed after fruit sclerification. Besides these mixed-content idioblasts, some cells in the sepals, petals and mesocarp were found to contain phenolic compounds, which probably represent a kind of constitutive defense mechanism, once the flowers and fruits become highly fitness-valued parts of the plant and can be commonly attacked. The contents of the idioblasts are released as the growth rate of the embryo increases, indicating that the plant probably diverts the precursors of secondary metabolites into the primary metabolism, at this critical time of embryo development.
The genus Stryphnodendron (S.) belongs to the family Leguminosae, subfamily Mimosoideae, which includes mostly trees of tropical and subtropical South America. Extracts of the stem bark are used traditionally by the local population to treat leucorrhoea and diarrhoea, as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents (antimicrobial) and to promote blood clotting and wound healing, and in a few cases of gastric ulcers. A review of the literature presented a previous morpho-anatomical study only for S. adstringens (Mart.) Coville. The aim of the present work is to compare morpho-anatomically the stem bark and leaves of three species of Stryphnodendron, known popularly as barbatimão: S. adstringens, S. polyphyllum and S. obovatum, in order to help botanical identification and contribute to quality control. Macro- and microscopical evaluation of the stem barks revealed no significant differences among the species. Morphological analyses of the leaves revealed differences in size, coloration, and pubescence. The leaves of S. adstringens are the largest, glabrous, and concolor. The leaves of S. polyphyllum are smaller, pubescent, and discolor; whereas the leaves of S. obovatum are the same size as those of S. polyphyllum, however, they are glabrous, and discolor.
The objective of this work was to evaluate rates for applications of water treatment sludge (WTS) as a nutrient source for grasses and leguminous plants cropped in a soil degraded by tin mining in the Amazon Region (Natural Forest of Jamari, Rondonia State, Brazil). The treatments consisted of three rates of nitrogen supplied by WTS (100, 150 and 200 mg kg -1 soil), five combinations of plants, two controls (absolute control, without fertilization; and chemical control, soil+lime+chemical fertilizers). WTS modified the contents of macro and micronutrients in the degraded soil, but it was not, as used in the present study, sufficient for the rehabilitation of the degraded area. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The evaluation of diversity in germplasm collections is important for both plant breeders and germplasm curators to optimize the use of the variability available. Diversity can be estimated by different genetic markers. The purpose of this study was to estimate the genetic divergence of 30 morphological and agronomic traits in 108 sesame genotypes by multivariate analysis. The Cole-Rodgers index was used to establish the dissimilarity matrices. The principal component analysis identified the traits that contributed most to the divergence and the genotypes were clustered by Tocher's optimization. Despite the narrow genetic basis, the markers were efficient to characterize the genotypes and identify the most similar groups or duplicate and divergent genotypes. Greatest variation was found for the traits number of capsules per plant and grain yield.
Separation of the toxic zierin from Zollernia ilicifolia by high speed countercurrent chromatography
Preliminary pharmacological assays of the 70% methanol extract from the leaves of the Brazilian medicinal plant Zollernia ilicifolia Vog. (Fabaceae) showed analgesic and antiulcerogenic effects. Previous analyses have shown that this extract contains, besides flavonoid glycosides and saponins, a toxic cyanogenic glycoside. Flavonoids and saponins are compounds reported in literature with antiulcerogenic activity. In this work, we developed a methodology to separate the cyanogenic glycoside from these compounds in order to obtain enough amount of material to perform pharmacological assays. The cyanogenic glycoside zierin (2S)-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy-(3-hydroxy-phenyl)- acetonitrile was separated from the other components by high speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC). The solvent system used was composed of chloroform-methanol-n-propanol-water (5:6:1:4, v/v/v/v). This technique led to the separation of zierin from the possible active compounds of Zollernia ilicifolia.
This review present a discussion abouth the tannins. The tannins are compounds that have the ability to bind other macromolecules, reducing their availability to animal metabolism. This characteristic can be benefic or deleterious, depending on the tannin concentration degree in the plant and its structure. Positive effects are mainly related with a better use of the dietary protein and an increased efficiency of microbial protein synthesis in the rumen. The use of tannins to reduce ruminal methane emission has been subject of current researches, firmly indicating a decrease of ruminal methanogenesis. However, many of these studies, carried out to evaluate the effects of tannins on forage fermentation and animal metabolism, are based on legume plants, so their results can not be surpassed to studies concerning tanniniferous grasses. By improving the characterization of the profile and reactivity of tannins in tanniniferous forages, such as some sorghum hybrids, as well as conducting experiments to demonstrate the effects of tannins on animal metabolism and performance, the real potential of forages with tannin will be enlightened.
Brazil is one of the main centers of genetic variability dispersion of the Passiflora genera. Its self incompatibility as well as disease incidence in its leaves and root system and, deforestation and monocultivation, promote loss of genetic material. Considering the risk of genetic erosion, the conservation of the variability in germplasm banks, which is of great interest in plant breeding, is necessary. Studies regarding the type of expiant and concentration of the culture media are necessary in order to determine protocols of establishment and in vitro conservation of passion-fruit germplasm. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the influence of the salt and nutrient concentration in the MS culture medium and types of expiants in the establishment and growth of the Passion fruit species: Passiflora giberti N. E.Brown, P. edulis Sims and P. laurifolia L. Each Passiflora species presented its own characteristics regarding in vitro development. The complete MS medium and nodal segments the second axilliary bud promoted better development of the genotypes studied.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the class of secondary metabolites responsible for the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of bark extracts of Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville (Leguminosae-Mimosoidae), a plant widely used in folk medicine in Brazil. Extracts of the bark were prepared with 50% ethanol, 70% ethanol, acetone:water (7:3, v/v) and chloroform. Antioxidant activity was prospected by spraying thin-layer chromatographs of the extracts with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and measuring the DPPH radical scavenging capacity by spectrophotometry. Antibacterial activity was revealed by the agar diffusion method and bioautography. TLC spots assigned to tannins in the polar extracts showed antioxidant activity by DPPH radical scavenging and the chloroform extract showed the least scavenging activity. Antimicrobial activity was indicated by the bacterial growth inhibition haloes around polar extracts and bioautography showed activity in the TLC spots assigned to tannins. It was concluded that polar extracts of the bark of S. adstringens possessed antioxidant and antimicrobial activities which were due to secondary metabolite derived from the tannin class, which are the main constituent of these bark extracts, according to the literature.
Antifungal activity of natural products has been tested by adapting methods designed for synthetic drugs. In this study, two methods for the determination of antifungal activity of natural products, agar diffusion and broth microdilution, the CLSI reference methods for synthetic drugs, are compared and discussed. The microdilution method was more sensitive. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of crude extracts, fractions and pure substances from different species of the plant families Piperaceae, Rubiaceae, Clusiaceae, Fabaceae and Lauraceae, from the Biota project, were determined. Antifungal activities against Candida albicans, C.krusei, C.parapsilosis and Cryptococcus neoformans were produced by several samples.
The aim of the study was to determine the percentage of crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat (ether extract) of 25 genotypes of kale from the Germplasm Bank of Instituto Agronômico de Campinas and of one genotype grown in the region of Jaboticabal-SP. The plants were cultivated in the field, and the leaves after collection were pre-dried in a convection oven at 65°C for 72 h. Afterward, the leaves were analyzed for crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat (ether-soluble materials). Significant differences were detected among the different genotypes for all the characteristics examined. Of the genotypes studied, six showed more than 30% crude protein: HS-20 (32.56%), Comum (31.70%), Couve de Arthur Nogueira 2 (31.16%), Pires 2 de Campinas (30.63%), Manteiga I-916 (30.36%), and Manteiga de Ribeirao Pires I-2446 (30.03%). In relation to crude fiber, the highest percentage was seen in the genotype Manteiga de Mococa (10.92%), differing significantly from the other genotypes studied. With regard to crude fat, the highest percentage was found in the genotype HS-20 (3.72%), and Pires 1 de Campinas (3.34%). Of the genotypes tested, HS-20 stood out among the others, showing both the highest percentage of protein and fat.