149 resultados para Intrusões mentais


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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O presente livro pretende delinear uma possível interpretação do behaviorismo radical como teoria da mente, o que significa, em outros termos, contextualizá-lo no âmbito das discussões da filosofia da mente. Em que implica, exatamente, essa contextualização? Possivelmente existem muitas diferenças entre o behaviorismo radical e as teorias que compõem a filosofia da mente, inclusive diferenças de agenda: o primeiro surge como uma proposta de filosofia da ciência do comportamento, e as segundas foram desenvolvidas para tratar de questões que permeiam a filosofia desde o seu surgimento entre os gregos. O sentido da presente contextualização, portanto, é simplesmente o de tratar de alguns temas da filosofia da mente a partir da óptica behaviorista radical, mas sempre tendo em vista que esse trabalho não esgotará todos os problemas e todas as questões que formam essa subdivisão da filosofia. Pretende-se neste livro contextualizar o behaviorismo radical na filosofia da mente por meio de três atividades. A primeira delas consiste em apresentar uma resposta possível à questão O que é a mente? . A segunda delas, por sua vez, demanda o tratamento de outra questão, a saber, Qual a natureza da mente?. À primeira questão subjaz o problema de se delimitar que coisas ou fenômenos são considerados mentais. Trata-se, portanto, da busca de uma definição conceitual da mente. Já a segunda questão é endereçada à ontologia do mental, isto é, às características essenciais à sua existência. Em seu turno, a terceira atividade não possui uma questão específica, mas nem por isso deixa de ser importante: consiste na análise de algumas teses, problemas e questões apresentadas pelas teorias da mente através do ponto de vista behaviorista radical. Espera-se que essas atividades representem, ao menos, um passo em direção à construção de uma teoria behaviorista radical da mente.


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In his work on human knowledge, Vygotsky reveals the second human nature, the one which is historical and cultural, due to people´s learning throughout life, through the mediation of others and the concrete conditions of life and education. In this eminently social process, the child grows into the intellectual life having the adult as a peer and learns human skills from this adult-child interaction. This means that, for working with abstract formulation, it is necessary understanding it as a complex, dynamic and functional act that is built by the insertion of individual performance into culture that is mediated by interaction with others. In this setting, each individual reaches knowledge through formal and non-formal learning that help on the formulation of scientific and everyday concepts. To make studies on the process of concept formation, Vygotsky adopted an experimental methodology based on the philosophical assumptions of Marxist theory of how mental processes occur, once he perceived these processes in a constantly changing and moving. Thus, the method called “Instrumental, Cultural and Historical” differed from conventional experimental studies focused on the performance of the task itself. The method adopted by Vygotsky was concerned with the process of concept formation and not only with fragmentary cutouts of cognitive processes. According to our study, the formation of the social nature of man develops from processes of appropriation and objectification of knowledge, which makes individual the historically constructed achievements by mankind, as, for example, types of sophisticated thinking, which requires the discussion of concept formation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This research was developed during four years, in different regions of the country. Its purpose was to better understand the possible influences that handicapped siblings have on the development of non- handicapped siblings. Participated in the study 80 siblings, with ages ranging between 14 and 26 years. There were 20 siblings of physical handicapped (PH), 20 siblings of auditory handicapped (AH), 20 of mental handicapped (MH), and 20 of non handicapped, in number and ages equivalent.The participants answered a questionnaire containing “characteristics of handicapped person”, “characteristics of respondent sibling”, “characteristics of family”, a questionnaire with eleven closed questions and one open, but for the control group there was on less question. The phenomena studied in this research in some situations present themselves differently for each group of respondent sibling (ex: greater concern of the parents with the MH sibling, calling attention more for siblings of PH and MH, more responsibility in the family, taking care of the handicapped sibling, fear of having handicapped children, and the perception of (in) dependency of the handicapped sibling) and in others present themselves in similar manner (ex: more concern of the parents with the brother with PH, nature of the relationship, to feel or not ashamed of the sibling, talking about the sibling development). In conclusion, some phenomena, so far socially perceived as causing differences in sibling relations and attributed to de presence of a handicap are not, since between siblings of non handicapped these same phenomena present themselves in a similar way. Differently from the control group, siblings of handicapped need correct information, as well as therapeutic support to elaborate feelings of fear, anger, shame that they may have due to their condition. It is important to stress, also, the need that these siblings have to be themselves without the stigma of sibling of handicapped.


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The aim of this paper is to present and discuss Fred Dretske’s (1995) suggestion for analysis of the problem of qualia. Such a problem was acknowledged following Thomas Nagel’s discussion in his classical paper “What is it like to be a bat”. In the paper, Nagel (1974) postulates the impossibility of knowing aspects of human experience from a third-person perspective. He considers that qualitative aspects of a subject’s experience, fundamental for characterization of qualia, would be lost during the course of objective descriptions of it. Based on his Representational Thesis of Mind, Dretske argues that if we were to consider mind to be the representational aspect of the brain, the nature of qualia would thus be representational. In this context, mental facts related to experiences would be representational facts: if we were to know the nature of these representational facts, we would also know the experience the system represents. Given this understanding, we discuss to what extent the Dretskean proposal constitutes (or not) an alternative for the problem of qualia.


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The approach about the ideas, understood as metal representations, has practically bookmarked the whole Philosophy History, since the ancient Greece to the contemporary period. A lot of interpretations have been given to the meaning and to the nature of the ideas by many schools, among them lots of Realism slopes. This paper aims to present, from a historical and epistemological fragment, some theoretical perpectives, with emphasis in the realistic, nominalist and Cartesian proposals in relation to the formation and nature of the ideas.


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The possibility of experimental approach of mental phenomena continues to be discussed nowadays by philosophers, psychologists and neuroscientists. According to the concept that mental phenomena are resulting from brain activity, therefore organic phenomena, the objective of this essay is to show that empirical study of mental phenomena, especially consciousness, is not only possible, but desirable, despite the limitations found in Neuroscience field.


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Com a reforma psiquiátrica o modelo de atenção à saúde mental sofreu transformações, retirando a centralização do poder do hospital psiquiátrico por meio da implantação de programas e serviços substitutivos de atenção e cuidado aos sujeitos em sofrimento psíquico, sendo que uma das principais estratégias adotadas é a consolidação dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial. O retorno do sujeito ao convívio familiar após longos anos de internação coloca em questão a dificuldade do convívio social e familiar, assim como a retomada dos cuidados da família em relação a este. Assumir os cuidados de um paciente psiquiátrico pode gerar sobrecarga e muitas vezes, significa renunciar às próprias necessidades, projetos e desejos, colocando os do paciente/familiar em primeiro plano. A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar a presença de indicadores de sobrecarga em cuidadores informais de pessoas com transtornos mentais atendidas em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial - CAPS de um município do interior de São Paulo. Participaram da presente pesquisa 37 cuidadores informais de pessoas com transtornos mentais. Para coleta de dados foram utilizados dois instrumentos: um roteiro de entrevista para caracterização da amostra e o protocolo ZaritBurden Interview (ZBT) para avaliar a presença de indicadores de sobrecarga. Os dados foram analisados de acordo com os escores atribuídos no manual de aplicação da escala padronizada. Os resultados obtidos revelam o predomínio da sobrecarga moderada e modera da severa (78%), indicando a necessidade de intervenção junto aos cuidadores no sentido de desenvolver estratégias que favoreçam o cuidado e ao mesmo tempo preservem sua saúde.


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The Cu-Au mine of Chapada is located in the municipality of Alto Horizonte, in the northwestern portion of Goiás state and is inserted in the geological context of the Brasilia Belt, specifically the Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc, which hosts important deposits of Au and Cu-Au. The rocks found in the study area belong mainly to the Volcano-Sedimentary Sequence of Mara Rosa and are composed of basic to acidic metavolcanic rocks, psammiticpellitic metasedimentary rocks, chemical rocks and also hydrothermal products. Late intrusions occur and are represented by pegmatitic dikes and tonalitic bodies. The ore deposit of the Chapada mine is formed predominantly by the chalcopyrite-pyritemagnetite association, where pyrite is the most abundant mineral. Through the structural mapping of the mining fronts, it was able to recognize three deformational phases (Dn, Dn +1, Dn +2). During the Dn phase, isoclinal recumbent folds were formed, in association with amphibolites facies metamorphism. Later, in phase Dn +1, there was formation of drag folds and intrafolial folds in association with retrograde metamorphism in the greenschist facies. The deformational phase Dn +2, in its turn, was responsible for late symmetrical folding of the foliation, with NS and EW axes, resulting in an interference pattern of the dome-and-basin type


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There are substantial evidences that the period experienced by humanity globally is unprecedented and is heading towards a major transformation that results from the Globalization. Totally conditioned to the addictions of the dominant and predatory capitalism, humanity has, for decades, exhausted natural resources, disregarded the nature of its own social existence and walked away from its humanity. It is notable, however, an impressive flow of factors that dialogue and support each other as trends that go towards sustainable development, based on the harmonious integration between Technology, Culture, Society, Environment and Economy. This emerging moment can be seen from the perspectives of the Creative Economy as economic paradigm centered on the subjectivity and the human capacity to undertake innovative services, products and solutions guided by social values. Within this fluid and dynamic global context, initiatives that legitimately intend to act sustainably are gaining space. This socioeconomic moment fosters and is fostered by new kinds of work and organization guided by the Collaboration and social structuring on Network Patterns. These new social models significantly transform the understanding and insights about the Communication flows. The HUB São Paulo, as creative and social organization that operates under the logic of Collaboration through a Network Structure, was the subject of a case study used to sustain the defense of this emerging scenario and also to perform an analysis on the new role of Communication, at perspectives of transformation of mental paradigms towards sustainability and establishment of meaningful connections


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Esse estudo tem como objetivo, utilizando revisão de literatura, evidenciar a importância na atividade física para pacientes com transtornos mentais, com foco mais específico na esquizofrenia. Por ser uma doença neurodegenerativa e que o paciente geralmente convive muitos anos com o seu agravamento, busco mostrar os benefícios das práticas corporais na qualidade de vida e agravantes da doença, nos indivíduos acometidos por esta. Assim como saliento a importância de mais estudos com foco específico na atividade física, por se tratar de um tratamento não medicamentoso que traz benefícios físicos, fisiológicos, moral, afetivos e cognitivos. Apesar de não ser evidente o desaparecimento de sintomas específicos da doença, o exercício físico auxilia, principalmente, nos sintomas negativos da doença, os quais os medicamentos pouco afetam; além de ser uma das formas de tratamento para as doenças cardiorrespiratórias muito evidenciadas nos pacientes esquizofrênicos. Não obstante, vale ressaltar a importância de considerar a individualidade de cada sujeito, pois cada um responde de uma forma as atividades, seja por experiências anteriores, ou pelo agravo da doença; assim como o tipo de prática utilizada, a qual pode ser mais motivadora para alguns, e menos para outros