194 resultados para Infinite.
Using arguments based on BRST cohomology, the pure spinor formalism for the superstring in an AdS 5×S 5 background is proven to be BRST invariant and conformally invariant at the quantum level to all orders in perturbation theory. Cohomology arguments are also used to prove the existence of an infinite set of non-local BRST-invariant charges at the quantum level. © SISSA 2005.
The problem of power system stability including the effects of a flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) is approached. First, the controlled series compensation is considered in the machine against infinite bar system and its effects are taken into account by means of construction of a Lyapunov function (LF). This simple system is helpful in order to understand the form the device affects dynamic and transient performance of the power system. After, the multimachine case is considered and it is shown that the single-machine results apply to multimachine systems. An energy-form Lyapunov function is derived for the power system including the FACTS device and it is used to analyse damping and synchronizing effects due to the FACTS device in single-machine as well as in multimachine power systems. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We construct an infinite number of exact time dependent soliton solutions, carrying non-trivial Hopf topological charges, in a 3+1 dimensional Lorentz invariant theory with target space S2. The construction is based on an ansatz which explores the invariance of the model under the conformal group SO(4,2) and the infinite dimensional group of area preserving diffeomorphisms of S2. The model is a rare example of an integrable theory in four dimensions, and the solitons may play a role in the low energy limit of gauge theories. © SISSA 2006.
We consider a field theory with target space being the two dimensional sphere S2 and defined on the space-time S3 × . The Lagrangean is the square of the pull-back of the area form on S2. It is invariant under the conformal group SO(4,2) and the infinite dimensional group of area preserving diffeomorphisms of S2. We construct an infinite number of exact soliton solutions with non-trivial Hopf topological charges. The solutions spin with a frequency which is bounded above by a quantity proportional to the inverse of the radius of S3. The construction of the solutions is made possible by an ansatz which explores the conformal symmetry and a U(1) subgroup of the area preserving diffeomorphism group. © SISSA 2006.
Some dynamical properties for a bouncing ball model are studied. We show that when dissipation is introduced the structure of the phase space is changed and attractors appear. Increasing the amount of dissipation, the edges of the basins of attraction of an attracting fixed point touch the chaotic attractor. Consequently the chaotic attractor and its basin of attraction are destroyed given place to a transient described by a power law with exponent -2. The parameter-space is also studied and we show that it presents a rich structure with infinite self-similar structures of shrimp-shape. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report on recent estimates of the J/Ψ mass shift in infinite nuclear matter and finite nuclei arising from in-medium D and D* meson loops. The density dependence of the J/Ψ mass shift is evaluated employing medium-modified D and D* meson masses derived within the quark-meson coupling model. Using a local density approximation, J/Ψ-nuclear bound state energies are calculated for a range of nuclei. We predict that J/Ψ-nuclear bound states should be observed with a clear signal in experiments, provided the J/Ψ meson is produced in recoilless kinematics. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
In the study of the Type II superstring, it is useful to consider the BRST complex associated to the sum of two pure spinors. The cohomology of this complex is an infinite-dimensional vector space. It is also a finite-dimensional algebra over the algebra of functions of a single pure spinor. In this paper we study the multiplicative structure. © 2013 World Scientific Publishing Company.
A gas of non-interacting particles diffuses in a lattice of pulsating scatterers. In the finite-horizon case with bounded distance between collisions and strongly chaotic dynamics, the velocity growth (Fermi acceleration) is well described by a master equation, leading to an asymptotic universal non-Maxwellian velocity distribution scaling as v∼t. The infinite-horizon case has intermittent dynamics which enhances the acceleration, leading to v∼t ln t and a non-universal distribution. © Copyright EPLA, 2013.
Known number theoretical constructions of the lattice E8 use the cyclotomic fields Q(ζ15), Q(ζ20), and Q(ζ24). In this work, an infinite family of Abelian number fields yielding rotated versions of the lattice E 8 is exhibited. © 2012 The Managing Editors.
We consider dynamical properties for an ensemble of classical particles confined to an infinite box of potential and containing a time-dependent potential well described by different nonlinear functions. For smooth functions, the phase space contains chaotic trajectories, periodic islands and invariant spanning curves preventing the unlimited particle diffusion along the energy axis. Average properties of the chaotic sea are characterised as a function of the control parameters and exponents describing their behaviour show no dependence on the perturbation functions. Given invariant spanning curves are present in the phase space, a sticky region was observed and show to modify locally the diffusion of the particles. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
A polymeric complex [Eu(α-tpc)3(α-Htpc) 2]n and its characterization by single crystal X-ray and thermal analysis, infrared and photoluminescence spectroscopies are described. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic Cc space group. The asymmetric unit is formed from a europium ion bonded to one carboxyl oxygen of five different thiophene carboxylic moieties. Three of these moieties are deprotonated and bridge between neighboring europium ions giving rise to an infinite polymer along the c axis. Besides the europium characteristic emission lines, the emission spectra show unambiguously the crystal size effect on the 5D0 → 7F0 transition. The complex thermal decomposition at 220 C leads to a stable luminescent complex in which the 5D0 → 7F4 transition reveals a monomeric characteristic. The Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters to the polymeric and the monomeric compound with the same ligand and coordination number were compared. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)