165 resultados para Industria de construção civil – Eliminação de residuos


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - FEB


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - FEB


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The Brazilian construction is with high production which resulted in many service industries and also for businesses that work in conjunction with it. For the furniture industries would not be different, since they are intimately involved with the construction. To meet the demand for furnishings in Brazil, some clusters of industries have developed in recent years, as in the case of Uba (MG), Arapongas (PR) and Bento Gonçalves (RS). For industries sector can always increase its production combining quality and customer satisfaction, is necessary for their production procedures are studied and improved every day. The aim of this research is to propose a solution for simple information system involving the issue of tracking parts of the furniture produced in an industry custom furniture that depend on outsourced services. The research occurred during four months of the year 2013 for the observation of the production of the industry, where possible observing interference could be carried out with the aim of obtaining improvements in the production line. It is concluded that control of the finished product in a custom furniture industry is a very complex work, because the information system must transmit information faithful, which has not happened formerly, but after the implementation of the identification system was significant improvement the transfer of information between sectors mounts internal and external furniture


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Currently the Brazilian construction market is growing like gangbusters and every day grows its competition. With this Brazilian scenario, the government is supporting the construction companies and offering resources for real estate projects. To acquire resources Caixa Econômica Federal requirements you must meet in planning the work, as the development of budgets, timelines and memorials. This study aimed to planning a work according to the requirements of Caixa Econômica Federal, which was done with the aid of two softwares . First the methods and tools that are used to perform a planning were discussed. Then, based on the theory and observing the requirements of the financing bank budgets, memorials and schedules with the help of software were performed. At the end of the project, it was possible to observe the importance of using theoretical methods and software to facilitate and improve the timelines and budgets made , and thus the planning itself, which every day becomes more common in construction companies, because with the increase of competition and market requirements, is critical to reducing the loss and time, thus maintaining customer satisfaction and company


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Increasingly, the furniture market is competitive. The construction industry presents itself in growth, mainly due to the lines of existing incentives and tax credits established by the government, assisting the impulse to purchase real estate, building materials and furniture. Factors that promote and strengthen the sector's growth. With high demand from the furniture market, demand for higher quality and increasing technological advances, research is often undertaken in search of solutions for process improvement and product features, focusing on the production of materials less harmful to the environment, provision of raw press to lower cost, improve the production process and product development of cost-effective. This research focuses on the comparative study between two materials widely used in furniture manufacturing. MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) and MDP (Medium Density Particleboard). The subject provides the focus in furniture production, presenting and comparing data collected from three companies producing panels between physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials, also presenting some of the main factors of influence on the quality of the panels, their features and applications on mobile. The study shows the high potential of using the MDP (Medium Density Particleboard) in furniture designs, as well as MDF (Medium Density Particleboard), favoring the final terms of the project , resulting in better utilization of each material , avoiding waste and increase unnecessary cost . Currently, several projects are developed in MDP and MDF furniture, where there is no relevance to their characteristics regarding their limitations. Many of these furnishings are designed without a specific study of the best use and positioning of each material, with better utilization , favoring collateral design , especially furniture designed exclusively for each environment . The lack of technical ...


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Nos últimos oito anos, o Brasil apresenta elevada atividade econômica e, destacadamente, os setores da construção civil e do crédito imobiliário demonstram elevado crescimento. Entretanto, diferentemente da recente dinâmica do setor e da economia brasileira, a história do setor da habitação no país é marcada por dificuldades de acesso ao crédito imobiliário para a aquisição e construção de moradias, situação a qual resultou no elevado déficit habitacional existente, nas desigualdades e outros fatores excludentes que a própria situação impõe, principalmente, pelo desenvolvimento do mercado de crédito imobiliário não ter sido capaz de acompanhar o crescimento da população e a urbanização brasileira nas últimas décadas. Este trabalho procura detalhar os diferentes momentos do crédito imobiliário no país o qual, por sua vez, teve inicio em meados dos anos 60 através de iniciativas públicas na estruturação do Sistema Financeiro de Habitação. Posteriormente, durante a década de 70, houve elevada expansão do financiamento de aquisição e construção de moradias no país, contudo, em decorrência dos desequilíbrios macroeconômicos e do próprio sistema que se acentuaram final dos anos 70 e início dos 80, a atividade de crédito imobiliário apresentou retração nas décadas posteriores, ou seja, durante a década de 80 e 90. Paralelamente ao financiamento habitacional, a década de 90 foi marcada pela execução de reformas macroeconômicas que, posteriormente, possibilitaram o controle inflacionário e a maior previsibilidade econômica no país. Adicionalmente, no final da década, estruturou-se um novo sistema denominado Sistema de Financiamento juntamente com a adoção do Regime de Metas de Inflação e a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal. As reformas recentes e a estabilidade econômica proporcionaram o favorável e recente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A siderurgia é um importante elo na cadeia siderúrgica, unindo tanto setores que estão atrás dela, mineração e carvão, como os que seguem a sua frente, setores da construção civil, máquinas e ferramentas, automobilístico e até mesmo setores de maior intensidade tecnológica como o da aeronáutica. Esta monografia tem por objetivo estudar a internacionalização que o setor siderúrgico brasileiro sofreu durante a última década analisando tanto os fluxos de fusões e aquisições de empresas brasileiras as quais compram ativos no exterior como também de indústrias siderúrgicas estrangeiras que adquirem ativos produtivos no Brasil. Deseja-se estabelecer se as Fusões e Aquisições foram capazes de trazer maior competitividade para as empresas nacionais e avaliar o impacto que a indústria brasileira sofre com a entrada de siderúrgicas estrangeiras. Para tanto, foram feitas análises qualitativas buscando analisar quais as estratégias de internacionalização das empresas e relacionar as fusões e aquisições feitas de acordo com as estratégias traçadas. Em termos quantitativos tentou-se verificar por meio do market-share mensurado em termos mundiais de venda se as operações realizadas pelas empresas foram capazes de elevá-las a patamares competitivos superiores


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The need for housing in Brazil is very large, and despite government efforts to address this issue, the housing deficit is too large. When analyzing markets without this problem, it is concluded that one of the factors that influence this model is the construction adopted by Brazilian society that is in masonry. Alternatively, the system can be used in constructive Wood-frame. To apply this system in Brazil, one can say that the workmanship and the materials available to meet the demand would be created in a short period of adjustments and capabilities, but identifies himself as one of the biggest problems the planning and management of works. And one of the tools for solving this problem is to use a checklist of the activities of constructive process, avoiding forgetting or not aware of the activities necessary to complete the project


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Since the early twenty-first century, the construction sector has been the second largest on the rise in the Brazilian industrial sector, with a growth of 1.4% in 2012, and is likely to remain at this level for a long time. However, unlike decades ago, the industry has been seeking in its manufacturing process, sustainable materials, encompassing in their works the concept of sustainability. Thus, the timber sector seeks to satisfy a market increasingly demanding, innovating techniques and utilization being less aggressive to the environment. The purpose of this study was to produce and evaluate the mechanical strength of the composite cement with the addition of wood residues and slag low oven. Therefore, it was made 42 specimen cement-slag-wood, carried out in two steps. Since at the first, it was varied only the slag particle size, and at the second, through the best result of the previous step, it was varied the wood particles granulometry. The mechanical performance of the composite was evaluated by the results obtained in the compression test and the physical test for determining the density of the material. In the first step of the process can be concluded that the best result was achieved with the use of slag particles retained on the 60 mesh sieve. In the second phase of the study concluded that the best results were achieved with wood particles with the large particles, i.e. particles retained on the 10 mesh sieve. Both in the first and in the second step it can be seen that there has been the influence of the particle size of the waste materials. With the obtained results, could be evaluated that the use of waste for the production of cement-slag-wood composite showed lower performance when compared to the results obtained in studies without the use of waste. However, some applications are feasible to be performed with the use of composite wood-cement-slag


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Propomos nesta monografia o projeto de um escritório de arquitetura anexo a um canteiro escola, tendo como objetivo capacitar pessoas das comunidades periféricas em Presidente Prudente. Ao levar o arquiteto para dentro desta problemática das cidades, ajudaremos a sanar os problemas arquitetônicos de moradias sem qualidade nas comunidades carentes. O canteiro escola é um local onde a população irá aprender a teoria e prática da construção civil e, a partir deste momento, efetuar a autoconstrução de maneira correta eatingir a profissionalização. O Canteiro Escola acontecerá em contêineres de carga modificados, esta estrutura já possui adequação para transporte e, se necessário, poderá haver movimentação entre os bairros da cidade