188 resultados para Ichthyological freshwater fauna
The responses of relative growth rate (% day-1) and pigment content (chlorophyll a, phycocyanin and phycoerythrin) to temperature, irradiance and photoperiod were analyzed in culture in seven freshwater red algae: Audouinella hermannii (Roth) Duby, Audouinella pygmaea (Kützing) Weber-van Bosse, Batrachospermum ambiguum Montagne, Batrachospermum delicatulum (Skuja) Necchi et Entwisle, 'Chantransia' stages of B. delicatulum and Batrachospermum macrosporum Montagne and Compsopogon coeruleus (C. Agardh) Montagne. Experimental conditions included temperatures of 10, 15, 20 and 25°C and low and high irradiances (65 and 300 μmol photons m-2 s-1, respectively). Long and short day lengths (16:8 and 8:16 LD cycles) were also applied at the two irradiances. Growth effects of temperature and irradiance were evident in most algae tested, and there were significant interactions among treatments. Most freshwater red algae had the best growth under low irradiance, confirming the preference of freshwater red algae for low light regimens. In general there was highest growth rate in long days and low irradiance. Growth optima in relation to temperature were species-specific and also varied between low and high irradiances for the same alga. The most significant differences in pigment content were related to temperature, whereas few significant differences could be attributed to variation in irradiance and photoperiod or interactions among the three parameters. The responses were species-specific and also differed for pigments in distinct temperatures, irradiances and photoperiods in the same alga. Phycocyanin was generally more concentrated than phycoerythrin and phycobiliproteins were more concentrated than chlorophyll a. The highest total pigment contents were found in two species typical of shaded habitats: A. hermannii and C. coeruleus. The expected inverse relationship of pigment with irradiance was observed only in C. coeruleus. In general, the most favorable conditions for growth were not coincident with those with highest pigment contents.
Responses of net photosynthetic rates to temperature, irradiance, pH/inorganic carbon and diurnal rhythm were analyzed in 15 populations of eight freshwater red algal species in culture and natural conditions. Photosynthetic rates were determined by oxygen concentration using the light and dark bottles technique. Parameters derived from the photosynthesis-irradiance curves indicated adaptation to low irradiance for all freshwater red algae tested, confirming that they tend to occur under low light regimes. Some degree of photoinhibition (β = -0.33-0.01 mg O2 g-1 DW h-1 (μmol photons m-2 s-1)-1) was found for all species/populations analyzed, whereas light compensation points (lc) were very low (≤ 2 μmol photons m- photons s-1) for most algae tested. Saturation points were low for all algae tested (lk = 6-54 μmol photons m-2 S-1; lS = 20-170 μmol photons m-2 s-1). Rates of net photosynthesis and dark respiration responded to the variation in temperature. Optimum temperature values for net photosynthesis were variable among species and populations so that best performances were observed under distinct temperature conditions (10, 15, 20 or 25°C). Rates of dark respiration exhibited an increasing trend with temperature, with highest values under 20-25°C. Results from pH experiments showed best photosynthetic performances under pH 8.5 or 6.5 for all but one species, indicating higher affinity for inorganic carbon as bicarbonate or indistinct use of bicarbonate and free carbon dioxide. Diurnal changes in photosynthetic rates revealed a general pattern for all algae tested, which was characterized by two relatively clear peaks, with some variations around it: a first (higher) during the morning (07.00-11.00 hours.) and a second (lower) in the afternoon (14.00-18.00 hours). Comparative data between the 'Chantransia' stage and the respective gametophyte for one Batrachospermum population revealed higher values (ca 2-times) in the latter, much lower than previously reported. The physiological role of the 'Chantransia' stage needs to be better analyzed.
The effect of stocking prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii at increasing densities in ponds with Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus reared at low density was evaluated. Twelve 0.01-ha earthen ponds were stocked with 1 tilapia/m2 and 0, 2, 4, or 6 post-larvae prawn/m2. Three replicates were randomly assigned to each prawn density. Postlarval prawns were stocked a week prior to tilapia juveniles and both were harvested 175 d after the beginning of the experiment. Tilapia final average weight, survival, production, and food conversion rates did not differ significantly among treatments (P > 0.05); the averages were 531 g. 67%, 3,673 kg/ha, and 1.91, respectively. Prawn survival rates did not differ for the three stocking densities (mean 90%). However, final weight and production were significantly different (P < 0.05) as follows: 34.0, 23.0, and 14.7 g and 639, 909, and 818 kg/ha, respectively for 2, 4, and 6 prawns/m2 densities. Stocking densities up to 6 prawn/m2 did not affect tilapia production and required neither additional feeding nor significant changes in management. The polyculture system allowed an increase in total production with the same amount of supplied feed, thus improving the system sustainability.
Fourteen culture isolates of freshwater acrochaetioid algae from distinct regions around the world were analysed, including the reddish species Audouinella hermannii, the dubious blue-greenish species A. pygmaea, and Chantransia stages from distinct taxonomic origins in the Batrachospermales sensu lato (Batrachospermaceae, Lemaneaceae and Thoreaceae). Four isolates (two 'Chantransia' stages and two species of Audouinella, A. hermannii and A. pygmaea) were tested under experimental conditions of temperature (10-25°C), irradiance (65 and 300 μmol photons m-2 s-1) and photoperiod (16:8 h and 8:16 h light/dark cycles). Plant colour is proposed as the only vegetative character that can be unequivocally applied to distinguish Audouinella from 'Chantransia', blue-greenish representing Chantransia stages and reddish applying to true Audouinella species (also forming reproductive structures other than monosporangia, e.g. tetrasporangia). Some isolates of A. pygmaea were proven to be unequivocally 'Chantransia stages owing either to production of juvenile gametophytes or to derivation from carpospores. No association of the morphology of A. pygmaea was found with any particular species, thus it should be regarded as a complex involving many species of the Batrachospermales sensu lato, as is also the case with A. macrospora. We therefore recommend that all blue-greenish acrochaetioid algae in freshwater habitats be considered as Chantransia stages of members of the Batrachospermales, and that the informal descriptors pygmaea and macrospora be used to distinguish the two discernable morphologies. Induction of gametophytes occurred under much wider conditions than previously reported, reinforcing the conclusion that requirements are probably species-specific. Although phenotypic plasticity was in evidence, with temperature, irradiance and photoperiod affecting morphology, no alga showed variation outside the limits based on traditional taxonomic studies. No overall trend was observed for vegetative or reproductive characters in response to temperature, irradiance and photoperiod for all the algae tested, only for specific algae or characters. Effects of temperature and irradiance on morphological characters were more evident, as well as strong interactions between these variables, whereas few differences were generally found in response to photoperiod and irradiance.
Batrachospermum delicatulum specimens from three stream segments were analyzed from a tropical region in south-eastern Brazil (20°18′- 20°49′S, 49°13′-49°46′W). Physical and chemical parameters and the spatial placement of thalli were investigated along with the reproductive characteristics of the gametophytic phase. Sequence data of the cox 2-3 spacer region was also utilized to evaluate genetic variation in individuals within and among stream segments. Gametophyte occurred under relatively diverse environmental conditions, whereas thalli abundance was weakly or not correlated to environmental variables within the stream segments. All specimens examined were dioecious. The ratio of male/female plants was relatively low (0.5 to 1.3) and male plants tended to occur as clumps (two or three plants together). High reproductive success was observed, as indicated by the occurrence of 100% fertilized (carposporophytic) female plants. This is similar to previous reports for this and other dioecious species, which is remarkable considering the relatively low proportion of male/female plants. Results support the two hypotheses to explain the high reproductive success in dioecious species. The occurrence of male plants in clumps was evidence for a strict spatial relationship (i.e. male plants located in upstream position of female plants in order to release spermatia, which would be carried by eddies through female plants). In contrast, the occurrence of male and female plants adjacent to each other allowed outcrossing among neighboring plants with intermingled male and female branches, which seemed more applicable to some situations (low turbulence habitats). The cox 2-3 spacer region from the 18 individuals sequenced was 376 bp and the DNA sequence was identical with no base pair substitutions. Likewise, a previous study of another Batrachospermum species showed that the same haplotypes were present in all stream segments from the same drainage basin, even though the stream segments were a considerable distance apart. Short distance dispersal either by small birds or waterway connectivity might explain these findings.
The South American freshwater sciaenid genus Plagioscion is reviewed. Five of the 15 nominal species assigned to the genus are considered to be valid: Plagioscion squamosissimus, widely distributed in Atlantic drainages east of the Andes; P. auratus from the Río Orinoco and Río Amazonas basins; P. magdalenae from the Río Magdalena and Río Amazonas basins; P. ternetzi from the lower Río Paraná, Río Paraguay and Rio Uruguay basins; and P. montei from the Río Amazonas basin. Copyright © 2005 Magnolia Press.
The aim of the study was to analyze the preferences of ant species visiting the trunks of eight species of Magnoliophyta, belonging to the families Fabaceae, Arecaceae, Myrtaceae, Melastomataceae and Euphorbiaceae, located in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. A total of 101 ant species, belonging to eight subfamilies and 32 genera, were sampled during the 12-month collection period. Close to 30% of the ant species can be considered arboreal, and the others are species that nest in the ground and use trees only for foraging, which can be occasional, as in the case of the Ecitoninae sampled in Arecaceae and Euphorbiaceae. Pachycondyla mesonotalis was the only species collected on all the Magnoliophyta, whereas Camponotus rufipes, Acromyrmex niger and Crematogaster spp., were found on 87.5% of the trees analyzed. No strong similarities were found, using the Jaccard Index, among plant species in the same family of Magnoliophyta based on the visiting ants, except for the Euphorbiaceae species. This result is probably related to the presence of extra-floral nectar, which is very attractive to ants and characteristic of this family.
This study describes the occurrence and the seasonality of parasites of cultivated fish from a fee fishing farm located in Guariba, São Paulo State, Brazil (21°15'22'' S, 48°18'58'' W and 595 m of altitude), from August, 2001 to July, 2002. The presence of parasites was researched in pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (Characidae), common carp Cyprinus carpio (Cyprinidae), nile-tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae), tambacu hybrid (male of P. mesopotamicus x female of tambaqui-Colossoma macropomum) and piraputanga Brycon hillari (Characidae). Results demonstrate that out of 100 fish examined, 15% were sponged for at least one of the following parasites: Trichodina sp.; monogenean helminths; copepodits of Lemaea cyprinacea; adults of L. cyprinacea; or Dolops carvalhoi. In decreasing order, the susceptibility degree of the hosts was C. carpio, P. mesopotamicus, B. hillari, tambacu hybrid and O. niloticus. In decreasing order the reported parasites were monogenean helminths, Dolops carvalhoi, Trichodina sp., adults of Lernaea cyprinacea and their young shapes.
Three freshwater Rhodophyta species (Audouinella eugenea, A. hermannii and Compsopogon coeruleus) were tested as to their responses (photosynthesis, growth and pigment concentration) to two irradiances (low light, LL, 65 μmol m -2 s-1 and high light, HL, 300 μmol m-2 s-1) and two periods (short time, ST, 4 d, and long time, LT, 28 d). Higher growth rates were consistently observed at LL but significant differences were observed only for A. hermannii. Higher values of photoinhibition at LL were found for the three species, which is consistent with the dynamic photoinhibition as a reversible photoprotective mechanism against high irradiance. Light-induced decreases of effective quantum yield (EQY) were observed in the three species consisting of pronounced decreases from LL to HL. Rapid increases of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) were observed mainly at LL, indicating energy dissipation by reaction centers. Results revealed distinct photoacclimation strategies to deal with high irradiances: the two Audouinella species had only characteristics of shade-adapted algae: acclimation by changes of size of photosy stem units (PSU) under LT and by PSU number under ST; higher values of the photoinhibition parameter (β) and NPQ, and lower values of EQY at LL; higher recovery capacity of potential quantum yield (PQY) at LL and under ST; highly significant positive correlation of electron transport rate (ETR) with NPQ. In addition, C. coeruleus mixed some characteristics of sun-adapted algae: acclimation by changes of PSU number under LT and by PSU size under ST; higher recovery capacity of EQY than the other two species; weak or no correlation of ETR with NPQ. Thus, these characteristics indicate that C. coeruleus cope with high irradiances more efficiently than the Audouinella species.
This study is intended to characterize the ovarian development and hemolymph vertebrate-type steroids concentration during the reproductive cycle of the freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. A five-stage classification based on the external observation of the ovary's size and color as seen through the tegument was used. The results showed the existence of a direct correspondence between the ovarian stages and the gonadosomatic index, the oöcyte diameter, and the characteristics of ovarian histology. In each stage total bleeding of the prawns was conducted and the hemolymph concentrations of 17β-estradiol (E 2), testosterone (T) and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP; conjugated and unconjugated) were determined by solid-phase radioimmunoassay (RIA). High levels of unconjugated 17-OHP, relatively constant concentrations of unconjugated T, and null concentration of unconjugated E 2 were found throughout the five stages considered. Nonetheless, low levels of E 2 were determined in all stages, in conjugated (glucoronide) form. The highest levels were obtained in stage II and III (18.14 ± 14.52 pg/ml hemolymph) and progressively declined in the other stages (7.53 ± 6.76 pg/ml hemolymph). These results point out the possible involvement of vertebrate-type steroids in the endocrine regulation of the Macrobrachium rosenbergii's ovarian cycle. To our knowledge this is the first study concerning the vertebrate-like steroid levels throughout the ovarian cycle and is a step needed to characterize the hemolymph profile of these steroids in order to elucidate the possible role in the regulation of the reproductive crustacean cycle.
Oligosarcus perdido, a new species of freshwater fish from Serra da Bodoquena, upper Rio Paraguai basin, Brazil, is described. The new species is distinguished from congeners by the number of lateral-line scales, number of scales around the caudal peduncle, and osteological characters. The osteology of this new species is also documented by stereomicroscopic photography of cleared and stained specimens. Ecological notes based on direct observation by scuba diving in the field are also provided. Copyright © 2007 Magnolia Press.
In this work are presented data for mean abundance, prevalence and mean intensity of infection in 34 specimens of Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, commonly called cacharas. Fish were captured using nets in the Aquidauana river during March, September and November 2003, October 2004 and October 2005. All analyzed fish were infected. Nineteen species of parasites were collected - seven of them were proteocephalid cestodes, three monogeneans, one species of digeneans, three nematodes, one acanthocephalan, one crustacean, one pentastomid and two species of myxosporeans. The first records of Harriscolex kaparari and Megathylacus travassosi in P. fasciatum in the Aquidauana river were observed. Monogeneans featured the highest prevalence (100%), followed by cestodes (91.18%) and nematodes (58.82%).
Calmoniids (Delo, 1935) are the most common and abundant group of trilobites of the fossil record of the Devonian Ponta Grossa Formation in the Apucarana sub-basin. Although known since the past century, the study of calmoniids has been taxonomically and stratigraphically biased. This is because some authors centered their studies on some particular genera from a few stratigraphic horizons within the basal portion of the Ponta Grossa Formation. The analyses of 398 specimens of calmoniid trilobites of the rocks of Jaguariaiva Member of the Ponta Grossa Formation, mainly from Tibagi county in the state of Paraná, Brazil, indicate the presence of specimens that are referable to Metacryphaeus rotundatus (Kozlowski, 1923). This is the first record of M. rotundatus in Brazilian Devonian rocks. Metacryphaeus rotundatus is a conspicuous species of the Emsian rocks of the Icla Formation, Bolivia. Although the affinities of the trilobite fauna of the Devonian Paraná Basin, in the context of the Malvinokaffric realm, are with the Brazilian and South Africa provinces, this finding is in accordance with new evidence (e.g., conulariids, homalonotids trilobites), indicating the presence of cosmopolitan species with Andean affinities. Metacryphaeus rotundatus lived in a broad paleoclimatic range, from a temperate, cold temperate to a subpolar climate. Finally, in the Devonian of the Paraná Basin, M. rotundatus lived and were preserved in muddy, organic rich bottoms, deposited in offshore waters, below the storm wave base, associated to marine flooding surfaces.
The reptile fauna in the municipality of São Paulo is well sampled due to intensive collection in the last 100 years. In the present work we provide a checklist of reptile species in São Paulo municipality based on preserved specimens in scientific collections. The reptile fauna was also characterized by three ecological parameters: habitat use, substrate use, and diet. We recorded a total of 97 reptile species (two turtles, one crocodilian, 19 lizards, seven amphisbaenians, and 68 snakes). Approximately 70% of the lizards and 40% of the snakes are typical of forest habitats of the Serra do Mar mountain range. Other squamates are typical of open formations that occur mainly on inland Cerrado habitats. All turtles and the crocodilian are associated to riparian habitats. Approximately 63% of the lizards are predominantly terrestrial, and the remaining species are arboreal. Most species of snakes are terrestrial (38%) or subterranean/criptozoic (25%) whereas a smaller proportion are arboreal (18%) or aquatic (9%). Lizards feed upon arthropods. Almost 50% of the snake species are specialized or feed mainly upon anuran amphibians. Other important items consumed by snakes are mammals (24%), lizards (18%), subterranean vertebrates (10%), and invertebrates (earthworms, mollusks and arthropods; 15%). A total of 51 reptile species have not been recorded for the last six years. Probably many of these species are extinct in the region due the intense local urbanization and habitat loss. The survey of species collected in São Paulo municipality and received in the Instituto Butantan in recent years allowed the identification of 10 lizards at least 42 snake species already occurring in the region. The high species richness of the original fauna seems related to the geographic location of the municipality, in a contact zone between forested areas of the Atlantic Forest (ombrophilous forest) and open formations (savannas, high-altitude grassland). Thus, the original habitat composition probably allowed sympatry among different species pools typical of both open and forested formations. The extant snake fauna recorded in the last three years indicates a higher loss of the species in open formations when compared to the forested areas.