179 resultados para Human being dignity


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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O processo do neoliberalismo revela, no seu momento mais intenso, a submissão de todos os níveis da vida humana a transações mercantis, a inclinação capitalista à mercantilização mundial. Desse modo, as propostas neoliberais objetivam, sobretudo, a criação de um sentimento único para garantir o sucesso de seus ideais de globalização, de livre-economia e de Estado mínimo, não interventor nas políticas sociais, mas servidor do mercado. Dentre os artifícios utilizados pelos propositores neoliberais encontram-se as Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPPs) com as quais este artigo se ocupa. A partir da conceituação e da caracterização do instrumento Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPPs), foram analisados projetos nacionais e europeus desenvolvidos através das PPPs.Os temas desses projetos envolvem Tecnologia de Informática e Comunicação e eLearning (ensino + tecnologia + a distância). As reflexões evidenciaram que as parcerias entre governos e empresas multinacionais podem levar a uma perda de controle por parte do Estado sobre a formação educacional dos cidadãos e da perda de identidade de seus currículos. Por outro lado, essas parcerias trazem ganhos políticos aos Estados e econômicos às empresas.


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No sempre reconhecido realismo euripidiano se inclui um envolvimento político. É notável o elogio a Atenas, seja a seu passado ilustre, seja a seu papel no mundo grego. Entretanto a guerra a que Atenas se atira e que faz enfraquecer a Grécia é condenada, pois a defesa de Atenas, concretizada na defesa de seu regime político, a democracia, não inclui a defesa do imperialismo ateniense. Assim, acima de Eurípides patriota se ergue o Eurípides humanista, preocupado com as responsabilidades do ser humano, não apenas do cidadão. Eurípides’ acknowledge realism includes a political involvement. The eulogy of Athens is remarkable both regarding her illustrious past and her role in the greek world. The war in which Athens is engaged and which weakens Greece, however, is condemned, for Athens’ defense, made real in the defense of her political regime, democracy, does not include the defense of Athenian imperialism. Thus, Euripides the patriot is excelled by Euripides the humanist, who is more concerned with the responsibilities of the human being, than with those of the citizen’s.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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The aim of this paper is to show how the contract joins with moral and politics in Rousseau's Social contract. The contract denatures and changes human nature when human being becomes social. With this change, moral and politics arouse. Moral is the condition of liberty and politics becomes on the field of consent and rhetoric.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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The purpose of this report-book is to demonstrate what is the Waldorf pedagogy. Describing an old, but not outdate, teaching method that differs from the convencional ones. Analysing all the interviews, visits and activities experiencies during the classroom at Schools Waldorf, it´s possible to determined some characteristics of this pedagogy in a less didactic way, focusing in journalistic-literal aspects and also the human being - instead of the institution. The discussing about the education and all problems about it, is a common activity nowadays, but remains an important and relevant society theme, whose power affect the development process of a country. Analysing all kinds of pedagoy methods it´s a way to improve the discussing about it. The main goal of this research is showing the Waldorf pedagogy for those who don´t know nothing about it and also make us to realize the real importance of the technology during it´s growth


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The present work deals with the study on the evaluation of the human health risks caused by the leaching of hydrocarbon products from a gas station in Sumaré-SP. First, a geoenvironmental diagnosis had to be done, where information such as: history of the area, chemicals involved, geological characteristics, transport, chemical analysis, were used to make it. The geoenvironmental diagnosis was used in the software RBCA tier 2 which established the risks by all possible pathways. The results indicated that there are risks for groundwater ingestion for commercial (on site and off site) and residential receptors and 10 that there´s risk for inhalation of vapors in enclosed space for the commercial receptor on site. The evaluation also calculated the specific target levels that the area needs to show, in order not to harm human beings and the environment. That makes RBCA a great tool that can helps the remediation actions needed to be done so that the human being and the environment remain secure.


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In this research we set out to understand the Ethnomathematics Program such as it is said by some authors of Mathematics Education. To this end we conducted an exploratory study. The objective of to study this program is to analyze its contribution to understanding of the content of mathematics in the school environment. The authors studied are Ubiratan D'Ambrosio, considered the precursor of the Ethnomathematics Program and researchers as Paulus Gerdes, Maria do Carmo Santos Domite, Eduardo Sebastiani Ferreira and Gelsa Knijnik, that develop research in Ethnomathematics and may contribute to the comprehension of what in the study we intend to do. Although recourse to authors of Education and Education Philosophy as Maria Aparecida Viggiani Bicudo and Joel Martins to intend the idea of curriculum and its importance in the school environment. The study carried showed that the Ethnomathematics Program goes beyond of to explicit the mathematical knowledge produced by cultural groups, transcending the description of procedures that reveal the construction of knowledge hitch to school subjects. That is, the program seeks the valuing the human being, concerning itself with the construction of a worthy citizen and able to relate with their natural environment, social and intellectual


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This work has by main objective revisit the dichotomy speech/writing from the perspective of scholars in the field of linguistics in relation to the communicative and interactional aspects of language. The research is based on the study of traditional dichotomies that classically distinguish between the oral form and the written form of the language. It is noted here the importance of the study of communication and interaction of individuals, as language being the main aspect responsible for the organization of society, and, of course, also being indispensable for the development of human being. This study shows that the distinctive peculiarities between speech and writing are not of the characteristics of a particular procedure, but differences that are necessary due to the specific moment of creation of an utterance or text, because both the oral and the mode writing may have traces of formality/informality; completeness/incompleteness, among other things. In other words, there is not a distinctive feature that is present only in speech or writing. Thus, this research shows that, by the numberless technological advances, the communication between people has gone through changes and crossed barriers. Therefore, it is clear that with the collaboration of the media, the old dichotomies recommended for speech and writing are being overcome and can no longer be treated strictly to any of the modalities