430 resultados para Hipertensão na gravidez


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Aerobic exercise has been suggested as a non-pharmacological treatment for hypertension, and the previous paper of this set demonstrated some of the physiological responses induced by exercise. It has been shown an increment on expenditures for appropriate hypertension management in both, public and private services, which reinforces the inclusion of preventive programs to reduce healthcare costs. However, little is known about physical exercise cost-effectiveness for hypertensive patients. There are several interventions like a simple doctor/dietitian counselling in order to change life style, wed-based nutrition program, pharmacological treatment and assisted or non-assisted physical exercise program that evaluate the costs savings. We have shown that regular exercise (combined or not with another diet counselling and antihypertensive treatment) may effectively contribute to reduce the health care costs (up to -38%). Also, we have shown that exercise improves body composition and lipid profile which are important risk factors to development of cardiovascular disease. So, exercise can lead to significant reduction in blood pressure medication use and, therefore, it causes cost savings, justifying the implementation of exercise programs in all healthcare units.


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Objetivo: Examinar o padrão de consumo do tabaco e conhecimentos sobre as doenças relacionadas ao tabaco, assim como identificar os tipos mais populares de mídias entre gestantes para aprimorar estratégias para a prevenção e a cessação do tabagismo entre essas mulheres. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 61 gestantes atendidas em um hospital universitário e em unidades básicas de saúde em Botucatu, SP. A Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão foi aplicada a todas as participantes. Para aquelas com história de tabagismo, também foi aplicado o Teste de Fagerström para Dependência de Nicotina, e foi avaliado o grau de motivação para cessação tabágica nas fumantes. Resultados: Das 61 gestantes avaliadas, 25 (40,9%) eram fumantes (média de idade, 26,4 ± 7,4 anos), 24 (39,3%) eram ex-fumantes (média de idade, 26,4 ± 8,3 anos), e 12 (19,8%) nunca fumaram (média de idade, 25,1 ± 7,2 anos). A exposição passiva foi relatada por 39 gestantes (63,9%). Das 49 fumantes/ex-fumantes, 13 (29,6%) conheciam as consequências pulmonares do tabagismo; somente 2 (4,9%) conheciam os riscos cardiovasculares; 23 (46,9%) acreditavam que fumar não causa nenhum problema para o feto ou o recém-nascido; 21 (42,9%) consumiram álcool durante a gestação; 18 (36,7%) relataram aumento no consumo de cigarros quando bebiam; 25 (51,0%) experimentaram cigarros com sabores; e 12 (24,5%) fumaram narguilé. Entre as 61 gestantes avaliadas, a televisão foi o tipo de mídia mais disponível e favorita (85,2%), assim como a mais preferida (49,2%). Conclusões: Entre gestantes, o fumo ativo, o fumo passivo e o uso de formas alternativas de consumo de tabaco parecem ser altamente prevalentes, e tais mulheres parecem possuir poucos conhecimentos sobre as consequências do uso de tabaco. Programas educacionais que incluam informações sobre as consequências de todas as formas de uso de tabaco, utilizando formatos novos e efetivos para esta população específica, devem ser desenvolvidos para promover a prevenção/cessação do tabagismo entre gestantes. Amostras adicionais para explorar diferenças culturais e regionais são necessárias.


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Hypertension (H) affects approximately 1,2 billion of people in the world. Among the main risk factors are weight excess, sedentary lifestyle, socio economic condition and family history of H. The main aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of hypertension in teenager scholars in Ibitinga, finding the role of family history of H and to correlates these results with nutritional condition, anthropometric variables and socio economic condition. This research analyzed 150 participants (50 teenager students and their parents) in public and private schools. All the volunteers had their weight (kg) and height (m) measured to calculate the body mass index (BMI). The students were classifieds from table of percentile of obesity (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC). The blood pressure (BP) was evaluated according to V Arterial Hypertension Brazilian Guidelines (VAHBG, 2006). The high values considered of BP were: ≥140x90 mmHg for adults and percentile >95 for teenagers. The socio economic condition was categorized from IBGE. Among the students, 36% had high BP and 20% borderline. The percentage of high BP were bigger in the public (44%) than private schools (28%), showing a negative correlation between socio economic condition and systolic BP (SBP, r=0.2857) and diastolic BP (DBP, r=0,0165). The prevalence of elevated BP was higher in the girls of public schools (47% vs 40% boys) and in the boys at the private schools (33% v s23%). Weight excess was present in 42% of children (12% obesity and 30% overweight). Again, public schools had prevalence of obesity (52% vs 3% in the private) which was not correlated with socio economic condition. Percentage of overweight and obesity were bigger in the girls of both public (54% vs 50% boys) and private (38% vs 25%) schools. Among the students with H, 67% were overweight. Elevated BP was found in 54% of the fathers and 32% of the mothers. With respect to nutritional condition, 56% of the...


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the perception and attitudes about oral health of pregnant women recorded on SIS-Prenatal from Bilac city, São Paulo State. Method: the data collection was through interviews with pregnant women using a semi-structured questionnaire. Pregnant women that were not present on attendance with gynecologist and those whose children were born were excluded of sample. Result: Among the  20 interviewed pregnant women, 80% didn’t received any type of information about oral health during pregnancy, 45% of total didn’t know how to maintain baby’s oral health,  85% didn’t know the mean of carie disease. The majority of pregnant women (95%) interested to make part of projects about promotion of oral health. Conclusion: the future mothers showed little knowledge in relation to preventive proceedings in dentistry and about diseases that could involve their and baby’s oral health. It’s necessary to perform programs about oral health, pointing the cares for mother-baby


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Purpose: To evaluate the association among periodontal disease, diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension in pregnant women users of the Brazilian Health System (SUS). Methods: The sample consisted of 86 women, with pregnant age between the 4th and 7 th month, submitted to pre-natal attendance in Health Basic Unities (HBUs). Periodontal condition was evaluated by 2 calibrated researchers (Kappa = 0.91) through the Community Periodontal Index (CPI). A sphygmomanometer was used to check the arterial pressure, what was accomplished by the professionals from the HBUs; glycemia test was accomplished through a blood sample collected from the middle finger with a disposable lancet adapted to a lance device (Accu-Chek Softclix Pro; Roche, USA), and for checking the glycemia level, a glycemia monitor was used (Accu-Chek Advantage II, Roche, USA). Data were written on a numbered register form, avoiding patient identification. After, the same data were statistically analyzed through the Fisher Exact Test, in order to evaluate the existence of association between the variables blood glucose and periodontal disease. In this test, a significance level of 0,05 was adopted. Results – Most of the pregnant woman presented periodontal health (58,1%); 41,9% of the research subjects showed at least one sign of periodontal disease, with 31,4% presenting gingivitis and 10,5% periodontitis. Hyperglycemia was detected in 51,2% and it was not found a value of arterial pressure higher than what is considered to be normal. Conclusion: it was not verified a significant association among the presence of periodontal disease, glycemia alteration and arterial hypertension in pregnant women who comprised this research.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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The aim of this study is to investigate the spontaneous use of medicinal plants by volunteer patients in the treatment of hypertension and to determine the most used plants in this situation. Data were collected through a questionnaire and a semi-structured guided interview applied to patients from a health center in the Midwest region of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Quantitative analysis identified a high number of hypertensive patients spontaneously using herbal treatment. The referred plants were identified by the Herbarium Botu and researched in the literature as to their therapeutic actions. The biggest mistake was observed in the misuse of the Bilberry for the treatment of hypertension, which reveals that health professionals and the community in general should be more careful. As a result we have published an informative booklet, with emphasis on hypertension concepts and on the use of medicinal plants as an alternative therapy method for this disease in order to provide scientific knowledge and scientific research evidence to this practice.