270 resultados para Fluvial incision
The Aptian Barbalha Formation represents the first unit of the post-rift sequence of the Araripe Basin and crops out at the slopes of the Aranpe plateau in the eastern part ot Aranpe Basin. The unit has also been named Kio da Batateira Formation, but this name is here used in its original definition as Batateira Beds, an interval of great lateral continuity and characterized by the presence of bituminous shales of the Alagoas Stage (P-270 palynological biozone). This paper presents the results of a stratigraphic analysis carried out along the outcrop belt in order to establish the facies architecture and to interpret deposicional environments of the siliciclastic Barbalha Formation. Detailed stratigraphic vertical sections were measured and correlated. They allowed the recognition of two depositional sequences characterized by fining upward arrangement of facies, beginning with fluvial deposits and ending with lacustrine deposits at their tops. The end of the first cycle is represented by black shales and brecciated limestones of the Batateira Beds that record a geologic event of regional magnitude and serve as meaningful long-distance stratigraphic mark. The second deposicional sequence overlies disconformably the Batateira Beds and begins with clast-supported conglomerates, which are covered by a succession of fluvial sandstones and minor intervals of pelitic rocks. The sandstone content diminishes towards the top and the upper part of the unit is characterized by the presence of ostracode-rich green shales. The Barbalha Formation is conformably overlaid by Late Aptian lacustrine limestones belonging to the Crato Member of the Santana Formation.
The Marsh Antwren (Stymphalornis acutirostris) is restricted to the lowlands between Antonina Bay, in the coastal plain of the state of Paraná, and Itapocu river, in the northern coastal plain of the state of Santa Catarina (from 0 to c. 5 m a.s.l.). It doesn't occur continuously in this region, being found in eight populations that span over an total area of about 6,060 ha (= area of occupancy; 4,856.67 in Paraná and c. 1,200 in Santa Catarina). Nine habitat types used by the Marsh Antwren were defined, based on vegetation physiognomy, localization, dominancy of botanical species, dominant life-form and history of the region. Five of these are herbaceous (marshes), while four have an upper arboreal stratum and an herbaceous lower stratum with marsh plants. According to the classification criteria of the Brazilian vegetation proposed by the Radambrasil Project, they were classified as Pioneering Formation of Fluvial Influence, Pioneering Formation of Fluvial-marine Influence, and/or Pioneering Formation of Lacustrine Influence. They occur as patches or narrow strips ranging from 0.001 to 203.0 ha in the state of Paraná. They are found mainly in the interior of bays, in the lower courses of rivers that drain into bays, in alluvial plains, and between sand dunes in the coastal plain. Characteristic herbaceous species are cattail (Typha domingensis), bulrush (Scirpus californicus), Crinum salsum, Panicum sp. cf. P. mertensii, saw grass (Cladium mariscus) and Fuirena spp. Hibiscus pernambucensis is the characteristic bush species, and Calophyllum brasiliense, Tabebuia cassinoides, Annona glabra and Laguncularia racemosa are the characteristic arboreal species. The Marsh Antwren lives in herbaceous vegetation, but also uses bushes and branches of small tress. It has low flight capacity and a single flight of more than 25 m was never recorded. Territories of 0.25 ha were estimated in one kind of habitat (tidal marsh) (= 8 individuals per hectare) and of 3.2 ha in another one (saw grass marsh) (= 0.62 individual per hectare). The global population estimate is of about 17,700 mature individuals (13,700 in Paraná and 4,000 in Santa Catarina). The species is really under threat of extinction, mainly because of it's restricted geographical distribution and habitat loss by human activities and biological contamination caused by invasion of exotic grasses (Urochloa arrecta and Brachiaria mutica).
We object in this work to determine the skeleton sintopy of the medular cone termination of the paca relating to the lumbar and sacral vertebrae, thus aiming at establishing morphometric and topographical parameters of the medular cone in this specie. We accomplished the dissection through skin incision, subcutaneous divulsion and dissection of the vertebral column dorsal region musculature, sectioning and removing the vertebrae arcs for better visualization of the spinal medulla. After the individualization of the medular cone, we registered the anatomical aspects of interest, emphasizing the basis and its apex in relation to the vertebrae, following the measuring of the region using a caliper rule; photographs and schematic drawing were made to register the findings of studied specimens.
Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical condition of acute abdomen. Approximately 7 percent of the population will have appendicitis during their lifetime, with the peak incidence occurring between 10 through 30 years-old Obstruction of the appendix lumen with subsequent bacterial infection initiates the pathophysiological sequence of acute appendicitis. Obstruction may have multiple causes, including fecalith, lymphoid hyperplasia (related to viral illnesses, including upper respiratory infection, mononucleosis, and gastroenteritis), foreign bodies, carcinoid tumor and parasites. In Asia, Africa and Latin America, Enterobius vermicularis has been reported as the main parasite that causes appendix obstruction. Rarely, Taenia sp., has been pointed as a cause of parasitic appendicitis. We reported a 30 years-old patient clinically diagnosed with acute appendicitis. The appendectomy was performed through a McBurney incision. The patient's convalescence was uneventful, and he was discharged from hospital 48 hours after operation. Histological examination of the appendix showed acute appendicitis, and it was found aparasite (Taenia sp.) lying inside of the appendix lumen at a transverse section. He has received 10 mg/Kg weight of praziquantel for taeniasis treatment.
Conectivity between the hydrologic regimen and the distribution of the vegetation there is already a lot is recognized by several researchers in the works of fluvial ecology. It can be affirmed that the geomorphology of the alluvial plain has an important paper in the constitution of the riparian vegetation. On the proposed study, traverse topographical profiles were elaborated in the island, recognition of the distribution of the vegetation and the zoning geomorphologic presented in profiles for the Mutum Island. It's located in the upper course of the Parana River, between the mouth of the Paranapanema River and the mouth of the Ivinhema River. It elapses of this study the succession of the strata of the riparian vegetation and the relationship with the morphology of the surface, in this case the relief as the main controller abiotic and selective of the species in the environmental. For the whole island it was possible to define three classes: Mutum Upper Unit, Mutum Lower Unit and Paleochannel. The presented discussion is resulted partial of the project called Processes of Conectivity and the Riparian Vegetacion in the high course of the Parana River, PR/MS.
The inadequate land use in the low course of the river Acaraú is speeding up processes of erosion in some degrees. This process is accented in the areas where caatinga was removed for implantation of pastures and agriculture. Concomitantly, the plain of flooding of the river Acaraú an accumulation of sand with the carry of these sediments, resulting in the widening of the fluvial plain and reduction of the shape water, with increase of the evapotranspiration and consequence salinization, proceeding from the local substratum. This paper aimed at the crossing of diverse space information (geomorfology, soil, declivity, geology and land use) in environment SIG, for determination of the susceptible areas to the erosion and an accumulation of sand in the low course of the Acaraú river, north of the State of the Ceará, Brazil. The results allow to evaluate the application of this tool in the planning and management of the environment, from the crossing of the type of use with the used environment and the consequent impact to the ecosystem.
This study has the objective of evaluate the influence of fluvial and road transport on the occurrence of bruising in carcass of slaughtered beef cattle. In this study was observed that from 209 evaluated carcass, 185 (88.5%) presented one or more lesions. In total of evaluated carcass occurred 523 lesions that resulted in 96.158 kg removal of bruises (0.519 kg per animal). In this study was possible the determination of age of bruises by color evaluation. We concluded that of way of transport influenced the occurrence of bruises. The most bruises occurred in the last 24 hours of transport. Educational measures will be necessary to reduce the problems of pre-slaughter management.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Due to the high incidence of technical and neurological complications, continuous spinal blocks were not performed for several years. With the advent of intermediate catheters the technique has been used more often and gaining acceptance among anesthesiologists. The objective of this report was to demonstrate the usefulness of the technique as a viable alternative for medium and major size surgeries. CASE REPORT: This is a 58 years old female patient, weighing 62 kg, physical status ASA I, with a history of migraines, low back pain, and prior surgeries under spinal block without intercurrence. The patient was scheduled for exploratory laparotomy for a probable pelvic tumor. After venoclysis with an 18G catheter, monitoring with cardioscope, non-invasive blood pressure and pulse oximetry was instituted; she was sedated with 2 mg of midazolam and 100 μg of fentanyl, and placed in left lateral decubitus. The patient underwent continuous spinal block through the median approach in L 3-L 4; 9 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine and 120 μ g of morphine sulfate were administered. Inspection of the abdominal cavity revealed a gastric stromal tumor that required an increase in the incision for a partial gastrectomy. A small dose of hyperbaric solution was required for the entire procedure, which was associated with complete hemodynamic stability. Postoperative admission to the ICU was not necessary; the patient presented a good evolution without complaints and with a high degree of satisfaction. She was discharged from the hospital after 72 hours without intercurrence. CONCLUSIONS: Intermediate catheters used in continuous spinal blocks have shown the potential to turn it an attractive and useful technique in medium and large size surgeries and it can even be an effective alternative in the management of critical patients to whom hemodynamic repercussions can be harmful.
Fluvial morphometry is method of great value regarding neotectonic analysis of extensive areas because streams, besides representing one of the main agents in the relief modeling, quickly adjust their thalwegs to even the most gentle crustal deformations. The purpose of this paper is to present the application of some morphometric techniques in the Santo Anastácio River hydrographic basin in order to identify recent tectonic deformations. Additionally, we show liquefaction structures identified in the basin and interpreted here as seismites linked to ancient earthquakes (magnitudes greater than 5). The morphometric survey includes longitudinal stream profile analysis, RDE (declivity versus stream length) index application, and the sinuosity study of the Santo Anastácio River channel. Geologic substrate comprises Cretaceous siliciclastic rocks of the Caiuá and Bauru groups, locally covered by Cenozoic sediments (alluvial plains, terrace deposits, colluvial aprons, as well as in situ regoliths). Considering that liquefaction structures affect dark clay layers of 32.340±320 year BP age (14C dating), a lower age limit for the ancient earthquake is triggered in that region. The authors believe that neotectonic understanding of the Western São Paulo State Plateau is important to the geologic and geomorphologic evolution of that landscape and to the consequent territorial planning and occupation.
Paleogene sediments of this region represent a significant source of water for urban, industrial and agricultural activities. This basin is part of the Southeastern Brazilian Continental Rift, which occupies a large portion of this geographical area. This study aims to present the evolution of the natural Paleogene landscape, through an analysis of its stratigraphic intcrops and underground portions based on the concept of facies and facies associations. A total of nine clastic and separate lithofacies were recognized and grouped into two main facies associations. These data suggest the existence of two depositional interdigitated systems: fluvial braided fans, which were predominant in parts of the northern and central area, and another composed of lacustrine sediments found in its central-south region. The paleogeography herein outlined will help considerably in the detection of new areas for mineral and water resources prospection, as well as in urban planning projects of this region.
The study area comprises the western portion of the Marília Plateau, State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The geological substrate encompasses Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Bauru Group and local Neocenozoic units like colluvium aprons, fluvial terrace deposits, in situ regoliths, and modern alluvial deposits. In a geomorphologic sense, the study area might be characterized as showing two main pediplanes, viz. P1 Surface (upper) and P2 Surface (lower), both surfaces are presently under dissecation processes. After the 1920's the expansion of the railroad system fostered the removal of the natural vegetation, which in turn was followed by the introduction of coffee, peanut, corn and cotton crops. This intense exploitation was conducted without respect to the soil carrying capacity and its natural susceptibility to erosional processes, including an aggressive form known as voçoroca. As a result, the study shows that the most susceptible material includes colluvium aprons, in situ regoliths, and colluvium-alluvium or alluvium deposits. The most critical situation is in the P2 Surface context, near the bottom of the Marília Plateau scarpment, where surface runoff can be very strong. Another point of active erosion is represented by the exposed walls of gullies and voçorocas, mainly in fluvial reaches subjected to talweg lowering. In a general sense, this study shows current evidence of erosional stability due to the ìntroduction of pastures as a predominant type of land occupation and to a series of erosion control procedures. Among these actions are terrace implantation, construction of small pits for runoff control, natural or induced reforestation by land owners. Despite these efforts, some erosion points remain chiefly in steeper country roads and trail stretches, in areas of concentration of cattle tracks (e.g., near cattle ponds), gullies or voçorocas exposed walls, and badly planned urbanization. The permanence of these erosion points demonstrates the necessity of a continuous monitoring of surface dynamics as well as a rapid and effective intervining measures of erosion and/or silting control.
In the present study were observed changes in morphology of the bed of the lower course of the river Ivaí, made by bathymetric surveys, granulometric analysis and measures the flow velocity. Changes made considerable changes in relation to flow and bad load. The study was conducted in the last 110 km of the river Ivaí, between the municipalities Tapira and Icaraíma - PR. In this section the channel flows with meandering pattern, embedded in sandstone Caiuá and sediment modern of its flood plain. This is the only major river in the state that so far has no modifications, making it an important site for studies of fluvial geomorphology.
The frequency of simultaneously impacted second and third molars in teenagers is increasing and becoming a common occurrence in adolescent oral surgery practice. The traditional treatment is the removal of the third molar by conventional access but repositioning of the surgical flap to the distal face of the first molar can predispose to complications such as pericoronitis and delayed healing of the attached gingiva. We present a case in which we use the germectomy approach to remove the impacted third molar for the eruption of the second molar through a vestibular incision. This incision offers excellent bone exposure and exit route for the third molar without disturbing the gingiva attached architecture on the distal face of the first molar providing good healing environment.
The Rio Preto Hydrographic Basin (RPHB) is located in the North-central portion of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 30 km ENE of the city of Diamantina. The sources of the stream of that name are found in the Rio Preto State Park, which has an area of 10,755 hectares. The total area, perimeter, extension, and axial length of the RPHB, as well as other morphometric characteristics, with emphasis on shape indexes, were obtained with the help of the ArcGis 9.2 program. The cartographic data were taken from digitalized topographic charts in a scale of 1:100,000 of the Brazilian Geographical Institute (IBGE). The measured drainage area is of 389.3 km2 and the perimeter is 136.9 km. Due to structural influence, the shape of the RPHB is irrgular and elongated, with drainage developed in a dendritic and parallel pattern. Those characteristics were checked by means of the compaxity coefficient and the shape factor. The first one was estimated in 1.94, what implies that the basin is not subject to fast flooding in years with normal precipitation. The high degree of fluvial downcutting of the basin is confirmed by the fact that it is a 5th order basin, it presents a significant branching rate and a medium drainage density.
The Nabileque fluvial fan is a Quaternary depositional system located along the southwestern border of the Pantanal, covering an area of approximately 9,100 km 2. It is a peculiar alluvial system because it is not associated with inflow from adjacent plateaus. The Nabileque megafan is formed by the Paraguay River at the exit of the Pantanal wetland, coalescing with the Pilcomayo megafan of the Chaco basin. A geomorphological zonation analysis was performed making use of remote sensing data with field verification. Most of the area is a vast alluvial plain made of Pleistocene deposits, whose surface is marked by the presence of an intricate network of distributary paleochannels. Areas blanketed by Pleistocene deposits are dissected by erosional streams and subject to frequent flooding events. The Paraguay River flows in a meander belt constrained by NE fractures associated with the Transbrasiliano Lineament, but deflects towards the SSE after the Negro River confluence composing the system's peripheral drainage. An abandoned meander belt is preserved within a remarkable N-S incised-valley that is interpreted as the ancient Paraguay River course. Processes of avulsion and river capture are suggested to explain the observed changes of the river course. The Nabileque River is an underfit stream within the incised-valley, cutting paleomeanders and point bars of the previous Paraguay River course.