133 resultados para Festskrift till Johan Wrede 18.10.1995
Cogeneration system design deals with several parameters in the synthesis phase, where not only a thermal cycle must be indicated but the general arrangement, type, capacity and number of machines need to be defined. This problem is not trivial because many parameters are considered as goals in the project. An optimization technique that considers costs and revenues, reliability, pollutant emissions and exergetic efficiency as goals to be reached in the synthesis phase of a cogeneration system design process is presented. A discussion of appropriated values and the results for a pulp and paper plant integration to a cogeneration system are shown in order to illustrate the proposed methodology.
The aim of this study was to estimate the necessary time and cost for periodontal prevention and treatment in a working population from sugar and alcohol refineries in Araraquara, SP, Brazil. A stratified sample of 528 employees aged 18-64 from administrative, industrial and agricultural staffs was examined by one examiner, previously trained, according to the community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITN). The time required for procedures and the cost was extrapolated to the total worker population. The results showed that the estimated time required for periodontal prevention/treatment was 4527 hours. Of this time, 1783 hours were required for oral hygiene instruction, 2531 for scaling, 151 for surgery and 62 for maintenance. The cost would be US $17,655 for hiring a dentist for 8 hours/day to provide oral hygiene instruction, scaling, surgery and maintenance. However, the cost would be US $9,028 for hiring a dentist for 4 hours/day to provide surgery and maintenance and a dental hygienist for 8 hours/day to provide scaling and oral hygiene instruction. Taking into account epidemiologic, technical and economic aspects, the decision relating to manpower should be this second option.
Essential oils were obtained from fennel seeds, dill, cumin and coriander. Their antimicrobial activity was tested on isolated clinical specimens of patients treated at the University Hospital of the School of Medicine of Botucatu, SP, UNESP. Microorganisms were grown in BHI (Brain Heart Infusion/Oxoid) at 37oC/18 hours and resuspended in 0,5 Mac Farland's Standard (1,5 x 108 CFU/mL). The diffusion method was performed, putting 10 μl of the essential oils on paper disks (6mm of diameter) (Blank Disks/CECON) at 37oC/24 hours. After this period, the disks were put on plates containing Mueller Hinton Agar (Oxoid) and inoculated with the microorganisms. After 48 hours at 37oC, inhibitory zones were measured (mm) for the respective oils and strains. The essential oil from Anethum graveolens showed antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (inhibitory zone=18 mm), Salmonella sp. (=11 mm) and E. coli (10 mm). The Cuminum cyminum essential oil was effective against E. coli, P. aeruginosa and Salmonella sp. and their inhibitory zones were 18, 10 and 23 mm, respectively. Coriandrum sativum oil was active only against Salmonella sp. (18 mm) and Foeniculum vulgare inhibited only E. coli (9 mm).
In low-order streams, the high and variable water flow rates offer both advantages and disadvantages to the life cycle of fishes. Even closely related species living in similar habitats can show differences in life history patterns. Based on oocyte-size distributions, C. lauroi was classified into the fractional spawning type, and C. alipioi into the total spawning type. The absolute fecundity of C. lauroi ranged from 1,313 to 2,925 oocytes; in C. alipioi the absolute fecundity ranged from 2,213 to 25,550 oocytes. The nonparametric Spearman correlation test showed statistical significance between the gonadosomatic index and fecundity for both species. The growth parameters, natural mortality rate and survival rate for females of C. lauroi were: K = 0.68 yr -1, L ∞ = 8.7 cm, t max = 4.4 years, M= 1.62 yr -1, S = 19.79%, and for males: K = 0.78 yr -1, L ∞ = 6.9 cm, t max = 3.8 years, M = 1.89 yr -1, S = 15.11%. The growth parameters, natural mortality rate and survival rate for females of C. alipioi were: K = 0.90 yr -1, L ∞ = 12.2 cm, t max = 3.3 years, M = 1.81 yr -1, S = 16.37%, and for males: K = 0.76 yr -1, L ∞ = 10.1 cm, t max = 3.9 years, M = 1.71 yr -1, S = 18.10%.
Poplíteo lympho nodes in the dogs is placed, to the right and the left in popliteo an appointed space fossa, in distal part of the muscles femoral biceps, laterally and semi-tendinous, medially, projecting in the height of the face volume of the joint to femoro tibial e femoro patellar (joint of the knee). In this study twenty and five dogs, males and females adult, originating the Araçatuba municipal kennel had been used whose captures had been effected by the animal sanitary defense of this city. The arterial vessels destined to this structure always derive, of both the sides, the femoral artery distal volume and vary of 10 the 1, more frequently of 2 (7 times, 28%) to the right and of 6 the 2, equally more frequently of 2 (8 times, 32%). So soon as one has still to right 5 and 6 branches (3 times, 12%), 1, 7 and 10 (1 time, 4%). Relatively to the veins derived from this lympho nodes, always converges to the lateral safena vein, these vessels oscillates between 9 and 2, more frequently of 3 (6 times, 24%), to the right and of 12 the 2, more frequently of 3 (10 times, 40%) to the left. Thus, others deriving branches of popliteo lympho nodes right and that if they insert in the above-mentioned vein are in number of 2 and 5 (5 times, 20%), 4 and 6 (2 times, 8%) and 8 and 9 (1 time, 4%). In spite of, to the left side it is examined in number de 2 branches (6 times, 24%), 4 (4 times, 16%), 6 (3 times, 12%) and finishing 9 and 12 branches (1 time, 4%). The size of popliteo lympho node in seropositive dogs for Visceral Leishmaniasis can meets enters 7,8 × 3,8 × 6,1 a 50,0 × 20,7 × 28,5, in mm, being average 26,18 × 10,5 × 15,97 mm for right and 26,98 × 11,14 × 15,25 mm for left (concerning the measures dorsoventral, latero-lateral and cranial-caudal, respectively).
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Análise da trajetória da produção cultural brasileira após a promulgação, pela ditadura militar, do AI-5, em dezembro de 1968. A análise tenta mostrar quais foram os reais objetivos estatais diante da produção cultural na década de 1970 e como esta, violentamente reprimida, pode esboçar - em algumas oportunidades - verdadeira resistência cultural com o aparecimento de obras originais, inovadoras e críticas.
O texto apresenta, no que concerne ao fenômeno imigratório, o enigma da invisibilidade relativa na sociedade brasileira do grande número de espanhóis, concentrados no Estado de São Paulo durante, sobretudo, a Primeira República A análise restringe-se às obras da literatura brasileira que assinalaram a presença de personagens espanholas.
Partindo da teoria de Ramnoux, de que o mito se prolifera em variantes romanescas quando não desempenha mais sua função organizadora na sociedade, consideramos o mito de Mélusine uma variação fragmentada e modificada do mito da mulher-animal das sociedades de caça e coleta. Mélusine parece ter inspirado o conto A dama pé-de-cabra de Alexandre Herculano, no qual pnvilegiou-se o maravilhoso cristão, por isso encontramos neste somente os aspectos demoníacos do personagem mítico, pois não se trata mais do mito, propriamente dito, que reflete o contexto social, cultural e temporal de um povo. Em decorrência desse raciocínio, consideramos A dama pé-de-cabra uma criação literária que representa uma inversão do mito inicial.
O artigo analisa o impacto das transformações no Leste Europeu sobre o Partido Comunista do Brasil (PC do B), entre o 7a Congresso Partidario (maio de 1988) e o 8° Congresso (fevereiro de 1992). Esse impacto levou a mudanças no partido, as quais podem ser assim resumidas: crítica moderada a Stalin, mais importante por ser a primeira na história do PC do B (manteve-se, entretanto, a concepção de partido marxista-leninista de vanguarda); abandono da teoria das duas etapas da revolução brasileira; realinhamento político no plano internacional, em apoio a partidos comunistas dentro e fora do poder; pêndulo à esquerda na política interna brasileira.
O presente artigo busca efetuar uma análise do discurso e da prática político-pedagógicos da Liga Nacionalista de Sáo Paulo entre 1917 e 1922. Tratava-se, no caso, de uma organização política de cunho cívico-patriótico vinculada a uma sociedade secreta. Abrigando em seu interior representantes de camadas médias da população, inclusive professores de escolas oficiais, a Liga Nacionalista contrapunha-se ao PRP, embora fosse também dirigida por segmentos dissidentes da elite paulista. N o período em pauta, os integrantes da referida entidade defendiam, como emblema maior da causa democrática, a aliança entre a luta pela conquista do voto secreto e a defesa da expansão das oportunidades de acesso à instrução primária.
O presente texto consiste num estudo das greves dos trabalhadores rurais no Estado de São Paulo, na década de 1980 Tais greves são vistas como expressões das contradições sociais reinantes no campo, decorrentes da sua industrialização. Daí a similitude entre as greves com que se defronta e as greves operárias.
O artigo busca discutir o conceito de competitividade a partir de uma nova realidade mundial, que inclui os fenômenos da globalização e regionalização. O autor procura enfatizar a relação entre a competitividade definida como fenômeno econômico, com um enfoque sociocultural que trabalha com os conceitos de eqüidade, sustentabilidade e valores sociais.