116 resultados para Ferramentas virtuais
The study of prehistoric artifacts may contribute to understand the development of these artifacts, and also of ergonomics. This study aims to investigate and identify the types of grips of two Brazilian stone tools (scraper / piercer and a slug) approximately 5000 years old through the use of gloves with sensors and contact maps of the hand palm, exploring the best method for research of ergonomics in prehistory. Hence it can contribute to the discussion of a part of the ergonomics’ history that remains underexplored.
Três tipos de diamantes foram observados neste trabalho, para determinar qual apresenta a melhor relação entre desgaste e tempo de vida de um dressador de ponta única. A metodologia empregou o dressamento de um rebolo de óxido de alumíno e, a cada vinte passes, com avanço da profundidade de dressagem de 40 μm por passe, registrou uma imagem da ponta da ferramenta em um estereoscópio. O dressador foi então recolocado na retificadora para a realização de novas dressagens até o fim de vida do diamante. O critério para o fim do ensaio foi o faiscamento gerado pelo contato do rebolo com a base do dressador. Foram realizados três ensaios para cada tipo de diamante. O Mato Grosso apresentou os maiores desgastes de área, e o Brasil Extra, o menor. O CVD nacional teve desempenho parecido com o do Brasil Extra, mas com tempo maior de dressagem nos ensaios. Ou seja, apresentou baixo desgaste e durabilidade maior.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This undergraduate research final paper analyzed the communication process carried out by the São Paulo State Water and Sanitation Company - Sabesp from the perspective of public communication, social capital and right to information theories. By monitoring Sabesp's institutional fanpage and website from 24 to 30 August 2015, it sought to assess the performance of Sabesp in disclosing public information on the context of the water supply crisis in São Paulo, concerning the fulfillment of requirements of the Right to Information Law (12.527/2011) and the need for interaction and dialogue between the institution and its stakeholders, taken as principles of public communication. The results suggest that digital media can enhance information flow and contribute to foster public relations and civic participation, but there are opportunities for Sabesp to improve communication and reach greater transparency
A narrativa transmídia como proposta metodologia para a educação de ensino médio: um modelo aplicado
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
The current competitive market requires companies to adapt so that they can meet the needs of customers in an agile manner and aimed at the lowest possible cost in their manufacture, be it a product or service. The Toyota Production System is aimed at higher profits through lean manufacturing practices with reduced spending, smaller lots and inventories, generated by market demand. The variety of products makes the setup of the equipment a critical point and it should be reduced as much as possible so it does not affect productivity. The rapid exchange of tools allows with few actions and a modification that time does not exceed one digit on your total time. In this study, a case study showed that only with standardization and use of cheap improvements made it possible to reduce setup time in bottle labeling machine by 98 minutes for a final time of approximately 10 minutes with little investment, demonstrating the feasibility the displayed and a monthly gain tool in bottles at approximately 120,000, generating a performance gain and budget of approximately R$ 94,000.00 per month
In all segments, the companies are looking for the highest productivity with the lowest possible cost, and in the construction industry, the thinking is the same. Over time, techniques that generate more productivity supplanted previous techniques; an example is the CAD technology that replaced free drawings in projects execution. However, the Computer Aided Design (CAD) technology does not deal with certain factors that permeate the entire project. It is required the use of other techniques to supply this need in traditional projects. For example, a software for schedule management, another for assets management and a person who makes calculations for estimates and budgets. The BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology aims to integrate all this information, facilitating the communication among members of a work team and reducing the time required to carry out the project. This work is a applied research, a descriptive research, carried out through modeling and simulation, processes inherent in the use of BIM, a survey was also used only to contextualization. BIM was used for a soccer stadium roof project, in order to verify the feasibility of such use through the analysis of: BIM tools, difficulties encountered and implications of BIM use, and comparison of traditional methods and the use of BIM. To aid the contextualization, a survey was conducted to verify the use of BIM in medium and small companies
Machining is one of the most commonly manufacturing processes used in the modern world, consuming millions of dollars annually. Because of this, it is crucial for the automotive industry to reduce costs on their heat-resistant alloy machining processes, such as compacted graphite iron (CGI), which has shown an increasing trend of its application in diesel engine blocks, brakes disks, among other applications, due to its superior mechanical properties to gray cast iron. Despite this advantage, its use is still limited due to its difficulty of machining, moreover, cutting tools are displayed as the main factor in increasing the machining cost. Seeking an alternative to a better machinability of CGI, this paper aims to study two types of ceramic tools developed in Brazil, and benchmark their performance by dry turning. For this, were used CGI class 450 and two tools: ceramic of silicon nitride (Si3N4) and alumina-based (Al2O3), with a cutting speed (Vc) of 300, 400 and 500 m / min; feed (f) of 0.2 mm / rev and depth of cut (ap) of 0.5 mm, using three replicates and starting with new cutting edges. The results showed that the Al2O3 tool had the best performance in Vc of 500 m / min, while the Si3N4 tool had the best results in Vc of 300 m / min. This can be explained by the tool of Si3N4 based include soft intergranular phase, called amorphous, while alumina has higher abrasion resistance due to its high refractoriness. The results make it clear that the tools have significant potential for machining of compacted graphite iron, being necessary a strict control of the cutting parameters used