133 resultados para Fama-MacBeth regressions


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Com o intuito de promover uma ação internacional para a gestão sustentável, conservação e desenvolvimento das florestas e chamar a atenção da população para o papel destas na geração de benefícios econômicos, sociais e ambientais, principalmente para os povos que dependem delas para sobreviver, a Assembléia Geral da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), declarou 2011 como o Ano Internacional das Florestas. Paradoxal a esta ação, o ano de 2011 é também marcado pela inauguração da Rodovia Interoceânica Sul (IOS) no Peru, que ao conectar-se a malha rodoviária brasileira cria um elo de ligação direta entre o Oceano Atlântico e o Oceano Pacífico. Segundo seus idealizadores, o projeto aumentará as possibilidades de comércio internacional. Além de incrementar o comércio bilateral e integrar a Macro-Região Sul do Peru ao restante do país, a IOS proporciona ao Brasil uma alternativa de acesso ao Oceano Pacífico e aos mercados da Ásia e, ao Peru, um acesso mais eficiente ao Atlântico e aos mercados da costa leste dos EUA e da Europa. Por outro lado, a IOS passa por uma das mais preservadas regiões da Amazônia e, é considerada de importância única em termos de risco para os esforços mundiais de conservação da biodiversidade e de respeito aos direitos das últimas populações humanas que ali vivem sem ou com muito pouco contato com a sociedade moderna. Os impactos socioambientais ligados à construção e/ou reabilitação de estradas em territórios tropicais úmidos adquiriram fama mundial precisamente com a BR- 364, trecho principal desse corredor no território brasileiro. A pavimentação desta estrada nos anos 1980 provocou desastres ambiental e social gravíssimos no norte de Mato Grosso, em Rondônia e no Acre. Desta forma, a presente pesquisa tem por objetivo fazer um estudo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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As explosões de violência que assolam a sociedade humana são noticiadas diariamente pela mídia, e vivenciadas pelos indivíduos. As queixas sobre a disseminação da violência estão espalhadas como areia pelo vento. As manifestações de agressão podem ocorrer por diversos motivos: disputas por território, fama, “status”, para impor dominação, agressividade como forma de alerta, para atingir um objetivo sexual, um instrumento para humilhar e coagir o outro, entre outros tantos e variados motivos. As ciências que se ocupam do estudo das relações humanas abordam o tema, mas devido à complexidade e abrangência de suas manifestações, existem muito mais lacunas do que respostas. A agressividade e violência não são exclusivas da sociedade humana, mas graças ao desenvolvimento técnico-científico, para a humanidade a associação entre estas tendências e a capacidade destrutiva do homem, geralmente, são catastróficas, ameaçando não apenas sua própria espécie, mas tudo ao seu redor. É impossível negar a ancestralidade comum entre o homem e os grandes primatas, chimpanzés, orangotangos, gorilas e bonobos. Intrigante é o fato de encontrar ocorrências de atos violentos semelhantes aos humanos entre eles. Por exemplo, orangotangos cometem estupros, chimpanzés além de surras, atacam de modo mortal indivíduos da mesma espécie, e entre gorilas o infanticídio é um ato banal. Apenas os bonobos fogem deste legado violento, apresentando-se como sociedade pacífica, liderada por fêmeas, onde conflitos são resolvidos pelo ato sexual. Os chimpanzés são extremamente próximos aos humanos, compartilhando mais de 95% da bagagem genética. A diferença entre os chimpanzés e humanos é menor do que a existente entre eles e os gorilas. A agressividade em ambos é algo que chama atenção para o possível legado genético, visto ser uma característica comportamental típica dos animais. No caso do ser humano, este tipo de...


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Betatherapy is a special medical technique using a radioactive source of strontium-90 for the treatment of superficial lesions, especially in dermatology and ophthalmology. Strontium-90 sources emit β radiation, which possesses high ionization power, but a very short distance propagation into matter. This work presents a method of dosimetric analysis of betatherapy using strontium- 90-based instrumentation, commonly used against superficial diseases, such as keloid and pterygium, aiming the description of the dosimetry analysis procedures, which can be easily implemented on tradiotherapy services that offers the betatherapy treatment. IBF-MEDIX radiographic films (conventional films) were exposed to betatherapy applicators during different time intervals according to the activity of the source, and afterwards the optical densities (O. D.) of the radiographic images were measured using an optical densitometer MACBETH. Therefore, the parameters used to make the dosimetric analysis in betatherapy were standardized, as the exposure time depended on the geometry and size of the source, providing an efficient and fast method of dosimetric analysis of the betatherapy equipment of the services, the majority of which do not have the scientific structure to perform this study


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The ceramic pigments are colored inorganic substances that during the process of dispersion in the ceramic glazes and subsequent calcination, are stable against physical and chemical attack. Therefore, they are crystalline compounds applied in the ceramic industry for coloring vitreous base. In this study, the Pechini method was used for obtaining the pigment CuCr2O4 with heat treatment at the temperatures of 800, 900 and 1000 ° C. The powder pigments were characterized on their structural, morphological and colorimetric aspects. The thermal analysis conducted on an amorphous precursor in a TG / DTA indicates the weight loss in the entire temperature range investigated, with characteristic exothermic peak of the elimination of the organic composition of the precursor around 300°C. The development of the crystalline phases were investigated by XRD, using a diffractometer with Cu Ka radiation and graphite monochromator, where it was observed the presence of crystalline phases corresponding to Cr2O3 and CuCr2O4.The measurements of the specific surface area of the powders pigments were carried out in an equipment Micromeritcs, model ASAP 2000, using N2 as gas of adsorption/desorption. The colorimetric measurements of the pigments were made in a colorimeter Gretac Macbeth Color-eye spectrophotometer 2180 / 2180UV in CIELAB standards. Based on the obtained results, it can be verified the thermal stability of the powder pigments of green coloration, which enables it as an alternative to the materials currently used in the manufacture of ceramic tiles.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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In Metamorphoses, the Roman poet Ovid tells the tale of the transformation of Jupiter into a bull to seduce the Phoenician princess Europa. During Renaissance, as is well known, Western civilization fostered an intense renewal of its values under the clear influence of Greco-Roman culture. Ovid, whose fame had not ceased throughout the Middle Ages, became then even better known, and especially his poem Metamorphoses turned into a remarkable source of inspiration not only to literature but also to fine arts and their new humanistic conception. Thus, the episode of the abduction of Europa received a dramatic pictorial expression in the broad brush strokes of the Venetian master Titian Vecellio, who interpreted several classical myths in his canvases at the height of his creative maturity. There are many and obvious relationships in the verses of the ancient Latin poet and the picture of the Italian Renaissancist. In Metamorphoses, the mythical account is described in so many details and set in such an expressive poetic that Titian could take Ovid´s narrative as a model for painting “The Rape of Europa”, doing a true exercise in intersemiotic translation by interpreting verbal signs through pictorial signs.


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To assess the influence of anatomic location on the relationship between computed tomography (CT) number and X-ray attenuation in limited and medium field-of-view (FOV) scans. Materials and Methods Tubes containing solutions with different concentrations of K2HPO4 were placed in the tooth sockets of a human head phantom. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans were acquired, and CT numbers of the K2HPO4 solutions were measured. The relationship between CT number and K2HPO4 concentration was examined by linear regression analyses. Then, the variation in CT number according to anatomic location was examined. Results The relationship between K2HPO4 concentration and CT number was strongly linear. The slopes of the linear regressions for the limited FOVs were almost 2-fold lower than those for the medium FOVs. The absolute CT number differed between imaging protocols and anatomic locations. Conclusion There is a strong linear relationship between X-ray attenuation and CT number. The specific imaging protocol and anatomic location of the object strongly influence this relationship.


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Objectives: 1) to evaluate the impact of oral health problems on the quality of life of pregnant women by the simplified Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) questionnaire as well by the presence of dental caries, periodontal disease and denture use/need; 2) to correlate the sociodemographic variables and the oral health conditions revealed in the clinical examinations with the OHIP-14. Method: In addition to the application of the OHIP-14 questionnaire, clinical examination of the oral conditions (CPI - community periodontal index, DMFT and prosthetic evaluation) was performed on 51 pregnant women, who sought dental treatment between April 2008 and August 2010 at the Preventive Dentistry Clinic. Descriptive analyses were made for sample characterization, bivariate analysis (chi-square or Fisher’s exact tests) and multiple logistic regressions at a 5% significance level to assess the correlation between the impact of oral health on the quality of life of pregnant women and the socio-demographic and clinical variables. Results: The OHIP-14 data showed a lesser impact of oral health on the women’s quality of life. The mean DMFT was 12.8; 70.6% of the pregnant women presented dental calculus and 58.8% needed prostheses. The association between OHIP-14 data and last dental visit and DMFT remained in the final regression model (p<0.05). Conclusion: Caries experience of the pregnant women was considered high. Most of them needed prostheses and presented dental calculus. The OHIP-14 presented a low impact on this population and was significantly influenced by the last dental visit and the DMFT index.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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O presente trabalho busca trazer um olhar mais humano para a formação de jovens jogadores de futebol. A carreira é uma das mais almejadas pelas crianças em um país onde a educação primária ainda é deficitária. Soma-se isso à cultura enraizada na parte massiva da população de que estudar não é substancial. Deslumbrados pela fama e a importância dos jogadores profissionais, evidenciadas pela mídia esportiva e presentes na sociedade brasileira, estes garotos passam a buscar o mesmo para si, sem saber dos riscos e dificuldades que a carreira pode oferecer. Muitos deles esquecem-se da vida escolar e, caso não tenham sucesso na carreira profissional futebolística - o que acontece com a maioria, correm sérios riscos de ficarem marginalizados perante a sociedade. Este trabalho busca mostrar a visão de jovens que já estiveram envolvidos no universo das categorias de base do futebol e não prosseguiram no esporte, mas souberam priorizar os estudos e ter uma profissão alternativa. Mostra também depoimentos de profissionais que lidam com jovens que ainda alimentam esse sonho. Por último, traz notícias em geral do mundo do futebol de base


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The aim of this study is to establish the factors that influence the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS being treated at a specialized public service. The participants answered the questionnaire on sociodemographic conditions, issues related to HIV and daily habits. The quality of life was analyzed using the HIV/AIDS-targeted quality of life (HAT-QoL) instrument with 42 items divided into 9 fields: General Activity, Sexual Activity, Confidentiality Concerns, Health Concerns, Financial Concerns, HIV Awareness, Satisfaction with Life, Issues related to Medication and Trust in the Physician. Bivariate and multiple linear regressions were performed. Of the participants, 53.1% were women and had a mean age of 42 years. In analyzing the quality of life, the HAT-QoL domain with the lowest average was Financial Concerns (39.4), followed by Confidentiality Concerns (43.2), Sexual Activity (55.2) and Health Concerns (62. 88). There was an association between the variables: not being gainfully employed (p < 0.001), being mulatto or black (p = 0.045) and alcohol consumption (p = 0.041) with the worst quality of life scores. Inadequate socioeconomic and health conditions had a negative impact on the quality of life of people with HIV/AIDS.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Most research on the psychology of morality defines moral as the rules and values whose purpose is to regulate interpersonal relations. In this study, although I have considered such premise valid, I have also taken into account aspects related to the self. Thus, aiming at verifying whether university students are guided by values which are public, private and/or linked to glory, I have analyzed the values prioritized by them. Informants were 170 first-year psychology undergraduates in a public university located in western São Paulo state, male and female, with an average age of 20 years. To collect the data, I applied a questionnaire concerning factual factors (age, sex and religion) and the values cherished by the undergraduates. The results – analyzed according to the psychology of virtues – have shown that approximately 70% of the valid answers given by students pointed friendship (32%) and intelligence (35%) as the most prioritized values. Public values were hardly mentioned. Concerning the forms of glory, although the percentage for money and fame was not significant, when the informants justified the choice of friendship and intelligence, they conceived such values as a means to obtain money and fame. I have concluded that these individuals give little importance to the values related to duties (which are public) and to some form of individual harmony.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)