243 resultados para FURNACE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper analyzes the thermal storage characteristics of aluminum plates in furnaces during their heating for lamination under two sources of heat: an electrical resistance bank and a combustion process carried out with natural gas. The set of equations to model the furnace under operation with electrical energy, for air as the fluid, is presented. This supports the theoretical analysis for the system under operation with natural gas combustion products. A numerical procedure, using the software ANSYS, is applied to determine the convection heat transfer coefficients for heating by the air flow. Temperatures measured in a plate inside a real furnace are used as parameters to determine these coefficients. Then convection and radiation heat transfer coefficients are determined for the natural gas combustion products. Results are compared, indicating a possible gain of 5.5 h in relation to a 19.5 h period of conventional electrical heating per plate.
A new strategy for minimization of Cu2+ and Pb2+ interferences on the spectrophotometric determination of Cd2+ by the Malachite green (MG)-iodide reaction using electrolytic deposition of interfering species and solid phase extraction of Cd2+ in flow system is proposed. The electrolytic cell comprises two coiled Pt electrodes concentrically assembled. When the sample solution is electrolyzed in a mixed solution containing 5% (v/v) HNO3, 0.1% (v/v) H2SO4 and 0.5 M NaCl, Cu2+ is deposited as Cu on the cathode, Pb2+ is deposited as PbO2 on the anode while Cd2+ is kept in solution. After electrolysis, the remaining solution passes through an AG1-X8 resin (chloride form) packed minicolumn in which Cd2+ is extracted as CdCl4/2-. Electrolyte compositions, flow rates, timing, applied current, and electrolysis time was investigated. With 60 s electrolysis time, 0.25 A applied current, Pb2+ and Cu2+ levels up to 50 and 250 mg 1-1, respectively, can be tolerated without interference. For 90 s resin loading time, a linear relationship between absorbance and analyte concentration in the 5.00-50.0 μg Cd 1-1 range (r2 = 0.9996) is obtained. A throughput of 20 samples per h is achieved, corresponding to about 0.7 mg MG and 500 mg KI and 5 ml sample consumed per determination. The detection limit is 0.23 μg Cd 1-1. The accuracy was checked for cadmium determination in standard reference materials, vegetables and tap water. Results were in agreement with certified values of standard reference materials and with those obtained by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry at 95% confidence level. The R.S.D. for plant digests and water containing 13.0 μg Cd 1-1 was 3.85% (n = 12). The recoveries of analyte spikes added to the water and vegetable samples ranged from 94 to 104%. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.
The work describes actions carried out in colaboration among the National Steel Company - (CSN)-Brazil and the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Ceramic - LIEC of the Federal University of Sao Carlos Brazil (UFSCar-Brazil), in the area of I&D, for integral management and improvement of the quality and performance of the refractory linings in the sintering areas, blast furnace, hot air pipe lines transferency to the blast furnace, pig-iron ladles, running channels, blast furnaces hearths, torpedo car, etc., as well as, the economic impact generated by the installation of the adopted measures.
A method is described for the simultaneous determination of Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb in mineral water samples by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with a transversely heated graphite atomizer (THGA) and a longitudinal Zeeman-effect background correction system. The electrothermal behavior of analytes during pyrolysis and atomization steps was studied without modifier, in presence of 5 μg Pd and 3 μg Mg(NO3)2 and in presence of 50 μg NH4H2PO4 and 3 μg Mg(NO3)2. A volume of 20 μL of a 0.028 mol L -1 HNO3 solution containing 50 μg L-1 Ni and Pb, 10 μg L-1 Cr and 5 μg L-1 Cd was dispensed into the graphite tube at 20°C. The mixture palladium/magnesium was selected as the optimum modifier. The pyrolysis and atomization temperatures were fixed at 1000°C and 2300°C, respectively. The characteristic masses were calculated as 2.2 pg Cd, 10 pg Cr, 42 pg Ni and 66 pg Pb and the lifetime of the graphite tube was around 600 firings. Limits of detection based on integrated absorbance were 0.02 μg L-1Cd, 0.94 μg L-1 Cr, 0.45 μg L-1 Ni and 0.75 μg L-1 Pb, which exceeded the requirements of Brazilian Food Regulation that establish the maximum permissible level for Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb at 3 μg L-1, 50 μg L-1, 20 μg L-1 and 10 μg L-1, respectively. The recoveries of Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb added to mineral water samples varied within the 93-108%, 96-104%, 87-101% and 98-108% ranges, respectively. Results of analysis of standard reference materials (National Institute of Standards and Technology: 1640-Trace Elements in Natural Water; 1643d-Trace Elements in Water) were in agreement with certified values at the 95% confidence level.
Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) solutions were prepared using a polymeric precursor method, Zr n-propoxide and Ti i-propoxide were used as starting materials with ethylene glycol and water as solvents. The PZT solution was spin-coated on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates, baked on a hot plate, and finally heat-treated in a tube furnace between 400 and 800°C. The surface morphology and grain size of the films were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), using a tapping mode with amplitude modulation. The films, thermal annealed at temperatures higher than 500°C, exhibited a dense microstructure, without noticeable cracks or voids. Electrical properties were investigated as a function of composition and annealing temperature.
This paper investigates corrosion behavior in graphite refractory hot metal impregnated with ZrO 2 and CeO 2 carrying solutions used in Blast Furnace hearth, consisting of 50% graphite and 50% anthracite. Corrosions tests were carried out by means of finger test method in an induction furnace, using bar-shaped 30×30×280 mm test specimens and hot metal from CSN#2 Blast Furnace runner. The temperature chosen for this test was 1520°C and sixty-minute isotherm. Upon test completion, test specimens were characterized by their dimensional variation, X-ray diffractometry and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM).
It is very important for the building of the SAW devices to study dielectric and ferroelectrics properties because every SAW device is based in piezoelectric effect that it is made up to transform an electric sign in the mechanical or acoustic sign and a mechanical or acoustic sign in an electric sign. Thus, the purpose of the present work is to prepare PbZr 0,53Ti0.47O3 (PZT) and PbTiO3 (PT) thin films on the Si (100) substrates across spin-coating using a chemical method based in polymeric precursors. After conventional treatment in the furnace, the films were characterized by impedance spectroscopy and hysteresis loops to know its dielectric and ferroelectric properties.
This paper presents a simple, fast and sensitive method to determine manganese in samples of feces and fish feed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) by the direct introduction of slurries into the graphite tube. The limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) calculated for 20 readings of the blank of the standard slurries (0.50 % m/v of feces or feed devoid of manganese) were 28 and 92 μg kg-1 for the standard feces slurries and 34 and 110 μg kg-1 for the standard feed slurries. The proposed method was applied in bioavailability studies of manganese in different fish feeds and their results proved compatible with those obtained for samples mineralized by acid digestion using microwave oven. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
The Petrobras produced green petroleum coke (GPC) is a carbon rich fuel, virtually ash-free, with low sulfur content, and is a fuel suitable to replace metallurgical coke in blast furnaces. The GPC was tested in a pulverized coal injection simulator built in the Volta Redonda research center. It presented a low burning efficiency due to low volatile material content and high substitution rate by the carbon content. The tests were carried out in blast furnaces with ≤ 50% Petrobras GPC in the coal blends. The injected coal/CVP mixtures produced no negative side effects in the blast furnace grinding systems, pneumatic conveying, or operating process. The mixture burning process inside the blast furnace showed a decrease in fuel consumption, with a significant reduction in metallurgical coke consumption. The industrial-scale tests of the GPC mixtures did not reach the 70% maximum for lack of the GPC feedstock, which is necessary to continue with standard coal mixtures.
Bismuth titanate ceramics (Bi 4Ti 3O 12) with 10 wt% in excess of bismuth (BIT10) were prepared by the polymeric precursor method and sinterized in microwave (MW) and conventional furnaces (CF). The effect of microwave energy on structural and electrical behavior of BIT10 ceramics was investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electrical measurements. The results of the BIT10 ceramics processed in the microwave furnace (MW) showed a high structural organization compared to conventional treatment (CF). Size of grains and dieletrical properties are influenced by annealing conditions while coercitive field is not dependent on it. The maximum dielectric permittivity (12000) was obtained for the sample sintered in the microwave furnace. Piezoelectric force microscopy images reveals that in-plane response may not change its sign upon polarization switching, while the out-of-plane response does with the influence of microwave energy. Copyright © 2010 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.
This article aims to present proposals for improvement of key standards and resolutions concerned about the methodology for calculating the indicator of total harmonic voltage distortion, and should contribute to the process of examining the compatibility of potentially disturbing loads in electric power quality in distribution systems. These proposals were drawn from the analysis of results from measurement campaigns conducted in a case study including analysis of the connection of a new induction furnace in a foundry served by a distributor of São Paulo state. A general historical situating the quality of electric energy in the electricity sector is presented, and methodological guidelines and procedures used in experimental trials are shown. The analysis and discussion of results are prepared to answer the main questions that arise during the implementation of standards, resolutions and procedures. © 2011 IEEE.
This work presents a surface study of monolithic vitreous (or glassy) carbon - MVC - obtained from vitreous carbon powder. Defective MVC pieces are crushed in a ball mill and size classified by sifting. The MVC powder is mixed with furfuryl-alcohol resin and compacted in a mould using a hydraulic press. Samples with different powder granulometries are produced in this way and carbonized in a furnace under nitrogen atmosphere. Complete carbonization of the powder is achieved in only one day and losses due to breakage of the pieces is less than 5%. These results compare very favorably with respect to traditional MVC production methods where full carbonization may require up to seven days and losses due to breakage can be as high as 70%. After carbonization, samples are sanded and polished. Surface roughness and microstructure are characterized by light microscopy. Porosity is quantified from micrographs using ImageJ software and nanometric height variations are measured by atomic force microscopy. © 2012 Materials Research Society.
Metallic biomaterials are used to reinforce or to restore the form and function of hard tissues. Implants and prosthesis are used to replace shoulders, knees, hips and teeth. When these materials are inserted in bone several biological reactions happen. This process can be associated to surface properties (topography, roughness and surface energy). In this work, the influence of biomimetic surface treatment in the osseointegration of Ti-30Ta dental implants was evaluated. Ingots were obtained from titanium and tantalum by using an arc-melting furnace. They were submitted to heat treatment at 1,100°C for 1 h, cooled in water and cold worked by swaging. Then, screw-shaped implants (2.0 mm diameter by 2.5 mm length) were manufactured and they were implanted in a rat's femur. Animals were divided into two groups: untreated (control group) and treated (biomimetic surface treatment). They were sacrificed 30 days after implantation. For histological analysis, implants with surrounding tissue were removed and immersed in formaldehyde. Samples were embedded in polymethyl methacrylate and after polymerization, cut with a saw, polished and mounted on glass slides. The results obtained suggest that biomimetic surface treatment was able to promote an increase osseointegration on the surface of dental implants. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.