198 resultados para Evocação de Palavras
The rain occurrence is one of the most important phenomena to determinate the climate and, as most of the other climatic phenomena, shows a continuous spatial variability that can be detected through special geostatistical methods. Besides the great influence of the topographic relief on the specific climate of each region, it is normal to expect spatial correlations of this variable with the precipitations; the determinism of this correlation may help to elaborate more precise conclusions involving these phenomena. In this paper, the spatial variability of altitude and of the pluviometric precipitations was rigorously analyzed, besides the existing correlation between these variables. It was concluded that these variables show strong spatial dependence and they are directly correlated. The mapping of the occurrence of both the phenomena was done by geostatistical methods pased on the infomiation concerning the spatial variability of each one.
This work was developed aiming to evaluate the environmental impacts of the public use in natural touristic attractive at Altinópolis city (SP), using the Visitor Impact Management method (VTM). In each analyzed natural resource a specific questionnaire was elaborated in accordance with the appropriate pointers that allowed to determinate environmental quality of each point. The results indicated that only two tourist areas need special attention for their preservation. Minimization methods, monitoring and educational practices are proposals in order to tourist practices be made with environmental responsibility.
Vertical electrical soundings using eletroresistivity method were carried out in the public waste landfill in Macapá - AP, having as a goal to investigate the geoelectrical and hidrogeologic characteristics of the ground. The results of geophysics interpretation allowed obtaining a model of five geoelectrical layers until the depth of 14,6 m. This model is correlated to a sedimentary sequence of clay-silt-sandy with laterite. The main flow of the water table, also determined, is concordant to the topographical gradient.
The beachs of Santos are situated in Santos Bay, central portion of paulista coast, in São Paulo state. This beachs are frequently affected by cold fronts with winds and currents from the South. These fronts are responsible for the removal and transport of sediments (sand) in Santos beaches. In order to quantify this sedimentation the channels of Santos were analysed, due to their function as box colectors of sediments during storm events. The channels are filled by sands, which volume in channels 1 to 6 was estimated, by using the length, width and height of sand sedimented in the channels, in the event of 22-27 april 2005. The chanels 2, 3 and 1 presented the larger volumes of sands, confirming that the central and SW portion of the beaches of Santos present higher levels of sedimentation or re-sedimentation. That is due to the transport by ocean waves and currents and currents from the Channel of the Port of Santos. This central portion suffer invasion of marine water over street and buildings, caracterizated of geological rise area.
The mineralogical composition of the soil plow layer (0-20 cm) was analyzed for the following soil suborders (according to the Brazilian soil taxonomy): Neossolo Quartzarênico. Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, Cambissolo Háplico and Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo which samples were collected from different regions of the Ceará State. The present study had the objectives of identifying potential sources of both total and non-exchangeable potassium forms for plants located at the different soil fractions. Then highest content of K occurred in the Cabissolo Háplico soil, including both the total and non-exchangeable K forms. In the Neossolo Quartzarênico. Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo and Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, the highest contents of both forms of potassium were impregnated at the sand fraction. The amount of potassium found in the both sand and silt fractions has its origin in the orthoclase mineral which was detected in the mineralogical analysis. In the clay fractio, the origin of the potassium is illite and a inter-stratified mineral (mica+montmorillonite). As compared with the total content, the amount of non-exchangeable potassium is low for all the four soils. It was more concentrated at clay fraction of the Cambissolo soil. The potassium content sequence in the soil was the following: Cambissolo Háplico > Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo > Neossolo Quartzarênico > Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo. The results showed that the distribution of the forms of potassium among the soils differ as a function of the nature of the dominating minerals detected in the mineralogical analysis (illite and orthoclase) which was discussed above.
Systems that can distinguish epidemiologically-related Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains from unrelated ones are extremely valuable. Molecular biology techniques have allowed a great deal of information to be acquired about the infectious disease tuberculosis (TB) that was very hard or impossible to obtain by conventional epidemiology. A typing method based on bacterial DNA genome differences, known as RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism), is widely used to discriminate strains in the epidemiologic study of TB. However, RFLP is laborious and there is a tendency to replace it by other methods. Thus, other DNA sequences have been employed as epidemiological markers, as in Spoligotyping, a fast technique based on PCR followed by differential hybridization of amplified products. The polymorphism observed among different isolates is probably the product of strain-dependent recombination. MIRU (mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit) typing is a reproducible and fast assay, involving the generation of genotypes based on the study of 12 loci containing VNTRs (variable-number tandem repeats) in strains of the M. tuberculosis complex. It compares strains from different geographic areas and allows the movement of individual lineages to be tracked, as in RFLP. This approach enables a greater number of isolates to be analyzed, leading to the identification of a larger number of foci of transmission within the population and thus to improved ways of slowing the progress of the disease.
Foodborne and waterborne diseases are spread by the consumption of food or water contaminated with bacteria and/or their toxins, viruses, parasites or chemicals. The aim of the research reported here was to establish the spectrum of etiologic agents of foodborne outbreaks at 15 tourist resorts in three geographic regions of the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil). The study was based on the cases reported to the Epidemic Surveillance Center (CVE) of the Public Health Authority of the State of São Paulo (SES), from 2002 to 2005. The tourist centers were chosen at random in three regions of the state (Capital, Interior and Coast) and offered the following attractions: events, agribusiness, cultural history, shopping, town center, gastronomy, health and leisure, sun and sea. Among the bacteria, the results showed that Salmonella spp. were most frequently associated with outbreaks, followed by Shigella spp., enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus and Campylobacter spp. Viruses (Rotavirus and Hepatitis A) played a part in many of the cases, while the frequency of parasites and worm infestations was low in the foodborne disease outbreaks at these resorts. The mixed foods (rice, beans, liver, potatoes, barbecue, juice), fish and poultry were the three commonest vehicles implicated in the outbreaks.
Compostos fenólicos e atividade antioxidante de Leiothrix flavescens (Bong.) Ruhland (Eriocaulaceae)
This paper describes a chemical investigation (by high-speed counter-current chromatography) of an extract in methanol of the capitula (flower-heads) of the endemic Brazilian herb Leiothrix flavescens (Bong.) Ruhland (Eriocaulaceae). Fractionation of this extract by preparative chromatography and identification of the isolated compounds by spectrometric methods (IR, UV, ESI-MS, NMR) led to the identification of flavones (apigenin, luteolin and 6-methoxyluteolin) and 1,3-di-O-feruloyl glycerol. The antioxidant activity of the extract was determined by DPPH reduction and the total phenolic content by the Folin-Ciocalteau assay. It was found that the methanolic extract of L. flavescens possesses strong antioxidant activity. Additionally, the chemical profile provided useful data for a discussion of the taxonomy of the Eriocaulaceae.
Some recent articles have reported that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be induced to express hepatocyte markers by transplanting them into animal models of liver damage, or by in vitro culture with growth factors and cytokines. In this study, the aim is to evaluate the behavior of MSCs subjected to induction of hepatocyte differentiation. The MSCs were isolated from the bone marrow of 4 normal donors, characterized and subjected to both in vitro and in vivo induction of hepatocyte differentiation. The in vitro induced cells showed morphological changes, acquiring hepatocyte-like features. However, the immunophenotype of these cells was not modified. The induced cells exhibited no increase in albumin, cytokeratin 18 or cytokeratin 19 transcripts, when analyzed by real-time RT-PCR. The expression of albumin, cytokeratin 18 and alpha fetoprotein was also unchanged, according to immunofluorescence tests. In vivo, the MSC demonstrated a potential to migrate to damaged liver tissue in immunodeficient mice. Taken together, the results suggest that bone marrow MSCs are incapable of in vitro differentiation into hepatocytes by the approach used here, but are capable of homing to damaged hepatic tissue in vivo, suggesting a role for them in the repair of the liver. This contribution to tissue repair could be associated with a paracrine effect exerted by these cells.
Alginate or irreversible hydrocolloid is one the most accepted and frequently employed impression materials in dental practice. Substances like zinc, cadmium, lead silicate and fluorides, which are included in several alginate brands with the aim of improving their physical, chemical and mechanical properties, are a source of serious concern as regards their toxicity. Some brands of alginate have been reported to contain potentially toxic fluorides and metals such as cadmium, lead and zinc silicates, either singly or combined. Consequently, special care should be taken while preparing of these materials. It is necessary to monitor potentially toxic chemicals and metals in the alginates continually to avoid contamination of dental professionals and patients. In this review, alginates used in dentistry are analyzed for potential toxicity.
Plesiomonas shigelloides is a Gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium, of the family Enterobacteriaceae, which has been isolated from freshwater and salt water, freshwater fish, shellfish and many species of animals. Most human P. shigelloides infections are suspected to be waterborne. The organism can be found in untreated water used as drinking water, in recreational water, or in water used to rinse food that is consumed without cooking or heating. The ingestion of P. shigelloides does not always cause illness in the host animal, and the organism may be present temporarily as a transient, noninfectious member of the intestinal flora. It has been isolated from the stools of patients with diarrhea,but it is also sometimes isolated from healthy individuals. P. shigelloides has been implicated in gastroenteritis, usually a self-limiting disease characterized by fever, chills, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting; in severe cases the diarrhea may be yellowish-green, foamy and tinged with blood. The bacteria may also cause extra-intestinal infection. Furthermore, it can produce toxins and may be invasive. The evidence in favor of considering P. shigelloides as an enteropathogen is not totally convincing. Although it has been isolated from patients with diarrhea and incriminated in some outbreaks involving contaminated water and food, it was not possible, in many P. shigelloides samples associated with gastrointestinal infections, to identify a definite mechanism of virulence.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a produção de IFN-γ, IL-12 e IL-4 entre camundongos jovens (5, 12 e 19 dias de idade) e adultos (30 dias de idade). As avaliações foram feitas por estimulação, in vitro, de células esplênicas com Concanavalina A (ConA) , Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) e lipopolissacarídeo (LPS). Diferentes concentrações de cada estímulo foram testadas e os sobrenadantes das culturas foram coletados após 48 horas de incubação e as concentrações de IFN-γ, IL-12 e IL-4 determinadas por ELISA. Células de camundongos jovens e adultos produziram níveis igualmente elevados de IFN-γ após estímulo com ConA. Somente animais adultos produziram IFN-γ em resposta ao estímulo com S. aureus. Em culturas estimuladas com LPS, a produção desta citocina foi baixa e similar nos animais jovens e significativamente elevada nos animais adultos. Somente células de animais adultos estimuladas com S. aureus foram capazes de produzir IL-12. O único estímulo capaz de induzir níveis detectáveis de IL-4 foi ConA, sendo que estes níveis foram mais elevados nos animais com 12 e 19 dias de idade em comparação com animais neonatos e adultos. A diminuição das doses ótimas dos estímulos não mudou o perfil de produção de cada citocina nos animais jovens. Estes resultados permitem concluir que a idade afeta a produção de citocinas: ocorre maior produção de IL-4 em camundongos jovens e maior produção de IL-12 e IFN-γ em animais adultos. Estas informações são importantes devido ao papel destas citocinas na polarização das respostas imunes nos sentidos Th1 e Th2. Palavras-chave: camundongo; citocina; interferon-gama; interleucina-4; interleucina-12.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the class of secondary metabolites responsible for the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of bark extracts of Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville (Leguminosae-Mimosoidae), a plant widely used in folk medicine in Brazil. Extracts of the bark were prepared with 50% ethanol, 70% ethanol, acetone:water (7:3, v/v) and chloroform. Antioxidant activity was prospected by spraying thin-layer chromatographs of the extracts with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and measuring the DPPH radical scavenging capacity by spectrophotometry. Antibacterial activity was revealed by the agar diffusion method and bioautography. TLC spots assigned to tannins in the polar extracts showed antioxidant activity by DPPH radical scavenging and the chloroform extract showed the least scavenging activity. Antimicrobial activity was indicated by the bacterial growth inhibition haloes around polar extracts and bioautography showed activity in the TLC spots assigned to tannins. It was concluded that polar extracts of the bark of S. adstringens possessed antioxidant and antimicrobial activities which were due to secondary metabolite derived from the tannin class, which are the main constituent of these bark extracts, according to the literature.
The animal experimentation in the scientific research has contributed excessively for the development of science and technology, promoting to long of the years the discovery of prophylactic measures and treatments for diseases that attack the humans. Animals of some species have been used in the last times, being the mouse the more intensely used and more deeply known scientifically. The objective of this work was to carry through a bibliographical survey including data of our research group, about the use of mice in the animal experimentation, approaching its general biology, reproduction physiology, creation systems, genetics, habitation, feeding, handling, pain and euthanasia, techniques of risk developed in the experimentation, blood collection, pharmacological and toxicological experiments. Although current trends praise the use of alternative methods (in vitro studies, cells cultures, etc.), the animal models, as the mouse, present as main advantage the supply of information on the organism as a whole, fact that is not obtained with other methods, what still it makes possible its utilization in scientific research.
Nitrofurazone (NF), 5-nitro-2-furaldehyde semicarbazone, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, has reported toxic effects and low solubility in water. It would be of great interest to form inclusion complexes between NF and a cyclodextrin, to develop more effective and safer antibiotic formulations. This paper focuses on the preparation of inclusion complexes of NF with 2-hydroxypropyl-β- cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) and their initial characterization by evaluating rates of complex formation, photostability, solubility isotherms, release rate profiles, stoichiometry of the complexes and their morphology, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. The kinetic tests of complex formation revealed that 17,3 h is enough for stabilization of the NF-cyclodextrin complex. The solubility isotherm studies showed that the isotherm changes from type A to type B, as a function of temperature. The photostability experiments showed that the insertion of the NF in the HP-β-CD cavity protects the drug from photodecomposition. The release kinetic tests showed that the profile of NF release from the complex is altered by the presence of HP-β-CD in the medium. A Job's plot indicated that the stoichiometry of the complex was 1:1 NF:HP-β-CD. The scanning electron micrographs showed changes in the crystal structure of NF in the complex. This study focused on the physicochemical properties of drug-delivery formulations that could potentially be developed into a novel type of therapy with NF.