121 resultados para Esportes Aspectos sociológicos
Ps-graduao em Histria - FCHS
Ps-graduao em Histria - FCHS
The sports psychology today is increasingly inserted in the day-to-day of sports teams, and it happens because the technical, tactical and physical levels are too equal. Through sports psychology we try to understand the behavior of each athlete and the group itself to achieve a better performance in training and competition. Thus, within the sports psychology we have the leadership phenomenon that has been constantly studied in order to understand the relationship between coach and athlete in the sports context. The objective of this study is to verify in the literature issues related to leadership in sports groups, as well as analyze how leadership is treated by coaches and seen by the athletes and also see how the leadership is specifically manifested in the football environment. As a methodological procedure was performed an analytical research in which a bibliographic review was developed. We conclude that in sports in general, there is a preference by part of the athletes for coaches with a training-education behavior, in what he cares about the development of the technical and tactical aspects of your team or athlete. And in the context of football that the most dominant style of leadership behavior of coaches is the autocratic and by the athletes, they considered most important the education-training dimension as ideal behavior of their coaches leadership
Modern society is characterized by the advance of technologies, the emergence and constant development of the technological field is responsible for a series of population adjustments, that being practically molded and daily transformed by media, which usually has the power of manipulating opinions and public approaches in every capacity and extensions of our lives, being a significantly and important tool, which most part of individuals in contemporary society can't work and live without, therefore most part of individuals depend on the use of many technological means, including social means, which have great relationship with the development and emergence of many psychological problems that completely impact on the social life of affected individuals, thus Physical Education is an area with the goal of verifying the level of influence that media reflects on the lifestyle choice to be followed and the relation of this influence with the presence and development of a series of psychological disorders that affect directly the health of those individuals. It has been gathered data about the subject according to scientific basis, more specifically, on Academic Google, Scielo and Pubmed, where it has been researched scientific articles that could contribute with the data and information to complete the text. The psychology of sports is an area of studies and knowledge that investigates and develops insight about these questions, making available scientifically tested and proven materials that supports the P.E. professional, that is connected in the practical field to visualize possible chained symptoms of these psychopathologies according to the development of these psychic disorders, that are usually common in current days, more precisely, disorders such as Anorexia, Vigorexia, self-dependence to physical exercise and selfcorporal dissapproval. It's vital to have total attention with the possibility of evolution of this psychopatology...
The sports activities occupy a growing space in people's lives, especially children and youth. Taking into consideration that this practice is of paramount importance, especially in childhood, where the acquired habits influence in adulthood, this work aims to investigate the role of physical education classes in adherence of children to the practice of some activity sports. These are a dynamic process, and to realize it is necessary planning, making the practice is a pleasurable activity. Thus, an important point to note is the motivation, which depends on extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Another factor that may interfere in the sporting practices is the influence of parents on children. In this context, the contact sports can be used to gain the approval of parents and not for self-gratification, this being a way to get closer to distant parents. A point worth mentioning is the physical education, as this introduces and integrates the child's body / movement culture. Often child's first contact with the sport happens at school, leading us to the assumption that the physical education teachers at the school are responsible for the athletic student motivation, and we emphasize that the school motivational factors are very dependent on students' aspirations for that a particular motivational element can take effect. The technical and / or professional outside of school physical education also influence the child, as these can provide pleasure for the sport, being a connoisseur of motivational strategies. An important motivational aspect is friendship, as children use sports activities to make new friends and find your friends. In addition, some extrinsic factors can influence the practice, such as: win, work out, play, socializing, competition, fun, etc. The drop can be caused by various reasons, such as early specialization, participation in very specific competitions for which the child is not yet ready. In addition, other factors can be...
Soccer is one of the most practiced sports in the world, and for many years, some areas of physical education has been doing studies related to the improvement of their income from these areas if this sport psychology. The psychological aspects are very influential and involved in the daily life of an athlete, especially for basic categories of athletes who see in soccer a dream to come true or only a source of income for his family, where such aspects act beneficially or evil for the athlete. Stress, in particular, can appear in various situations and in various ways, and different influences and reactions athlete to athlete, also resulting in physiological changes and variations in performance. Stress, and especially stressful situations, like any psychological aspect should be identified in order to train your athlete to know how to deal with stressful situations. Know what are the stressors, which carries the stress load for the athlete, how to handle the stressful situations, using psychological training in the preseason, know how to use stress management techniques, and be able to manage it all so your athlete reaches an optimal level of income is described in the present work, in order to provide a theoretical and updated reference for professionals of Physical Education, so that they stay up to date on sports psychology and also understand a little more on this subject, which is still little discussed within soccer and often overlooked by many professionals who are already in the context of competitive soccer
A presente pesquisa buscou identificar atravs de um estudo terico e bibliogrfico a construo da identidade de gnero - mulher - a partir de uma perspectiva da educao. O trabalho apoiou-se de uma abordagem qualitativa, com base em leituras de cunho acadmico, que trouxeram e problematizaram o tema mulher, gnero e suas sexualidades. Para isso, fez-se a anlise e compreenso de resumos de 10 (dez) teses do doutorado e 10 (dez) dissertaes de mestrado retiradas do banco de teses da Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior - CAPES -, nas quais foram defendidas nos ltimos dez anos, no estado de So Paulo. Para tanto, aps as averiguaes das teses e dissertaes, foi constatado a relao da educao para com o gnero feminino, assim como a construo dessa relao, quais so as complicaes, implicaes, e a importncia da mulher na sociedade. Apesar dos avanos da insero das mulheres na sociedade, ainda existem barreiras a serem ultrapassadas. Os estudos comprovam que apesar da crescente visibilidade do gnero feminino no mercado de trabalho, nas instituies escolares e em sua conquista na independncia, casos de violncia, baixo salrio comparado aos homens, preconceito, misoginia e esteretipos, ainda esto vigentes atualmente. Quanto educao, percebe-se que ainda h uma forte desvalorizao para com a mulher, deixando-as de lado, minimizando o trabalho desenvolvido nas escolas, rebaixamento em conhecimentos acadmicos da rea de exatas e, ainda, uma forte luta para a conquista de direitos negados
Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAS
Ps-graduao em Cincias da Motricidade - IBRC
Nowadays the regular practice of sports is known as a way to obtain a better quality of life. On the other hand, the media has been distorting this idea, determining the ideal body as the hypertrophy phenotype. It is well known that the genetic factor does not allow all individuals to have this body shape. Besides the fact that, the anxiety of these people in obtain quick results, as one of the globalizations consequence, make use of anabolic steroid to achieve this goal. However the bodybuilding or the strength muscle gain, make anabolic steroids users abuse and in major cases the users do not know the side effects. In front of these considerations, the present study evaluated the effects of the treatment with anabolic steroids and/or high intensity physical training on the corporal developing, the reproductive organs, bone parameters (strength and bone deformation) and seminal parameters as well the social behavior (aggressiveness). In other to obtain the experimental group, male Wistar rats were used, with 75 days old. The groups were divided into: Vehicle Non-Training (NV), Anabolic Steroid-Non-Training (NA), Vehicle-Training (TV) and Anabolic Steroid-Training (TA). These rats received i.m. injections, twice a week, of anabolic steroid (5mg/kg per animal of nandrolona decanoate) or vehicle (the same volume of peanut oil per animal) and the group TV and TA were submitted to physical training three times per week, during eight weeks. The body mass, wet weight of reproductive organs, femur and semen of the different groups were measured. The aggressive test was also realized in two steps: the first, within 4 weeks of the treatment and the other step in the end of the treatment, in this period the animal was isolated. It was not observed alterations in body mass of the groups. Though it was observed a benefic effect on the maximum strength of the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
O triatlo uma modalidade combinada envolvendo outras trs modalidades de endurance: natao, ciclismo e corrida, o que torna as necessidades biomecnicas e fisiolgicas da modalidade combinada diferente das demandas e adaptaes sofridas por treinamentos realizados nas modalidades de forma isolada. A fadiga imposta pela modalidade prvia poder ser determinante no bom desempenho do atleta nas modalidades subseqentes e neste sentido importante analisarmos no apenas a influncia do ciclismo sobre a corrida onde existe maior semelhana entre as fibras musculares recrutadas predominantemente, como a influncia da natao sobre as demais modalidades. Algumas estratgias podem ser adotadas afim de minimizar a perda de performance que uma modalidade ir exercer sobre a subseqente relacionadas a especificidade do treinamento e gerao de adaptaes especficas, estratgias de ritmo de prova, possibilidade de utilizao do vcuo durante o percurso de ciclismo e da esteira na natao, utilizao de roupas de neoprene na natao e adaptaes na geometria do quadro da bicicleta.
A influncia do futebol no Brasil acaba promovendo a pouca divulgao de outras modalidades esportivas, dentre elas o baseball e o softball, modalidades esportivas ainda pouco conhecidas neste pas, porm muito populares na Amrica do Norte e na sia e que vm buscando seu espao, com o escasso apoio e incentivo prtica. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar as influncias que o marketing esportivo e sua liderana sobre o baseball e o softball no Brasil e observar os mtodos utilizados para realizar a divulgao dos esportes mencionados. A metodologia utilizada para o estudo ser atravs de revises bibliogrficas relacionadas s modalidades em questo, sobre marketing, mdia e liderana relacionada ao baseball e softball. A partir disto espera-se encontrar novos mtodos para a divulgao dos esportes e o entendimento do por que destas modalidades no conseguirem se difundir no pas de maneira slida
A escola uma instituio qual a competio esta instalada intrinsecamente, e esta pedagogia se tornou atualmente muito controversa, pois esta gera diversas dvidas para sua prtica bem aplicada, e acaba, portanto, sendo simplesmente negada por diversos educadores. O fato que a competio, como elemento fundamental do esporte, e, por sua vez, caracterizado dentro da cultura corporal, a faz elemento fundamental a ser executado dentro das aulas de Educao Fsica. Esta que passou historicamente por diferentes vises e vertentes, desde o militarismo at a utilizao dos PCNs como principal ferramenta norteadora das aulas, tem estas mudanas temporalmente abruptas contribuintes para com a polarizao veemente de opinies acerca da competio esportiva na escola. O que acontece atualmente, seja por falta de preparo do professor, estudos sobre o assunto ou mesmo sobre essa constante negatria competitiva, faz com que ela seja erroneamente utilizada dentro das aulas de Educao Fsica e, uma ferramenta como esta, mal utilizada, acaba meramente espelhando os desportos perfomances de alto nvel, onde se tem a vitria como principal foco ativo, o que acaba levando excluso de certos alunos menos habilidosos. Temos ento de estudar esta potente ferramenta pedaggica que a competio esportiva escolar, para que possamos utiliz-la de maneira correta, focando o processo educativo qual empreende esta competio e o desporto, se pautando em objetivos claros para que seja possvel se obter uma competio com faces educativas fortes. Seria muito cmodo para ns educadores simplesmente ignorar esta face competitiva inerente escola, inviabilizando, por conseguinte, um elemento rico e vasto de contedos e pedagogias em nossa rea. Temos ento de aceitar essa competio como um desafio, onde se estudam formas para recri-la da melhor maneira pedaggica possvel, se maximizando os efeitos benficos desta...