368 resultados para Doenças de equinos


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Foodborne and waterborne diseases are spread by the consumption of food or water contaminated with bacteria and/or their toxins, viruses, parasites or chemicals. The aim of the research reported here was to establish the spectrum of etiologic agents of foodborne outbreaks at 15 tourist resorts in three geographic regions of the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil). The study was based on the cases reported to the Epidemic Surveillance Center (CVE) of the Public Health Authority of the State of São Paulo (SES), from 2002 to 2005. The tourist centers were chosen at random in three regions of the state (Capital, Interior and Coast) and offered the following attractions: events, agribusiness, cultural history, shopping, town center, gastronomy, health and leisure, sun and sea. Among the bacteria, the results showed that Salmonella spp. were most frequently associated with outbreaks, followed by Shigella spp., enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus and Campylobacter spp. Viruses (Rotavirus and Hepatitis A) played a part in many of the cases, while the frequency of parasites and worm infestations was low in the foodborne disease outbreaks at these resorts. The mixed foods (rice, beans, liver, potatoes, barbecue, juice), fish and poultry were the three commonest vehicles implicated in the outbreaks.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the risk factors related to the cardiovascular diseases (CVRF) in elderly type 2 diabetics. A cross-sectional observational study was carried out on 100 elderly patients attending the Rehabilitation Center of Araraquara (CRRA), São Paulo State, Brazil, from March to December, 2004. The majority were married, female, white, with a low income and low educational level. Regarding habits and style of life, the subjects had an adequate diet, were sedentary, non-smoking and non-drinking. In the population of 100, 42% were overweight, 42% obese, 71% had above-normal waist measurements and 84% high waist-to-hip ratios. Concerning the CVRF, it was observed that more than half had hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia. 84% had high values of LDL-cholesterol and 59% HDL-cholesterol levels below the reference values, 78% high levels of fasting glycemia, 76% glycohemoglobin and 57% fibrinogen and thus subject to cardiovascular risk. The results showed a high frequency of cardiovascular risk factors, differing according to sex and the age.


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Pasteurella multocida and Mannheimia haemolytica (P. haemolytica) are associated with ovine respiratory diseases. With the purpose of observe the susceptibility in vitro of these organisms against antimicrobials, were collected samples of nasopharingeal (n=180) and oropharingeal (n=82) from ovines healthy and with respiratory disease. Among the antimicrobials tested, the sensibility was greater for enrofloxacin (100%) and florfenicol (100%), for both bacteria. The greater resistance indices for M. haemolytica and P. multocida were observed with tetracyclin (15.64% and 17.65% respectively) and penicillin (1.82% and 4.2%).


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The respiratory tract of birds shows anatomical and physiological characteristics that facilitates the occurrence of disease, mainly those of microbiological origin. This article analyzes the frequency of respiratory diseases in domestic and wild birds treated during the years 2005-2006 at the Ornitopathology Laboratory of the Veterinary Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootecnics, São Paulo State University (FMVZ-UNESP). Diagnoses were obtained through clinical and radiographic exams as well as haemogram, microbiological culture, parasitological tests and necropsy, being septicemic processes, aspergillosis and mycoplasmosis the most diagnosed diseases. No zoonotic threats were identified, so the entities were described as of low-impact on public health. However, the above mentioned agents can provoke death of birds and difficult for treating and eradication as well.


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The current study evaluated equine gas exchange responses through spirometry, by measuring oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory exchange ratio (R) and maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) of Arabian horses during a standard incremental exercise test performed on a high-speed treadmill. Six clinically healthy Arabian horses were submitted to a standard incremental exercise test, performed on a high-speed treadmill at a 6% slope, and initial speed of 1,8 m.s-1 for 5 minutes, then 4,0 m.s-1 for 3 minutes, 6,0 m.s-1 for 2 minutes and 8,0 m.s-1, 9,0 m.s-1, 10,0 m.s-1 and 11,0 m.s-1 for one minute for each of these speed. The end of the exercise test was defined as the point in which the horse was no longer able to keep pace with the treadmill. Gas exchange was measured through respiratory analyses horse mask on the last 10 seconds at the end of each speed transition and at 1, 2 and 3 minutes after the end of the exercise, defined as experiment moments. During exercise, it was noticed an increase on both VO2 and VCO2 with linear relationship between exercise and speed. Arabian horses VO2max was 114,9 mL.kg-1.min-1. The respiratory exchange ratio increased over 1,0 by the speed of 9,0 m.s-1, indicating the preponderance of the anaerobic metabolism, and remains at a high level on the post-exercise period.


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The effect of physical exercise, training and vitamin E supplementation on electrocardiographic parameters was evaluated in eight untrained Arabian mares, divided into two groups: control (n=4) and supplemented with vitamin E (n=4) at the daily dose of 1.000 UI. Animals were submitted to an incremental exercise test (P1) on high-speed treadmill inclined +7%, after that to a training period of 20 days and later to a new incremental exercise test (P2). Analysis and interpretation of electrocardiographic tracings were performed regarding the rhythm, heart rate, duration and amplitude of waves and intervals, before, immediately after and 30 min after the incremental exercise. A reduction of the rest heart rate was observed after training. There was no effect of vitamin E supplementation on electrocardiographic parameters. Results indicated that the electrocardiogram was efficient in detention of cardiac alterations promoted by the physical exercise, but more studies are needed to elucidate its clinical meaning.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate phenylbutazone effects on second intention wound healing, and to compare the healing process between the thoracic and lumbar areas. Ten horses were submitted to circular full-thickness wound produced on both sides of the thoracic and lumbar areas. Animals were gathered into two experimental groups, one receiving daily IV injections of phenylbutazone (4,4mg/kg) and the other (control group) distillated water for five days. All wounds were daily treated with local Dakin's solution. The wound contraction rates were determined by serial measurements each 72 hours. At the 6th and 15th post surgical days, biopsies were performed for histological analysis. Thoracic and lumbar wound contraction was decreased in the phenylbutazone group. The time to complete healing was significantly greater in phenylbutazone group (49 days) than in control group (37 days). There was no significant difference between thoracic and lumbar area in the same group. Gross and histopathology analysis showed the inhibitory effect of phenylbutazone on the second-intention wound healing when compared to the control group.


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It was evaluated the radiographs alteration of the castor oil bean polymer applied for the filing of induced bone fault in horses. Five animals were evaluated, subjected to a local anesthesia and sedation, proceeding to a surgical induction of a hole in the radio bone, in both members with three centimeters depth perforations. It was used a drill of eight millimeters of diameter. The right member served as a control, without filling induced holes. The holes in left radio were filled with the commercial polymer derived from the castor oil bean. We evaluated the localized swelling and radiological aspects as: the establishment of scores for bone filling, sclerosis and a morphometric analysis of the sclerosis area, in 15, 45, 90 and 180 days of lesion evolution. There was more swelling in local members whose injuries were filled with polymer from castor oil bean. By comparison, the radiographic examination showed better bone filling in the gaps of members control. We concluded that the completion of castor oil bean polymer in bone holes induced in radio of horses, delayed the bone healing, in the radiographic evaluation.


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Nitric oxide is synthesized from L-arginine and plays an important role in blood pressure regulation, platelets aggregation and atherosclerosis development. Most of the studies have shown that the beneficial effects of the L-arginine supplementation are related to an increasing of nitric oxide bioavailability to the cells, improving the endothelial dysfunction, decreasing oxidative stress, ameliorating lipid profile and insulin resistance. However some studies show conflicting results. Considering the role of the endothelium on the pathogenesis of the cardiovascular diseases as well as on the endocrine-metabolic diseases, this review will update studies involving the role of nitric oxide and its signaling pathways in the regulation of vascular function. Furthermore, this review will focus on the main results of the clinical trials using oral L-arginine supplementation, with or without physical exercise, in an attempt to obtain beneficial effects on the cardiovascular and endocrine-metabolic systems in patients and healthy subjects.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The National Neonatal Screening Program (NNSP) set up in all Brazil, aims, through planned phases of local implementation, to detect diseases such as phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, hemoglobinopathies and cystic fibrosis. The aim of this study was to assess, through a cross-sectional observational study, the prevalence of the diseases detected by the NNSP in the city of Araraquara, in records issued by the São Paulo APAE laboratory in the period between April and December 2009.The results show that Araraquara had a prevalence of phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism 0.06% above the national averages of 0.01% and 0.03% respectively. With respect to hemoglobinopathies, the prevalence of sickle cell trait was 2.15% below the national average of 2.6%. The prevalence of Hb C in the city was 0.57%, similar to national values reported in the literature. Confirmed Hb Bart's had a prevalence of 0.13% in Araraquara, below the average of 0.38% for the surrounding region. The neonatal screening by heel-prick test and counseling for caregivers are important factors in reducing morbidity related to the evolution of these diseases.


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Thoracolumbar injuries represent a challenge to the veterinarian that seeks to eliminate the pain, reinstitute the athletic use of the horse and minimize economic losses. The percentage of lost training days due to orthopedic conditions in race horses is of 72.1% and within those conditions is back pain, whicht represents from 4.35% to 20% of the lameness cases. The present study searched to establish a protocol based on score points for the thoracolumbar physical exam, by which it is able to determine the possible affected areas and the seriousness of the injuries. Along with the physical exam, it was performed an ultrasonographic exam of the thoracolumbar region to characterize and classify the injuries found, as to accompany its evolution after treatment. It was observed a clear reduction in the physical exam score sum in all animals between the exam days being that the exam of most of the animals presented a zero score at 60 days after the treatment. Relating the evolution of the clinical exam with the ultrasonography image tests, there was a positive association between the reduction score in the severity scale and the evolution of the ultrasonographic image of the evaluated structures. Thus, it can be concluded that gradation of the physical exam showed to be efficient and allowed the monitoring of the clinical evolution, as the answer of the injuries to the suggested treatment. Besides that, the results showed that 60 days is the ideal time for the first reevaluation of the animal after the treatment.


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Context - Several paradoxical cases of infliximab-induced or-exacerbated psoriatic lesions have been described in the recent years. There is disagreement regarding the need to discontinue infliximab in order to achieve the resolution of these adverse cutaneous reactions specifically in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. Objective - To systematically review the literature to collect information on IBD patients that showed this adverse cutaneous reaction, focusing mainly on the therapeutic approach. Methods - A systematic literature review was performed utilizing Medline, Embase, SciELO and Lilacs databases. Published studies were identified, reviewed and the data were extracted. Results - Thirty-four studies (69 IBD patients) met inclusion criteria for review. There was inconsistency in reporting of some clinical and therapeutic aspects. Most patients included had Crohn's disease (89.86%), was female (47.83%), had an average age of 27.11 years, and no reported history of psoriasis (84.05%). The patients developed primarily plaque-type psoriasis (40.58%). There was complete remission of psoriatic lesions in 86.96% of IBD patients, existing differences in the therapeutic approaches; cessation of infliximab therapy led to resolution in 47.83% of cases and 43.48% of patients were able to continue infliximab therapy. Conclusion - As increasing numbers of IBD patients with psoriasis induced or exacerbated by infliximab, physicians should be aware of its clinical manifestations so that appropriate diagnosis and treatment are properly established. The decision whether to continue or discontinue infliximab should be individualized.


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Four castrated horses were utilized in randomized blocks experimental design. The objective was to study the in vitro acquirement of indigestible fiber, neutral detergent fiber (NDFi) and acid detergent fiber (ADFi), using as inoculum source rumen fluid (RF) or horse feces (HF), to estimate the nutrient digestibility (ND) in horses. Treatments consisted of direct method by total feces collection (TC) and indirect method either by the use of NDFi or ADF by the use of LR or HF as inocula source. The first essay was done with horses fed coast-cross hay exclusively, while for the essay two, the horses were fed of 70% of coast-cross hay and 30% corn grain. For the essay 1, ADFi-HF presented the best marker recuperation rate (RR) (103.67%), being similar to control (TC), while NDFi-RF and ADFi-RF resulted in lower RR (P<0.05), 83.43 and 88.28%, respectively. The ND was adequately estimated by NDFi-HF and ADFi-HF. On the second essay there were no significant effects of the marker type, as well as for the indigestible marker acquirement method, for the marker RR (average value of 101%). The ND was adequately predicted by the ADFi obtained for both innocula source and NDFi obtained by the use of HF as inoculum, for horses fed a mixed diet. It can be concluded that horse feces may be used as inoculum source for the acquirement of NDFi and ADFi in vitro for digestibility determination on horses fed coastcross hay exclusively, as well as for horses fed a mixed diet.


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The porpoise of this study was to evaluate the effects of extracorporeal shock waves in third metacarpus bone from healthy horses by determination of bone elasticity. It were used 20 Thoroughbred horses, male and female, with two years old, on top of training and selected as the state healthy. At the beginning of the experiment (D0), all animals were submitted for evaluation of bone elasticity held in the third metacarpus bone. The animals were divided into two groups (Control Group - CG and Experimental Group - EG). The application of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) was performed on the right forelimb of the animals in the experimental group in the same place evaluated for bone elasticity and was used apparatus for extracorporeal therapy of waves with 0.15 mJ/mm2 energy flux density and 2000 pulses with E6R20 probe, with focus feature of the shock wave of 20 mm. The ESWT were repeated every 21 days, a total of three sessions (D0, D21 and D42). The analysis of bone elasticity determination was realized at D21, D42 and D72. The average of speed ultrasound differed between groups at D21, D42 and D72, and the animals from EG had lower bone mineral density after applications of ESWT. There was also difference in the analysis of bone mass (Z-Score) between the groups at D21 and D42, which animals from EG showed a significant decrease in bone mass. The risk of fracture was higher in animals from experimental group at D21. It was concluded that ESWT is able to promote change in bone mineral density.