143 resultados para Disturbios da aprendizagem nas crianças
This research project aims to study the relationship between the myths and the automobile, the contributions to the literature of fairy tales and the possible contributions of the heroes of fairy tales can bring to the process of teaching and learning defensive behavior in traffic. Traffic is a phenomenon so common to modern societies that often do not pay attention to their relevance as synonymous with social space and contains diversity of people and behaviors. To counter the image of fatalistic accidents and transgressions, will support us in the virtues of the hero figure to culminate in a collective tale in which children want to rethink their behavior, becoming citizens, with a more preventative and better quality of life. The research will be held in four rooms of elementary school in a city public school that serves children from families of the urban popular classes. The research will seek to analyze how the design of transit for the children and what the increase attributed to the theme, after the establishment of a collective story
Here we present the introduction of a range of science´s experimental activities, designed and developed with a focus on the investigative methodology in an interdisciplinary context. The activities have as main theme water and covers topics of heat and temperature, density and states of matter. The relevance of this project is to promote the first contacts of children with Science in an attractive way, and correctly of the scientific point of view, respecting the cognitive level of each child, trying to stimulate the development of hypotheses, creativity and critical thinking, as well as the development of the narrative, descriptive language and drawing. We developed seven lesson plans that were applied in the year of 2012, during three weeks in a school for early childhood education in the city of Bauru. The activities were conducted with fifteen children aged four to six years old together with the teacher responsible for the group. As main contributions in the teaching learning process we cite: acquiring of new vocabulary, progress in the development of hypotheses, development of collective work, evolution of knowledge of the topics covered, and use of the acquired knowledge to new problems and situations
Esta pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa busca informações em diferentes tipos de materiais que não receberam, ainda, nenhum trato científico (OLIVEIRA, 2007), como é o caso específico dos ditados dos alunos. Originou-se no Projeto Bolsa Escola Pública e Universidade na Alfabetização, criado pela Secretária da Educação do Estado de São Paulo, do qual participei como aluna-pesquisadora no ano de 2009. O objetivo principal foi o de averiguar se houve evolução da escrita, em ditados de 23 crianças de um segundo ano do ensino fundamental e, quando houve, se ela foi diferente entre os grupos de palavras constituídas de sílabas simples e complexas. Os ditados analisados constituíam-se de palavras e, em algumas ocasiões, também de frases e foram aplicados pela professora da sala em cinco períodos diferentes do ano letivo: março, abril e junho – primeiro semestre; setembro e novembro – segundo semestre. Os alunos apresentaram diferentes níveis de construção de aprendizagem da escrita entre si e, para caracterizá-los, durante a sua evolução, utilizei os níveis de evolução da escrita de Ferreiro e Teberosky (1999). A pesquisa apresenta relevância, não só ao questionar o uso, ainda hoje, do ditado em sala de aula, como uma prática para avaliar a evolução da escrita da criança, no início do processo de alfabetização, ou como uma prática mecânica, utilizada pelos educadores por ser um tanto cômodo, mas também, ao estabelecer, pelo trabalho do aluno-pesquisador, a relação entre a teoria e a prática, resultando em uma visão mais abrangente da sala de aula, do cotidiano escolar e do processo de alfabetização. Os resultados mostraram que o ditado pode ser utilizado em sala de aula pela professora como um meio para analisar... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
O Projeto EPA! (Educação, Periferia e Arte) é desenvolvido nos bairros de periferia da cidade de Rio Claro, Jardim Bonsucesso e Jardim Novo Wenzel, no interior de São Paulo. A idéia do Projeto surgiu com a possibilidade de acrescentar elementos novos à educação básica das crianças moradoras dos bairros no período contrário ao período escolar, e tem como objetivo proporcionar vivências para os participantes através de uma educação não formal, ou seja, através da arte, oficinas, reflexões e dança (Break), dando-lhes elementos para construírem outras relações com o meio ambiente e consigo mesmos. No segundo semestre de 2007, o BAIRRO foi escolhido como tema para ser trabalhado com as crianças. Foram realizadas diversas atividades de (re)conhecimento do bairro, de fotografias, desenhos, construção de maquetes, leituras e construção de poesias, com o intuito de estimular os diferentes olhares e formas de expressão das crianças com relação aos sentimentos que possuem do espaço (meio) onde vivem, e com relação às propostas que poderiam apresentar para melhoria do bairro. O objetivo geral deste trabalho de conclusão de curso é avaliar e discutir as atividades relacionadas ao tema BAIRRO, na perspectiva do Ensino/Aprendizagem em Educação Ambiental, realizadas no segundo semestre de 2007 no Projeto EPA! Foram utilizados como base para a reflexão e descrição desse trabalho os materiais produzidos pelas crianças durante esse período, os relatórios das atividades enviados para o Laboratório São Lucas, relatos da autora e de referenciais teóricos como Paulo Freire, Bakthin, Marcos Sorrentino, Isabel C. M. Carvalho, entre outros. As discussões foram conduzidas a partir de leituras e reflexões levantadas pela autora ao analisar todo o material.
Learning to read and write at an early stage is the process of transferring the sound form of the spoken language for the graphical form of writing, a process, a time that in our system of alphabetical called writing, the letters are graphical representations in the level of phoneme. So that this representation occurs, it is necessary that the individual already can of some form perceive and manipulate the different sonorous segments of the word. This capacity of perception directed to the segments of the word calls Phonological Awareness. Thus, it was established had for objective to verify the pertaining to school performance of 1ª to 4ª series with and without of learning in Tests of Phonological Awareness. Fourth children with age average of 9 years and 3 months without learning disabilities had been submitted to the Protocol of Phonological Awareness (CIELO, 2002) using of this instrument had participated of this study 80 pertaining to school of both only the phonological tasks. The data received from quantiqualitative approach whose results were extracted inferences. The statistically significant results occurred in the tasks of Realism Face Detection, Syllables, Detecting Phonemes, Phonemic Synthesis and Reversal Phonemic. Based on the results we observed that children without learning difficulties performed better on all tasks mentioned above
The experiences lived in the Read and Write Program (Programa Ler e Escrever), through the scholarship project Public School and University at literacy (Escola Pública e Universidade na alfabetização), were the starting point for the preparation of this research. From this observations obtained in the classroom, it was noticed gaps present in the process of teaching-learning in the system imposed by the state government of Sao Paulo, preponderant factors to understand how and when children learn. This way, was noted that only one literacy proposal to be adopted by all schools revealed not being efective to meet different contexts, also disregards the individuality of each student. Thus, we applied the Paulo Freire's Method with children from Second year (Former First series) adapted in a playful way, during reinforcement classes at state shcool “Torquato Minhoto”, located in Bauru/SP. Sought to promote, properly, the comprehension of the language code and the development of learning in reading and writing. This manner, some barriers prevented a more thorough job covering a wider range of studantes over an extended period, however, the results were generally positives about the startup of literacy
Este trabalho de conclusão de curso tem como objetivo analisar a mídia televisiva, no que diz respeito a seus interesses e programações, levando em consideração a conseqüente relação conflituosa entre esta e as crianças brasileiras, uma vez que a mídia não oferece programas de qualidade que respeitem a diversidade cultural. O trabalho analisa os conteúdos dos programas oferecidos pela mídia e compara-os com o que se propõem a Convenção da ONU realizada em 1989 Sobre os Diretos da Criança, no que diz respeito a mídia em geral. A partir de base teórica busca refletir sobre o impacto das mensagens dos programas de televisão na mente da criança e consequentemente afetando seu desenvolvimento cognitivo, moral e emocional. Sendo que percorrendo esse caminho de análise, procura-se mostrar uma possível reflexão e mudança através da educação para mídia e participação na mesma, envolvendo pais, professores, as políticas públicas e as próprias crianças.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The aim of this work is presenting the development and the results of a research, which focus of interest has been the making of softwares that could help the process of teaching and learning of the hindu-arabic numerals system, on children in the alphabetical stage. Since the most important presupposes to this work are the development of the number concept according to Jean Piaget (1986-1980) and the reality of the classroom, then three different moments have been fixed: the creation of a beginning scheme of computer activities; the aplication of these activities on children in the alphabetical stage; and, finally, an analysis of the limits and possibilities of these activities while an environment cause of actions that would benefit the process of teaching and learning of the mentioned content. Finally, based on the anlysis of the results obtained, the next step was fixing a more consistant set of computer activities, which makes up a proposal to the use of computer in the process of teaching and learning of the first hindu-arabic numbers
School and family are critical contexts to the development of concepts in childhood and few studies are conducted from the report of children when they live in rest-home. The aim of this study was to investigate concepts that children in rest-homes have about school and gender. There were 22 participants, including boys and girls, between 4 and 6 years, who were interviewed with open questions for content analysis. For these children the school was associated with an area of study opportunities, favorable to themselves, although by necessity or obligation, and possibly with the presence of conflicts. The gender was described from biological and psychosocial aspects and children attributed their gender identity at destination, learning and social advantages. Children feel they belong to a gender in a positive way, although by attributing disadvantages to the opposite gender, for example, relating male aggression to violence. Children reproduce some patterns and social characteristics of gender that probably were learned in different contexts. We conclude that studies in this area are important to identify children´s conceptions about school and sexuality, their roles and representations, especially when they live in an environment with such specific features as a rest-home.
Teaching foreign languages, especially English, has been highly valued and widespread in Brazil in recent decades; so many schools now offer it from the earliest grades of Elementary school or already in kindergarten. This fact can be observed mainly through the spread of bilingual schools and private ones in which individuals begin language instruction as earlier as possible. In this article we report the experience developed in the project “Oficina de Inglês para crianças”, conducted at a Child Care Unit in São Carlos Federal University (UFSCar), and that had counted with the use of various pedagogical materials with the goal of providing a first contact of children with the English Language through a fun and enjoyable way.
Mastering reading and writing brings itself social, cultural political, economic, cognitive and linguistic consequences to the learner. Soon, those who do not acquire that knowledge are excluded from the sphere of literate society. Considering this, the objective of this study was to discuss the relation between learning to read and write and in this sense, think about academic performance of students/ children, and to discusses the conceptual advances in literacy area of the permanent necessity to transport them to the teaching practice starting with questions about knowledge, attitudes and pedagogical interventions necessary for literacy teachers and that can serve as a basis for directing the training processes of teachers and to a better understanding of school performance.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC