154 resultados para Conversão de unidades


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Em decorrência dos crescentes problemas ambientais e da perda de biodiversidade, diversas discussões tem ocorrido em todo o mundo com o objetivo de criar estratégias que solucionem ou minimizem tais problemas. O estabelecimento de áreas de proteção consiste em uma das estratégias já consagradas entretanto, sua concepção como ilhas isoladas tem se apresentado cada vez mais ineficiente. Reconhecendo as inter-dependências dos processos ecológicos, que se apresentam em diferentes escalas, tem crescido a concepção de gestão territorial integrada para as áreas de proteção, nas quais o manejo dos recursos naturais consideram, igualmente, a preservação da biodiversidade, o incentivo ao desenvolvimento sustentável e a valorização das dimensões sociais. Dentre os instrumentos propiciam a gestão integrada dos recursos naturais, tem-se os mosaicos de UC. No Brasil, os escassos remanescentes de Mata Atlântica representam áreas de grande preocupação ambiental, uma vez que estes ainda abrigam considerável parcela da biodiversidade mundial. O continnum ecológico de Paranapiacaba é um dos maiores e mais importantes remanescentes de Mata Atlântica e é composto por diversas UCs. Diante deste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as possibilidades e limites de uma proposta de criação de um Mosaico de UC na região deste continuum ecológico. Para tanto documentos diversos foram analisados e foram realizadas entrevistas com os gestores das UCs e com os moradores dos bairros localizados no entorno destas UCs. Percebeu-se que a relação entre os moradores do entorno e as UCs ainda precisam ser estreitadas, a fim de tornar estas UCs espaços de relevante interesse e utilização para os moradores auxiliando na resolução dos conflitos existentes. Os gestores entrevistados apontaram diversas vantagens da gestão integrada e acreditam que no continuum ecológico de Paranapiacaba existam diversos fatores favoráveis


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A Fundação para a Conservação e a Produção Florestal do Estado de São Paulo – Fundação Florestal, órgão vinculado a secretaria do Meio Ambiente, tem por objetivo contribuir para a conservação, manejo e ampliação das florestas de proteção e produção do Estado de São Paulo. A regional de Botucatu atua na gestão de Unidades de Conservação (UC), sendo elas a APA (Área de Proteção Ambiental) Corumbataí – Botucatu - Tejupá, a APA Ibitinga e a APA Rio Batalha. APA é uma UC de uso sustentável destinada a proteger e conservar a qualidade ambiental e os sistemas naturais ali existentes. Além disso, atua também na criação de Unidades de Conservação, em especial as RPPNs (Reservas Particulares do Patrimônio Natural), que é uma categoria de UC privada, com o objetivo de conservar a diversidade biológica. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo descrever as atividades realizadas durante o período de estágio, em especial aquelas voltadas ao Programa RPPN Paulistas da Fundação Florestal. Sabendo que a RPPN representa uma importante participação da sociedade na conservação da biodiversidade e da grande dificuldade encontrada pelos proprietários na gestão de sua reserva, com o objetivo de ampliar as estratégias do Programa RPPN Paulistas, foi desenvolvido uma entrevista com os proprietários mediante um questionário, estruturado em 5 partes, sendo elas: quanto à criação da RPPN, quanto à gestão da RPPN (Plano de Proteção e Plano de Manejo), quanto às atividades desenvolvidas na reserva, quanto ao grau de satisfação, e comentários finais, críticas e sugestões. Das 62 RPPNs reconhecidas no Estado de São Paulo, 21 proprietários participaram da pesquisa. Foi identificada a importância de parcerias entre proprietários de RPPN e as universidades. A existência de pesquisas científicas é bastante positiva, tanto para a RPPN, visto que ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Measurement units are used almost automatically nowadays, but few people know the origin of the units of length (meter), mass (kilogram) and time (second). And do not care to know what were anciently units of which our ancestors used, the difficulties that existed to make a set of measures. The aim of this work is to make a historical approach, through various units of measure. They are old, unusual to others that have been forgotten since the standardization of meters, and is also discussed about the metric system Englih (Once and foot), AV system (eg pound grain) that are still used in some countries like United States and England, the Troy system consisting of units of measure for precious stones and metals (eg gold and diamond) are also cited some physical concepts as reference: inertial, non-inertial; mass: gravity, relativistic, inertial


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The goal of this study was to apprehend conceptualizations and professional experiences concerning child maltreatment as reported by physicians and nurses working for the Family Health Strategy implemented in a medium-sized city in São Paulo state. It is a descriptive qualitative study in which 20 professionals were included and semi-structured taped interviews were used. The data obtained were analyzed according to the Collective Subject Discourse and systematized into five themes: Conceptualizations of child maltreatment; Professional training to work in this field; Professional experiences related to such aggravations; Difficult and easy aspects faced during care provision to child maltreatment in the Family Health Strategy; Proposals to promote child safety. It was concluded that care provision to such aggravation types by family health units is configured as an important strategy to promote child safety and support families in relation to this issue. However, it was observed that, in order to qualify professionals for such care provision, it is necessary to invest in continuing education for the multiprofessional team. Also, municipal policies concerning care provision to child abuse, particularly in the organization of integrated work of the health care, education, social welfare and justice sectors must be urgently established by actively including the general society in such process


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This work aims to kinematic and dynamic analysis of a VW Saveiro in order to estimate the power requested to the engine with the imposed movement conditions. Thus, the study will be the basis to the specification of the electric engine, on the conversion of the internal combustion vehicle into electric one. First of all, a literature review was done in order to understand the state of the art for this issue and come up with the technical features of the vehicle in question. The next step is the identification and calculation of all forces acting on the prototype in motion, from 0 to 120 km/h, in intervals of 10 km/h, under the defined conditions of path and time. Then, were determined the values of the torque and rotation of the components from the transmission system, as well as the engine power, for each speed range. The results show the most influential forces on the resistence of the movement in each speed range, and the behavior of the torque curve is verified. Finally, it was also analyzed the implementation of pinwheels on the frontal area of the vehicle, in order to convert wind energy into electrical energy to supply the lighting subsystem of the vehicle and the proposal was validated. Limiting the maximum speed of the vehicle to 90 km/h, it was finally concluded that the power of the electric engine should be 40 HP


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The current concern with environmental issues by the scientific community, governmental and civil society also brings out the need to recover, preserve and conserve the environment. With this understanding, this work was prepared, which had as one of the main objectives of the historical process of land use and occupancy of the Pontal, since the nineteenth century to the present day. From this, the changes were evident in the types of land use, which rose from native forest to plant crops (permanent and temporary crops) and later as pasture. Through this process of occupation, exploitation of forests and replacement even three, Reserves being brought from the Far West Paulista, through the state government of Sao Paulo, they were almost decimated. Such areas decreed by law to be preserved and conserved, with the rampant occupations, were suffocated by the fakes and illegal occupation of land tenure contracts, leaving the region currently only a few forest fragments and protected areas of State Park Morro do Diabo, PRNP Boa Vista and Ecological Station Black Lion Tamarin. Furthermore, the article emphasizes the main legislation being developed by federal and state levels aimed at protecting natural resources and the effectiveness they had with the passage of time, demonstrating that the conservation of the environment, has several contributions in the law, however, and they are so vast that hinder its application.


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Os processos geomorfológicos são responsáveis pelas formas do relevo, constituindo uma das dimensões do substrato físico para o desenvolvimento das atividades antrópicas. O conhecimento e a identificação dos mecanismos destes processos podem contribuir para o entendimento das dinâmicas naturais e das ações humanas sobre a superfície terrestre. Desta forma, objetivo desse trabalho de pesquisa foi identificar e caracterizar as principais unidades geomorfológicas do baixo curso do rio Paranapanema, a partir da utilização dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) e do uso de geotecnologias. No SIG foram realizadas as seguintes etapas da pesquisa: processamento digital das imagens de radar, georreferenciamento dos dados, delimitação e compilação da área de estudo e elaboração dos mapas temáticos. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados fundamentaram-se basicamente nos conceitos de morfoestrutura e morfoescultura para classificação e taxonomia do relevo, desenvolvidos por Jurandir L. S. Ross (1992). As classes de dissecação do relevo, carta clinográfica e hipsometria da bacia foram obtidas a partir do processamento de cartas topográficas e imagens de radar da missão SRTM. Os resultados apresentados na forma de mapas, gráficos e tabelas permitiram analisar e caracterizar os processos geomorfológicos atuantes na bacia do baixo Paranapanema, com maior riqueza de detalhe (1: 250 000)


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Changes are occurring worldwide, including the area of positioning using Global Navigation Satellite Systems in mobile devices such as mobile phones or laptops. This is due to the great improvement and availability of Internet services to these mobile devices. The accuracy and speed of data transmission for these devices makes the technology of sending / receiving data via an internet targeted for optimization. The optimization could allow obtaining, in real-time, coordinates (latitude, longitude and altitude) of suitable quality for users of GPS (Global Positioning System) devices that have wireless Internet access, such as those used to control the eet, locomotion, navigation, agriculture, etc. . The use of the protocol NTRIP (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) in GPS applications is growing every day. Applications are available in C, which creates an opportunity for development with a focus on multiplatform environments. In this context, we propose an application, implemented in a multiplatform environment and the use of NTRIP, able to run on a mobile device for receiving GNSS data


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In this paper we consider a broad conception of phraseology to propose a description and analysis of phraseological units of stemming diacritical Spanish / Portuguese bilingual dictionaries. The focus of the analysis seeks to show not only the organization of the macro-structure proposed by two different lexicographical works, but also to discuss the use of labels and equivalences presented. Phraseological units are understood here as diacritical phraseologisms containing unique lexias, lacking syntactic and semantic autonomy recognized by speaker only within fixed expressions.


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One of the ways of Geography is the study of the relationship between man and space, so that the question of the preservation of the environment and yours attributes is increasingly standing out in society. The State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade is a conservation of sustainable use, so with this category aims to reconcile nature conservation with sustainable use of a portion of its resources, and a place that has many direct and indirect benefits to the interconnected environment . Therefore, the object of study is the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, highlighting its Public Use Area. This work has as main objective to measure the importance of the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, in the view of visitors, and present some key aspects of the unit in relation to its attractions. Thus, we seek the appreciation of the history of the city of Rio Claro and qualities of the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade


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The gas turbine (GT) is known to have: low cost of capital over the amount of energy, high flexibility, high reliability, short delivery time, commissioning and commercial operation at the beginning and quick departure. The gas turbine is also recognized for its superior environmental performance, manifested in air pollution containment and reducing greenhouse gases (Mahi, 1994). Gas turbines in simple cycle mode (SC) have long been used by utilities to limited power generation peak. In addition, manufacturing facilities use gas turbines for power generation units on site, often in combination with the process of heat production, such as hot water and steam process. In recent years, the performance of industrial gas turbines has been improved due to significant investments in research and development, in terms of fuel to electricity conversion efficiency, plant capacity, availability and reliability. The greater availability of energy resources such as natural gas (NG), the significant reduction of capital costs and the introduction of advanced cycles, have also been a success factor for the increased use of gas turbines to load applications base (Poulikas, 2004). Open Cycle Gas Turbine with a greater degree of heat to the atmosphere may alternatively be used to produce additional electricity using a steam cycle, or to compose a cogeneration process. The combined cycle (CC) uses the heat from the gas turbine exhaust gas to increase the power output and increase the overall efficiency of more than 50% second (Najjar, 2001). The initial discovery of these cycles in the commercial power generation market was possible due to the development of the gas turbine. Only from the 1970s that gas turbine inlet temperature and therefore the exhaust gas temperature was sufficiently high to allow a better efficiency in the combined cycle ... (Complete Abstract click electronic access below)


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Energy efficiency is an increasingly important issue due to the current scenario where increasing demand is growing faster than the energy supplied. It is important, therefore, analyze and minimize electrical system losses. This study conducts a comparison of a system formed by a photovoltaic generator feeding an LED lamp directly without steps DC-AC -DC conversion, and a system using these conversion steps for the same lamp power. Losses in conversion steps are quantified and the degradation of power quality occurred due to conversion is evaluated


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)