238 resultados para Clinical diagnosis


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Delay in diagnosis of pulmonary and other forms of tuberculosis (TB) can be fatal, particularly in HIV-infected patients. Hence, techniques based on nucleic acid amplification, which are both rapid and of high specificity and sensitivity, are now widely used and recommended for laboratories that diagnose TB. In the present study, diagnostic methods based on mycobacterial DNA amplification were evaluated in comparative trials alongside tradicional bacterial methods, using negative smear samples from patients with clinically-suspected TB (sputum samples from 25 patients with suspected pulmonary TB, urine samples from two patients with suspected renal TB and cerebrospinal fluid samples from one patient with suspected meningeal TB). A specificity of 100% was achieved with DNA amplification methods and tradicional culture/identification methods, in relation to clinical findings and treatment results. For the smear-negative sputa, conventional PCR for M. tuberculosis was positive in 62% of suspected lung TB case, showing the same sensitivity as bacterial identification. Both techniques failed in the detection of extra-pulmonary samples. Nested PCR showed, after species-specific amplification, a sensitivity of 100% for M. avium and 85% for M. tuberculosis. For extra-pulmonary smear-negative samples, only Nested PCR detected M. tuberculosis and all cases were confirmed clinically. Nested PCR, in which two-step amplification reactions are performed, can identify the two most important mycobacteria in human pathology quickly and directly from clinical spicimens.


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Nevoid basal cell carcinoma (NBCCS) or Gorlin-Goltz syndrome (GS) is a multidisciplinary problem, the early diagnosis of which allows secondary prophylaxis that follows an appropriate regimen to delay progression of the syndrome. The aim of this study was to present a case of delayed diagnosis of GS in a young patient who received multidisciplinary treatment 5 years after onset. The patient presented for evaluation with painless swelling of the left maxilla. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of a keratocyst odontogenic tumor (KOT) that was enucleated. On presentation, the patient’s symptoms and clinical signs were not related to complications of GS, and the possibility of GS was initially rejected, as he did not have a family history of the syndrome. Four years after the first surgery to remove the lesion, the patient came to our clinic with a brown, pigmented lesion. Computed tomography revealed ectopic lamellar calcification of the falx cerebri, which was the conclusive factor for the diagnosis of GS. It is important that clinicians recognize the clinical signs of GS, which mainly manifests itself as multiple basal cell carcinomas in the skin.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Doria, R.G.S.; Canola, P.A.; Freitas, S.H. & Canola, J.C. [Equine chronic proliferative synovitis (villonodular synovitis): clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic aspects: Relate of case.] Sinovite proliferativa cronica (sinovite vilonodular) em equino: aspectos clinicos, radiograficos e ultra-sonograficos: Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinciria 30(3):157-161, 2008. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade de Cuiaba, UNIC, Av. Antartica 788, Casa 26, Residencial Villas Boas, Ribeirao da Ponte, Cuiaba, MT 78040-500. Brasil. E-mail: redoria@uol.com.brThe development of intracapsullar masses at the dorsal aspect of the metacarpofalangeal joint for a period of several months is commonly secondary to the chronic synovitis. Although it is known as villonodular synovitis in horses probably is better to refer it as chronic proliferative synovitis. The most common causes are the non-treated osteocondral fractures of the dorsal portion of the proximal phalanx. In addition, the development of villonodular masses follows the degenerative process in the joint. A case of a lame animal is reported at the present study. The correct diagnosis and the adequate therapeutic propositions were given based on the clinical examination, therapeutic local-anesthetic test and radioghaphic and ultrasonographic imaging exams. The development of a criterious identification of this disease must be based on clinical findings, radiographic and ultrasonographic exams which assume fundamental importance to the treatment and prognostic. The aim of this study is to describe the clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic findings' allowing the identification and diagnosis of chronic proliferative synovitis at the thoracic metacarpofalangeal joint in the horse.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This review discusses the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and current therapeutic options for venous ulcer. Venous ulcer is a severe clinical manifestation of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). It is responsible for about 70% of chronic ulcers of the lower limbs. The high prevalence of venous ulcer has a significant socioeconomic impact in terms of medical care, days off work and reduced quality of life. Long-term therapeutics are needed to heal venous ulcers and recurrence is quite common, ranging from 54 to 78%. Thrombophlebitis and trauma with long-term immobilization predisposing to deep venous thrombosis are important risk factors for CVI and venous ulcer. The most recent theories about pathogenesis of venous ulcer have associated it with microcirculatory abnormalities and generation of an inflammatory response. Management of venous leg ulcers is based on understanding the pathogenesis. In recent years novel therapeutic approaches for venous ulcers have offered valuable tools for the management of patients with this disorder.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of hypothyroidism in a sample of hyperlipemic patients and evaluate clinical and laboratory factors indicative of thyropathy among them. METHODS: Fifty-one hyperlipemic patients, grouped according to an earlier or recent diagnosis of their thyroid function into euthyroid and hypothyroid, were evaluated with clinical and laboratory examinations of blood levels of free T4 and TSH (by radioimmunoassay). Patients were on average 46.8±11.7 years old, predominantly of the female sex (62.5%); 31% had a previous diagnosis of hypothyroidism and were under treatment with thyroxin. RESULTS: Fourteen three percent of patients analyzed had hypothyroidism, which had not been detected before. Differentiating attributes of the groups analyzed were: a predominance of females among the hypothyroid patients and a higher HDL serum concentration among those recently diagnosed. CONCLUSION: In the present study, new cases of hypothyroidism in hyperlipemic patients were a frequent occurrence, yet few clinical and laboratory data except tests evaluating free T4 and TSH in the blood indicated which patients had thyroid dysfunction.


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Heart failure is a frequent complication of myocardial infarction. Several factors, such as recurrent myocardial ischemia, infarct size, ventricular remodeling, stunned myocardium, mechanical complications, and hibernating myocardium influence the appearance of left ventricular systolic dysfunction after myocardial infarction. Importantly, its presence increases the risk of death by at least 3- to 4-fold. The knowledge of the mechanisms and clinical features are essential for the diagnosis and treatment of left ventricular dysfunction and heart failure after myocardial infarction. Therefore, this review will focus on the clinical implications and treatment of heart failure after myocardial infarction.


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A degeneração hepatocerebral adquirida (AHD) e a degeneração hepatolenticular podem ter apresentações clínicas semelhantes, mas quando uma doença hepática crônica e achados motores atípicos coexistem, a distinção entre AHD e encefalopatia hepática (HE) pode ser ainda mais complicada. Descrevemos três casos de AHD (dois tendo HE) com diferentes achados em neuroimagem, doenças hepáticas distintas e apresentações motoras semelhantes, todos com hipertensão arterial e perda de peso antes das manifestações motoras. O diagnóstico e a fisiopatologia são comentados e comparados com relatos prévios. Concluímos que existem muitas correlações entre HE, degeneração hepatolenticular e AHD, mas a sobreposição de HE e AHD pode ser mais comum dependendo do conhecimento clínico e da acurácia dos critérios diagnósticos adotados para cada enfermidade. Como a AHD não é considerada prioridade na lista de transplante hepático, o prognóstico dos pacientes com AHD permanece ruim, e a interrupção do fluxo nos shunts portossistêmicos deve ser sempre considerada.


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Queratoses actínicas são neoplasias benignas intraepiteliais formadas por proliferações atípicas de queratinócitos com potencial de transformação em carcinoma espinocelular. Desenvolvem-se em áreas fotoexpostas da pele, são induzidas principalmente pela radiação ultravioleta e constituem marcadores de exposição solar crônica. Acometem indivíduos adultos e idosos, de fototipos claros, representando o quarto diagnóstico dermatológico mais comum no Brasil. Danos nas vias de apoptose do epitélio fotoexposto favorecem a proliferação celular e manutenção das lesões. Nesta revisão os autores reúnem os principais dados epidemiológicos sobre a doença e defendem que estratégias de identificação de fenótipos de risco, diagnóstico precoce, tratamento adequado, seguimento clínico, incentivo ao autoexame da pele, fotoeducação e fotoproteção devem ser promovidas, a fim de evitar a evolução das lesões, e também prevenir e diagnosticar neoplasias concomitantes também induzidas pela radiação solar.


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O artigo revisa os conceitos diagnósticos e de classificação da micose fungóide e da síndrome de Sézary a luz das publicações normativas mais recentes. Descreve a grande variabilidade de expressão clinica da micose fungóide em seus estágios iniciais assim como os aspectos histopatológicos e imuno-histoquímicos auxiliares ao diagnóstico. São descritos os critérios de diagnósticos exigidos para que se caracterize a síndrome de Sézary e o sistema de estadiamento, utilizado para ambas, micose fungóide e síndrome de Sézary.


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Malassezia folliculitis is an inflammatory disorder observed in both immunocompetent and immunosuppressed patients. The authors describe an unusual and exuberant presumed case affecting the face, trunk and upper limbs of a 12-year-old nonimmunosuppressed patient. Although the agent was not identified by culture, the clinical and histopathological aspects plus the response to specific treatment support the diagnosis of Malassezia folliculitis. The only possible predisponent cause observed on the patient was greasy skin. Repetitive cultures were negative. Treatment with itraconazol promoted apparent cure, however, the patient relapsed twelve months later.


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There is an urgent need to find consensus on screening, diagnosing and treating all degrees of DYSGLYCEMIA that may occur during pregnancies in Brazil, considering that many cases of DYSGLYCEMIA in pregnant women are currently not diagnosed, leading to maternal and fetal complications. For this reason the Brazilian Diabetes Society (SBD) and the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Societies (FEBRASGO), got together to introduce this proposal. We present here a joint consensus regarding the standardization of clinical management for pregnant women with any degree of Dysglycemia, on the basis of current information, to improve medical assistance and to avoid related complications of Dysglycemia in pregnancy to the mother and the fetus. This consensus aims to standardize the diagnosis among general practitioners, endocrinologists and obstetricians allowing the dissemination of information in basic health units, public and private services, that are responsible for screening, diagnosing and treating disglycemic pregnant patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the clinical, pathological, immunohistochemical and imaging characteristics of hydatidiform mole in ectopic pregnancy (HMEP) in all the cases admitted to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital of Caracas (HUC), Central University of Venezuela.STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective and comparative study, based on clinical records review of 2 groups: 10 cases with a diagnosis of HMEP and 20 cases with intrauterine hydatidiform mole (IUHM) admitted to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of HUC from 1996 to 2010. Clinical, pathological, immunohistochemical and imaging features were analyzed.RESULTS: The prevalence of HMEP in this study was 0.14:1,000 pregnancies; in this group the mean age was 28.8 years, and the mean gestational age at admission was 8.6 weeks. Both groups (HMEP and IUHM) were comparable in these last variables. Abdominal pain and genital bleeding were the most common clinical symptoms in the HMEP group, while it was vaginal bleeding in the IUHM group. Ultrasound findings were similar to those traditionally described in nonmolar ectopic pregnancy. Histology and immunohistochemistry showed that all cases of HMEP were partial mole.CONCLUSION: Although in this study the prevalence of HMEP was high, the size of the sample limits definitive conclusions. This study concludes that all cases of HMEP are partial mole. (J Reprod Med 2012;57:329-332)