143 resultados para Características estruturais


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The analysis of both morphogenetic and structural characteristics of pasture allows us to understand the response patterns of the plant to the environment. Thus, this study was conducted to evaluate the associations between the morphogenetic and structural characteristics of Brachiaria decumbens under continuous grazing by cattle. The development of individual tillers in pastures was evaluated under two grazing management strategies during three seasons (winter, spring and summer). Pearson correlations between variables were estimated. The lengths of leaf and stem, number of tillers and leaves per tiller, rates of leaf appearance and elongation of leaf and stem of B. decumbens were positively correlated. There was a negative relationship between appearance and lifespan of leaves (r = -0.89). However, positive correlations between leaf appearance rate and number of tillers (r = 0.64) and between length of stem and leaf senescence rate (r = 0.63) were determined. The B. decumbens modifies its morphogenesis to better adapt to climate and grazing management.


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The effect of two topdressing nitrogen doses was evaluated on the morphogenetic and structural characteristics of sorghum hybrids (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) BRS 801 and 0734006, cultivated in vases in open-air conditions. A completely randomized design was used with four treatments arranged in factorial outline 2x2 (two sorghum hybrids and two nitrogen doses, 50 and 100 kg ha-1), with eight replications per treatment. There was a significant effect of interaction hybrid x fertilization on the leaf appearance rate, the hybrid BRS 801 being more responsive to the increased nitrogen dose. The phyllochron, the total number of leaves and leaf elongation rate, were influenced both by nitrogen doses and by hybrids. The leaf senescence rate was not influenced by factors fertilization and hybrids. These variations in morphogenetic and structural characteristics between the hybrids and/or nitrogen doses, probably indicate that hybrids respond in a different way to topdressing.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of residual leaf area index (rLAI), years of evaluation and grazing cycles on the morphogenetic and structural characteristics of xaraés palisadegrass subjected to grazing intensities in two summers (years of evaluation). The experiment was carried out at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brasil and the intensities of grazing were defined by four rLAI: 0.8, 1.3, 1.8 and 2.3. When the canopy intercepted 95% of incident light, the animals were placed on the pasture for grazing and kept until the rLAI target has been reached. Pastures were grazed by non-lactating Holstein cows (Bos Taurus Taurus L.), using the technique of mob-stocking. The morphogenetic and structural characteristics of xaraés palisadegrass respond effectively to weather conditions. There is variability in morphogenetic and structural characteristics in response to years and grazing cycles within years.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The organic fertilizer can be a viable alternative in the production of forage grasses, however there is little information regarding doses and composition of the major organic fertilizers. The aim of this paper was to verify the influence of the different doses of organic compost produced from two types of poultry litter on the structural, morphogenetic and productive characteristics of Brachiaria brizantha cv 'Piatã'. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in a completely randomized design in a factorial scheme l with parcel subdivided in time. The parcels were composed by six treatments: two types of compost (poultry litter based in sugar cane and napier grass) in three doses (100, 200 and 300kg ha-1 equivalent N.) and the subparcels by the four different periods of cut. The composts were applied in a unique dose, after the uniformization cut, at the quantities: 11,36 and 11,83, 22,73 and 23,67, 34,09 and 35,50 g pot-1 for the poultry litter based in sugar cane and napier grass, respectively which are equivalent to the rates of 0, 100, 200 and 300kg ha-1 of N. The variables measured were: dry matter production (DMP), leaf appearance rate (LApR), phyllochron, leaf elongation dose (LER) and shoots elongation rate (SER), number of green leaves (NGL), final size of the leaf (FSL). No significant difference between the types of composts and in the interaction compost x doses was observed, thus, both could be used without the risk of loss in the use of the nutrients by the plants evaluated in the experiment. There was a significant difference between the DMP, LApR, phyllochron, LER, SER, NGL and FSL because of the increasing rates of nitrogen, followed by a linear model of prediction. The effect of the periods of slaughter was also observed, where the slaughters carried out in the summer presented a better performance over the morphogenetic and structural features evaluated.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the rate of leaf appearance, leaf elongation rate, number of green leaves, length of blade and stem of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu under different nitrogen levels and two residue heights. A randomized block design was used in a 4 x 2 factorial scheme, four doses of nitrogen (100, 200, 300 and 400 kg N ha(-1) year(-1)) and two residue heights (5 and 15 cm). There was significant interaction between residue height and nitrogen levels for leaf appearance rate of signal grass, which was influenced negatively and linearly by the residue heights being observed an average reduction of 28.20% from lower to higher residue. There was no interaction between the levels of nitrogen x residue height on the number of green leaves. The dosage that provided the highest stalk in the residue height of 5 cm was of 271.5 kg N ha(-1). An increase of 0.0745 cm tiller(-1) day(-1) for 1 kg of N ha(-1) applied to height of 15 cm of residue was observed. Nitrogen fertilization contributes positively to growth and development of rates of appearance and leaf extension. The management of pasture of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu with 5 cm of residue and fertilization with 100 kg N ha(-1) provided better answer morphogenic traits.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações estruturais e produtivas de capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) em resposta à suplementação alimentar de bovinos e a ciclos de pastejo. Os níveis de suplementação com concentrado à base de polpa cítrica, milho, farelo de soja e ureia foram 0,2, 0,6 e 1% do peso vivo. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com arranjo em parcelas subdivididas no tempo, com os níveis de suplementação nas parcelas e os ciclos de pastejo nas subparcelas. Os efeitos da suplementação alimentar dos animais sobre o pasto foram detectados sobre o índice de área foliar, interceptação luminosa e relação folha/colmo, em pré-pastejo. Os menores valores foram observados na suplementação de 0,2% do peso vivo. No pós-pastejo, a massa de folhas e a relação folha/colmo foram menores com a menor suplementação (0,2%). Os ciclos de pastejo afetaram as características produtivas e estruturais do pasto, bem como os índices morfogênicos do capim-marandu. Apenas a massa de material morto aumentou, enquanto o número e o peso de perfilhos não foi afetado pelos ciclos de pastejo. O pasto de capim-marandu foi influenciado pela suplementação alimentar dos bovinos. Com o suceder dos ciclos de pastejo, do verão para o outono, há redução do crescimento do pasto, com prejuízos à sua estrutura.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar diferentes doses de efluente de abatedouro avícola para proporcionar melhorias nas características produtivas, morfogênicas e estruturais do capim-piatã. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, adotando-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em que foram testadas cinco doses de efluentes: 324, 648, 972, 1.296 e 1620m³ ha-1 ou equivalente a 50, 100, 150, 200 e 250kg ha-1 de N. As variáveis mensuradas foram: produção de matéria seca (MS), taxa de aparecimento de folha (TApF), taxa de alongamento de folha (TAlF), filocrono, taxa de alongamento de pseudocolmo (TAlC), comprimento final de folha (CFF) e números de folhas verdes (NFV). A produção de MS seguiu um modelo linear de predição em função das doses efluente avícola, em que o tratamento com 250kg ha-1 de N foi 55% maior, quando comparado com o tratamento de 50kg ha-1 de N. Todas as características morfogênicas e estruturais avaliadas com exceção do filocrono apresentaram comportamento linear positivo. Dessa forma, o efluente de abatedouro avícola pode ser utilizado como uma alternativa para adubação do capim-piatã, pois este respondeu de maneira crescente até a dose máxima testada.


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A região epididimária do pombo doméstico compreende a parte principal da rede testicular, os dúctulos eferentes do testículo e o ducto epididimário. Os canais epiteliais da rede testicular são contínuos com o segmento extratesticular da rede, o qual, por sua vez, é seqüente com os dúctulos eferentes proximais e distais e, finalmente, o ducto epididimário se forma em continuidade aos eferentes distais. O epitélio de revestimento deste sistema tubular extratesticular é cúbico simples na rede testicular e pseudo-estratificado colunar nos outros ductos da região epididimária, com células ciliadas e não-ciliadas presentes principalmente nos dúctulos eferentes. As características ultra-estruturais das células epiteliais dos túbulos da região epididimária do pombo, com base comparativa, permitiram inferir que a reabsorção de fluido seminífero parece ser a função principal dessas células, embora outros papéis citofisiológicos foram também propostos, tais como: endocitose adsorptiva, ciliogênese, e possivelmente secreção apócrina nas células não-ciliadas escuras.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)