124 resultados para Cancelamento de registro de companhia aberta
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Cats are gradually occupying a more important position as pets and this preference is a result of how easy cat maintenance in an urban environment is, even though they are very prolific and need surgical sterilization. This paper aims at evaluating obtained data within 15 years of research in a university service program that offers free cats sterilization surgery. We carried out a statistical analysis of data shown in the records of animals treated by the program. Surgical sterilization was performed on 647 animals (409 females – 63% and 238 males – 37%). Unilateral cryptorchidism was observed in 9 (3.8%) male cats. Forty (10%) female cats were pregnant at the time of the surgery and the treatment with contraceptives was observed in 67 (16.4%) female cats. One death occurred during anesthesia recovery and 2 cats were euthanized because of wound infection, totalizing an amount of 0.5% of severe complications. From 1996 to 2004, 212 female cats were spayed (122 adults and 90 prepubertal) and during that time two different approaches for ovariohysterectomy were compared: flank laparotomy and ventral midline celiotomy. The flank laparotomy approach was used in only 46 female cats (21.7%) due to some disadvantages observed – the need of an incision on each flank in prepubertal or nulliparous animals and the difficulty or impossibility of total uterus removal. In the same period, 105 male cats underwent orchiectomy via an open technique in which the spermatic cord was linked with nylon thread. From 2005 to 2010, 197 females (106 adults and 91 prepubertal) were spayed. The minilaparotomy technique was used to perform ovariohysterectomy on 139 female cats (70.6%). In this procedure, ovaries and uterus were exteriorized in a blind fashion with a hook through a small midline incision. The traditional midline ovariohysterectomy, which incision length permits direct visualization of the ovaries and uterus, had to be performed in 58 (29.4%) female cats due to advanced pregnancy, full urinary bladder during surgery or obesity. Over the past 6 years, 133 male cats (48 adults and 85 prepubertal) were castrated by means of an open technique in which the spermatic cord was tied to itself. The demand for surgeries during the project demonstrated that people are becoming aware concerning the importance of sterilization when facing cat overpopulation and abandonment.
Population aging and environmental protection have gained special importance after the economic, demographic and social recent changes. The objective of this paper was to promote theoretical and reflective review with emphasis on convergence between sustainable development and educational activities promoted by the University of the Third Age. We conducted a literature review to give full articles from the descriptors: aged, sustainable development indicators and environmental protection, published in English, Spanish and Portuguese, between January 1994 and June 2014, in national and international journals on the basis LiIlacs, Bireme and Medline. We used systematic data collection for sample analysis. The results indicate that the University of the Third Age develops teaching, research and extension, through actions based on aging and educational assumptions. In this context, environmental education is presented as a pedagogical process capable of awakening the critical capacity of the elderly, making it active social worker and leading him to a cultural design which ensures establishment of sustainable harmonious relationship with nature. It was concluded that the University of the Third Age contributes to initiatives that emphasize the relationships between systems and economic processes or social and natural processes, generating the construction of social values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and skills aimed at the conservation of the environment.
Introdução: o tratamento com implantes dentários para a reposição de dentes na região estética exige a utilização de materiais e técnicas que permitam o máximo de naturalidade entre a restauração, os dentes vizinhos e o tecido gengival. Dessa forma, torna-se necessário criar o correto perfil de emergência para o dente, assim como a utilização de materiais com alto potencial estético. Objetivo: o objetivo do presente trabalho foi ilustrar, através de um caso clínico, a utilização de uma técnica de moldagem para a correta cópia do perfil de emergência do dente e sua transferência para o modelo de trabalho, tornando possível a confecção de uma restauração totalmente cerâmica, perfeitamente integrada ao tecido gengival. Caso clínico: paciente de 30 anos, procurou o clínica de prótese dentária com desejo de melhorar a estética dos dentes. Após diagnóstico e planejamento, foram confeccionadas 2 coroas totalmente cerâmicas sobre os dentes 12 e 21, e confecção de 1 coroa cerâmica sobre um pilar de zircônia após o estabelecimento e registro do perfil de emergência do dente 11. Conclusão: após a conclusão do tratamento, observou-se naturalidade, estética e perfeita integração entre as restaurações, os dentes remanescentes e o tecido gengival.
Dental plaque is the principal etiological agent of periodontal disease, one of oral diseases more prevalent in the world. Due existence of relation between periodontal disease and oral hygiene, on the point of periodontal view, it was developed a growing interesting by experimental research and by clinical investigations. The knowledge of problem, its extension, severity, hypothetic cause is so valuable to establish prevention, control and treatment acts. In this form, the use of plaque index becomes more and more often, being valuable the determination of discriminatory power of them. The aim of this work was to describe and analyze principal forms to register of dental plaque aiming to subsidize the researcher and dental surgeon on adoption of most adequate method for their case. Data bases: Medline, Lilacs and BBO were consulted without limit to identify the format of register of each index described on literature. It was observed the use of Oral Hygiene Index on diverse ways like: clinical evaluation of dental plaque, in products evaluation works and dental Office; patients monitoring; instruction about hygiene and oral hygiene technique. It was noted that dental plaque indexes are useful and allows the register of different forms point out the importance of its use on clinical and researches practice.
The world is aging. This subject is becoming more and more present on the communication media. The future journalists must be made aware of this phenomena that involves a important change in the society. One of the ways can be the study of the empowerment and Social Capital Formation techniques, using the new Information and Communication Technologies, or following the example of the Open Universities to the Third Age that are appearing all over the world. In this article we’ll study the case of “Programa Universitario para Mayores” (University Program for the Grown ups), at Seville University (Spain).
This paper proposes a reflection of media’s role and its relationship with global phenomena of demographic aging. From a critical point of view of empowerment’s concepts and social capital, it suggests that journalists can give more visibility to the perspective of senior citizens’ inclusion in social life through a better use of ICTs and the insertion of more diverse subjects such as universities opened to Third Age. It suggests also that this theme should be developed in training future professionals, so the media can enhance others representations of excluded groups with more social responsibility.
O presente trabalho analisa as tendências apontadas pela configuração de uma sociedade pós-industrial colocando em cheque o atual modelo de TV aberta no Brasil. Com isto, toda relação entre a televisão e a audiência está se reconfigurando e estratégias estão surgindo na tentativa de se manter os mesmos níveis de recepção da TV analógica. Este artigo busca chamar a atenção para estas transformações e sua relação com a nova audiência.
Cinco anos após o início das transmissões da TV Digital no Brasil, faltando próximo há três anos para o desligamento da transmissão analógica, observou-se o empenho das emissoras e da indústria de equipamentos para televisão, no que tange a substituição da atual tecnologia de produção, registro, edição e exibição de sons e imagens, inclusive em alta definição, da implantação dos equipamentos para transmissão, retransmissão e, principalmente, o impacto para o telespectador, que deverá se preparar para a recepção digital ou com substituição de seus televisores ou aquisição de set-top-box, em prazos já determinados pelo Ministério das Comunicações, sob o risco de não mais receber as transmissões de sinal da TV aberta brasileira a partir de 29 de junho de 2016. Este texto reflete sobre problemas no processo de implantação da transmissão digital brasileira que poderão comprometer a cobertura do território nacional com o sinal digital, limitar a capacidade de recepção em alta definição nas localidades mais afastadas dos grandes centros e, em consequência, implicar no atraso em se produzir conteúdo com os recursos disponibilizados pela nova tecnologia.
This paper presents proposals for the use of interactivity in the telejournalism in an open television broadcaster and the consequences of this use. The issues raised here go beyond technical issues and also addresses issues of theoretical field. The fundamental purpose of this paper is to present interactive possibilities in television journalism as a way of providing this television format tools to keep up with technological changes in the field of production and sharing news. However, by using these tools, the television news is enabling reversal of two important hypotheses that describe the analog television journalism: Scheduling Hypothesis and the Spiral of Silence. To reach your main goal we used a theoretical framework relevant to the issues addressed here and a survey of some interactive applications for digital television developed specifically for TV newscast. From this instrument, we selected two sets of interactive features that can be employed, in general, newscasts, and how these features relate to the hypotheses of Scheduling and Spiral of Silence.
The frequent characterization about the Physical Education Degree is associated to technical-sport and training aspects and this is the reason of this study. The objective is to understand the motives to the basis of this situation. In this sense, a theoretical study was developed regarding the Physical Education Teaching Training in Brazil; at the same time, an empirical investigation was carried out with first-year students of the cited degree. The register tool to collect the students' understandings was an open question expressed as: "Why did you choose the course of Physical Education Degree?" which was answered in written form by the students. So as to make up an understanding of the data collected, the information was organized in two thematic categories; Category A: no identification with schooling; Category B: reasons in relation to the (lack) of professional vocation. Based on the students' answers, it was possible to comprehend that choosing the mentioned degree it is mostly set up by a lack of option, instead of a real professional identity and thoughtful processes of transformation in society.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pesquisas na robótica móvel tem sido impulsionadas pelos avanços tecnológicos. Existem frentes de pesquisas que abordam diferentes aspectos e desafios da robótica móvel, dentre os quais é possível citar tópicos como locomoção, navegação e arquitetura de controle. Esse crescimento em pesquisas acarreta uma maior necessidade por plataformas de robôs que possam ser destinadas à pesquisa e também para fins educacionais. Este trabalho propõe uma alternativa de plataforma de robô móvel de baixo custo, de arquitetura de hardware, software e controle aberta, destinada a atividades de propósitos gerais. A plataforma almeja a facilitação e flexibilização do processo de desenvolvimento de estudos e aplicações robóticas por meio de uma interface de comunicação simplificada e pela abstração da heterogeneidade dos dispositivos periféricos de hardware, sendo assim, capaz de oferecer maior liberdade em relação às linguagens de programação, paradigmas de controle e tecnologias de controle.
A região de Registro é conhecida pelo baixo grau de desenvolvimento econômico, incluindo o setor agropecuário, o que a difere do restante do estado de São Paulo, não obstante, a região de Registro se destaca pela produção de banana. Neste projeto buscamos efetuar o cálculo da Produtividade Total dos Fatores (PTF), de forma a observar como se comporta a produtividade da agricultura daquela região nos últimos anos. Será feito o levantamento de dados da região para a construção dos indicadores da Produtividade Total dos Fatores (PTF) pelo índice de Törnqvist