155 resultados para Accidentes climáticos
O Paleogeno é um dos períodos da Era Cenozóica, que se distribui entre 65,5 a 23,03 milhões de anos, se localizando logo após o fim da Era Mesozóica, sucedendo o período Cretáceo. Paleoceno, Eoceno e Oligoceno são as épocas que compõem o Período Paleogeno. O Paleogeno pode ser definido como um período de clima quente quando analisado sob a óptica de toda a história geológica. As médias de temperatura para o período superam as temperaturas médias modernas em cerca de 10°C. Durante o Paleogeno também pode se observar eventos drásticos de aumento da temperatura do planeta, sendo possível traçar um paralelo, com o atual aquecimento global ocasionado pelo aumento da emissão de gases do efeito estufa, resguardado suas claras diferenças. A fronteira entre Cretáceo e Paleogeno se caracteriza pela segunda maior extinção da História Geológica do Planeta. Em conseqüência vivencia uma das mais importantes radiações filogenéticas, em todos os ambientes, em particular nos continentais terrestres, caracterizada pela explosão evolutiva dos mamíferos, que exploravam os nichos ecológicos deixados vagos pelo desaparecimento da maior parte dos arcossauromorfos mesozóicos. Somado a isto, no Paleogeno ocorreram importantes mudanças ambientais, abrangendo aspectos geotectônicos e climáticos, que levaram flora e fauna paleogênicas a sofrerem diversas modificações, a fim de se adaptarem ao novo cenário presente no Planeta.
The present study aims to establish the mapping units climate Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, with a more refined analysis in the study of extreme weather events to contribute to the adaptation of populations made vulnerable in the face of extreme weather events, and also as an aid local public policies, from a new perspective climate. As criteria of analysis, temperature, precipitation, altitude and use and occupation of land. For this we use as a work methodology broad literature review, fieldwork and use of geotechnology in the proposed mapping generation
The climate is one of the main elements of the natural environment that governs the life of man. Specific conditions of temperature, humidity, light, wind and precipitation have direct influence on physiological conditions that man needs to survive and more than that, besides the influence on human and animal physiology, the climatic elements are also responsible for a significant portion of economic activities such as industry, agriculture, commerce, transportation, and others. Therefore, any change in weather patterns has great impact on daily activities, and even more in urban sites, where the most of population is concentrated nowadays. Based on this discussion and concerned in understand the atmospheric structure, this monograph intends to analyze the pattern of atmospheric and temperature element in seven cities of small and medium size located in the state of São Paulo countryside... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Planning is an essential instrument for the agricultural occupation of the lands, because it supports the activities of food production and raw materials. It must be driven by techniques that provide the sustainability of these activities, so that also ensures the environmental balance of agroecosystems. Lands misuse can be considered as one of the causes of frustration of agricultural activities. Thus, the occurrence of discrepancies between the effective use (real use) of the land and its agricultural aptitude can compete, in many cases, to the decrease of productivity, as well as for soil degradation. In this way, this research intends to study the relationship between the temporary cultivations, halfperennial cultures, perennial and its developmental environment, determining the edaphoclimatic characteristics of landscapes. From then on, a letter shall be subject to the use and occupation of the soil for agriculture in the municipality of Cristais Paulista-SP, aiming to describe the spatial organization of land use and vegetation cover, and emphasizing management and conservative practices. For that, climatic factors were characterized, fundamentally humidity, temperature and luminosity; edaphics, including parental material, chemical and physical properties, fertility, soil temperature and climatic zoning; biotic, referring to the suitability of different cultures or to be implanted; physical, such as geomorphology, slope, geology, hypsometry and hydrology; socioeconomic, in particular production and marketing seasons; and the way they all, together, affect the adaptation, distribution and production of crops. Using this information, the zoning of the area of study was done based on the 21 nominated groups obtained, in addition to recommendations and suggestions for handling each type of cultivation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This study aimed to simulate and evaluate the sediment transport in Upper Basin Stream Cachoeirinha in Rio Claro, SP, and compare the results with previous studies performed in the same basin. The modeling software used in this study was Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), which is a very comprehensive tool that discusses many physical processes. In this work, the hydrosedimentological processes were treated, aiming to understand the sediment production and transport. The Basin Stream Cachoeirinha has an area with predominantly agricultural use, especially sugar cane. The database for inclusion in software was constructed from the following elements: climatic, topographical, soil type and use and land cover of the area, also including the parameters of Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE). The analysis was conducted for a period of 16 years (1994-2010), which is the range of data available from CEAPLA. The results were analyzed in terms of annual runoff and sediment yield. The average sediment delivery in the simulation was 0.94 t/ha/year, while the maximum annual contribution was 7.28 t/ha/year
O município de Franca-SP situa-se na Província Geomorfológica das Cuestas Basálticas no nordeste paulista, a qual possui características ambientais próprias. De uma forma geral, a região de Franca enfrenta problemas ambientais como a suscetibilidade à erosão linear e laminar, aos movimentos de massa e ao assoreamento dos canais de drenagem. Estes problemas, por sua vez, induzem a situações socioeconômicas, como o incremento da pobreza, aglomeração urbana e, uma emergente demanda da sociedade por mudanças no âmbito da gestão local. Assim, devem ser efetuados estudos detalhados sobre o meio, a fim de minimizar e/ou evitar tais problemas. Desta forma, propos-se a realização do Zoneamento Geoambiental, o que implica no levantamento, análise, interpretação e correlação dos diferentes componentes ambientais, visando dar subsídio a órgãos públicos e proprietários rurais, tanto na fase de planejamento como na implantação de culturas agrícolas, pecuária, reflorestamento e uso da água superficial (lençol freático), de maneira racional e ambientalmente sustentável, garantindo assim a ocupação adequada do solo e a melhor conservação dos recursos naturais. O trabalho iniciou-se com a organização e reinterpretação dos dados pré-existentes (topográficos, geológicos, pedológicos, geomorfológicos, morfoestruturais, de coberturas de alteração intempérica e sócio-econômicos) e geração e/ou reorganização de novos dados e propostas para a minimização dos impactos sócio-ambientais (rede de drenagem, hipsométricos, morfométricos, tectônicos, geológicos, geomorfológicos, climáticos e bióticos) com a utilização de técnicas de fotointerpretação de diversos sensores remotos e de campo. Deste modo, a correlação de todas as informações geoambientais relativas ao município proporcionou a delimitação das suas zonas e subzonas geoambientais... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
With increasing frequency and intensity of climate disasters in Brazil, it is necessary studies on mitigation measures. From this spatialization of areas considered risk becomes essential to assist the public in preventive plans. Floods and flooding are the main types of climatic disasters that hit our country, especially the state of Sao Paulo, mainly by self degree of urbanization. From the data provided by the State Civil Defense was possible to create a database with the localities georelacional occurrences of flooding in the state in which through techniques of GIS (Geographic Information System) enabled the interrelationship and spatialization occurrence of areas affected This will help to determine potential areas of risk and different ways to prevent these disasters
This work focuses on the analysis of extreme precipitation episode in the city of Rio Claro, held on 24 and 25 February 2010, which caused severe impacts to society, and a victim of drowning due to flooding due to flood in urban stream. Although the temporal concentration of summer rainfall is characteristic of tropical climatic regimes, each year there are issues of social and environmental impacts deflagrated by precipitation events in the city. These findings reinforce the importance of analyzing atmospheric conditions correlated to change in space usage
In the past years, soya has increased itself as the mean agro export culture in Brazil, encouraging the expansion of its agricultural frontier throughout the country. Brazil is the second biggest soya producer around the world, with a 59,8 million ton production in 2008, according to the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), only behind United States. Around the country, the four leading producer states are Mato Grosso, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul e Goiás. Therefore, geotechnologies may be used to monitor use and soil occupation in various analyzes periods. In this review, the tools are important to illustrate the soya production areas and also the weather behavior around its production evolution in the territory through the years. Its utilization can contribute to the evolution and optimization around real time monitoring of the Agricola cultures, without being necessary to be in the area with a low financial cost. Generally, this information is strongly important for decision makers in both government and private sector, as soon as the achievement information regards the quantification of area, yield and development of agricultural crops are essential to the economic behavior of culture during the season and even beyond. By obtaining data regarding climate crops 2008/09 and 2009/10, held the climatic water balance calculation based on the dynamics of water storage in soil temperature and precipitation data, interpolation of the data through the interpolator (IDW) that generated thematic precipitation maps. Overall, the use of geotechnology to monitor agricultural areas, can strongly contribute to this monitoring, generating raw material for further analysis at low cost
When handling soil conservation practices isn’t applied correctly, they cause problems at the level of structure, cohesion and fertility in soils and lack of water availability. In the case of this monograph, conducted in a rural property located at Álvares Machado City, identified that most areas are intended for use activities of beef cattle and dairy and subsistence agriculture, which historically addition to withdraw native flora, resulting in problems such as compaction and increase soil exposure to climatic agents, generating a serious frame of erosion problems. In the case of water from rainfall, the soil exposed, causes the “splash” effect and therefore when it becomes runoff carries the spalled particles mainly for low land areas. Without the vegetation, especially trees or shrubs species, the velocity of runoff increases, initiating the appearance of furrows, which consequently may become a kind of ravine erosion and gully, which makes invalid any area in your surroundings... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Blood is one of the most important and powerful elements in magical and religious symbology. As it is an essential substance for animal survival, it does not sound strange that through the ages blood has been given many significant symbolic values (both positive and negative). It can provide life, protection and prosperity in the same proportion that it can cause calamities, destruction and even death. In Opus agriculturae, a farming treatise written by Palladius (V AD), more specifically in Book I, Chapter 35, the author presents prescriptions to protect farms against scourges and climatic phenomena. He mentions some procedures in which blood is a fundamental component in the success of the prescriptions. The aim of the present article is to identify any magic power associated with these practices, their specific symbolic value, especially when related to menstrual blood and to other feminine elements with some magical or religious value. An evaluation is also made of the extent of these symbologies in the context of other practices and situations linked not only to agricultural magic, but to religion and to the ritual practices of other communities, whether in ancient times or not.
This work analyses the chapter 35, book I, of the agricultural treatise Opus agriculturæ, written by Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus Palladius (V C.E.). In that chapter the author presents some recipes, called remedia, to protect the farm and the garden against weeds and weather phenomena, as blight and fogs. The magical practices are identified according to both the fundamental principles of magic (similarity, contiguity, contrariety), which rule magical thought, and some elements of magical symbology. As the author seems not to distinguish magic and science, for he brings together both kinds of recipes, the analysis of some remedia emphasizes a specific study on the materials and substances employed in those recipes and their value in Science today. This leads to the discussions of how magical thought works, what are the limits (if they actually exist) between Magic and Science and between Magic and Religion. This work covers the subjects above and it has the following pourposes: demonstrate the characteristics that authorize the remedia described by Palladius to be classified as folk magic; identify the relations between this kind of practice with more complex forms of magic, as with religion, with science; demonstrate the contribution of the folk magic in ancient Rome farming for the formulation of more apropriated criteria of evaluating magic in comparison to religious and scientific thought.
Blood is one of the most important and powerful elements in magical and religious symbology. As it is an essential substance for animal survival, it does not sound strange that through the ages blood has been given many significant symbolic values (both positive and negative). It can provide life, protection and prosperity in the same proportion that it can cause calamities, destruction and even death. In Opus agriculturae, a farming treatise written by Palladius (V AD), more specifically in Book I, Chapter 35, the author presents prescriptions to protect farms against scourges and climatic phenomena. He mentions some procedures in which blood is a fundamental component in the success of the prescriptions. The aim of the present article is to identify any magic power associated with these practices, their specific symbolic value, especially when related to menstrual blood and to other feminine elements with some magical or religious value. An evaluation is also made of the extent of these symbologies in the context of other practices and situations linked not only to agricultural magic, but to religion and to the ritual practices of other communities, whether in ancient times or not.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)