152 resultados para Absorption edges


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Non-linear absorption is observed in Er3+-doped fluoroindate glass (in mol% 37InF2:20ZnF2:20SrF2:16BaF2:2GdF2: 2NaF:1GaF3:2ErF3) when the sample is irradiated with a CW laser emitting at 650 nm. An intensity dependence of the optical transmittance is detected. Saturation and sequential absorption of two photons are responsible for the decrease of 50% in the transmittance. The results are explained by simple models which are solved based on rate-equations for the populations of energy levels.


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Nonlinear absorption and amplification of a probe laser beam can be controlled by adjustment of the intensity-modulation frequency and the wavelength of a pump laser beam. A demonstration of this effect in Er3+-doped fluoroindate glass is presented. The results show maximum amplification of the probe beam (∼12%) when a pump laser emitting 16 mW of power is modulated at ∼30 Hz. In the limit of low modulation frequencies, or cw pumping, induced absorption of the probe beam is the dominant nonlinear process. © 1999 Optical Society of America.


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A flow-injection system with a Chelite-S® cationic resin packed minicolumn is proposed for the determination of trace levels of mercury in agroindustrial samples by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. Improved sensitivity and selectivity are attained since mercuric ions are on-line concentrated whereas other potential interferents are discarded. With on-line reductive elution procedure, concentrated hydrochloric acid could be replaced by 10% w/v SnCl2, in 6 M HCl as eluent. The reversed-intermittent stream either carries the atomic mercury, to the flow cell in the forward direction or removes the residue from reactor/gas liquid separator to a discarding flask in the opposite direction. Concentration and volume of reagent, acidity, flow rates, commutation times and potential interfering species were investigated. For 120 s preconcentration time, the proposed system handles about 25 samples h-1 (50.0 500 ng l-1), consuming about 10 ml sample and 5 mg SnCl2 per determination. The detection limit is 0.8 ng l-1 and the relative standard deviation (RSD) (n = 12) of a 76.7 ng l-1 sample is about 5%. Results are in agreement with certified value of standard materials at 95% confidence level and good recoveries (97-128%) of spiked samples were found. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Undoped and indium-doped Zinc oxide (ZnO) solid films were deposited by the pyrosol process at 450°C on glass substrates from solutions where In/Zn ratio was 2, 5, and 10 at.%. Electrical measurements performed at room temperature show that the addition of indium changes the resistance of the films. The resistivities of doped films are less than non-doped ZnO films by one to two orders of magnitude depending on the dopant concentration in the solution. Preferential orientation of the films with the c-axis perpendicular to the substrate was detected by X-ray diffraction and polarized extended X-ray absorption fine structures measurements at the Zn K edge. This orientation depends on the indium concentration in the starting solution. The most textured films were obtained for solutions where In/Zn ratio was 2 and 5 at.%. When In/Zn = 10 at.%, the films had a nearly random orientation of crystallites. Evidence of the incorporation of indium in the ZnO lattice was obtained from extended X-ray absorption fine structures at the In and Zn K edges. The structural analysis of the least resistive film (Zn/In = 5 at.%) shows that In substitutes Zn in the wurtzite structure. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The TL, optical absorption (OA) and EPR properties of natural Brazilian alexandrite and chrysoberyl have been investigated. The TL measurements for natural alexandrite show five peaks between 100 and 450°C, with their emission spectrum having 370 and/or 570 nm components. The intensity of the 320°C TL peak was found to be enhanced with pre-annealing treatment, more prominently above 600°C. The OA and EPR measurements showed that this kind of heat treatment induces the Fe2→ Fe3+ conversion in the natural sample. Chrysoberyl samples exhibited the TL peaks at the same temperatures as alexandrite samples, but the glow curves were more than 200 times less intense than alexandrite ones.


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The optical limiting behavior and nonlinear optical properties of antimony and lead oxyhalide glasses were discussed. The large nonlinear absorption coefficients which range from 11 to 20 cm/GW was determined using standard Z-scan technique. The photodarkening in the samples were observed which suggested that they can also be useful for inscribing Bragg gratings using green lasers of moderate power.


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In this work it was developed a procedure for the determination of vanadium in urine samples by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry using successive injections for preconcentration into a preheated graphite tube. Three 60 μL volumes were sequentially injected into the atomizer preheated to a temperature of 110°C. Drying and pyrolysis steps were carried out after each injection. A chemical modifier, barium difluoride (100 mg L-1), and a surfactant, Triton X-100 (0.3% v v-1), were added to the urine sample. When injecting into a hot graphite tube, the sample flow-rate was 0.5 μL s-1. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.54 and 1.82 without preconcentration, and 0.11 and 0.37 μg L-1 with preconcentration, respectively. The accuracy of the procedure was evaluated by an addition-recovery experiment employing urine samples. Recoveries varied from 96.0 to 103% for additions ranging from 0.8 to 3.5 μg L-1 V. The developed procedure allows the determination of vanadium in urine without any sample pretreatment and with minimal dilution of the sample.


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This work shows the potentiality of As as internal standard to compensate errors from sampling of sparkling drinking water samples in the determination of selenium by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The mixture Pd(NO 3) 2/Mg(NO 3) 2 was used as chemical modifier. All samples and reference solutions were automatically spiked with 500 μg l -1 As and 0.2% (v/v) HNO 3 by the autosampler, eliminating the need for manual dilutions. For 10 μl dispensed sample into the graphite tube, a good correlation (r=0.9996) was obtained between the ratio of analyte absorbance by the internal standard absorbance and the analyte concentrations. The relative standard deviations (R.S.D.) of measurements varied from 0.05 to 2% and from 1.9 to 5% (n=12) with and without internal standardization, respectively. The limit of detection (LD) based on integrated absorbance was 3.0 μg l -1 Se. Recoveries in the 94-109% range for Se spiked samples were obtained. Internal standardization (IS) improved the repeatability of measurements and increased the lifetime of the graphite tube in ca. 15%. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polysaccharicles, as alginate and chitosan, have been used to obtain modified release dosage forms. Alginate, due to its property of building gels during the complex formation with calcium ions, allows the building of capsules containing a core constituted by calcium alginate. This work had for objective to determine the appropriate calcium concentration for the preparation of alginate-chitosan capsules, by means of calcium quantification using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The methodology of calcium quantification was validated through analysis of the limit of detection, precision, accuracy and recovery of the method. The capsules, containing or not the drug, were prepared by the complex coacervation/ionotropic gelification method. Calcium was quantified after samples mineralization and dilution in lantanium solution. The results showed that the amount of calcium incorporated into the capsules depends on the amount of calcium added to the medium, and this ratio increases until the concentration of 1.5% of initial calcium chloride and above this concentration there is a decrease in the proportion of calcium bonded. It was observed that the proportion of calcium that links to the polymer is inversely proportional to the amount of calcium added. The calcium amount incorporated depends on the concentration of the polymeric dispersions used as well as on the ratio between the two polymers.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate absorption and translocation of the herbicide 2,4-D in plants of Memora peregrina. The herbicide 2,4-D was used alone with the formulation DMA 806 BR and associated with the herbicide picloram in the commercial product Padron. Levels of radioactivity on the treated leaves were determined in sample obtained after washing them with methanol and chloroform at different times after the application of the radiolabelled formulation (1, 2, 4, 8, 24, and 48 h). Translocation was evaluated by cutting plants between stem and root. The parts obtained were: root, stem, leaf treated, leaves above the leaf treated, leaves below the leaf treated, and leaf opposite of the leaf treated. These parts were weighted, dried, ground, burnt, and radioactivity in the samples was determined. The results suggest that the translocation of the radioactive herbicide 2,4-D was insignificant in plants of M. peregrina in the two treatments evaluated. Absorption of 14C 2,4-D in the treatment with DMA 806 BR and the mixture of DMA 806 BR plus Padron had the same behavior. These observations explain the inefficient control obtained with this herbicide in plant species under study.


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Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings were fed with purified or practical diets, supplemented with 150 Ing Zn/kg, from different sources. Dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), and gross energy (GE) apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC), as well as zinc, copper, calcium, and phosphorus apparent absorption coefficients (AAC) were determined by the addition of 0.1% chromic oxide to the diets. The supplemental zinc sources utilized were commercial grade zinc sulfate monohydrate (ZnSO 4), zinc oxide (ZnO) and a zinc amino acid complex (Zn-AA). Analytical grade zinc sulfate heptahydrate was also utilized as a standard reference zinc source. There was a significant difference between purified (74.9%) and practical (41.3%) zinc AAC for the ZnO supplemented diets (P < 0.05). The supplemental zinc sources presented similar AAC when purified diets were utilized. However, ZnSO 4 was the best supplemental zinc source when practical type diets were used. There were no significant differences between supplemental zinc AAC from ZnS0 4 (68.9%), and supplemental zinc AAC from Zn-AA (61.3%) in practical diets, but Zn-AA diet showed a statistically lower zinc AAC when compared with the standard zinc source diet (75.6%). The practical diet supplemented with ZnO had the worst supplemental zinc AAC (41.3%). Dietary copper (74.21%), calcium (70.9%), and phosphorus (71.9%) AAC of the practical diets supplemented with ZnO were statistically lower (P < 0.05) than the respective AAC of the practical ZnSO 4 supplemented diets (83.6%, 84.1%, 87.1%).The ADC of the practical ZnO supplemented diet for DM (76.3%), CP (88.6%), EE (82.4%), and GE (81.6%) were statiscally lower than the respective ADC of the ZnSO 4 practical diet (86.0, 92.7, 93.6, 89.6%, respectively) and those ADC of the Zn-AA practical diet (84.7, 92.7, 93.7, 88.2%, respectively) (P < 0.05). Hence, these results indicate that ZnSO 4 and Zn-AA have equivalent intestinal absorption as supplemental zinc sources for Nile tilapia juveniles and both are superior to ZnO. © Copyright by the World Aquaculture Society 2005.


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Knowledge about nonlinear absorption spectra of materials used in photonic devices is of paramount importance in determining their optimum operation wavelengths. In this work, we have investigated the two-photon absorption (2PA) degenerate cross-section spectrum for perylene derivatives using the Z-scan technique with femtosecond laser pulses. All perylene derivatives studied present large 2PA cross-sections, only comparable to the best ones reported in the literature. The results achieved in the present investigation indicate perylene derivatives as promising materials for two-photon applications. ©2005 Optical Society of America.


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The combination of x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) with UV-Vis and Raman spectroscopies or with Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) has been recently carried out on the D44 beamline of DCI-LURE. The different set-ups used to perform such combinations are described and examples of combined investigations belonging to different field of materials science (coordination chemistry, sol-gel and catalysis) are presented. © Physica Scripta 2005.


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Mn(II) doped SnO2 thin films used for shielding fluoride glasses against corrosion were investigated by x-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS and XANE)S at the Sn and Mn K-edges. The effect of firing treatment on the densification of the films was studied. It has been evidenced a partial change of Mn valence from 2.3 to 2.6 upon heating which is attributed to a change of ratios of two Mn sites: grafted divalent Mn ions at the surface of SnO 2 nanocrystallites and trivalent Mn ions embedded into a substitutional solid solution with Sn. © Physica Scripta 2005.