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The strangeness content of the nucleon is determined from a statistical model using confined quark levels, and is shown to have a good agreement with the corresponding values extracted from experimental data. The quark levels are generated in a Dirac equation that uses a linear confining potential (scalar plus vector). With the requirement that the result for the Gottfried sum rule violation, given by the New Muon Collaboration (NMC), is well reproduced, we also obtain the difference between the structure functions of the proton and neutron, and the corresponding sea quark contributions.
We study the potential of hadron colliders in the search for the pair production of neutral Higgs bosons in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. We perform a detailed signal and background analysis, working out efficient kinematical cuts for the extraction of the signal. The important role of squark loop contributions to the signal is re-emphasized. If the signal is sufficiently enhanced by these contributions, it could even be observable at the next run of the upgraded Tevatron collider in the near future. At the LHC the pair production of light and heavy Higgs bosons might be detectable simultaneously.
Due to the exclusively maternal inheritance of mitochondria, mitochondrial genotypes can be coupled to a particular nuclear genotype by continuous mating of founder females and their female offspring to males of the desired nuclear genotype. However, backcrossing is a gradual procedure that, apart from being lengthy, cannot ascertain that genetic and epigenetic changes will modify the original nuclear genotype. Animal cloning by nuclear transfer using host ooplasm carrying polymorphic mitochondrial genomes allows, among other biotechnology applications, the coupling of nuclear and mitochondrial genotypes of diverse origin within a single generation. Previous attempts to use Bos taurus oocytes as hosts to transfer nuclei from unrelated species led to the development to the blastocyst stage but none supported gestation to term. Our aim in this study was to determine whether B. taurus oocytes support development of nuclei from the closely related B. indicus cattle and to examine the fate of their mitochondrial genotypes throughout development. We show that indicus:taurus reconstructed oocytes develop to the blastocyst stage and produce live offspring after transfer to surrogate cows. We also demonstrate that, in reconstructed embryos, donor cell-derived mitochondria undergo a stringent genetic drift during early development leading, in most cases, to a reduction or complete elimination of B. indicus mtDNA. These results demonstrate that cross-subspecies animal cloning is a viable approach both for matching diverse nuclear and cytoplasmic genes to create novel breeds of cattle and for rescuing closely related endangered cattle.
In the peripheral blood of the roadside hawk, Buteo magnirostris, the following types of granulocytic leucocytes were identified: heterophil, eosinophil and basophil. The heterophils presented acidophilic and spindle shaped granules, the eosinophils possess spherical eosinophilic granules and the basophils showed spherical and basophilic granules. The heterophils and eosinophils presented positive cytochemical reaction to glycogen and basic polyaminoacid, while the eosinophils presented sudanophilic granules, which were also positive for myeloperoxidase. The heterophils, alone, presented positivity for acid phosphatase in some granules and immunoreactivity to TGF-β1 was observed only in the cytoplasm of the eosinophils. Electron microscopy demonstrated the heterophil granules as predominantly spindle shaped, being strongly electron-dense, while the eosinophils had numerous uniformly electron-dense spherical granules and the basophils presented three different types of granules identified according to their electron-density and the aspect of their matrix.
Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to investigate the structure and hydrogen bonds formation in liquid acetaldehyde. An all atom model for the acetaldehyde have been optimized in the present work. Theoretical values obtained for heat of vaporisation and density of the liquid are in good agreement with experimental data. Graphics of radial distribution function indicate a well structured liquid compared to other similar dipolar organic liquids. Molecular mechanics minimization in gas phase leads to a trimer of very stable structure. The geometry of this complex is in very good agreement with the rdf. The shortest site-site correlation is between oxygen and the carbonyl hydrogen, suggesting that this correlation play a important role in the liquid structure and properties. The O⋯H average distance and the C-H⋯O angle obtained are characteristic of weak hydrogen bonds.
The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the cleaning effect of CO 2 on surface topography and composition of failed dental implant surfaces. Ten failed dental implants were retrieved from nine patients (mean age, 46.33 ± 5.81 years) as a result of early or late failure. The implants were divided into two parts: one side of the implant was irradiated with a CO 2 laser (test side), while the other side did not receive irradiation (control side). The CO 2 laser was operated at 1.2 W in a continuous wave for 40 seconds (40 J energy). The handpiece of the CO 2 laser was kept at a distance of 30 mm from the implant surface, resulting in a spot area of 0.031415 cm 2 (38.20 W/cm 2; 1559 J/cm 2) in scanning mode (cervical-apical). One unused dental implant was used as a negative control for both groups. All implant surfaces were examined by scanning electron mi croscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectrometer x-ray (EDS) for element analysis. SEM showed that the surface of the test sides consisted of different degrees of organic residues, appearing mainly as dark stains similar to those observed on the control sides. None of the test surfaces presented alterations such as crater-like alterations, lava-like layers, or melting compared with the nonirradiated surfaces. Foreign elements such as carbon, oxygen, sodium, calcium, and aluminum were detected on both sides. These results suggest that CO 2 laser irradiation does not modify the implant surface, although the cleaning effect was not satisfactory.
A morphometric study was performed on the sexual forms of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus in colonies kept under laboratory conditions. The males studied were obtained from queenright and queenless colonies, i.e. they were produced by either the queen or the workers. Cluster analysis revealed a wide distribution in the size of the sexual forms produced in queenless colonies compared with queenright colonies, and that some of the worker-produced males were significantly smaller than those produced in queenright colonies. However, we found no indication that the males produced in queenless colonies are unable to mate, as smaller and larger males had identical genitalia that varied only in size, and therefore probably represent an alternative route of reproduction in this species. © 2005 Blackwell Verlag.
Two series of glasses with composition (mol%) 70PbGeO3- 15PbF2-15CdF2, the first one with different Tm 3+ contents (0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 mol%) and the second one with 0.2 mol% Tm3+ and different Ho3+ contents (0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 mol%), have been prepared and some of their spectroscopic properties studied. Absorption in the visible-near infrared and emission in the near infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum have been obtained. Concerning emission at the 1.4-1.5 μm region, optimization of rare earth ions content leads to 0.2 and 0.5 mol% for Tm3+ and Ho3+, respectively. We discuss potential application of these compositions. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This article is the result of a research study concluded in 2003, which aimed at investigating how the conception of Law is expressed in the actions of the so-called social pastoral commissions of the Catholic Church in Londrina, Brazil. By observing that the conception of charity and that of social rights walk side-bi-side within the Catholic Church, a question emerged: how is the conception of social right expressed in the actions of social pastoral commissions? Charity is preached as a Christian duty, as an action expressed in the experience of solidarity towards others who are in a situation that prevents them from having minimal living conditions. At least at discourse level, the actions developed are not limited to provide basic goods, clothes or medicine. We realized that those who act in social pastoral commissions, driven by values such as love to fellow human beings and solidarity, have not lost sight of the idea of social right - on the contrary, they have been reinforcing it. © 2006 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia - UFRGS.
The mathematical fundamentals involved in the realization of a high precision reference system, taking into account solutions from VLBI, SLR, GPS and DORIS are presented. Each individual solution has its own deficiencies in providing a global reference system. But combining all solutions together, and by the introduction of the no net rotation condition (NNR), a solution that reflects the nowadays precision of the available spatial techniques for the determination of position and velocity of stations located on the Earth crust is obtained. Whilst the origin is provided by SLR, the scale is introduced by SLR and VLBI. The orientation and its temporal evolution are introduced via internal constraints, in accordance with the NNR condition.
In the present work it was studied the main aspect that influences on degradation and physical-chemical properties at grain-boundary region of metal oxide varistors and its consequences on microstructure and nonohmic electric properties. Based on the comprehension of the degradation aspects it was proposed some methodologies to recover the varistors nonohmic properties after being failed with long (2000 μs) and short current pulses (8/20 μs). Our analysis shown that one of the cause of degradation process is related to the lowering of oxygen species amount at grain-boundary region. Therefore, it is possible to re-promote oxygen enrichment of such regions by specific thermal treatments in rich oxygen atmospheres (the best condition found in the present work was temperatures around 900°C for 2 h at an oxygen flux of 15 1/h). The proposed nonohmic properties recovering procedure appear to be valid for all kind metal oxide varistors studied and is very important from technological point of view.
A study on the presence of herbicides, namely simazine, metribuzin, metolachlor, trifluralin, atrazine and two metabolites, deisopropylatrazine (DIA) and deethylatrazine (DEA), was performed in ground and surface waters from Primavera do Leste region, Mato Grosso state (Middle West of Brazil). The analytical procedure was based on solid-phase extraction (SPE) with Sep-Pak C18 disposable cartridges and ethyl acetate for elution solvent. Residue levels were determined by gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection. For most of the pesticides average recoveries at different fortification levels were >with relative standard deviation < The recoveries of DIA and trifluralin in water were 25% and 56%, respectively, which were attributed to the incomplete retention of DIA and strong retention on the sorbing material and high volatility of trifluralin. Detection limits ranged from 0.023 to 0.088 μg L-1. This method was applied for the analysis of 5 superficial water samples and 28 groundwater samples, in places used for human consumption without previous treatment, collected in Primavera do Leste, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Results indicated that the highest level of contamination in a water sample was 1.732 μg L-1 for metolachlor, while metribuzin was the most frequently detected herbicide with maximum concentration of 0.351 μg L-1. ©2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
Vickers hardness of cast commercially pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy submitted to heat treatments
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of heat treatments on the Vickers hardness of commercially pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V cast alloys. Six-millimeter-diameter cylindrical specimens were cast in a Rematitan System. Commercially pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy specimens were randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=10) that received the following heat treatments: control (no heat treatment); treatment 1 (T1): heating at 750°C for 2 h; and treatment 2 (T2): annealing at 955°C for 1 h and aging at 620°C for 2 h. After heat treatments, the specimens were embedded in acrylic resin and their surface was ground and polished and hardness was measured. Vickers hardness means (VHN) and standard deviations were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance level. For commercially pure titanium, Vickers hardness means of group T2 (259.90 VHN) was significantly higher than those of the other groups (control - 200.26 VHN and T1 - 202.23 VHN), which presented similar hardness means to each other (p>0.05). For Ti-6Al-4V alloy, statistically significant differences were observed among the three groups: T2 (369.08 VHN), T1 (351.94 VHN) and control (340.51 VHN) (p<0.05). The results demonstrated different hardness of CP Ti and Ti-6Al-4V when different heat treatments were used. For CP Ti, VHN means of T2 group was remarkably higher than those of control and T1 group, which showed similar VHN means to each other. For Ti-6Al-4V alloy, however, VHN means recorded for each group may be presented as follows: T2>T1>control.
Methods based on visual estimation still is the most widely used analysis of the distances that is covered by soccer players during matches, and most description available in the literature were obtained using such an approach. Recently, systems based on computer vision techniques have appeared and the very first results are available for comparisons. The aim of the present study was to analyse the distances covered by Brazilian soccer players and compare the results to the European players', both data measured by automatic tracking system. Four regular Brazilian First Division Championship matches between different teams were filmed. Applying a previously developed automatic tracking system (DVideo, Campinas, Brazil), the results of 55 outline players participated in the whole game (n = 55) are presented. The results of mean distances covered, standard deviations (s) and coefficient of variation (cv) after 90 minutes were 10,012 m, s = 1,024 m and cv = 10.2%, respectively. The results of three-way ANOVA according to playing positions, showed that the distances covered by external defender (10642 ± 663 m), central midfielders (10476 ± 702 m) and external midfielders (10598 ± 890 m) were greater than forwards (9612 ± 772 m) and forwards covered greater distances than central defenders (9029 ± 860 m). The greater distances were covered in standing, walking, or jogging, 5537 ± 263 m, followed by moderate-speed running, 1731 ± 399 m; low speed running, 1615 ± 351 m; high-speed running, 691 ± 190 m and sprinting, 437 ± 171 m. Mean distance covered in the first half was 5,173 m (s = 394 m, cv = 7.6%) highly significant greater (p < 0.001) than the mean value 4,808 m (s = 375 m, cv = 7.8%) in the second half. A minute-by-minute analysis revealed that after eight minutes of the second half, player performance has already decreased and this reduction is maintained throughout the second half. ©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2007).