163 resultados para veterinary science
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of rbST and breed group on the reproductive precocity of goat females. Eighteen goat females of Alpine breed and breed groups 1/2 Boer + 1/2 Alpine (1/2 BA) and 3/4 Boer + 1/4 Alpine (3/4 BA) were used, distributed in two homogeneous groups of 9 animals, received treatments: Group 1-0,3 mg of recombinant bovine somatotropin by kg of body weight each 14 days and Group 2 - control and aplication was subcutaneous. Animals from control group received saline solution in same dose and interval. The administration of hormone begins after weaning of animals (approximate 45 days of age). The train of the development of females was made by weighed weekly until reaching the previously definitive weight of 30 kg of live weight (LW). For evaluation of the reproductive performance it was made observations of the signals related to the oestrus. The characteristics evaluated was: Weight gain at born until weaning, weaning at 120 days, 150 and 180 days of age, weight to the oestrus, age to the rutting and the 30 age to kg of LW. It was not observed influence of growth hormone and the breed group for weight to rutting, age to rutting and age to reach 30 kg LW. The use of rbST in growth females did not modify the parameters of sexual precocity.
It was evaluated the radiographs alteration of the castor oil bean polymer applied for the filing of induced bone fault in horses. Five animals were evaluated, subjected to a local anesthesia and sedation, proceeding to a surgical induction of a hole in the radio bone, in both members with three centimeters depth perforations. It was used a drill of eight millimeters of diameter. The right member served as a control, without filling induced holes. The holes in left radio were filled with the commercial polymer derived from the castor oil bean. We evaluated the localized swelling and radiological aspects as: the establishment of scores for bone filling, sclerosis and a morphometric analysis of the sclerosis area, in 15, 45, 90 and 180 days of lesion evolution. There was more swelling in local members whose injuries were filled with polymer from castor oil bean. By comparison, the radiographic examination showed better bone filling in the gaps of members control. We concluded that the completion of castor oil bean polymer in bone holes induced in radio of horses, delayed the bone healing, in the radiographic evaluation.
The present study aimed to obtain information about the uterine inflammatory response (number of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic granulocytes - PMNs) in bitches after artificial insemination (AI) and identify the uterine microflora present after the following treatments: insemination using semen with extender (n=6), insemination with fresh semen (n=6) and no inseminated (n=6). The percentage of PMNs on the endometrial surface and within histological sections was evaluated together with the presence of aerobic bacteria in the uterine lumen. For endometrial cytology, there was no significative difference on the number of inflammatory cells between bitches not inseminated (3.05 ± 1.74 PMNs) and those inseminated with fresh semen (3.55 ± 1.51 PMNs); There was a significative difference in both groups compared to the inseminated with semen plus extender (7.80 ± 1.67 PMNs) (p<0.05). Histology showed that there was no significative difference on the number of inflammatory cells between bitches not inseminated (87.72 ± 35.2 PMNs) and those inseminated with fresh semen (122.97 ± 43.31 PMNs); however, it was observed differences in both groups compared to those inseminated with semen plus extender (171.94 ± 42.74 PMNs) (p<0.05). Eight animals, randomly distributed in the groups, showed the presence of Staphylococcus sp and Proteus sp., in the microbiological exam. The extender for semen, with Tris, is a potent inducer of uterine inflammation, and positive uterine cultures may be obtained during estrus without inflammation or uterine infection.
Until recently, ultrasonography was not considered one of the prevailing imaging methods for thoracic evaluation due to its limitations in evaluating lesions located below thoracic gas collections in individuals with normal lung tissue as well as in those with pneumothorax. Nevertheless, ultrasound has an advantage over other imaging techniques. It allows not only differentiating pleural from pulmonary lesions, but also identifying and assessing peripheral pulmonary lesions. Thus, thoracic ultrasound has become more popular in Veterinary Medicine as an ancillary method in the diagnosis and treatment of several diseases of the thoracic cavity, especially in emergency settings. This review aims at providing information on the main alterations found in the chest wall, mediastinum, pleura, lung and diaphragm by means of ultrasonography.
Necropsy is a post-mortem criterious exam that helps in clinical diagnosis and consists in external and internal analysis of body cavities and organs of a corpse in order to determine the cause of death or to verify the extension and the nature of lesions caused by diseases. Considering the bonds between owners and their pets many veterinarians seems to visualize necropsy as a difficult task. This fact has gained great importance in avian Veterinary Medicine since bird owners have both love and economic bonds. Necropsy in often neglected in Veterinary Medicine although being a very important practice for the professional learning and also for reaching a reliable diagnosis of certain diseases. For this reason, this article aims to describe the procedure for performing avian cosmetic necropsy, which keeps the external characteristics of animals and increases the acceptance of owners by not disfiguring the corpse.
For a long time, N-acetylcysteine was only used as a mucolytic and as an expectorant agent in the treatment of paracetamol/ acetaminophen intoxication. With the advent of studies on free radicals, antioxidants are gaining prominence and the N-acetylcysteine is amongst them. The objective of this article is to emphazise the farmacological activity of this amino acid in affections in the small animal clinical routine, as well as to show new perspectives of its use in humans, which could, in the future, form the base for similar studies in dogs and cats.
The purpose of this study was to collect data on skin diseases in dogs evaluated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Northern Parana State University (UENP), in Bandeirantes, Parana, Brazil. Dermatological conditions amounted to 31.38% of all consultations in dogs, and the most common skin conditions observed were, from the most to the least common: bacterial, parasitic, fungal, immune, and keratinization disorders; general skin diseases and psychogenic conditions. The highest scoring diseases, in number of occurrences were, in descending order: Superficial folliculitis, demodicidosis, dermatophytosis, bacterial otitis, deep folliculitis, dry dekeratinization, allergic dermatitis caused by flea bites, fungal ear infections, scabies, impetigo, malassezia dermatitis, parasitical otitis, pad dermatitis, and atopic dermatitis.
Studies for the food development of formulations for pets, look for key components to maintaining healthy way of life and safety of products, including these, elements capable of preventing the risk of certain metabolic disorders associated with diet. Feline urinarytract disorders, highlights the urolithiasis, have high incidence in clinical series. Studies linking dietary factors such as ingredients, digestibility and chemical composition, changing the volume, density and pH of urine and consequent induction training for urolithiasis. A highly significant correlation between the mineral composition of the diet and urine pH of cats began to be studied, using the association between the cation-anion balance of the diet (DCAB) and regulation of acid-base balance of the body. The DCAB can be defined as the difference between the total fixed anions and cations present in the diet, important tool for estimating the urinary pH and to determine the range of pH that favors the food used, thereby linking the trigger and the prevention of struvite and calcium oxalate urolithiasis in the urinary tract of cats. Thus, this review aims to clarify the effects of the nutritional composition of diet on urine pH in cats.
This work was conducted to verity the possibility to identify adult sheep that are resistant to parasites by using a parasitological marker (direct), immunological markers (indirect) or by the association of both types of markers. Twenty ewes were sampled monthly for blood and faeces, from July of 1998 to June of 1999. Faecal egg counts (FEC) was chosen as parasitological marker. The number of peripheral eosinophils, IgE and IgG anti-Haemonchus contortus were used as immunological markers. Sheep could be classified as resistant or susceptible by FEC. Both peripheral eosinophils and specific IgE data could be joined to FEC in order to identify resistant or susceptible animals. The number of peripheral eosinophils was the only immunological maker that was able to classify high and low FEC ewes in two different groups.
Aiming to evaluate the mineral composition (iron, calcium and sodium) of the carcass and carcass cuts of meat from different ovine categories, 18 1/2 Ile de France 1/2 Polwarth sheeps (6 uncastrated lambs, 6 discarded ewes and 6 discarded wethers) were used. Animals were in grazing system based on Tifton - 85 pastures and were supplemented with concentrate. Lambs were slaughtered at 32 kg of live weight, at around 5 months of age. Ewes and wethers were slaughtered with 55 kg and 60 months of age. The iron values were differents between categories for those valued cuts muscles, with higher average to legs muscles from adults ovine of 3.86 mg/100g with regard to lambs of 1.91 mg/100g, respectively. The iron values of the muscles from half carcass didn't differ for that animal category, with 3.38 mg/100g average. The calcium values in muscles from half carcass and leg cut were higher to wethers (9.84 e 7.35 mg/100g), intermediaries to ewes (6.28 e 6.54 mg/100g) and smallers values to lambs (5.30 e 4.22 mg/100g). There wasn't differences for sodium values to valued categories and muscles, with values around 56.75 mg/100g. In conclusion, the sodium values are similar between animals categories and from differents carcass muscles and that the iron and calcium values present differences.
Staphylococcus aureus are involved in a wide range of clinical problems to swine industry as son in humans. Epidemiological researchs prove his potential to acquire resistantence to antibiotics. Nowadays, methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) are responsabilized for nosocomial infections and many studies are done because MRSA are spread to extra hospitalar enrivonment and frequentely isolated from domestic animals including pigs. The aim of this study was to determine the presence o S. aureus at swine farms and identify the mecA, icaA and icaD genes and the resistant proflife to antibiotics. Overal, 458 swabs were taked from five pigeris and two slautherhouses. All the samples were placed on Braid - Parker and blood agar follow by biochemical analyses. The suspect colonies were submitted to PCR to confirm the S. aureus species, by the detection of the coa gene, mecA to avaible meticillin-resistant as son to the virulence gens icaA and icaD that can determine slime production. Antibiogram were done to evaluate the response to 11 antibiotics. All pigeris and slautherhouse were positive and 81 (79%) samples were S. aureus positive including four isolates from pigs employeers. The mecA gene was not detected. The icaD gene was most frequent and 41% were positive to both genes. The antibiogram show a lot of samples penicillin and tetraciclin resistant. Most of the samples were multirestant.
Glycomacropeptide is a glycosilated fraction of bovine kappa-casein that remains soluble when milk is clotted by rennin. Determinations of milk sialic acid content are useful because its concentration reflects the amount of free GMP of milk. In normal milk these amounts are very low, 12 to 16 times lower than in sweet whey. Therefore, its determination may be applied to verify possible frauds with whey addictions, since it works as a fingerprint. With the description of a new spectrophotometric method for determination of free GMP (ANSM) occurred a simplification of procedures, being faster than others (HPLC method), without loss of accuracy. However, due to variations of glycosilation in kappa-casein between animals, during the lactation period, due to mastitis and yet due to proteolysis on milk, it was necessary to know these variations to interpret correctly the analytical results. It was analyzed 1,703 samples of producer's raw milk and 1,189 samples of processed milk (HTST and UHT). The results showed that normal milk from herd (producer's milk) have only small amounts of free GMP, with A470nm = 0.232±0.088 or 3.89±1.25 mg of sialic acid/L. The upper limit of this distribution was A = 0.496; thus every bigger value may represent a problem, being outside of normal distribution.
The protozoa of the genus Cryptosporidium sp. are parasites that complete their life cycle on the surface of epithelial cells of the respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary tracts of mammals, birds, reptiles and fish. Affected animals generally are asymptomatic but gastrointestinal disorders sometimes can be present. Criptoporidiosis is considered a zoonosis. Infected animals, especially cattle, are a source of infection for the environment and humans, because they eliminate large numbers of oocysts in their feces. The symptoms when present is characterized by watery diarrhea, dehydration, abdominal pain, weight loss and death, especially in immunosuppressed individuals, and especially in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and children. Therapeutic methods effective to eliminate this agent in animals and humans has not been developed but it is necessary to applied support treatment. Criptosporidiosis is considered by the World Health Organization as an emerging disease. Basic sanitation, use of appropriate methods for the inactivation of oocysts and security of personal hygiene are recommended as Prophylactic methods to minimize the spread of Cryptosporidium. This literature review was aimed at describing the importance of cryptosporidiosis in public health.
Mesenteric torsion is a rare disease in dogs whereas it is more common to affect large animals. The main clinical signs observed are acute, such as prostration and abdominal distension which evolve to a state of shock and death. This paper reports the mesenteric torsion in a dog that was presented to veterinary care with generalized acute abdominal pain of sudden onset. At the physical examination, signs of acute abdomen, rectal temperature of 35 oC, moderate dehydration, congested mucous membrane, and prostration were detected. Emergency therapy was instituted and radiographic and ultrasound examinations were requested. The radiography showed increase in the bowel diameter and an image suggestive of intussusception. The patient was referred to emergency exploratory laparotomy and obtained a definite diagnosis of ileocolic intussusception associated to mesenteric torsion. Due to the extent of intestinal dysfunction, the patient was euthanized on the operating table.
This trial was conducted in order to determine the 50% lethal concentration (LC (I) 50-96h) of the aqueous extract of dried leaves of Terminalia catappa, a plant with antifungal, antibacterial and antiparasitic activity. Due to the increasing use of herbal medicines in aquaculture, its use is an option for controlling diseases in fish. Toxicity tests are important before recommending any treatment, since some products have therapeutic concentration close to lethal. To conduct the study used 135 fish species Guarus (Phalloceros caudimaculatus), exposed to increasing concentrations of: 0.0, 50.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0 mL of stock solution per liter of water. The results were calculated by the method Trimmed Spearman Karbo, demonstrating that the 50% lethal concentration (LC (I) 50-96h) estimated was 208.52 mL / L, with lower limit of 187.79 mL / L and higher 231.54 mL / L. Observed changes in behavior of the test organisms at concentrations above 250 mL / L decrease in the levels of dissolved oxygen and pH. Concentrations below 250 mL /L result in mortality rate near zero, so the aqueous extract shown low toxicity.