228 resultados para urethral obstruction


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A dirofilariose é uma zoonose pouco conhecida causada por Dirofilaria spp., nematódeo mais conhecido como verme do coração dos cães (Dirofilaria immitis), parasita do sistema circulatório desses animais, mas que também pode acometer gatos e o ser humano. Sua ocorrência está intimamente ligada à presença de mosquitos vetores (Aedes spp., Anopheles spp., Culex spp.), condições climáticas favoráveis, assim como trânsito entre regiões indenes e endêmicas/epidêmicas. O ser humano pode se infectar com D. immitis (pulmão), Dirofilaria repens (pulmão, subcutâneo) e Dirofilaria tenuis (subcutâneo). A fisiopatologia está intimamente ligada à morte do parasita onde, no cão, pode induzir a obstrução de vasos circulatórios e no ser humano produzir uma lesão nodular com intensa reação inflamatória no parênquima pulmonar com formato de moeda observada nas radiografias. Pode ser diagnosticada pelo exame físico, pela detecção de microfilárias na circulação sangüínea, imunoadsorção enzimático (ELISA), alterações radiográficas, ecocardiografia, ultrassonografia e necropsia. Há riscos no tratamento, sendo a prevenção com a utilização de drogas nos animais o método mais eficaz, principalmente em visitas a áreas endêmicas ou epidêmicas, diminuindo-se, assim, o risco para saúde pública devido à disseminação do parasita.


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Atendeu-se uma cadela, sem raça definida, com aproximadamente cinco meses de idade, apresentando anamnese com queixa de apatia e hiporexia associadas a vômitos e emagrecimento progressivo com início incerto. Ao exame físico era evidente distensão abdominal com dilatação intestinal e aumento de peristaltismo. O animal apresentava-se emaciado e subdesenvolvido, com acentuado grau de desidratação, pulso filiforme e nível de consciência reduzido. Minutos após o início do atendimento a cadela foi a óbito. À necropsia, pôde-se observar um segmento do intestino delgado atravessando o púbis e com lúmen reduzido. Tal apresentação se faz relevante por se tratar de um caso nunca antes descrito na literatura veterinária.


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A paracoccidioidomicose (Pbmicose) atinge os pulmões pela via inalatória, onde se estabelece o complexo primário semelhante ao da tuberculose. A traquéia comprometida pela via tubohemolinfática desenvolveria reação inflamatória em processo granulomatoso levando à obstrução estenosante com asíixia. Acompanhou-se um doente, masculino, 32 anos, branco, natural de Sarutaiá (SP), lavrador, que há 8 meses desenvolveu tosse expectorativa branco-amarelada, diária, sem fatores de melhora ou piora e dispnéia inicial discreta. Há 4 meses, anorexia, fraqueza e astenia. Há 1 mês a dispneia se agravou. Perdeu 15 kg. Tabagista e etilista há 16 anos. Exame físico revelou: PA 10/7 mmHg, FR = 28 bpm, peso 31 kg, hipocratismo digital e hipotrofia muscular Tórax enfisematoso e síndrome obstrutivo aos testes de função pulmonar. Coração: P2 desdobrada e hiperfonética. Hepatesplenomegalia. Desenvolveu cor-pulmonale e insuficiência adrenal à internação, evoluindo após 45 dias para óbito em insuficiência respiratória aguda asfixiante, apesar da terapia antifúngica ter sido completa. A literatura médica revista não mostrou registro de caso semelhante de cor-pulmonale e insuficiência adrenal de evolução subaguda.


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Trabalhamos com 36 gatas adultas, SRD, obtidas através de doações. em 30 desses animais foram injetados em seus vasos arteriais látex Neoprene 650 corado, para o estudo sistemático da origem e distribuição das artérias destinadas ao útero e tuba uterina. Seis desses animais foram utilizados para injeção de Acetado de Vinil, Método de Diafanização de Spaltholz e Radiografia de Contraste, para ilustrar nosso trabalho. Observamos que os vasos que se destinam à tuba uterina e ao útero provêm das artérias ováricas, artérias uterinas e suas colaterais (artéria vesical caudal e ramo uretral). em todas as observações (100%), a artéria ovárica tem sua origem na aorta e emite um ramo em 56,67% das observações para a tuba uterina, e, em 43,33% das vezes, para o corno uterino e tuba uterina. em todas as observações (100%), a artéria uterina tem sua origem na artéria vaginal, como um único vaso, e emite 1-4 ramos para a cérvix uterina, 1-2 ramos para a cérvix e corpo uterino, 1-4 ramos para o corpo uterino, 1-19 ramos para o corno uterino, 1 ramo para o corno uterino e tuba uterina e 1 ramo para a tuba uterina. A artéria vesical caudal e o ramo uretral auxiliam na irrigação da cérvix e corpo uterino, quando estes seguem para a uretra e bexiga, respectivamente. Encontramos anastomoses entre os ramos da artéria uterina e entre estes e os ramos da artéria ovárica.


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A redução do espaço nasofaringeano devido à hipertrofia adenoideana leva a adaptações posturais da cabeça, mandíbula, língua e lábios, podendo causar alterações no padrão esquelético facial. Foram coletadas 98 teleradiografias em norma lateral de pré-adolescentes na faixa etária de 7 a 10 anos na Clínica de Ortodontia da F.O. Araraquara, as quais foram selecionadas levando-se em consideração a dimensão da imagem do espaço nasofaringeano (ENF) (correspondente à menor distância do dorso do palato mole à parede faringeana posterior). As radiografias foram divididas em 3 grupos: Grupo I (estreito), ENF entre 1,7 e 5,1mm; Grupo II (médio), ENF entre 5,2 e 7,6mm; Grupo III (amplo), ENF entre 7,7 e 12,9mm. Utilizamos duas medidas angulares e seis medidas lineares para caracterizar a morfologia facial. As médias e o desvio padrão de cada medida efetuada foram obtidas, e por meio de teste de análise de variância (ANOVA), verificou-se diferença não significativa entre os grupos para as variáveis: ANperp, p=0,07; PgNperp, p=0,058, comprimento mandibular, p=0,15, comprimento maxilar, p=0,06, diferença maxilomandibular, p=0,98, eixo facial, p=0,96, altura facial inferior, p=0,84 e significativa na variável plano mandibular (p<0,01). Portanto, a redução do espaço nasofaringeano está associada a alterações no plano mandibular, que apresentou valores maiores com a diminuição do espaço nasofaringeano.


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Introduction: Hypertrophy of the adenoids and palatine tonsils is the second most frequent cause of upper respiratory obstruction and, consequently, mouth breathing in children. Prolonged mouth breathing leads to muscular and postural alterations which, in turn, cause dentosketetal changes. Objective: the aim of this study was to determine muscular, functional and dentoskeletal alterations in children aged 3-6 years. Materials and methods: Seventy-three children, including 44 with tonsil hypertrophy and 29 controls, were submitted to otorhinolaryngologic, speech pathologic and orthodontic assessment. Results: Otorhinolaryngologic evaluation revealed a higher incidence of nasal obstruction, snoring, mouth breathing, apneas, nocturnal hypersalivation, itchy nose, repeated tonsillitis and bruxism in children with tonsils hypertrophy. Speech pathologic assessment showed a higher incidence of open lip and lower tongue position, and of hypotonia of the upper and lower lips, tongue and buccinator muscle in these children, accompanied by important impairment in mastication and deglutition. Orthodontic evaluation demonstrated a higher incidence of lower mandible position in relation to the cranial base, a reduction in lower posterior facial height, transverse atresia of the palate, and a dolicofacial pattern. Conclusion: Postural and functional alterations anticipate dentoskeletal changes, except for the facial pattern. Postural alterations and the skeletal pattern seem to play an important role in infant dentofacial growth. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of changes in left ventricular (LV) shape and dimensions due to acute arterial hypertension induced by mechanical obstruction of the aorta for 10 min on LV mass values estimated by M-mode echocardiogram was studied in 14 anesthetized dogs. Although the systolic pressure increased from 117.5 +/- 19.9 to 175.4 +/- 22.9 mmHg altered ventricular diameter from 2.77 +/- 0.49 cm to 3.17 +/- 0.67 cm (P<0.05) and wall thickness from 0.83 +/- 0.09 to 0.75 +/- 0.09 cm (P<0.05), LV mass estimated before (73.5 +/- 19.1 g) and after (78.3 +/- 26.4 g) hypertension was not significantly different. We demonstrate here for the first time that changes in LV dimensions induced by acute arterial hypertension do not modify LV mass values estimated by the M-mode electrocardiogram method.


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The changes of arterial pressure promoted by bolus injection of 50 mg phenylephrine (PHE) were studied in 20 atropinized patients (5 normal subjects, 13 patients with mitral valve disease, 1 patient with essential arterial hypertension and 1 patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) submitted to routine catheterism. Patients with aortic valve disease, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction and intracardiac shunt were excluded from the study. All patients were in sinus rhythm, without heart failure. Arterial pressure started to increase at 14.8 +/- 5.4 s (range, 5.6 to 27 s; mean +/- SD) after PHE. There was an increase of 37.8 +/- 16.7 mmHg (range, 12.5 to 70 mmHg) in systolic pressure and of 26.6 +/- 11.1 mmHg (range, 7.5 to 42.5 mmHg) in diastolic pressure. Peak hypertension was attained at 36.6 +/- 16.4 s (range, 10.8 to 64.9 s) and hypertension continued for 176 +/- 92 s (range, 11 to 365 s). Heart rate was 114 +/- 21 bpm before PHE and 111 +/- 21 bpm (P<0.05) after PHE. There were no adverse events associated with intravenous PHE injection in any patient, in accordance with the general view that bolus injection of PHE is a safe and practical maneuver to promote arterial hypertension.


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Peak flow rate data (Q(max)) are important for diagnosis of lower urinary tract obstruction. However, the lack of uroflowmetry studies in children, makes their interpretation difficult. With this aim, we studied 167 boys classified in four groups according to their age (G1 : n = 48, 6-7 years; G2 : n = 43, 8-9 years; G3 : n = 37, 10-11 years; G4: n = 39, 12-14 years). We studied in all children, weight, height, body surface area, peak flow rate (Q(max) and the correspondant urinary volume (Vol). Means and standard deviations of Q(max) (ml/sec) were : 15 +/- 5 (G1), 15 +/- 5 (G2), 17 +/- 5 (G3) and 22 +/- 7 (G4) respectively. Corresponding urinary volumes (Vol) (mean standard deviation - in ml) were : G1 = 123 +/- 75; G2 = 122 +/- 79; G3 = 158 +/- 96 and G4 = 162 +/- 101. We found a significant correlation (p < 0,01) between Q(max) and Vol in groups G2, G3 and G4; and between Q(max) and height in groups G1 and G4.The authors demonstrated a positive correlation between maximum flow and voided volume, and an increase of Q(max) with age.


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Objective-To determine the effect of experimental intraluminal distention on microvascular perfusion of the small colon in horses.Animals-6 mixed-breed healthy horses (mean age [+/- SD], 9.1 +/- 2 years).Procedure-Under general anesthesia, the small colon was exposed by celiotomy and 3 segments were demarcated. In 1 of these segments, intraluminal obstruction was created by placement of a latex balloon inflated to a pressure of 40 mm Hg (obstructed segment). The other segments were the sham-operated segment and the control segment. Microvascular perfusion was evaluated in the mucosal, submucosal, muscular, and serosal layers by injection of 15-mum-diameter colored microspheres into branches of the caudal mesenteric artery. Recovery of microspheres was performed by tissue digestion, washing, and centrifugation. Distribution of microspheres in the intestinal layers was evaluated by direct observation of stained frozen sections by light microscopy.Results-A significant reduction was observed in total microvascular perfusion of obstructed segments, which was 26.4% of that of control segments. This reduction was not evident in the mucosal layer.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Intraluminal distention of the equine small colon wall can promote ischemia by a reduction in microvascular perfusion in the intestinal wall. Intestinal layers do not seem to be affected to the same extent, because the absolute value for mucosal perfusion did not decrease in the obstructed segment.


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Treatment of urinary stress incontinence (USI) by intravaginal electrical stimulation (IES) and pelvic floor physiotherapy represents an alternative to other therapies. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of this treatment inpatients with urinary incontinence. From January 1998 to May 2000, 30 women (mean age 54 years) were studied. All patients had USI and 70% urge incontinence; average follow-up was 7 months. Selection criteria were based on clinical history, objective evaluation of perineal musculature by perineometry, and urodynamics. The treatment protocol consisted of three sessions of IES per week for 14 weeks using INNOVA equipment. Physiotherapy was initiated in the fifth week of IES. A significant decrease in the number of micturitions and urgency was observed after treatment (P<0.01). The pad test showed a reduction in urinary leakage from 13.9 to 5.9 g after treatment (P<0.01). Objective evaluation of perineal muscle strength showed a significant improvement in all patients after treatment (P<0.01). A positive correlation was observed between maximum flow rate (Q(max)) and all three variables: urethral pressure profile at rest and on straining (stop test), and abdominal leak-point pressure (ALPP). A positive correlation was also observed between ALPP and the stop test. Over 100 different surgical and conservative treatments have been tried to manage USI. The majority of these procedures reveal that despite progress already made in this area, there is no ideal treatment. Satisfactory results can be achieved with this method, especially with patients who are reluctant to undergo surgery because of personal or clinical problems.


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CAUDA equina syndrome (CES) has long been recognized as a rare complication of spinal anesthesia.(1) CES has been described after administration of spinal anesthetics with lidocaine(2) and bupivacaine.(3) In 1991,(4) CES was reported after continuous spinal anesthesia with 1% tetracaine. In 1980, at our university hospital, six adult female patients underwent perineal gynecologic surgery using a spinal anesthetic of 2 ml tetracaine, 1.2%, in 10% glucose. The concentration of the injected tetracaine was unknown by the anesthetists. In all cases, lumbar puncture was performed at the L3-L4 interspace with a disposable spinal needle while the patients were in the sitting position. CES was first diagnosed 72 h or later postoperatively; previous diagnosis was not possible because patients had an indwelling urethral catheter. The diagnosis of CES was confirmed in all patients. During the past year, after institutional approval and informed consent, clinical, magnetic resonance imaging, electromyographic examinations, and conduction studies were performed in three of the above patients. Examinations were not possible on the other three patients because one had recently died, another could not be located, and the third refused to participate. T1 and T2 magnetic resonance image readings were obtained with Gadolinium contrast from a 0.5 Tesla General Electric apparatus (General Electric, Tokyo, Japan). Bilateral sensory and motor conduction studies of the sciatic nerve branches were obtained using a two-channel Nihon-Kohden Neuropack 2 (Nihom-Kohden Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). Electromyography was performed in accordance with conventional techniques.(5,6)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Renata G. Vieira R.G. & Acqua Coutinho S.D. 2009. Phenotypical characterization of Candida spp. isolated from crop of parrots (Amazona spp.). Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 29(6):452-456. Curso de Pos-Graduagdo em Imunopatologia Veterinaria, Universidade Paulista, Rua Agariba 48, São Paulo, SP 05053010, Brazil. E-mail: selene@uol.com.brThe purpose of this study was to characterize Candida isolates from crop of parrots. Forty baby parrots of genus Amazona, species aestiva and amazonica that were apprehended from wild animal traffic were used: 18 presented ingluvitis and 22 other alterations, but showing general debilitation. Samples were seeded on Sabouraud dextrose agar with chloramphenicol after be obtained by the introduction of urethral probe through the esophagus. Based on morphology and biochemical reactions (API 20C) Candida was confirmed; it was still searched the production of proteinase and phospholipase, virulence factors for Candida species. Candida spp. were isolated from 57.5% parrots, being 72.2% from birds with ingluvitis and 45.5% from without ones. Twenty-five strains of Candida were isolated, 60% and 40%, respectively from parrots with and without ingluvitis, and were speciated: 28% C. humicola, 24% C. parapsilosis, 20% C. guilliermondii, 20% C. famata, and 8% C. albicans. These results demonstrate that C. albicans is not the most frequent species isolated, and it is the first report that shows C. guilliermondii, C. famata, and C. humicola causing infection in parrots. Many isolates presented filamentation (76%), 100% produced proteinase and 68% phospholipase. The observation of Candida spp. producing virulence factors reinforce the pathogenic role of these yeasts in the cases studied.